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Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)

Page 15

by Tricia Andersen

  As she stepped into work the next morning, she found a text on her phone from Rico.

  Can we talk when you get off work?

  Avery’s heart plummeted in her chest.

  Of course.

  I’ll pick you up. We’ll go to the lake.

  All right.

  Avery spent her workday in near tears. The thought that Rico had changed his mind about spending their lives together tore at her.

  Finally, her shift ended. Glancing out the front window, she could see Rico waiting for her, leaning against his Jeep in a pair of tight jeans and a snug fitting T-shirt. Why did he have to look so sexy when he was about to dump her? She mustered all the courage she could to face him. Surprisingly, when it came to him, she didn’t have much.

  He helped her in without a word then drove toward the lake. She watched him concentrate on the road with a near scowl on his face. She sighed as her heart broke. This isn’t going to go well.

  Rico parked beside the lake and helped her out. She stared at him, puzzled, as he took her hand. They wandered down the trail next to the water for several minutes. Finally, Avery couldn’t take it anymore. She stepped directly in his path and faced him. Rico stopped short not to trample her. She signed quickly to him. You wanted to talk.

  It took a moment for Rico to shake himself to his senses. Yes. I wanted to talk about what happened in Florida.

  The proposal?


  She crossed her arms over her chest. It was the biggest sign of bravado she could offer him. She undid them to sign. All right. Talk.

  He didn’t respond. Instead, he dug into his jeans pocket. He pulled out a small, midnight blue box and opened it. Inside rested the most beautiful diamond ring Avery had ever laid eyes on. She could barely form the words with her fingers. What is this?

  Rico cocked a half grin at her. An engagement ring. It belonged to my mother. I asked my aunt to send it to me before we broke up.

  Tears burned Avery’s eyes. He had wanted to marry her this whole time? But you were so distant when we got home. I thought you had reconsidered.

  Never. I was nervous. This pretty much makes it official, doesn’t it? I was afraid you might have changed your mind and not want to marry me with all that had happened.

  Avery smiled as she brushed away a stray tear. I could never change my mind.

  Do you still want to be my wife?

  She gazed into his blue eyes. Yes, Rico. I do want to be your wife.

  Avery’s hands trembled as he pushed the ring on her finger. She wrapped her arms tight around him as he pulled her close. She had never felt so safe, so loved, in her life. This man was her everything, and she wanted to be everything to him. She wanted to share every little bit of life with him. Yet, there was still one piece of his heart she knew would never be hers, at least not until she proved to him she accepted it. She pulled away from him enough to sign.


  Yes, baby?

  Will you take me somewhere?


  She paused before she signed. Will you take me to Hard Drive?

  He frowned. Why do you want to go there?

  It is the part of you I don’t know yet.

  What if you don’t fall in love with that piece of me?

  Avery stood on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I’m pretty sure I already have,” she said.

  Rico’s grin spread across his face as he took her hand and led her back to the parking lot. He looked excited as he threw the vehicle in reverse and sped down the road. At the first stop light, Avery questioned him. “Where are we going?”

  Rico held up a key dangling from his key chain. “Hard Drive. Your wish is my command.” He pulled into a spot in front of the empty building. He appeared almost giddy. “Ready?”


  They strolled hand in hand to the front door. Avery watched as he unlocked it then held it open for her to pass through. Rico pushed the automatic sensor to turn the lights on. “Chloe and Max shut the sensors down when they leave town. The neighborhood cats and squirrels have a bad habit of flipping them on.”

  Avery giggled. She watched as he kicked off his shoes. She looked at him, puzzled. “Are you making yourself at home?”

  He grinned as he pointed to a sign on the wall.

  No shoes on the mats.

  “Do I need to take mine off?” she asked.

  “If you would like the grand tour, yes.”

  Avery toed off her tennis sneakers then followed Rico. She took in the mats on the floor, the racks full of equipment, the full-length mirrors that were mounted to the wall, and the row of cardio equipment that ran along the glass windows. The steps to the balcony displayed rows of fight posters. Rico was on many of them.

