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by D Gemcats Purcell

  To my dear wife and to all who have contributed to my survival and development, my Mom, Grandma, aunt plus many others too numerous to list. Thank you.

  Copyright @ Feb, 2021 by D. Gemcats Purcell. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. In such case, contact contact the author at

  ISBN 978-1-7372497-3-3

  Characters and Places

  Intro to Jonah of Toigan

  Chapters 1- 23

  Author biography

  Back page promo

  Characters and places

  A Solar system within the same spiral arm of the Milky Way as man’s old solar system.

  Time period >50,000 earth years (52235) beyond first migrations from earth world to Mars thence beyond using Musk Jr’s primitive steel canister transports to first head out of their Solar system.

  Human inhabited planets -Toigan my home planet - has 2 moons

  - Baclet near by human inhabited

  - Threeme 3rd Planet lightly inhabited with 3 moons.

  1st moon Trat with excellent mining good breathable environment,

  2nd moon Buboni smaller thin atmosphere lots of radiation,

  3rd moon Tsatvik with low oxygen 12% and high carbon dioxide has zinnbeest and vishes which are predators and scavengers.

  - Vishnuk exotic lifeforms and off limits to humans

  - Vutu home of vishes and other dangerous predators

  On Toigan the humans are mostly categorized as

  1.Moderns- live up to 300 years and are genetically enhanced with chromosomal telomeric improvements since in utero with special vaccines and gene splicing and encouragement of unique attributes and make up approximately 80% of the population

  2.Noncoms - nonconformist types who make up 19.9% of the population and are often anti vaccination anti enhancement types, who nevertheless have evolved more naturally from original humans from earth.

  3.Badjans - 0.1% of the population are outlaw types who distance themselves from ordinary society and often includes criminal elements from mostly the Noncoms plus a few who were originally Moderns. They often live away from normal society like in the badlands beyond Bahoe district and often prey on their neighbors


  JONAH’S parents - Jonah Sr and Elma Capri own 600 acre mostly fruit farm in Dudemar. They are followers of Lord Meneer and his 30 disciples.

  JONAH’S older adopted brother MOOG and his friend Juliana.

  JONAH’s schoolmates and friends- CHARLIE who created his AI robot FETCH and new girlfriend Janey.

  and RUSTON whose parents are factory grown meat farmers.

  Mehia 1 1/2 years younger and three houses away from Jonah who had a crush on him, but ended up in love with Dillion

  Nearby villages to Dudemar include:

  Minorcaville - where Moog’s parents farm is located

  Vinceland - 15 min walk away where Charlie lives and where their school building is located. Fetch is his robot.

  Monrepo - nearby village

  City of Pommerose 1 1/2 hours drive away by Jonah’s Dad old smoker car. Jessi lives in the suburbs, and the others of the group of SIX live within the city limits.

  Bahoe- a rural rough former mining region mostly mountainous about six villages away from Dudemar and rumored to be the hideout of Outlaw Badjans.

  Fenway Control Center in Bahoe used for training

  Ednet - Toigan’s mostly AI artificial intelligence based system of providing basic standardized and advanced Education at home and at school premises.

  Defnet - defense network for planet of Toigan interplanetary outward looking

  Securinet - multiplicity of police type, coast guard and satellite plus drone surveillance network for villages, cities and thence globally to protect all citizens.

  Playernet - intraplanetary games and competitions from village to global online.

  VidDarknet - interplanetary online video games for the most hardcore gamers.

  Threeme 3 large cities: Donneborough, Canberra and Wachimecan.

  Baclet - main capital city is Tivoliville

  Truereal-a successful video game developer on Threeme initially started by Michael and Sri and now run by their wives Kicha and Tumi respectively.

  TDS Threeme Docking Station

  Commander Debongo of the TDS.

  Chief Minister Salefuuna is the chief politician on Threeme.

  Superintendent Boggin Chief of Internal Security Threeme

  Chief Maitland equivalent to Defnet boss on Threeme.


  JONAH CAPRI- a Noncom 6’0”, who has special intrinsic telepathic powers to both read and influence others minds plus is able to become one mentally with electronic and electrical circuits thus troubleshooting problems and commanding them to his will. Lately, he has grown after the Immersion and interaction with the other five to sense electronic/ electrical power and magnetic energy from a distance. Heavily tanned dark outdoor type, used to farm work, hunting and fishing in Dudemar. Married to Jessi now.

  JESSI WENTWORTH - 5’8”, met and bonded telepathically with Jonah during the Immersion, a gorgeous chocolate hued big eyed young lady also with expanding powers. Now married to Jonah.

  MADER - 6’2”, inventor, brilliant who has already contributed to technology for speeding up interplanetary transport raising speeds to 0.7 of a lightyear using transmuted energy from space itself whether from magnetic auras, any kind of electromagnetic radiation of all spectrums using AI with special collectors mounted on spacecraft. He has the ability to mentally bond with, build and interact with all types of AI systems thus commanding improved efficiency in achieving scientific goals. He can send charges of energy into both living systems like plants and animals as well as inanimate objects, being able to sense their energy potential. Also evolving powers can drain energy too. Tall, very dark, with strangely blue eyes.

