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Sudden Flames (Sweet Promise #2)

Page 10

by Shanora Williams

  “We are only human, Griff. I don’t expect you to always be right or to always make the right decisions. I just know that… I don’t want to be like her. I understand you. I respect you. I will never fail you again, and that is my promise. We are going to make this right.”

  “Right,” I breathe, planting a kiss on her cheek.

  She pulls away, smiling up at me before walking out of the office.

  “Text me when you make it there. Oh and let me know what you think about Riot,” I call.

  “You want my honest opinion?” She turns around and walks backwards. “Take them. I’ve tried one of their drinks before.” She shrugs with a press of her lips. “Pretty good, not gonna lie. I can see it outselling the Beastly drinks one day with the right people on their ship.”

  “Really?” I raise a brow.

  “Yep. But that’s just my two cents.”

  I smile. “And that’s exactly why I want you on board with me. Your two cents helps.”

  Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she tries to fight a smile, heels clicking along the marble floor. “Later, Boyd.”

  “Later, Miss Clark.”

  * * *

  Colette is in her study when I arrive home.

  I expected that. She’s been spending a lot of time in there lately. Some days I think I should check in, make sure she isn’t drawing pictures of dead babies or animals.

  I knock on the half open door. I don’t usually knock, but since I come bearing a serious favor, I have to make sure I get on her good side tonight… well, her human side.

  She hears me and looks up, looking me over briefly before dropping her gaze and continuing her brushstrokes. “What?” she mutters.

  “You busy?”

  She presses her lips, giving me a sarcastic shift of her brows. “No. Just wasting my precious time.” She glances up. “What do you want?”

  “What makes you think I want something?”

  “Seriously?” She smirks. “Since when do you knock?”

  I guess she has a point. I sigh, dropping my arms and stepping forward. “Look, Colette, I need a favor from you.”

  “A favor? From me? Well,” she laughs, “that’s new too. First you lie to Gabriel about how I’m stuck to you like glue and now this? Griffin Boyd has never needed anyone to do him a favor.”

  “Colette.” My tone is serious, my face no longer soft.

  “What the hell do you want, Griffin?” Her tone is just as sharp.

  “You won’t like what it is, but if you don’t do this it will hurt us both in the end.”

  “Oh, God,” she groans, rolling her eyes. “What have you done now?”

  “Well, you know how I’ve been working with Angelina?”

  Her mouth twitches. From her icy glare alone I can tell she hates that I have even put her name in the air. “Yeah. So,” she shrugs.

  “Thing is, she needed me to sign this contract for her for a future deal with her father’s company, only I didn’t fully agree with it so I took it to Gabriel. Gabriel looked some things over, rearranged it, but the contract holds a lot of bullshit that could put my business in jeopardy.”

  Her brows dip, back straightening. “How?”

  “I didn’t realize she was asking to become partner and share the business later on. Gabriel caught that, and I’m glad he did before all that shit went down with… us. Your father can’t know about that contract. He’ll think I’m up to something, and if that happens we know what he’ll try to do.” I exhale. “Now that shit is the way it is—with Gabriel and me—I can’t go to him. If I lay eyes on him I’ll fucking rip him apart.”

  She gets amusement out of that, and I knew she would. She loves seeing me clamor over her—seeing me jealous of the smallest things.

  I know what I’m doing. I have to butter her up, make her think I’m still that jealous, overprotective guy she first met in New York.

  She laughs. “I bet you would, huh?” I don’t respond, and she continues. “Griffin, I really don’t feel like seeing him right now.”

  “You don’t even have to be around him long. All you have to do is get the papers—the old contract Angelina created and the new one Gabriel put together. They should be together or in near proximity. It’s bad he has his hands on this considering he knows our situation and how fucked up this marriage really is. If he goes to your father with those contracts, tries to pull some bullshit, we might as well kiss everything we have goodbye.”

