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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past

Page 14

by Daniel OConnell

  White shakes his head. He smiles, saying, “Ok Mister Rooke, we have our back up plan.”

  “Rachel grins, saying, “Caleb would be so proud, luv.”

  White shakes his head at Cooley then says, “Shift us in now.”

  The Celesta uncloaks directly behind the Halimag fleet with her shields up and weapons ready. Rooke locks the weapons system on as many of the nearby ships as possible. As soon as the targeting system gives weapons lock confirmation Rooke does not hesitate, firing all weapons into the Halimag fleet.

  The Halimag were unprepared for the Celesta, White surprise assault works. Of the dozen ships, eight are completely obliterated. Four others take critical damage rendering the entire fleet virtually useless.

  Celesta reports, “I am picking up debris approaching our location, and I’m picking up what appears to be Halimag life signs within the debris field.”

  White surprised yells out, “Blast it into oblivion!”

  Celesta fires all her light duty cannons destroying the debris field, but the Halimag seem unaffected.”

  Cooley, reviewing the data reports, “Reggie those things seem to rebuild themselves as soon as we destroy them.”

  White concerned asks, “How long till they are near the ship?”

  Celesta responds, “We are in no immediate threat. It will take them hours till they are able to reach my shields, and Halimag can’t pass through shields.”

  White, studying the data says, “Rooke, finish off those last four ships.”

  Rooke quickly maneuvers Celesta main turrets at the last four ships, firing almost immediately. The result is instantaneous. All four ships are vaporized.

  White asks, “Is the Dorsa vessel ok?”

  Cooley looks over the scans replying, “It appears to have taken minimal damage. It’s still running at top speed away from us?”

  White, hoping to gain an Allie says, “Ask them if they need assistance.”

  Rooke looks over at White and says, “Very doubtful they will respond, let alone believe that we would be here to help.”

  Cooley responds, “The Dorsa vessel is sending us a message.”

  White looks at Rooke smugly, saying, “Put it on the holocom Rachel.”

  A squid like creature appears on the com as White stands, asking, “This is Captain White of the Celesta, do you require assistance?”

  The Dorsa stares intently at White, and cuts the com line.

  Cooley replies, “They terminated the com on their end. They appear to be heading, back into Dorsa controlled space.”

  Rooke replies, “No offense Captain, but they don’t like humans much.”

  White, feeling disappointed, orders, “Rooke, take us out of here, and back on course. We will remain uncloaked, shields up and at full speed.”

  Rooke shakes his head in agreement. He engages hyperdrive, as the Celesta screams across the sector.

  Elsewhere, during the events that took place on Celesta. Paladin was dealing with its own issues.

  During the time, Celesta scanned the energy spike from the crystal planet. Paladin was able to get more data from its scans

  Paladin reports, “I’m detecting thousands of ships approaching the system. I’m also picking up energy from the gateway.”

  Uari looks to Caleb, saying, “Perhaps you will get your wish and take them both out.”

  Benton smirks, saying, “You don’t know our luck kid. If it ain’t bad, it’s really bad.”

  Caleb is focused on the holoimage. He holds his breath, watching. His mind is full with the guilt for his actions, as he is about to be responsible for genocide of an entire species.

  Paladin reports, “The satellites are uncloaking. They’re firing.”

  The action of the uncloaking satellites is enough for the torpedo on the planet to detect. It detonates. The crystal’s energy is beyond description. The torpedo starts the catalyst, which causes the entire species to explode in a single massive discharge. It quickly encompasses the planet, escalates to orbiting satellites and all the ships. The blast wave continues across the entire solar system, as it destroys the Meli’s entire fleet, as well as every planet, finally encompassing the sun. The system is completely obliterated from existence.

  Caleb feels dead inside. He holds in all the pain he feels. He telepathically asks Paladin, “Tell me I’m doing the right thing, Paladin?”

  Paladin responds in kind, “Cale, you have already sacrificed your own life to save billions. You would sacrifice your life to save just one life. A person like you does not need to be questioned on why you do what you do. You don’t fail, and that’s what makes you great. It is why the Phace’mal entrusted their future to you.”

