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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 26

by Savanna Kougar

  She surrendered to Zin, and Zol blazed like the red neon sky during a volcano eruption. For her. His witch.

  Close to spewing, Zin groaned, the sound deep as a Tartarus bull.

  Zol groaned with him. The energy from his Kandy’s mating bliss bombarded him, fiery as if he morphed to hellhound.

  Hades contain his hide!

  Zin slowed his pace, yet drove his pillar inside her with more force.

  “Zin.” His name from her lips was breath and passion and ecstasy. “Zin, yes.”

  As her orgasmic pleasure spread, Zol watched the pearl luster of her skin become tinged with pink.

  “Kandy Apple,” Zin growled.

  With his arriving climax, Zin lowered himself so his face was above their Kandy’s face. He lanced his cock to her core.

  Zol felt a seismic pleasure grip his brother’s loins as he strained, then loosed his volcanic fluids. A silent howl of euphoria ripped through Zin, while lesser sensations coursed through Zol.

  The moment rapturous shudders racked their precious witch, Zol freed her wrists and ankles. Writhing with extreme pleasure, she whimpered, then wrapped her arms and legs around Zin.

  She clung like a kitten and basked in her bliss. The strength of their mate’s orgasm vibrated through both of them, and Zol blissfully burned hot as a pyre.

  “Darling,” they moaned in concert.

  “Goddess,” she whispered long moments later. “My hellhounds…oh,” she sang softly, “you are so sex-trippy fabulous.”

  “We are devoted to your every pleasure, my Kandy,” Zin growled and crooned, his total satiation obvious.

  “I think I am devoted to pleasing my Zin and Zol, too.” She kissed Zin’s lips with a gentleness that reminded Zol of a butterfly alighting on a flower.

  Zin slid his hands beneath their witch, rolling to the side with her. He cradled her close while she pressed her face against his chest and rubbed affectionately.

  Easing beside his Kandy Apple, Zol propped himself on his elbow. He swept his palm down her dainty back, slightly damp from her carnal pleasures with them.

  “Such ruthless sex beasts,” she teased, her tone playful.

  Yet their mate’s intense passion lay beneath her words. He and Zin rumbled a low sound, their imitation of sophisticated playhounds, as she called them.

  Giggling softly, she rolled onto her back. Beaming her gaze upon them both, she slipped her hands over the curve of their jaws. Her loving expression felt as though it luminesced through Zol.

  While there was no lessening in his hellhound nature, the man side of Zol emerged more strongly. “I am spell-kissed, my darling witch.”

  “Hey, I thought you said you’re immune.” Sparkles of her witch’s power suddenly surrounded him and Zin. “Wowza, a supernatural afterglow. That’s never happened before.”

  Zin palmed her belly tenderly, as they both soaked up her sparkly quintessence. “An elixir to us, Kandy love.”

  “I’m spreading the love.” A touch of sadness tinted her voice. Still, her sweet love emotion for them owned her voice.

  “Our one witch,” he and Zin chimed together.

  “Yes, your one witch.”

  With her softly spoken promise twining around him, Zol leaned over and kissed her temple, as did Zin.

  “Mmmm…I’m all warm and tickly inside.” She sensuously ran her hand over their chests. “You know. I like this…for lack of a better word…this un-magickal passion between us, or less magick…just as much as our amazing triad sex. Of course, like doesn’t cover it.”

  She giggled a bit. “How about appassionato magnifique? Okay, it’s Italian and French mixed. But it sounds right.”

  “Appassionato,” Zol rasped close to his Kandy’s ear.

  “Yes, magnifique.” Zin circled his thumbpad near her mound’s flame-red curls.

  His mate shimmied, her entire body a delectable sight. “Oooh, I am feeling empowered.”

  “Our sexpression,” Zol tried out a word he thought his Kandy would say, “with each other nourishes our powers, whether or not it is our triad magick.”

  “Good.” Grinning adorably, she pinched his cheek. “Sexpression…I am influencing you.”

  “Always, my darling,” Zol rasped, his inner tail wagging.

  Quicker than they were prepared for, she sat up. Briefly, she kissed both of their mouths.

  “I could lounge around all day with my playhounds. But evil waits for no one. I bet it’s time to get a move on, isn’t it?”