  “Come on." He motioned for her to follow him up the stairs. There, he showed her Max and Chloe’s office. Then, he opened the door to the conference room. “We have a conference room. I don’t know why. We eat lunch in the office so we can annoy Chloe. We rarely meet about anything. Max is thinking about tearing down the wall and making a bigger office. Guess who will get to do that? The only one in construction. Yep. Me. And I owe them at least a dozen favors, so it will most likely happen.”

  Avery giggled at his musing. He winked at her then led her down the stairs to the locker rooms. Once the tour was completed, he motioned around the room. “What do you think?”

  “It’s incredible. I wish you had brought me here sooner.”

  “Me too.” He stood quiet for a moment. Suddenly, he took her hand and led her to the mat.

  “What are you doing?” Avery questioned.

  Rico lowered himself into a fight stance and raised his hand. “Try it. Throw a punch.”

  Avery scrambled to remember everything she had learned in boot camp about martial arts as she mimicked what he had done then lifted her hands in fists. Rico rose straight up in response. Avery stared at him, confused. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Absolutely not. I just didn’t realize you’re a southpaw.”

  “I am not. I am right handed.”

  “True. But you fight left handed. It’s all right. Several southpaws are really right handed.” Rico switched his legs and dropped into fight stance again. He looked far more comfortable. “Like me. Throw a jab with your right hand into my palm.”

  Avery did as he instructed. Then, she purred. Throwing the punch had felt good. All her instruction came rushing back. Rico wriggled the fingers on his opposite hand to signal her to throw a cross. Her hand flew into his. Electricity flowed through her veins as she did. She released a little groan.

  Rico grinned at her. “So, what do you think?”

  “I think I may have found something I love more than you.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Seriously?”

  She laughed. “Maybe. When can I come in and workout more?”

  “How about tomorrow? I am covering the gym while Max takes Chloe to the doctor. It is my penance for retiring on him. Then un-retiring.”

  “That sounds wonderful. We can have a new couple’s activity.” Avery threw another punch.

  This time Rico caught her fist. He pulled her to him with an evil smile on his face. Then, he let go of her hand. “I can think of other activities we could do.”

  Avery slowly kissed him, letting her lips sensually wander over his. She smiled as she felt him grip her closer. She nuzzled her nose against his before she spoke. Her voice still cracked and faded in and out but was getting stronger. “Speaking of activities, we need to go to Des Moines this weekend.”

  “More backpacks for Operation First Response?”


  He grinned at her. “I think I am busy.”

  She ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair. “Clear your schedule, Choate. You belong to me now.”

  He laughed before he kissed her again. “Yes, ma’am.”


  Max and Chloe walked hand in hand up
the sidewalk to the doors of Hard Drive. They had been up before the crack of dawn for a long drive to Rochester. After a couple of hours at the Mayo Clinic, the doctors had confirmed what they already knew. Chloe was doing fine with her CVS. All the prescriptions had been renewed and another hospital visit had been planned. After a late breakfast, the happy couple headed back to the gym to get to work.

  Max held the door open for his wife. Chloe thanked him with a sweet kiss. The kissing continued as they wandered inside. Their attention was torn from each other by the sound of vinyl striking vinyl.

  Avery stood in attack stance, dressed in a black Operation First Response T-shirt and a pair of running shorts. Her hands were tucked into a pair of boxing gloves. Rico stood opposite of her, holding a pair of mitts, dressed in his typical training T-shirt and his electric blue shorts with the orange flames.

  He nodded once. Avery fired a jab into his mitt. He nodded twice. She followed with a hard cross. He nodded three times. She threw a perfect hook. He nodded twice again. She punched out another cross. He cocked his head to left. She finished with a body kick.

  Chloe glanced at Max, finding his eyes transfixed on Avery. Her face darkened. “Max Andrew Thomas, stop it right now.”

  He looked at her, clearly perplexed. “Chloe, I’m not doing anything.”

