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Texas-Sized Temptation

Page 12

by Sara Orwig

  “Of course, they won’t to you. A bet—I’ll think about that one.”

  They were soon airborne again on his private jet and just as he’d said, it was early evening when they arrived in New Orleans.

  As they stepped out of the limo in the warm air of the French Quarter, the low wail of a trumpet by a street player assailed her, the sounds of people laughing and talking while four sailors passed them, turning to look briefly at her, then at Jake and away.

  Jake whisked her inside a restaurant in a building that she was certain was well over one hundred years old. A maître d’ greeted Jake and led them through a busy, darkened restaurant with soft lighting, blues being played. They passed a small dance floor with the band playing blues. The music became muted slightly as they followed the maître d’. They emerged onto an empty patio with one table set with white linen, a candle in a hurricane class encircled by a doughnut-shaped crystal vase holding gardenia blooms. Banks of pink oleanders, ferns, tall trees with hanging wisps of Spanish moss formed a border to the patio, enclosing it, giving them privacy while flickering torches furnished the lighting.

  “Jake, this is beautiful,” she said. “No one else is seated out here,” she said when she was alone with him at their table

  “I’ve reserved the patio for us tonight. We’ll be undisturbed.”

  “This is all ours,” she said, looking around again. “It’s gorgeous out here.”

  “I agree about gorgeous,” he said, gazing intently at her and her attention returned to him.

  “You look ravishing tonight, Caitlin,” he said in a deeper voice.

  “Thank you,” she answered, her pulse racing as it had since he had come to her door. “Do you have a condo here? Is this another night you’ll want me to stay over until tomorrow?”

  “I don’t have a condo here. I rent a hotel suite. As far as staying over—that, Caitlin, is up to you.”

  Another tingle taunted her while his blue eyes held unmistakable desire. “Want a glass of wine?”

  “Yes,” she said, looking at the wine menu and trying to focus on words in front of her, anything to tear her gaze from his. He saw too much. He knew the effect he had on her. She was flying back to Houston tonight. That was a promise to herself, but even as she made it, she hoped she had the willpower to live by it.

  After they had ordered lobster dinners, he stood to take her hand. “Let’s dance,” he said, walking inside with her to the dance floor. The restaurant was warmer, the band belting out another blues number. She stepped into Jake’s embrace to dance with him, more conscious than ever of the scent of him, the masculine aftershave, the faint, clean soapy smell. His strong neck was warm beneath her fingers, his short hair brushing her hand lightly.

  She cared more for Jake than any other man she had ever known. Did she really want to part with him without intimacy? If she did, would she regret it forever? The question continued to disturb her. She had always feared an unplanned pregnancy, a repeat of what had happened to her mother, something she wanted to avoid at all costs. Make love to Jake? Was that so impossible? So fraught with hazard? Birth control was readily available. People made love now with no reason except lust. One night. She wouldn’t lose her heart forever over one night with him. A memory to keep—making love with a man she might already be in love with.

  The questions badgered her. She desired him, constantly, day and night. His kisses set her ablaze and right now, she wanted to kiss him and be kissed. One night with memories to hold forever.

  As if he discerned her thoughts, he tilted up her chin to look into her eyes. “We could go to the hotel suite I’ve reserved—and eat in private.”

  “Jake, we have lobster dinners ordered,” she whispered, tempted to yield, to take the risk for what she wanted.

  “We can get lobster dinners there. Let’s eat at the hotel, Caitlin.”

  Her mouth was dry and she couldn’t answer. She merely nodded, her heart pounding. She held his wrist. “Jake, I’m not making a commitment to stay the night.”

  “I didn’t ask you to,” he whispered. “Let’s go. I’ll tell the maître d’, pay the bill and he can surprise another couple with free lobsters.”

  Soon enough, they were back in the limo. As soon as the limo was moving through the quarter, slowly because of the crowd, Jake closed the partition and turned to take her into his arms.