  Her teeth grit together. “But he’s still a lawyer, mine technically, even though you don’t want him as yours. He can’t tell a soul about it. Confidentiality law.” She lowers her brush, looking at me with wide green eyes.

  “Colette. Please. It’s not that simple anymore. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t need it done.”

  “How would I even know where it is?” she asks, tossing her hands up with exasperation.

  “It should be easy to find now. All of his shit that was in his office should be at home with him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He got fired from the firm.”

  She frowns. “What? How?”

  “Because I got him fired.”

  She looks at me over her canvas. “Why in the hell would you do something like that?”

  “Because he slept with my fucking wife.”

  She shakes her head, a smile snaking across her lips again. “Hmm… so maybe I shouldn’t get that contract back. Then she will be fired too, right? Out of a job or something? It won’t just be us that goes down.”

  “That’s true,” I shrug. “But I know you. You aren’t going down and losing everything, especially for Gabriel.”

  Her eyes hold mine and I fold my arms, stepping back. “Get the contract, Colette. Please.”

  “Fine.” She sighs. “Whatever.” She places her paintbrush down, dusting off her hands. “But I can’t promise something won’t happen between us while I’m there.”

  My face shifts into a grimace. “That’s fucking sick.”

  “What is?”

  “You’re trying to have my baby and you say some shit like that—wait.” I shake my head. “Hold on.” Releasing a dry laugh, I hold my hand up to take a slight pause on the situation. “You know what? Whatever. Just go and get the contract. I’m not about to worry about it. I know you haven’t contacted him lately for a reason.” I laugh before turning around and walking out of the room. “You can’t fool me, Colette. Did you forget that I am the only man that can see right through you? Read you like a book? You aren’t going to let Gabriel fuck our lives up over a meaningless affair. You don’t care enough about him to sacrifice everything, including me.”

  “You don’t know that!” she retorts, pushing off of her stool and shouting after me. “You don’t know shit about me anymore!”

  I glance back as I reach the bedroom door. She’s flustered, her face pulled into a tight frown. By this look alone, I know I’m right. She just hates knowing that I am.

  “Oh, trust me, wife. I know.”

  I toss her a wink and then walk in, heading right for the closet to undress.

  Just as I step out of my slacks, Colette comes around the corner. “You’re hardly around to know how I really am. You think you see me, but you don’t.”

  “Whatever you say, Colette,” I sigh, taking off my shirt after it’s unbuttoned and tossing it aside. I pick up one of the black T-shirts off the rack, tug it on, and then grab a pair of jogging pants.

  Picking up my Nikes, I slide my feet into them and then walk out of the closet. “I’m going to the gym room.”

  “And I’ll be at Gabriel’s.”

  My jaw flexes, teething gritting together. I try keeping my cool, realizing by that smug look on her lips, she’s only trying to get under my skin.

  I could be petty, tell her I’m going to Angelina’s hotel after my workout even though I’m not, but I won’t do that.

  I’m not her. I don’t even want to be like her.

  Spiteful.r />


  A straight bitch.

  She wasn’t like this before.

  Yes, she’s always had that bitchy, bossy, Cinderella attitude about her, but it wasn’t like it is now. It was hushed and dim and only showed up when we argued.

  But now she wears it all day, everyday.

  “How long will you keep up this charade?” I ask.

  “What charade?”

  “Pretending you don’t care about things when deep down we both know you still do.”

  “Griffin,” she laughs hoarsely, flipping a hand. “Are you kidding? I don’t care about you anymore. Don’t you get that? Don’t you understand that the only reason we are even standing in the same room together is because we have to? Because of that fucking contract that you foolishly signed years ago, we are still in here together. If it weren’t for that I would have been left.”

  “Hmm.” I grunt, dropping my gaze and studying the tips of my tennis shoes. “So what you’re saying is if I stopped showing up here, you wouldn’t care?”

  I look back up as she shrugs. “Not one bit.”

