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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 28

by Savanna Kougar

  “Bridge, love?” Zol asked.

  “I’m not certain. A message of some sort. But it’s all hazy now.”

  “We will be on guard, darling.”

  Zin ramped up his psi-senses. If it had been within their supernatural powers, he and Zol would have battled any force to keep their one witch. However, the endgame belonged to their darling Kandy.

  She wiggled her peach-round butt on his thigh. Tuned into her, Zin felt his witch dismiss her thoughts as she gazed at the crescent moon.

  “What are those sudden high-pitched tones?” she asked several moments later. Craning her neck, she looked toward the heavens.

  “Ah, the satellite cameras are pinging tonight. Striking everything that moves,” Zol answered. “Perhaps, in part, to protect Major Odarran. We remain invisible spy eyes, of course, love.”

  “Odarran, the DOD’s wolf boy. Every werewolf movie I’ve ever seen is 3D-gruesomely slavering in my mind right now.” After a little shiver, she asked, “Did Hades give any info about his susceptibility to magick…or not?”

  To soothe her, Zin palmed her back. The satiny heat of her skin gave his libido a good shake, despite the gravity of their mission. “Every DOD operative is protected by black arts practitioners.”

  “Indeed, however, their powers have never proven a threat to us.”

  In a long sweep, Zol dived the Twilight Mirage toward the highway. He lowered the tires, and they zoomed along the surface.

  “At once a curse and a gift,” Kandy softly uttered.

  “Darling?” Zin smoothed his palm up her delicate spine.

  Chapter Forty-Nine:

  Magick is in the Air

  Zol streamed his psi-awareness around the small but exclusive Mitchell estate before exiting the highway. He would have listened to Kandy answer Zin, however, Hades initiated contact at that precise moment.

  Update, Zolivar. Three Hulob have been resurrected—

  With the Hulob’s distinctive stench suddenly burning his nostrils, Zol interrupted Hades, They are here.

  Exact location, Zolivar.

  Three point two miles behind us on the highway.

  I have sent Bhalgren and Brount. They will arrive in minutes to intercept. If necessary, protect Major Odarran from harm. However, only after you, Zindale, and your Kandy are safe.

  Yes, as you say.

  I must cease contact.

  “Hulob,” Zin voiced out loud. “Canine killers,” he explained for their Kandy’s benefit. “They are from off world. Close to fifty thousand years ago, the Hulob were imported as soldiers to battle the dog-headed humans from the Canis Major constellation.”

  “Canine killers. That means, you two. Add this Odarran wolfman. What am I missing in this picture?”

  “No worries, darling. Hades has sent his most experienced team to intercept.” Zol slowed, turning into the horseshoe-shaped drive that led to the Mitchells’ modified art deco mansion.

  “Some other shadowy, bad-guy group is targeting the wolfman. Right?”

  “The most likely scenario, love. Hades did not provide specifics.” Zol slipped the Twilight Mirage behind a Hummer, and parked. “Kandy love, do not let it dampen your insouciance.”

  “Easy for you to say. You know what, I’m in no mood to put up with these Hulob. If they get in my way…”

  His Kandy raised her hand, summoning her power. Blue fiery arcs crackled from her fingertips. “Strike like lightning. Be more than frightening,” she intoned.

  He and Zin connected to assess their witch’s capability.

  Triad, she announced, joining them.

  After mentally revealing all they knew about the canine killers and how to terminate them, Zol reached for his staff. As he stepped out of the Twilight Mirage, he assured their welcome by enhancing the implanted memory Hades had placed in the Mitchells’ minds.

  “No Hulob problem,” he heard Zin say. He and Kandy moved toward him, their arms linked.

  “Vresc?” Zol raised his brow. There was no sight of the guardian, natural or supernatural.

  “He flew ahead to find his lookout perch.” Kandy smiled bewitchingly, thumping Zol’s heart. “Do I get to zap us closer to the door?”

  Swinging beside her, Zol took up her arm. “Why not, darling?”

  In a whir of sound, and with a motion he barely felt, Zol landed on his feet. His arm remained perfectly entwined with his witch’s dainty arm.