  “Indeed, darling.” Zol caressed her tiny ankle, then stroked up the curve of her calf.

  “Hungry? Thirsty?” Zin asked. “I have prepared a light repast.”

  “Thirsty, yes. You two certainly drained my juiciness, didn’t you?”

  The touch of insouciance in his Kandy’s tone thrilled Zol. Not only did he adore that element of her personality, it meant her spirit was on the mend. With all she had endured since their defeat of the sorceresses, his concern had remained.

  “We did, precious witch,” he and Zin seductively growled.

  Zin rolled to the side of their bed, then bounded up and extended his hand to her. “Now, we must replenish you, darling. I have made a pear juice elixir I believe you will enjoy.”

  “Pear juice…mmmm…sounds delicious.” She stretched before lithely moving to Zin, and taking his hand.

  “Shall I find your T-shirt?” Zol used her scent to locate the article of clothing quickly. He dangled it before her, and watched her eyes shine with appreciation.

  “Thanks, lover boy,” she sassily drawled.

  He and Zin avidly watched her tug it on, being the lust hounds they were. Then they positioned themselves on either side of her, offering their arms.

  “Shower,” she uttered as she wound her arms with theirs. “I’m going to need another one before I dress for tonight’s oh-so chic Samhain party.”

  “Perhaps, you would enjoy bathing with us in our version of a hot tub?” Zol snapped his fingers, sending their smoking jackets to the cleaning area.

  Pointedly, she glanced at both of their nether regions, but didn’t miss a step. “Dispensing with the niceties, I see…and simply going beast au naturel.”

  “Only for you, darling,” they crooned together.

  After a small giggle, she tightened her hold, looping her arms in the crook of their arms. “A hot tub sounds seventh-heavenly. Elysian waters, may I assume?”

  “Indeed. And, I will summon the platter of light fare.”

  “Oh, I do love my H hounds.”

  Her fondness for them lilted her voice. Zol’s step lightened while his stud dog hormones put a strut in his stride.

  “Rrrrrruf,” Zin intimately barked.

  “Talk about manly men,” she praised, her tone bantering.

  He and Zin locked gazes, relishing for seconds, as they guided her toward their elaborate bath area. Once they walked between the Doric columns, she glanced back and forth, rapidly eyeing everything.

  “Greek architecture extraordinaire,” she murmured. “Except it shimmers and looks like shades of champagne.”

  “Yes, darling. More in the style of Mt. Olympus resorts. Does it please you?” Zol asked.

  “Of course, it’s more than grand. Mt. Olympus resorts?”

  Her head continued to swivel back and forth as he and Zin took her on a slow-paced tour.

  “Resort is the best word we could think of for the entertainment-recreational centers on Mt. Olympus,” Zin answered.

  “Mt. Olympus must be something else.”

  Knowing now was not the time to reveal their carnal good times at the Bacchian centers, Zol steered Kandy toward the hot tub. Using their flames like laser beams, he and Zin had carved it out of the mountain rock.

  “Oh, that stone waterfall is incredibly lovely.” She halted, gazing for long moments, before moving with them again. “And an Olympic-sized swimming pool. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised…huh?” She giggled.

  “Water soothes the
hellhound beast, Kandy love.”

  “Not music,” she jested.

  “The music of water,” Zin seriously replied.

  “All this water…you’ll have to pardon me,” she murmured.

  “Of course,” Zol halted. “We are thoughtless hounds. This way, darling.”

  He waited until Zin released her arm, then escorted her toward the private cubicle. Once they arrived at the entrance, she stood on tiptoe, touching a kiss to his cheek.

  “Not thoughtless,” she whispered. “You two are the most thoughtful men I’ve ever known.”

  With that, his precious Kandy Apple turned, moving inside.

  “Brother,” Zin barked a shout. “You must see this.”

  Chapter Forty-Six:

  Your Spider is Here

  Kandace stared, almost tripping as she headed for the commode. She couldn’t help it. Her surroundings were wondrous.

  Even this small room reminded her of a Greek goddess fantasy. Of course, she had no clue what that actually looked like.

  Certainly, the champagne-glistening colors, the classic elegance made her feel dreamy and alive. Or was that Zin and Zol?