  “Yes, you are. Just stop it.”

  “Stop what?”

  “You’ve talked about getting a female fighter in here. I know Avery already has experience with her time in the Marines as an MP. But don’t pressure her to fight for Hard Drive.”

  Max stared at her for a long while then started to laugh. Chloe followed suit before turning her attention back to the mat.

  After a few more sequences, Rico grinned proudly as he peeled off the mitts and tossed them on the ground. He pulled her close and kissed her softly. As they parted, she popped him under the chin.

  He quickly frowned. “What was that for?”

  She smiled innocently. “You didn’t tell me what punch I was supposed to throw for a kiss.”

  Rico roared in laughter as he tickled her. Avery pulled free in a fit of giggles then yanked the gloves from her hands.

  Chloe’s eyes grew wide as she caught sight of Avery’s left one. She rushed onto the mat and grabbed it, gazing at the brilliant diamond ring on her finger. Glancing back and forth between Avery and Rico. “Oh, my gosh. Are you engaged?”

  Avery beamed as she pulled her hand free to sign. “Yes. Rico proposed in Florida.”

  “But you didn’t have the ring in Florida.”

  Rico grinned as he joined in the conversation. “The ring was here. It belonged to my mother. I had my aunt send it to me before Avery broke up with me.”

  Avery spun on her toe and wrapped her arms around her fiancé, pressing a long, sweet kiss to his lips. Chloe sighed as she watched.

  She signed. “Have you set a date?”

  “We have.” Rico gazed proudly at Avery. “Independence Day, next summer. My beautiful girl fought bravely for our freedom and sacrificed her hearing for it. I want to honor her by making our big day the day we celebrate our freedom as a nation.”

  “And he doesn’t want to forget the date,” Avery teased.

  Before Rico could tickle her again, the glass door slammed open. Phoebe stormed into the gym and headed straight for Rico.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Phoebe?” he demanded. “I know my lawyer called you about the new restraining order.”

  “I want answers,” she countered. “I turned on your fight and see her,” she pointed accusingly at Avery, “walking with you to the octagon. How could you do that to me? You belong to me, and you betray me like that!”

  A split second after she stopped speaking, a fist flew through the air, striking Phoebe in the nose. The cross landed Phoebe on her rear on the mat. Avery towered over her, her fists now clenched to her hips. Instinctively, Chloe flanked her friend for support.

  “Stay away from my fiancé,” Avery barked.

  “I thought you were deaf,” Phoebe whimpered as she clenched her bleeding nose.

  “She’s deaf, not mute, you moron,” Chloe growled. “Get out of my gym. Stay away from our men.”

  “Not your gym.”

  “Bull crap, it’s not. It belongs to both Max and me. Together. Married couple.”

  “Phoebe, you need to get out before we call the police,” Max warned.

  The sounds of sirens echoed in the room. Chloe turned to Max, puzzled. The four of them hadn’t called…

  “Too late.”

  Mark grinned impishly from the hallway. Beside him stood Dan, his cell phone pressed to his ear as he reported the scene to someone on the other end.

  A couple of cops stepped inside the gym and were met by Max and Rico. After a quick conversation, the officers led Phoebe kicking and screaming out the door to their car. Both Dan and Mark were chuckling as the joined the couples.

  “Nice, Dan,” Rico complimented.

  “It needed to be done,” Dan grinned. “Hopefully, we’re done with her. She’s never shown interest in me.” He glared at Mark.

  Mark threw up his hands in defense. “She could care less about me, either.”

  Avery tugged on Mark’s arm with a warm smile. “I am glad you are both here too. Rico and I have a request of all of you,” she said.

  Mark responded. “Of course. Anything.”

  Chloe watched Avery glance at all four of them. Then, she smiled at Rico before she began speaking. “We want all of you to stand up with us at the wedding. Just the four of you and Lindsay of course. You are Rico’s best friends. You are already family to me. Would you consider it?”