  They stood within a pool of amber colored illumination, before a short, but grand flight of steps. Ahead of them, other elaborately attired guests mounted the steps, their anticipation palpable.

  “Magick is in the air, as trite as that saying is,” Kandy stage-whispered, and hugged their arms.

  “Witching hour magick,” Zin crooned, as they joined the stream of guests.

  Spying them, Phillip the Vampire tipped his top hat. He gave them a knowing grin, then entered through the open doors, Julienne on his arm.

  “Oooh, love is in the air, too,” Kandy murmured.

  The two butler types manning the entryway discreetly scanned each guest’s face, having memorized the features of those invited. Entering, Zol offered a confident smile, then touched his staff to his temple in a gesture of respect.

  In minutes, they wove in a leisurely manner among the approximately fifty guests, all of them dressed to the witch-and-warlock nines. As they stopped to chat briefly with those they knew, Zol surveyed everyone present with his eyesight and his mind-sight.

  “No chichi werewolf warlocks.”

  Kandy spoke what they knew. Major Odarran wasn’t present. However, four DOD officers unobtrusively patrolled the perimeter of the intimate, art deco ballroom. Costumed like grand wizards, they handled their staffs like the weapons they were.

  “The Mitchells?” she asked.

  “Bill and Susan have not made an appearance. Their two daughters are greeting guests in their stead.”

  Zol changed their direction, so Kandy could see Emily and Gayle, enchantingly dressed like the thirties glamor bombshell, Jean Harlow. Behind them, an area had been set up like a supper club. No musicians played, however the era’s music graced the mood through an excellent sound system.

  “The eye of newt martinis are calling.” Zin pivoted before them. “Shall I retrieve our drinks? Kandy love, what would you prefer?”

  “I’m in the mood for not only love, but to have my nose tickled with bubbles. Pink champagne, please, handsome.” With a little shake, she lilted, “You two make me feel extra girly.”

  Zin touched a kiss to the top of her hand, then spun on his heel, and departed.

  Zol collected his Kandy Apple close to his side. Slipping his hand beneath her cape, he claimed her waist. “Shall we mingle?”

  “Until I champagne-tingle?” she sassily replied. Are we gathering intel?

  We are, indeed. Encouraged by the gown’s fabric, Zol smoothed his palm over the swell of her hip. As they strolled toward a highly placed executive with a gold-mining company, he telepathed, Have you seen your guardian, love?

  Meowsssh, they both heard before Kandy could answer.

  Vresc kitty, you look splendid on top of the second floor’s rail.

  I remain ready to attack.

  Zol felt the guaruvyr end contact with them, then shift into a watcher consciousness.

  “Ooooh, I feel lots of witchiness here. Wiccan types and supernaturals. Odd. Usually the Wiccans perform Samhain rituals.”

  “Yes, odd. Unless being here is part of their celebratory ritual.”

  Wending them closer, Zol smiled with his customary ease at the woman executive, once she’d ended a brief chat.

  “I couldn’t help noticing your resemblance to Rita Hayworth, beautiful spitfire of the silvery screen. I am Zolivar Victorre. This is my beloved mate, Kandace Winter.”

  Zol extended his hand. With uncertainty glimmering in her eyes, the woman reached out to shake it. “Brenda Johanson.”

  “May I?” Zol asked, then bent toward her hand.

  “Of course.” Brenda almost giggled.

  Zol placed a gentleman’s kiss on her hand. By the fast thrum of her pulse and her scent, he knew two things. One, she appreciated his old-fashioned gesture, and something had terribly frightened her within the past hour.

  “How do you know Bill and Susan?” she asked, once Zol straightened.

  “We have never met face-to-face. A mutual friend suggested they send an invitation. I believe, from e-mail correspondence, they wish to explore my knowledge of the paranormal.”

  Brenda’s gaze transformed to hardcore interest, and she took moments to scrutinize them both. “Are you into the paranormal, too?” she asked Kandy.

  “Watch this.” From her upturned palm, his mate formed a tiny lightball. Similar to a soap bubble, it glistened with rainbow colors and floated upward.

  “That wasn’t a parlor trick, was it?” Brenda spoke in hushed tones several moments later, while her gaze remained riveted on the ascending lightball.