  Her hellhounds. Her sextacular hellbeasts.

  They had been nothing but ultra devoted to her. Often in ways, she could never have imagined.

  Kandace knew she should count herself fricking unbelievably lucky. Still, doubt persisted, a worm on a hook wiggling inside her.

  Deciding to ignore it, she sighed with the happiness fizzing through her. Curious to know what she looked like, Kandace studied her reflection in the polished translucent stone. Above the pedestal sink, the flat stone served as a mirror.

  Quickly becoming fascinated by the dreamspell mists swirling around her image, she remained rooted to the spot. When the mists cleared, she gasped softly.

  “Wow, oh pow! I look fantasy beautiful.”

  She also looked satiated. Gazing back at her was a woman who had been made love to. “Erotic love, actually,” she whispered.

  Kandace smiled at herself. In a good way, she felt fragile, and also empowered to a new level. More womanly, that was part of it, too—what she saw in the mirror, what she felt.

  Frowning, Kandace observed the sudden ebb and flow of her emotions. As she sorted though them, her witchy force burned so strongly her fingertips sizzled, steaming the water.

  Kandace grinned, her natural ebullience surfacing. She gave her hair a wild toss. After all, would she trade this freedom to be herself for some guy she just happened to fall in love with?

  “Some guy like Darrin Stephens,” she muttered, recalling the TV show, Bewitched. “Samantha deserved so much better than him.”

  Pivoting to leave, Kandace faintly heard, Bridge.

  She halted, quieting herself. Not knowing if the communication had been telepathic or if some unseen being whispered in her ear, she waited.

  Eeriness grabbed her as she recalled the shadow woman inside her apartment who had said, “bridge.”

  Trembling for several seconds, Kandace waited. When evil didn’t present itself, she repeated in her mind, Bridge.

  Bridge. After midnight.

  Recognizing the shadow woman’s voice, she asked, After midnight?


  The woman’s energy switched off, and Kandace realized her message ended. Confused, troubled, Kandace turned back to the mirror.

  As if she could find the answers there, she scrutinized her face. She saw nothing, of course. It crossed her mind, then, to cast a spell. But for what exactly?

  “O find this mystery bridge. Does it exist beyond a ridge? How about on top of my fridge.” She whispered the silly rhymes to ease her frustration.

  Sensing Zin and Zol’s concern, Kandace quickly dried her hands on the velveteen towel. “Evil waits for no one,” she uttered, feeling her prior words down to her soul.

  About to walk through the archway, Kandace stopped. Delight tingled through her as she bent closer, observing the small, black, furry spider.

  “Hi, there. You found me, didn’t you? Well, welcome.” Kandace kissed the air toward the tiny creature that hadn’t acted afraid of her. Not at all. No spider ever did.

  Once she strolled through the graceful arch, Zol met her, his eyes glittering with excitement. Kandace tilted her head, somewhat puzzled.

  “Darling Kandy, you must see what Zin has discovered.”

  At odds with his nudity, Zol gentlemanly cupped her elbow, bringing her to where Zin waited.

  Wondering at their exuberance, Kandace followed Zin’s pointed finger to a much larger spider. Appearing content, the brown furry critter had spun a lovely web in the corner of a huge window.

  Taking moments to gaze out the window, Kandace murmured, “Beaut-acular.” The last rays of sundown scintillated the very tops of the tall, splendidly shaped fir trees.

  “Yes, love. Our home’s location is advantageous.” When she glanced at Zin, his eyes flickered, bright as flame. “Your spider is here,” he announced.

  “Indeed,” Kandace imitated their speech, “I guess I do belong here.” She moved closer as giggles bubbled inside her. “Welcome to you, too.”

  “Another spider?” Zol asked.

  “I just saw a tiny black one. They’re moving in. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “We’ll work out a civil arrangement,” Zin assured.

  “Perhaps a respect for boundaries can be established,” Zol mused.

  Kandace blew a kiss to Brown Spider. Pivoting, she linked arms with her Zin and Zol. “Who can resist men who put up with a witch’s spider friends? Certainly not me.”

  “Darling,” they crooned together.