  I nod. “All right then.” I stare her right in the eyes, noticing the small hint of regret swirling deep in her irises. I’d take it as a sign of weakness, but her carelessness shows more. Her carelessness is potent and it runs deep in her veins.

  “I’ll have some of my stuff moved out by the end of the week. I’ll get a condo or a nice apartment on the shore. I’ll come here to keep up appearances, and to prepare for the banquet, planning, all that. But other than work stuff—other than coming to pick up something I may have forgotten—well, as of now, Colette, you are dead to me. You want to treat me like I’m non-existent? Hell, I can do the same damn thing, probably even better than you can.”

  Her face doesn’t change, but I know she wants to react. I know she wants to say something, but saying anything at all will make her appear pathetic and that’s the last thing she’ll show me.



  “Have fun with Gabriel, huh?”

  I pull my eyes from hers, not daring to look back. Even if I wanted to look back, I wouldn’t. She has pulled my final straw.

  I have tried over and over again.

  I’ve fucked up. I’ve admitted my faults and sought therapy for them, but I have taken enough of her bullshit.

  Colette? She isn’t my wife. She is just a woman that I am tied to because of shit that I can’t control.

  With the banquet, I will need her by my side because I can’t afford the questions or rumors, and she’ll play along because she can’t afford them either. She’s no fool.

  But after that’s over we will no longer stand.

  Starting now, Colette means nothing to me. A marriage only works if both people try. I know she’ll never try. And I know, with her, I will never truly win.

  So… I’m done.

  Yeah, I have rung the bell and I’ve tapped myself the fuck out.

  After ten years, I’m finally giving up on her.

  And shit, giving up has never felt so goddamn liberating.

  Chapter Twelve


  After chatting with Beth in the deck, I’m knocking on a wide oak door, a wave of nausea hitting me.

  I am not in the mood for this.

  I have better things to do.

  Footsteps sound behind the door and a dreadful feeling eats me alive. He’s going to beg me for answers—to stay. I can already feel it, which is why I’ve tried keeping my distance.

  I guess Griffin was right about telling him those things about me. I didn’t really care, and I was only doing it for the hell of it, not because I actually thought Gabriel and I would go anywhere in life.

  It just happened… but now it’s over… only he doesn’t exactly know it yet. I still have him on a bit of a leash.

  There is a bigger picture in the works and that is the only reason I am here. I will not let a weak, vulnerable guy like Gabriel fuck this up for me.

  He opens the door immediately. He most likely peered out of the peephole, saw it was me, and got way too excited. I’ll just get those papers and I am out of here.

  “Colette,” Gabriel breathes, holding the door open wide.


  He looks terrible. His eyes are tired, dark circles surrounding them as if he hasn’t slept in days. He’s wearing a pair of sweatpants and a dingy white T-shirt as if he hasn’t bathed either.

  I try hard not to frown at him, putting on a look of sincerity instead.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” I say, stepping forward. “Why the hell am I here?”

  He looks me over with fused brows, mouth twitching, the light-brown skin on his forehead crinkling. “Why are you here?” he asks.

  “Griffin went into depth about what he said to you… and did to you. I’m just here to see if you are okay.”

  He ponders on that, allowing my words to sink in. “So you do still care?” he asks.

  “What?” I breathe, stepping forward to grab his hand. “Are you kidding? Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I care?”

  “Why did you tell Griffin about us then?”

  “I… felt guilty. He asked me and I felt horrible. I couldn’t keep lying to him anymore.”

  “I thought you didn’t care if he found out. That’s what you always told me anyway.”

  “I thought I wouldn’t… but things change. I’m trying to be a better person, Gabriel. I feel I owe you a few explanations and apologies so… can I come in?” I ask with false hope.

  His lips press, but he sighs after several seconds, stepping aside and allowing me in. I try and force a genuine smile up at him as I walk by. He falls for it, giving me a half-smile in return.