  “Consider it a Samhain gift. Since the veil between dimensions is lifting permanently, we witchfolk may as well come out of the closet.”

  Brenda trembled visibly. Her eyes turned opaque with fear.

  “What’s wrong?” Kandy asked, her concern obvious.

  “They’re coming.” Brenda lifted her shoulders, composing herself. Still, her hands shook, and she cupped her goblet to keep it from spilling. “They’re coming. From outer space. I saw one today. At…at a dinner meeting.”

  “Dinner meeting?” Zol gently prompted at her silence.

  “Yes.” Brenda stiffened her spine, and her chin firmed. “Our gold-mining company is being sold to a Chinese consortium. Their plan is to mine gold for…for extraterrestrials.”

  Brenda drew in a large breath. “As, as an inducement to sell out quickly, the consortium offered an obscene amount of money…and, and introduced…it was real. No costume.”

  After shuddering, she continued, “It…it, he looked like an insect. I mean, an insect humanoid. Oh, god.”

  Brenda gulped, then took a huge swallow of her drink. “I don’t suppose you can help me in any way.”

  Zol considered as he studied the woman’s auric energies for more information about her, and her encounter. “What kind of help are you seeking, Ms. Johanson?”

  “For the nightmare to end,” Brenda blurted out. “But, that’s not possible, is it? They…they want me to stay on…in, in my position. I can’t. But if I don’t…”

  Chapter Fifty:

  Night and Day, You Are the One

  Tuned in psychically, Kandace asked, “Family, friends…are they in danger?”

  Brenda twisted her lips. “It’s lonely at the top. More than I imagined. However, there is Howard. I don’t want him,” she paused, uncertain, “harmed. Or my pets.”

  Kandace’s heart went out to Brenda. There must be a way to help her.

  “If you will give me your card, Ms. Johanson, I will contact you with assistance.”

  Almost quicker than Zol reached for it, Brenda dug into her small purse, and gave him her business card.

  “Please.” After a last pleading look in her eyes, she turned away.

  “That is intel.”

  Kandace dissolved the protective field she’d formed around them. Pivoting toward Zin as he approached, she psi-scanned for anyone who might have noticed her magick.

  “No worries, my darling.” Zin gave her a suave wink, then presented a tray that held the martinis and her pink champagne.

  Lifting the flute, Kandace admired the blush shade of pink, and the delicate bubbles that made her feel oh-so effervescent.

  “Mmmm.” Closing her eyes, she inhaled and smiled when the fine popping tickled her nose.

  Opening her eyes, she met the passionately volcanic gazes of her hellhounds. “To my handsome mates.”

  “To our deliciously lickable Kandy Apple.”

  After they saluted each other, Kandace tipped up a taste. The dry fruity fizz rolled over her tongue, and she nearly moaned.

  “Ah, I do believe we have events coinciding.” Zol momentarily aimed his staff toward the crescent-shaped stairway.

  “The Mitchells,” Zin voiced for her. “Quite stunning as a warlock Fred Astaire and a witch Ginger Rogers.”

  Perfectly reminiscent of Fred and Ginger, the couple performed a dance move on the landing at the top of the stairs. Most of the guests streamed toward them, their voices raised in greeting and Samhain blessings.

  Simultaneously, the four DOD wizards strode with deceptive casualness toward the front entryway.

  “Oh, here we go.” Kandace took a bracing sip of her champagne.

  “Definitely canine, his scent.” Zol took a swallow of his martini, his gaze remaining on the Mitchells.

  With a glance, Kandace could tell Zin watched the wolfman’s arrival from his periphery vision.

  After intercepting two psi-scans aimed at the Major, she murmured, “We’re not the only ones interested.” Not wanting to tip anyone off, she didn’t track them.

  Music flared, resounding throughout the ballroom. Like the theatrical beginning of a musical, the Irving Berlin song, “Cheek to Cheek” began.

  With a flamboyant twirl, Bill and Susan danced down the stairway to heaven, I'm in heaven. And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak. And I seem to find the happiness I seek. When we dance cheek to cheek.

  Fascinated by their dazzlingly smooth performance, Kandace didn’t take her gaze off the Mitchells. “Now, that’s an entrance.”