  His mate is Adrianna of Five.

  CHERESE - 5’2”, telepath, telekinetic able to move objects and people, senses gravity and has antigravity powers. Fell in love with and married Arthur of Five.

  DILLION - 5’8”, strong interest in agronomy with an incredible sense of smell, already has programmed AI sniffer technology for police work and the perfumery industry. Some telepathic ability and growing his repertoire of abilities. Super fast healer. Grew up being a neighbor of Cherese and is a close friend and confidant of hers. Moonfaced, slit eyed, thick dark long hair and pale skinned as well as chubby. Developed friendship with Jonah’s noncom neighbor Mehia.

  MATT - 5’10”, power to detect vibrations of all types, sound waves in air water and land, infrasound in all mediums as well as magnetic variations with growing telepathic and other powers. He is super friendly and the entertainer. Interested in Rona, Captain Ronald’s daughter.

  The Six - together combined powers to be able to think speak to each other, translocate their bodies, draw in energy from many sources then concentrate it and beam it back elsewhere. They also all have began to enjoy faster healing and discern invisible cloaks as they bonded and trained together drawing on each other’s known and latent strengths.

  Council of Scientists representatives

  CHOKA-telekinesis and JONGI telepathy

  Mr. Ronald Breecher-The Director of Security for all of Toigan -cloaker in chief and teleporter, weaker telepath.

  Mark Buenafe- Director of Defnet Toigan

  Captain Ronald- of the Celeste fastest ever spaceplane relief Captain Gus

  His son Josh, daughter Rona

  Josh’s fiancé Maryann.

  Lieutenant Kelvik- one of Captain Ronald’s main pilots and f
ire control officers, also Lt Mark.

  Commander Chu - Main one in charge of the MCOS Toigan’s main orbit control station at Toigan, rotates with other Commanders like Captain Rosalind every three - six months

  Very Large Transport VLT super large and comfortable ship that can carry large loads of people and cargo with forty engines on first stage from Toigan to it’s MCOS.

  The Main Control Orbital Station (MCOS) is Toigan’s main permanent base in space, gateway on and off the planet and is also a massive manufacturing station using raw materials mined off various moons and other assets. All spacecraft are built there, with the exception of a few designed to go through dense atmospheric conditions.

  The Celeste - fastest and newest of Defnet’s spaceplane capable of 0.7 light year speeds with the newest SuperDrive technology utilizing the intense heat from its two fusion reactors to vaporize ultra compressed stored hydrogen and when appropriate uses planet gravity assist slingshot, assists plus additional chemical combustion rockets and ion drive engines as needed.

  Transfer Center at Trat is a tethered polar orbital station for the berthing of spacecraft and trans-shipment of refined ores and people. Trat is closest moon to Threeme and major mining site.

  Trat mining conglomerate- made up of interests from the private sector plus investment from Threeme, Baclet and Toigan.

  Captain Mischa- commanded an interplanetary tug that towed crew quarters modules plus cargo pods between Trat to Baclet transporting people and valuable ores. He is modern and telepath from Toigan and a nephew of Jongi.

  Baclet main orbit station (BMOS) one of two orbit stations servicing the space needs of Baclet and a major space manufacturing center.

  Commander Ross - in charge of the BMOS, alternates with Commander Sveltna among others

  Baclet main capital - Tivoliville.

  Munchin - Baclet’s Securinet boss

  Martinette - Baclet’s Defnet’s boss.

  Yodel is his sister and they are very close to each other, both are weak telepaths

  Superintendent Boggin Chief of Internal Security Threeme (Securinet) his key are Lieutenants Jake and Shoneburger.

  Chief Maitland equivalent to Defnet security Chief on Threeme.

  Donneborough - Capital city on Threeme

  Canberra and Wachimecan two other large cities on Threeme.

  Threeme Chief Minister Salefuuna

  Threeme Docking Station (TDS) main orbital station

  Commander Debongo was rotating boss of TDS.

  Proxima Centauri is just over 4 light years away from our sun and is in the Alpha Centauri Tri-Star system and has Proxima b as one of 2 planets so far discovered.

  Traveling at 25 miles/Sec away from Earth and Mars with stops in the Oort Cloud and beyond to reprovision their fuels water and other supplies, it took our early humans more than 1000 earth years to get to the Proxima Centauri system and plant their first real colony. Their technology focused on fusion reactors involving the ejection of subatomic and atomic particles using electrical and magnetic forces at very high

  velocities thus pushing their interplanetary crafts at high speeds allowing humans to conquer more territory faster. They were able to gallop ahead from then on, with spread a further 20 light years beyond in Man’s quest for adventure, discovery and wealth.

  Threeme- planet with three moons same sun system as Toigan , 1st moon Trat with excellent mining good breathable environment, 2nd moon Buboni smaller thin atmosphere lots of radiation, 3rd moon Tsatvik which has a low oxygen at 12% and high carbon dioxide atmosphere, also has predators and scavengers zinbeests and vishes.