  Benton, studying the holoimage asks, “Did we kill that Meli thingy?”

  Paladin reports, “Unknown Colonel, the entire sector will be unreadable for several days. Her vessel however, was far to the rear of the fleet when we last scanned.”

  Benton, noticing Caleb somber face decides to change the subject, asking, “Hey sour puss, any idea what we’re looking for once we get to the T-Challa home world?”

  Caleb aware of what Benton is trying to do does not change his expression. Still feeling the pain of what he has done, he tells Paladin telepathically to answer Benton.

  Paladin answers, “We will be looking for any ship still intact on the planet surface. Hopefully, we can access the database and find the keys to operate the T-Challa gateway system.”

  Benton thinking states, “Well, if there’s any of the T-Challa still around, they probably won’t be very friendly about giving that information up.”

  Caleb finally speaks, “The T-Challa are all dead Gabe. Carla killed their Queen thousands of years ago. What's ever is left of their race was created in a cloning lab. It’s not what we, or anyone would call a T-Challa.”

  Paladin states, “However, there are other races that have been stripping their world for eons, mostly the Halimag. They will not appreciate our intrusion into their scavenging.”

  Uari says, “The Halimag have been scavenging that world for thousands of years. Should we see them it would be beneficial for us to avoid contact. They are a ruthless life form that often takes humanoid shape, and are near impossible to kill.”

  Benton curious, asks, “What's so hard about just blasting them into bits.”

  Uari is now staring intently at Caleb, answering, “They just regrow whatever you destroy. So unless you can obliterate the entire being, it just regrows back from just a single part.”

  Caleb, noticing Uari’s gaze, says, “I’m fully aware of the Halimag’s abilities Commander Uari. I know how to deal with them.”

  Uari lowers his head, apologizing, “I’m sorry Admiral Caleb. I meant no disrespect.”

  Caleb, feeling solemn, answers, “No need to apologize Uari.” Caleb hovers upward to his quarters.

  Uari still watches, as Benton notices Uari gaze. Feeling very uncomfortable, Benton says, “Don’t sweat it kid, Cale floating is one of the least creepy things he does.”

  Uari, feeling even more uncomfortable with Benton, noticing says, “I’m sorry sir, I have long since studied all about Caleb and his powers. However, it is something entirely different to actually see him.”

  Benton sits down at the weapons control station, saying, Well, I’ve seen it all son, and it ain’t that impressive.”

  Uari shakes his head, saying, “Well sir, I think differently. When I was on Skull, I was part of the team that decoded the energy matrix of Paladin. We were able to duplicate parts of the X 152 virus, but as you know, it would only work on a descendant of Caleb’s, which was Michael Rooke. He had all Caleb’s speed and strength but not his other powers.”

  Benton puts his feet up on the control panel, nonchalantly yawning, he says, “Big deal, he’s a walking medic too.”

  Uari confused by Benton's ignorance shakes his head. He says to himself, “Yes, and I believe he may be the only living being that can stop the Halimag.”

the next two months, Paladin passes through space without incident, as the powerful ship closes in on the T-Challa home world. However, every journey has its trials, and Caleb and Paladin are about to come across one of the most life changing trials of their lives.

  Currently on the bridge, Uari is the lone commanding officer, as he completes yet another extended shift through null space. Suddenly, he sees on the sensors multiple energy signatures. He yells, “We have incoming ships!”

  Uari quickly moves to the helm, as he sees hundreds of ships, shifting all around Paladin, blocking off any possible escape.

  Benton and Caleb, who were in Caleb’s ready room directly above the bridge, arrive on the bridge. Uari activates the superior shields.

  Benton rushes to the weapons control panel, as multiple plasma blasts strike the shields.

  Paladin announces, “Shields are down to one hundred and twenty-eight percent. These ships are inferior technologically to us, but they have numbers.”

  Uari yells, “Sir, they have us completely surrounded!”

  Benton quickly sits down at the weapons panel, saying, “I’ll blast us a path out of here kid. You get the hyperdrive ready.”