  She went swiftly, holding him tightly as she let go all the pent-up desire and poured herself into her kisses. Passion made her hot and eager. She ran her fingers through his hair, combing it back.

  Pulling her onto his lap, he cradled her against his shoulder while he kissed her and tangled his hand in her hair to send pins flying. He was aroused, hard against her and his kisses swept her away until his hands were at the neck of her dress, starting to pull her zipper.

  While she gripped his wrists, she sat up. “Jake, we’ve got to walk into the hotel. I won’t look presentable.”

  “You look breathtaking. Every man tonight has turned to look at you. It would be impossible for you to look unpresentable,” he whispered, leaning toward her, but she stopped him again.

  “How far away is this hotel?”

  “Not far. We’ll wait to make you happy, but it is definitely difficult. Even more so than when we arrived in the Quarter. You look ready for love, darlin’,” he drawled softly, his words pouring over her like warm, sweet honey.

  She scooted off his lap, moving away from him slightly while he watched her with a smoldering look that kept her heartbeat racing. She took the rest of the pins from her hair and shook her head, letting the thick auburn locks tumble down on her shoulders.

  Finally the limo slowed and stopped. They stepped out beneath a canopied awning in glittering lights to enter a lobby with crystal chandeliers, tall fountains with sparkling water splashing, and an atrium that swept up more than twenty stories. She went with Jake to the desk where they welcomed him.

  He had the suite waiting so this was what he had expected to have happen. She was tempted to stop now, but she thought of her earlier arguments with herself.

  This night, she would take Jake as a lover, the first man in her life and becoming more important to her each day.


  As Jake held her arm, they took an elevator reserved for the penthouse suite. His pulse pounded. He had the suite reserved for tonight, but he had intended to ask her to go there late tonight after dinner and dancing.

  He hadn’t planned on how much he wanted her. She had flirted with him, set him on fire with her kisses, given him looks that kept him stirred and hot. When he had suggested leaving for the hotel, he half expected her to flatly refuse for the night.

  Instead, he had been surprised, pleased even more by her response and willingness. Seduction tonight became a possibility. The prospect alone aroused him, kept him on edge. In minutes, he would have Caitlin all to himself.

  They emerged from the elevator and he ushered her into the penthouse suite and switched on lights. “I’ll get champagne to celebrate.”

  “Celebrate what?” she asked with a slight sharpness in her tone.

  “Our friendship,” he answered easily, seeing her visibly relax. He shed his coat and tie and crossed the room while she prowled like a cat.

  “Jake, this is beautiful and there’s already champagne, wine and a huge platter of tempting-looking hors d’oeuvres.”

  “Help yourself. They spoil me when I stay here.”

  “You must be a valued customer,” she said with a hint of question.

  He smiled. “I haven’t brought a woman here before.”

  “Why not?”

  He laughed at her question. “This is a private place where I can get away and people don’t look here for me.”

  Caitlin canted a hip to one side and cocked her head to study him. “So why did you bring me, then?”

  “Because this is a special night and I wanted to take you to one of my favorite places.”

  That earned a smile.
br />   “I’ll be forever glad you came to my ranch, Caitlin.” She was so beautiful she took his breath away. Her hair was silky, thick and soft. As she moved, the slit in her dress revealed her long, shapely legs.

  With an effort he walked away to switch on music that he turned low, blues by local artists. He went to the bar to pour two glasses of champagne and picked up the flutes that held the pale bubbly liquid. When he turned, Caitlin was nowhere in sight. Then he saw the door open on the darkened balcony and he walked outside where the night air was still warm.

  “Jake, it’s beautiful out here,” she said. “The view is amazing with the river below us with all the varied boats. I can see the Quarter, even the music carries slightly. What a great place.”

  “I like it. It relaxes me to be here.”

  “There, that’s how I feel about the house I grew up in. Even more so. I love that place beyond measure. You think of that when you make your decision. Jake, what you intend will involve more than business results. It’s people and love and history and roots for me. You’ll break my heart if you don’t sell to me,” she said bluntly.