  She raised her flute to them, nearly missing Major Odarran’s arrival. Flanked by a man and a woman, the wolfman strolled in with what could only be described as alpha-in-charge panache.

  “Holy werewolf hero,” Kandace muttered for the ears of her hellhounds.

  Admirable costuming, indeed, Zin mind-agreed.

  The costume, a formal black tux and tails, was a striking contrast to Odarran’s gray wolf-like hair. Given the addition of bushy brows, sideburns and sprouting ears, he looked like a werewolf starting his full-moon shift.

  The Major’s short, red-lined magician’s cape with its high cowl emphasized his broad tall frame. He also wore high-class gentleman’s gloves to suggest he hid fur-covered hands.

  His black cane sported a carved wolf’s head as a handle, and he handled it like an aristocrat. Kandace frowned as she touched the rim of her flute to her bottom lip, then savored a sip.

  She hadn’t known what to expect, but the wolfman she watched, as did many guests, certainly didn’t fit her expectations. Not so much his appearance, but his un-military like demeanor.

  “Why don’t we join those headed for the dance floor?”

  Zol caressed her shoulder in that devastating way of his, tingling her down to her toe tips, and Kandace nodded.

  Indeed, let the scene play out before we approach him, Zin telepathed. “Kandy darling, I must have you dancing in my arms soon.”

  “My feet are itching to dance. Say,” Kandace spun to face them, “did one of you put itching powder in my shoes as a prank? Oh, I know,” she babbled, “so looney silly of me to say that. Blame it on this fabulous pink champagne.”

  The deep fondness Kandace witnessed in Zol and Zin’s blue-flaming eyes stilled her heart, then thumped it wildly.

  “You know what,” she softly began. “I realize you two are head and shoulders above any man here.”

  Adoring them, Kandace stepped between her incomparable hellhounds. She caressed the side of Zol’s face, then let her fingertips trace his sexier-than-Pierce-Brosnan’s jaw.

  Turning to Zin, she stroked his face in the same way. When their gazes seized each other, she stood on tiptoe, offering her mouth.

  “Kandy,” he growled low and hot. With a debonair sweep of his head, Zin met her lips in a slow, meltingly deep kiss.

  “Mmmm…mmm, so good,” Kandace whispered afterward, her lips still on a slow burn.

  “My turn, darling.”

  When she twirled, Zol
captured her mouth with his. Kandace grabbed her witch’s hat as their lips clung.

  With their kiss a simmering slide into passion, she somehow remembered to hold her flute tighter. After nibbling her lips, Zol gradually ended their kiss.

  Kandace murmured against his mouth, “Oooh, you’re electrifying my hair…even more.”

  “Our Kandy Apple has us good and leashed, brother.” Zol spoke as he and Zin placed their arms around her, steadying her.

  “Indeed. I like mine jerked now and then,” Zin poured into her ear like dark chocolate.

  “I believe I’ve spotted our perfect table.” Zol’s caress claimed her shoulder. Close to Major Odarran, he added.

  “Yes, perfect.” Zin linked his arm with hers.

  Together, the three of them strolled toward the far end of the supper club area. Couples whirled with lively elegance to the forties swing music, while misty blue beams enhanced their movements and their resplendent costumes.

  Zol halted, once they reached the edge of the dance floor. He and Zin set their empty martini glasses on the cart available for that purpose.

  “Zin, why don’t you trip the light fantastic with our Kandy.”

  “Darling, I can’t wait.” With gentlemanly finesse, Zin removed her cape, then her witch’s hat, handing them to Zol.

  In one hand, Zol collected her champagne flute and Zin’s staff. After perusing the gathered guests with urbane interest, he sauntered toward the table in his superb Cary Grant manner.

  A moment later, Zin whisked her among the other couples before Kandace could warn him she’d never danced this way. “I can’t,” she began, as he brought them face to face with a dashing twist of his wrist.

  “Follow my lead, love.”

  Zin paused to gallantly dip her over one arm, then swung her into the steps. Adoring his masterful handling, Kandace soon gained confidence, gliding in and out of his arms.

  Feeling high spirited, Kandace added her own flourishes to the jazzy swing tune. The easy but fast undulations of her body made her all glittery inside.


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