  Paladin announces, “We have over a hundred ships preparing for ramming maneuvers. From the data I have reviewed, the Halimag will attempt to possess this ship at all costs.”

  Uari adds, “All it takes is just one to board a ship. They are unstoppable.”

  Caleb focused on the assault yells, “Switch to normal shields! Fire all weapons!”

  The shields switch back to normal. The power is redirected to the weapons, as Benton fires a path right into the heart of the Halimag fleet. Their fleet is comprised of old derelicts, which are barely a threat on their own. However, with so many attacking at once, the threat is very real.

  Paladin releases a massive burst of energy that nearly annihilates the heart of their fleet. However, over twenty ships survive, as they continue to close in on Paladin.

  Caleb curious, asks, “Can we shift at all?”

  Uari quickly answers, “Not yet sir, they must have been monitoring us for some time. They knew just when to hit us.”

  Benton fires another salvo, as a dozen or more ships are vaporized. However, two ships succeed in ramming Paladin. The ships are poorly constructed, but they still possess enough kinetic force to penetrate Paladins shields. Paladin is rocked to its side, as other Halimag ships quickly shift into the battlefield. Hundreds of Halimag breach the hull, attacking the civilians on deck.

  Halimag feed on life energy. They quickly absorb the life force of Paladins crew duplicating themselves in the process.

  Paladin immediately announces, “Cale, they have disrupted multiple systems on the lower decks. I can’t activate internal force fields. I can only maintain an atmospheric field around the impact, and Cale, that’s barely holding.”

  Caleb is suffering in severe pain, as the ship's damage is transferred directly to him. Benton, realizing this, jumps up grabbing his plasma rifle. He runs to the lift yelling to Uari, “Kid, get us out of here anyway you can! I’m going to mop the decks.”

  Caleb is in tremendous pain, and is too slow to react, yelling at Benton, “Gabe! Wait for me! Those creatures aren’t what you think.”

  Benton smiles, he pulls his weapon to his chest, saying, “Relax alien man. I’ll handle this.” The lift closes as Benton descends to the lower decks, where the Halimag are killing the survivors.

  Caleb’s body is racked with pain, as he moves ever so slowly to the lift, yelling, “You idiot!”

  Uari rushes to Caleb’s side helping him, saying, “Admiral, I’m aware of all your powers and believe you may be the only person able to defeat the Halimag.”

  Caleb curious, asks, “What do you mean?”

  Uari responds, “You heal yourself by drawing the energy from this ship. You also heal others in the same manner. I have studied your power in detail Caleb, and I know you can also draw the life force from an alternate source to heal yourself. I wanted to tell you about my theory weeks ago, but I feared you might think I was an extremist. Caleb, I believe that you could absorb all the life force from the Halimag not only healing yourself and repairing this ship, but you may be the only person in the universe that can actually kill the Halimag.”

  Caleb annoyed replies, “Ya, I know how my powers work. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of Halimag on the ship. It would take forever to draw the life force of each one.”

  Uari reluctantly states, “Noskcaj had tested a small piece of a Halimag’s hundreds of years ago. He believed that the Halimag are actually all connected across the galaxies. That they are not individual life forms, but just one massive being, which are all connected by some sort of subspace link. All you would need to do is make contact with just one, and you may be able to defeat all the Halimag on this ship, perhaps in the sector, or possibly everywhere.”

  Paladin states, “Uari hypothesis if correct would possible repair this ship, and heal all the wounded. It could also have many other side effects.”

  Caleb takes in a deep breath, and opens the lift, saying, “Uari, man the weapons. Try and blast us away from these creatures. I’ll go help Gabe.”

  Meanwhile, Benton exits the lift on the first deck. There he sees two Halimag creatures killing crewmembers. They alter their appendages to create slashing and stabbing weapons. Swinging wildly, slicing into their victims. They quickly absorb the life force of their victims, creating another Halimag, where two stood now four stand.