  Team FIVE

  Arthur- 5’9” slightly plump (husband of Cherese)

  Wesley- 6’ 1” dark, swarthy, black eyes, thick black hair, outdoorsy type.

  Serena- tall 5’9”, sharp featured, brown skin, intelligent eyes.

  Dorothy- 5’6” stoutly built, short dark hair, boyish appearance, dark skin, roundish face, chinky eyes.

  Adrianna- 5’3”, short, very dark hair, thick shapely eyebrows, dark eyes, tanned. (Mader’s wife)

  JONAH of TOIGAN (intro)

  Toigan a planet 20 light years further out on the spiral arms of the Milky Way to old earth.

  On our planet of Toigan, there are regular folks making up 80% of the population called ‘Moderns’, who participated in society fully; there were ‘non- conformists’ who chose to avoid enhancements both of a genetic nature and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based programming plus body and mental arming, some even were anti-vaccination. On Toigan they were called ‘Noncoms’ and there are a tiny percentage of people mostly noncoms who are called ‘Outlaws’, who truly lived rough off the land as scavengers, kidnappers and murderers though less than 0.1% of the population.

  ‘Noncoms’ therefore made up roughly 20% of the Toigan population. Since they eschewed some, if not all of the benefits of our advanced society, they generally ended up being relegated to less cerebral and more menial occupations often involving vegetable farming and protein manufacturing plus the service industry. Lots of their youngsters as they grew into teen years however, opted for the enhancements. That meant that those noncoms were already behind in the competition to reach their maximal potential, as they would have missed the early genetic enhancements available in childhood. Occasionally, because of natural mutations a kid from the ‘Noncom’ group, proves to have innate gifts. I am Jonah and I am one such kid.

  My father Jonah Sr and Mom Elma Capri are simple folks coming from a long line of farmers, growing fruits and honey, supplementing their income by hunting and fishing. We are also Meneers worshipping the Lord Meneer and his disciples, all 30 of them. We all follow the moral code of our faith dutifully and mostly participate in society. Since I could remember, maybe around the age of 5, when my father had to call in the flyers with their remote controlled dashers to spray the orchards due to an infestation of locooms that were destroying the farm and one of them called Amalae allowed me to handle the console, I wanted to be one! I got to help program the flight path skirting around the hills and large trees. The lady flyer Amalae was amazed at my inherent skills and told my Dad that I should be given some training. She told him that even among the enhanced moderns as she was, it would be unusual to have a kid of my age show this much talent. My Dad thinking that maybe it could prove beneficial to him and his fellow farmers in the long term was pleased, though he was personally against all that genetic and surgical enhancement that the Moderns allowed on their children.

  I remember praying to Lord Meneer for my dad to allow me to become a flyer. You see, all I had to do was simply look at the console and somehow mentally command the dasher to fly up down and sideways as I looked at the topographic map on the little screen. Even Amalae had to control it by a ‘little joystick’ as she called it. Somehow I could in her presence, just seem to know what she herself would have commanded the dasher to do. She never could understand, how without training, that I could have known how high to fly, how much of the chemical flow rate to allow and how to change flight pattern based on wind changes. I never did let her know exactly how it did it. She begged my Dad to allow me to be taken to the advanced training programs, so that they could test me. Obviously she must have alerted the authorities as to my incredible ability, since over the years she and others from the education department made regular treks to meet my Mum and Dad to see for themselves my abilities.

  Anyway my Dad needed me at the farm as I was their only natural child and their second helper alongside Moog, who they had adopted at age 1 before I was born. His parents had died in an accident on their farm in Minorcaville. Moog was already aged 11, a big brother compared to me at age 5 when the dasher incident occurred. We lived far away in a rural township of Dudemar, in the heart of fruit growing country, very comfortable with the routines of farm-life, taking my schooling mostly at home via Ednet plus one or two days physically attending school.

  Thankfully my parents were not extremist in their views and bel
ieved in vaccinations for us all and although they did not like genetic enhancements which mostly entailed shots with viruses that would splice beneficial DNA into a person’s cells so that it became part of a person’s genome. They allowed most of those for me once I turned 10, when I expressed my wish to have it. Moog wanted no part of that in his body. But then, Moog didn’t want to become a Flyer and certainly had no interest in becoming an interplanetary explorer! That last dream I did not share with my parents until age 11! I guess I have always been a bit coy and tight lipped about my desires around everyone. Maybe it was because I could somehow know what they were thinking, before I opened my mouth! I had that ability to connect to others minds, for better or worse.


  1. Murders, murders everywhere

  2. The Chase

  3. Old World Poisons, but why?

  4. Breecher and Team Five

  5. Captain Ronald’s distress

  6. Charlie and Fetch to the rescue

  7. Answering Rona’s questions

  8. Five in the hunt

  9. Brainstorming -a way to counter program

  10. Threeme and Truereal

  11.Threeme, Baclet and Toigan talking

  12. Six gearing up for interplanetary trip

  13. Charlie in the fold

  14. Family time

  15. Final checks

  16. Reunited with the Celeste


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