  As I walk in, I take note of how messy his home is. Papers are all over the place. Boxes piled with books and even more papers. Some of his clothes are on the sofa; his coffee table and the shoes are sprawled all over the floor.

  This doesn’t even look like the condo I visited so many times before.

  How in the hell am I supposed to find those damn contracts? This place is a pigsty.

  “Sorry about the mess,” he says, walking around me to get to the kitchen. He pulls the fridge open and takes out a bottle of water. “Want anything to drink? I have water and Gatorade.”

  “No. I’m okay.” I turn to face him as he twists the cap. “So… how are you feeling?”

  “Like shit,” he mutters after taking a swig.

  “Have you tried applying for another firm?”

  “I’ve applied to two others in Miami so far, but I don’t think anyone is going to hire me. Griffin really fucked me up, Colette. You know how bad it is hear a lawyer wasn’t confidential with their client? That the client felt they couldn’t trust me so they reported it? It’s on my record now. It’s going to be hard to come back from that shit.” He drops his head. “I won’t be making big bucks anymore—probably won’t even be able to afford this damn condo after a while. All of my clients received emails about me and none of them are willing to work with me anymore. My life has to be a fucking joke right now.”

  I step back, glancing towards the table where his laptop is. “Yeah, I can see why you feel that way.”

  “Now I see what you mean when you constantly call him an asshole.” He releases a dry laugh, rounding the counter and meeting in front of me. He scans my body with his eyes, a splash of uncertainty in his eyes. “Tell me you aren’t trying again,” he begs. “Tell me he was just saying that shit to get inside my head.”

  “Gabriel,” I say, holding his face. “You know how jealous Griffin can get. He has a bad temper sometimes. He didn’t mean it. I’m not trying again. I can’t even think about trying again.”

  He nods, dropping his gaze. “Yeah. That’s true. I just can’t bear the thought, you know? He doesn’t fucking deserve you. And I bet he isn’t done with the other girl. He probably still has her around.”

press my lips, shifting on my feet. “I don’t think so. We’ve talked it out. We are trying to make things work but I honestly don’t think they ever will.” I say this to give him hope, but it’s a far stretch from the truth.

  Gabriel looks me in the eyes, his wide and appalled. “So… is that why you’re here? To call it off with me officially so you can try again with him?”

  “Of course not! I told you I’m here to check up on you.”

  “Does he know you’re here?”

  “No. He’s working late. He told me to stay away, but I refused. I needed to see you.”

  “Hmm.” He grunts, eyes flickering away for a second. I think he doesn’t believe me at first, but then his shoulders drop, his entire body visibly relaxing… well, somewhat. “Shit, I’m just a little paranoid, baby. I’m sorry.” He swipes his face, releasing me and stepping away. “Let me go clean myself up a bit. I bet you think I’m fucking disgusting right now.” He forces a laugh.

  “Yeah. You do that. I’ll wait for you, maybe tidy up a bit to help.” I smile.

  “Sounds good.” He places a kiss on my cheek and then walks away, reaching the hallway and disappearing out of sight.

  I hear the shower start up several seconds later, and I release a breath, turning around and walking towards the table. Time to get this shit over with.

  His laptop is unlocked, the screen on. I press my finger on the mouse pad, searching through the files.

  Griffin sent me a text right after I left saying there is most likely a file stored on his laptop, a printed copy, and the first version written up by the skank.

  To my surprise there is a folder on the main screen titled Griffin Boyd. I click it, searching through it for the most recent files. And there it is.

  The contract Gabriel wrote up again for Griffin. I delete it without hesitation, checking the folder for anything more that may damage us.

  There is the contract Dad had Griffin sign, full of notes and what if’s by Gabriel. What if’s as in finding a way to get me out of the marriage so he can have me for himself.

  I delete that too. He no longer needs it.

  I go to the trash to make sure everything is deleted permanently. After that one simple click, it’s all clear.


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