  He lifted his champagne flute. “Caitlin, here’s to mending fences between a Santerre and a Benton. You and I can bury that past.”

  She gazed at him intently without raising her glass. “We can if you cooperate. Otherwise, it may grow worse. But for now,” she said solemnly, raising her glass in a toast, “here’s to mending fences.” And she touched her glass to his with a faint clink.

  They both sipped, watching each other. He could see desire plainly in her eyes. She had to see the same in his.

  He took her glass and set it on a table beside his and drew her into his arms to dance.

  “This is a dream night, Caitlin. I’ve been thinking about this all week, eager to get home to be with you.”

  Her perfume was exotic, another temptation. He didn’t want to rush her. He wanted to take time, to weave a web of seduction so Caitlin would have the same desires that he did. From her signals, she already did.

  His heartbeat raced and he was hot in spite of the pleasant evening temperature. He danced her inside and switched off lights, moving slowly with her, aware of her softness and her sweet smell, her silky hair against his cheek.

  The song ended and another began. They continued dancing straight through the momentary silence, into the next song. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and dancing slowly with her.

  Her soft curves were driving him over an edge. Monday was eons away. He had put it out of mind when he left to pick her up and it crossed his mind only dimly once in the evening. That was tomorrow’s worry. Tonight he was with an intoxicating woman. He wanted to hold her, make love with her. He desired her with an intensity that shocked him. He turned to look at her and she gazed up at him, her green eyes sending a lightning bolt of electricity in him. “I want you, Caitlin. I want you to be mine,” he whispered.

  Jake’s words set Caitlin’s heart pounding. She was aware of their bodies pressed together, her thighs brushing his as they danced, of her being held close against his muscular chest, his strong arms around her. Seduction was in his every look and move.

  For once in her life she was actually contemplating tossing aside her rules and promises and fears. A tremble shook her. Lamplights from the balcony shed a faint glow. She could see lights from boats on the dark, shimmering river, the myriad lights of the Quarter, but she barely noticed any of it as she turned to look at Jake when he drew her closer to kiss her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. They stopped dancing and stood in the semidarkness, kissing while her heart raced. His kiss was deep, possessive, seductive.

  His tongue stroked hers, slowly, driving her wild. Lights exploded behind her closed eyelids. His kiss closed out the world. She wanted Jake with a need that consumed her. Never had a kiss stirred the hunger that Jake’s kisses did.

  While kissing him she clung to him tightly, thrusting her hips against him. How could he do this to her so easily? The question came and then was gone. Her thoughts were on his strong, muscled body, his fiery kisses, and his words, which were tearing away the last barriers around her heart.

  In return, she intended to reach his own guarded heart. She hoped to melt him into mush the way he did her.

  Jake’s fingers were warm at her nape. Continuing to kiss her, he slowly tugged down the zipper to her dress. Cool air washed over her back and shoulders, then lower. Her hands went to the buttons of his shirt to twist them free.

  She wanted the obstacles of clothing away, desired him with a need that amazed her. Unfastening his belt, she couldn’t control a tremble in her fingers as she hurried. She let her hand drift down over his trousers, feeling his hard shaft. This moment was the last that she could turn back. She gave it a fleeting consideration. It was still possible to stop, to end this and be safe.

  He groaned and kissed her, pushing her dress off her shoulders, sliding it over her hips to let it fall around her ankles. Holding his shoulders, she stepped out of the dress and kicked off her shoes.

  Jake’s hands went to her hips to hold her away and his gaze drifted slowly, taking a thorough perusal that might as well have been his hands on her.

  Aching to be back in his embrace, she wanted to kiss him. “Jake,” she whispered.

  “Shh, Caitlin,” he said softly. “Let me look at you. You’re gorgeous and I can never get enough.” He unfastened her wispy bra and dropped it. His hands drifted down to her lace panties, which he peeled off. His chest expanded as he inhaled.