  Chloe nearly knocked Avery to the ground with a huge hug. She didn’t sign. She just nodded excitedly. As Max responded with both his voice and his hands, she lightened her grip. “It looks like Chloe answered for all of us. We will be happy to stand up with you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Summer sunlight glistened off the lake. From the French doors of the cabin, Avery watched the waves lap against the rocks along the shore. She smoothed her form-fitting, sleeveless, white, satin dress as she sighed deeply. This was it. A day she had never dreamed of living her entire life, yet she was excited to get started. Her wedding day.

  The road to this moment had been a wild one. She hadn’t known that when Rico had asked for his mother’s ring before they broke up, he had also summoned the courage to fly to California to ask her father for his blessing. Her dad certainly hadn’t been pleased that this man who hung drywall and fought in a cage wanted to marry his little girl. Dad must have thought he knew Avery well enough that she would turn down the proposal.

  The whole family had been stunned when they had flown back to San Diego to announce the engagement. It had taken nearly the entire two weeks they were there to warm everyone up to the upcoming wedding. Fortunately, by the time they left, the family too had fallen in love with Rico.

  Lindsay traveled with them against his better judgment. He’d had no desire to see any of his family. They had been at odds ever since he joined the Army Rangers instead of the Marines. Avery was ready for the war to begin. To this day, she wasn’t sure how it happened, but Rico stepped in as an intermediary. He helped each side see the other’s point of view. It wasn’t long before her warrior made peace in her family. She hadn’t thought she could love him more. But after that, she did.

  Through the winter, they made plans for this day. She tried on dresses and tasted cakes. Rico watched her sample the sweets with a frown. He was back in fight camp with Max. They would be heading to Las Vegas, each with a shot at a belt.

  A week before Valentine’s Day, Rico, Avery, Max, Chloe, Mark, and Dan flew to Las Vegas for the fight. The time between their arrival and the fourteenth—when the fight was scheduled—there was appearances, interviews, lots of practice, and finally, the weigh in. Both men were more than ready and willing to walk into the octagon.

  Avery had watched Max’s fi
ght with Dan and Mark from the mouth of the tunnel after they had walked him to the cage. Chloe and Rico had stayed to coach him from the opposite side of the chain link. The fight hadn’t lasted long. Neither man had taken the battle to the mat. It had ended before the conclusion of the first round, when Max had fired a head kick to his opponent, knocking him out. Chloe had kissed him triumphantly as he had held his new belt over his head.

  One fight later, Rico stormed to the octagon, his fingers gently wrapped around Avery’s. Pressing a kiss to his lips for luck, she followed Max to their places. After the announcer had rambled off the long-winded introduction, the fight started.

  Avery watched the men stalk each other around the mat, attacking with jabs, crosses, and a couple of near lethal uppercuts. Rico’s opponent had left a small gash over his eyebrow with a weak head kick. The round had ended before Rico crumbled.

  Not long into round two, the battle went to the mat. Avery caught the wicked glimmer in Rico’s eyes. This was where his strength lied. The fight hadn’t lasted much longer. Before the bell ended round two, Rico locked his opponent in a triangle, causing the man to tap. Avery leapt to her feet and rushed to the cage door. She was in Rico’s arms before the belt was in his hand.

  They returned home to finish their wedding planning. Shortly after they arrived, they found out the venue that they chose was double booked. Avery had been crushed, wondering if that was a sign.

  Dan was the one to come to the rescue. He told them of this resort north of the Twin Cities that he used to go to with his family when he was a child. On a cool, spring day, she and Rico made the drive to take a look. They had fallen in love with it instantly. The gazebo at the lodge was the perfect place for the ceremony. The lake reminded them of their own spot near the college.

  There was going to be a fantastic fireworks display the night of the Fourth of July. And the fact that they could rent a beautiful cabin for a honeymoon getaway less than a mile from the location of their wedding had sealed it. They had booked it immediately then raced home to make the changes. Several wedding showers and a joint bachelor and bachelorette party had led them to the present. Now, here they were, ready to start their forever together.


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