  Benton, witnessing this jump’s out of the lift, which quickly closes, returning to the bridge where Caleb waits. He points his weapon at the closest Halimag and fires, blasting the creature into two separate halves. Unfortunately, it quickly reforms like water into a glass. Two others quickly turn their attention to Benton, charging him. Benton, now realizing he is the center of their attention, focuses on his attackers. He drops to a knee and fires a frantic volley of plasma charges at all the Halimag. Firing and firing for what seems like minutes are only moments. The Halimag just reform and continue to close in on Benton.

  The Halimag are unrelenting, the first one close the distance, swinging his arm at Benton, shifting it into a blade like weapon. Benton uses his plasma rifle to block the swing, but the Halimag is too powerful, as it slices through the weapon and deep into Benton's torso.

  Just at that moment, the lift quickly opens. Caleb is shocked to see Benton dying at his feet. The four Halimag are standing over Benton, directly in front of him.

  Caleb’s rage boils quickly. He pushes the nearest Halimag into another, and with Caleb’s enhanced strength, easily knocks them into the bulkhead. The other two are taken by surprise at Caleb’s strength. They turn to each other and quickly charge at Caleb. Caleb grabs both, hurling them to the other bulkhead. Caleb immediately turns his focus on his friend Benton. Dropping to a knee, he begins to heal Benton.

  Benton, coughing blood heavily, says, “Run Cale! Get away!”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “Fat chance, and next time I tell you to wait. You’d better listen to me.”

  The four Halimag quickly reform and charge towards Caleb. Caleb, aware of what he must do focuses on Benton, his back facing the Halimag, as he purposely leaves himself open for their attack. He concentrates on what Uari has told him, focusing every bit of his power, as he waits for the Halimag to strike.

  The first of the Halimag reaches Caleb, making his arm into a spear, and stabbing Caleb in the back.

  Instantly Caleb feels the piercing of the Halimag’s arm ripping into him, and at that exact moment, he instantly begins to heal Benton, but instead of using the ship to heal Benton he instead uses his power to lock into the Halimag’s life force and uses its living energy to heal Benton. All the Halimag in the ship are suddenly frozen in place, as Uari’s plan works. Caleb is now connected to all of them. His connection allows him to see how they are indeed one piece of a massive collective consciousness.

  Caleb, can sense their comp
lete disregard for all life that is not their own. He feels that there only desire is to destroy everything different. Caleb, still enraged by everything he has seen in this future, focuses all his rage, all his anger, all his power on the Halimag. He continues absorbing the life force of not just the Halimag on his ship, but of those in all the ships surrounding Paladin. The energy easily flows easily into Caleb, as he continues to heal Benton, pushing that life force energy not only into healing Benton, but also into repairing the ship.

  The Halimag energy is systematically absorbed into Caleb. He pushes it faster and faster, directly into the mighty Battleship Paladin. The energy seems to be without end.

  Paladin telepathically warns Caleb, “Cale, by directing the life force energy directly through Benton. He will be effected in the same manner as you.”

  Caleb unconcerned at Paladins revelation continues to focus his rage against the Halimag, absorbing even more of its life energy. Caleb sends waves of healing energy to the hundreds of wounded crewmembers onboard Paladin, restoring many of those who aged and almost died back to perfect health. Unfortunately, Caleb cannot save them all. Those that had died at the hands of the Halimag are beyond his power.

  Caleb is frozen in place, as he continues to use the Halimag that attacked him as an active conduit into the Halimag’s life energy, keeping it alive as he uses it to absorb as much of its energy as he can.

  The Halimag scream out psychically to Caleb, “Do not kill us!”

  Caleb unconcerned answers, “How many have asked that of you.” Caleb increases his pull of the Halimag’s life energy, increasing more and more, as he drains the very essence out of them.

  All the Halimag on the ship except for the one Caleb is using as a conduit are reduced to dust, all the life force energy which sustains the creature channels directly into Caleb, and through Benton, and finally into the ship.

  Paladin’s hull twists back into shape. The Halimag ships are pushed away.

  On the bridge, Uari sees the energy levels reach full power and far beyond. He is surprised to see the shift drive is fully charged, and quickly reaches critical levels.


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