  With deft touches, he peeled down her thigh-high stockings, first one and then the other, his hands caressing her as he removed them.

  “Jake,” she gasped, each light caress an exquisite torment, fanning fires.

  She unzipped his slacks and let them fall, pushing away his low-cut briefs to free him completely. “Jake,” she whispered, caressing his thick rod.

  He groaned again, pulling her to him and kissing her hard, his warm naked body pressed against hers.

  Need was building fiercely as she trailed kisses across his chest and then down his flat belly.

  With a gasp he swept her up into his arms. He kissed her as he carried her to a bedroom, placed her on the bed and stretched out beside her. He pulled her into his arms, against his heated body.

  “I want you and I want to love you all night long. I want to kiss you from head to toe,” he whispered.

  Breathless from his words, she kissed him, silencing him, just wanting to love him.

  As they kissed, his free hand roamed lightly down her back. When his hand slipped between her upper thighs, she spread her legs slightly to give him access to her.

  Tumbling down in an ocean of sensation, she desired him more with each caress. There was no turning back now. She had made her commitment, focusing on loving him, turning loose all caution and restraint.

  He shifted to cup her breast with one hand, scooting so he could take the taut bud in his mouth, his tongue circling the tip slowly, driving her wild with need. All Caitlin knew was Jake’s hands and mouth and how badly she wanted to make love with him.

  His fingers stroked between her thighs, while her hips thrust. She clung to him, suddenly shifting, pushing him down and straddling him to take his thick rod in her hand. She kissed him, her tongue driving him to groan with pleasure, until he pushed her down and pleasured her once again.

  He opened her legs, letting his fingers tease and drive her wild and then his tongue followed until she was thrashing beneath his touch, the pressure building. “Jake, love me,” she cried, drawing him closer.

  Her eyes flew open. “Jake, I’m not protected,” she whispered.

  He moved off the bed and she watched, drinking in the sight of his bare body, his arousal that declared his desire. He returned to open a packet and put on a condom and then his hands caressed her until he lowered himself and eased into her.


  She heard the shock in h
is voice as he withdrew. She locked her legs around him and held him. “Love me, Jake. I want you now,” she cried. “I know what I want.”

  “You’re a virgin,” he said, frowning.

  She raised up partially to run her tongue over his chest while her hand played between his thighs and her other hand stroked his rod lightly.

  As she fell back on the bed, pulling him with her, she met his gaze.

  “Love me, Jake, now,” she whispered.

  He eased into her again, bending his head to kiss her, going slowly. Pain tore at her, bringing a moment of clarity, but it was gone swiftly. Desire had built beyond control or pain. Drawing him closer, she held him as he filled her. He eased carefully, until pain diminished, transforming to pleasure as she moved with him. With slow, deliberate strokes he made love until his control shattered.

  Kissing her hard, he held her and pumped faster. She thrashed with him, ecstasy suddenly filling her while she climaxed with a white-hot burst of pleasure.

  She cried out his name, unaware of what she had done. Her cries muffled his words as he said her name and endearments until he shuddered, reaching his climax.

  She had no idea how long they loved, knowing only that she wanted him more than she had ever dreamed possible. To her surprise, she experienced satisfaction that went beyond any expectations she had.

  As they slowed and their breathing gradually became normal she held him tightly. For a moment she hoped she had bound Jake to her in a manner he would never forget her, but then she realized that was an absurd hope. This idyll was a magic spell that held her. She didn’t want it to end. Not yet. She held Jake’s long, hard body close against her and stroked the back of his head.

  Soon he rolled over and took her with him, holding her close with their legs entwined. He gazed at her with worry clouding his blue eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t see why it matters.”

  “It matters, Caitlin. First of all, I never wanted to hurt you.”

  She was silent a moment, wondering if he would say the same thing when he told her he was not going to sell her home back to her.


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