  With their suave athleticism, they escorted Kandace to a sort of Jacuzzi that had her marveling. Somehow, the artistically created tub had been cut out of the mountain rock.

  “So talented, my H hounds. How did you make it?”

  “It’s like molding clay, darling. We transformed it to molten rock and created our design.”

  “The water looks wonderful…all bubbly whirly.” Before she could lean over to test the warmth, Zin seized her waist.

  “Toe test, love.”

  Kandace squealed, feeling playful as he swung her so her feet dangled over the water. “Ooooh, warm,” she sang as she swirled one foot.

  Zin gave her a toss just as Zol waded in. She landed in his embrace perfectly. Kandace laughed with the sheer fun of it.

  “I’m just a play toy for my hellhounds. It appears.”

  “Our beautiful play toy,” her playhounds growled together.

  Slowly, Zol allowed her to slide down his body. Their gazes merged, and Kandace felt the scorch of his passion. Even so, he stroked his hands from her.

  “Over here, darling. Where Zin has placed the tray.”

  Turning, Kandace balanced herself as Zin poured the fizz-sparkling juice, then presented the small goblet to her, his manner as polished as ever.

  Thirsty, Kandace drained half of the pear elixir. “Utterly delicious.”

  Seating herself on a curved bench, she took a moment to moan with enjoyment as the whirling Elysian water caressed her.

  “Zin is the master of food and drink preparation.” Zol lowered himself on the other side of the narrow table-like surface. Picking up his filled goblet, he saluted and drank as Zin joined them.

  “Thank you, brother.” Retrieving his juice, Zin seated himself next to Zol, yet within easy reach of the platter.

  “Even in my wildest imagination I couldn’t have come up with this. Being here, with you two.” Kandace gestured with her arm.

  She smiled at her hellhounds, then sipped as she appreciated her view of their manly charms.

  “Your precognitive ability never hinted at this future?” Zin inquired.

  Kandace felt her brow knit as she considered. “If it did, I must have dismissed it.”

  “Perhaps we are an interwoven timeline.” Zol lifted one of the mouth-sized snacks from the tray, placing it before her lips. />
  Inhaling the familiar combination of ingredients, Kandace murmured, “Oh, you didn’t…Zin.”

  “As close to the recipe as I could manage, my darling.”

  “My Vulcan hound, you remembered.” Closing her eyes, Kandace nibbled the creamy mixture from Zol’s fingertips.

  “Artichoke pesto, French Brie, portobello mushroom, spinach, roasted red bell peppers, walnut, Parmesan and fresh basil,” Zin recited, his tone like a seductive chef.

  After savoring each tiny bite, Kandace whispered, “Hold still.” With the point of her tongue, she licked Zol’s fingertips. Finishing, she touched a kiss to his middle finger.

  “Kandy love.” Zol’s roughened voice went straight to her nipples, rubbing.

  “Your turn.” Kandace crooned, leaning toward Zin. “Please.”

  “At your service, my one witch.”

  With gallant finesse, Zin placed the morsel against the fullest part of her mouth. The sensual persuasion parted her lips, and Kandace savored.

  “Mmmm…I’m being wooed by delectable flavors. And by my handsome hellhounds…of course.”

  “The art of wooing. Hades is adamant in our training.” Reaching for the carafe, Zin refilled her goblet with the elixir.

  “Hades is certainly gaining my favor.” Kandace raised her glass to them both.

  “Is not wooing the prelude to every manner of excellent and exciting passion?”

  Looking up from sipping her pear juice, Kandace lost herself in the blue lightning deep in the Zol’s eyes.

  “Absolutely,” she murmured. With her flesh satiny sizzling, she reached for a creamy pizza ball. “Who’s first?”

  After an indulgent time of feeding each other, the three of them dived beneath the water. For a short time, they rolled in the bubbly hot paradise like playful seals.

  Once they surfaced, Zin fisted her hair. “Our own mermaid, brother.”

  With a dominance that deliciously shivered her inner thighs, Zin tugged. He brought her face beneath his. The volatile blackness of his gaze blistered her insides, and all Kandace could do was burst breaths in and out.

  He didn’t kiss her, even though their lips nearly touched. Instead, his ruthless passion possessed her. Mated with her, as if they had been bound by a superb and everlasting sorcery.


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