The King's War
Page 31
1942 surrender at Bataan, 144; Operation Torch, 154–5
1943 Casablanca Conference, 197; offensive in Tunisia, 165–8; bombing of Hamburg, 194; invasion of Sicily, 180; Quebec Conference, 197; fighting at Italian Gustav Line, 181; Eisenhower appointed SCAEF, 197
1944 Battle of Anzio, 184, 186, 188, 189–91; capture of Rome, 191–2; St Paul’s School meeting, 197–8; D-Day, 200–204
1945 Yalta Conference, 227; death of Roosevelt, 227; German surrender, 221; VE Day, 222; Potsdam Conference, 227, 232, 233; Truman visits UK, 227–8; atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 228, 232; Japanese surrender, 232
University of Western Ontario, 267
Unwin, Gareth, ix
Usedom, Germany, 209
V-1 bombs, 205–7
V-2 bombs, 209–10
Valletta, Malta, 170
Vanguard, HMS, 215
VE Day (1945), 220–26
Vereker, John, 6th Viscount Gort, 43, 57, 58, 83, 84
Vergeltungswaffe, 205
Vichy France (1940–44), 154–5
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 211
Victoria, Princess of the United Kingdom, 46
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, 181
Victoria Cross, 115, 118
Victoria Station, London, 121, 135, 223
Victoria Tower, Windsor Castle, 89
Villa Emma, Naples, 211
Viscount Kemsley, see Berry, James Gomer
Volga river, 155
Waite, Arthur, 137
Wales, 66, 141, 208, 238
Wanstead, London, 156
Wantage, Oxfordshire, 239
Ward, Philip Joseph, 140
Warner, Phyllis, 25
Wassenaar, Netherlands, 209
Waterloo, London, 195
Watford, Hertfordshire, 129
Wedderburn, D. S., 188
Weeks, Frank, 13
Wellbeloved, William, 121
Welles, Sumner, 61
Wells Park, London, 121
West Ham, London, 105
West, Mae, 81, 240
Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, 177
Westminster Abbey, London, xi, 2, 84, 136, 243
Westminster Palace, London, 2, 68, 124, 136, 226
Whitechapel, London, 105
Whitehall, London, 3
Whitehead, Don, 185
Whitrow, Ralph, 205
Who’s Who, 205
Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, 74–5, 78, 84, 88
Wilson, Christopher, 240–41
Wilson, Henry, 1st Baron Wilson, 169
Wimbledon, London, 35, 126, 156, 177
Wimbusch, J.C., 259
Wimsett, Ben, ix
Windsor Castle, Berkshire, x
1939 outbreak of war, 40
1940 princesses move in, 89; firing range laid down, 91; Blitz, 108, 109, 114; George Cross speech, 115–18; Christmas, 125–8
1942 funeral of Duke of Kent, 149
1943 Christmas, 181–2
1944 D-Day speech, 196, 200–201, 202–3; disbanding of Home Guard speech, 215
1945 VE Day, 221, 222, 227
1952 funeral of George VI, 7
1969 construction of George VI Memorial Chapel, 48
Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, 57, 89
Windsor, Duke of, see Edward VIII
Winter Line, 181, 184
Winter War (1939–40), 61–2
Women’s Voluntary Service, 37, 248
Wood, Edward, 1st Earl of Halifax, 61, 71, 72, 73, 85
Wood, Robert, 15, 21, 45, 47, 77, 89, 116, 125–8, 158, 201, 224
Woolton, Lord, see Marquis, Frederick
Woolworths, New Cross, 209–10
Wootton, William Hedley, 240–41, 242
Worcester, Worcestershire, 207
World War I (1914–18), 10, 24, 26–7, 38, 39, 43, 127, 197
1914 First Battle of Ypres, 240
1915 launch of Gallipoli Campaign, 185; sinking of Lusitania, 31; German Zeppelin raids on UK, 24
1916 Battle of Jutland, 39
1918 Compiègne Armistice, 93
World War II (1939–45)
1939 German invasion of Poland, 14–15, 17, 29; UK declares war or Germany, 14–17, 34, 36; George VI’s speech, xi, 8, 19–22, 30; Germany torpedoes Athenia, 31–2 Canada declares war on Germany 31; French invasion of Saar, 33; Duke of York posted to France, 66–7; Soviet invasion of Poland, 61; German attack at Scapa Flow, 38; Pillbox Affair begins, 57; Sovie invasion of Finland, 61–2; George VI inspects BEF in France, 43, 161 Battle of the River Plate; sinking o Admiral Graf Spee, 44, 54
1940 Altmark Incident, 54–5; Finnis victory over Soviet 44th division, 62; Moscow Peace Treaty, 62; German invasion of Denmark and Norway, 69, 71, 88, 94, 101; German invasion of Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France 70–71, 74–5; Battle of Dunkirk, 82–7, 92; German offensive on Somme, 92; Italy declares war on UK and France, 92, 98, 145; Germany captures Paris, 92; Compiègne Armistice, 92–3; UK institutes Defence Regulation 18B, 94; creation of Home Guard in UK 94; Australian troops dispatched to UK, 96; Battle of Britain begins 101; Germany prepares Operation Sealion, 101; Germany launches Operation Willi, 100; Germany launches Operation Eagle Attack, 102; German bombing of British cities, 104–29, 130–31
1941 German bombing of Malta, 140; German bombing of British cities, 131–2; US institutes Lend-Lease policy, 130; German bombing of London, 131–2, 135–6; Italy defeated in Ethiopia, 140; German invasion of Soviet Union, 137–9; Japan launches offensive, 141, 143; Germany declares war on US, 141; Churchill visits US, 143
1942 Japan captures Singapore, 143–4; German Baedeker Raids in England, 144–5; Japan captures Bataan and Dutch East Indies, 144; Japanese invasion of Burma, 144; Battle of Bir Hachim, 145; Japanese advance stalls, 152; siege of Tobruk, 145; First Battle of El Alamein, 152, 153; German offensive in Caucasus, 144; Soviet summer offensive, 152; German attack on Stalingrad, 155; Germany tests V-2 rocket, 209; Second Battle of El Alamein, 153–4; Allies launch Operation Torch, 154–5
1943 Casablanca Conference, 197; UK bombing of Berlin, 163, 164; German terror raids on Britain, 162–4; German surrender at Stalingrad, 155; Allied offensive in Tunisia, 165–8; Italy surrenders Pantellaria, 168–9; George VI visits troops in North Africa, 168–70; Allied bombing of Hamburg, 194; Allied invasion of Sicily, 180; Allied bombing of Peenemünde, 209; Quebec Conference, 197; surrender of Italy, 180; UK attack on Tirpitz, 180; sinking of Scharnhorst, 180; fighting at Italian Gustav Line, 181; Eisenhower appointed SCAEF, 197
1944 Germany launches Operation Steinbock, 194–5; Battle of Anzio, 184–91; Allied capture of Rome, 191–3; St Paul’s School meeting, 197–8; D-Day, 200–204; German V-1 attacks on England, 205–7; Allied liberation of France, 208; Allied invasion of Netherlands, 208; Allied advance in northern Italy, 208; German V-2 attacks on England, 209–10; George VI visits troops in Italy, 210–11; Allied advance in northern Italy, 211–13; George VI visits Netherlands and Belgium, 213; UK disbands Home Guard, 214–15
1945 Yalta Conference, 227; liberation of Belsen, 24; Hitler’s suicide, 221; Soviet capture of Berlin, 222; German surrender in Netherlands and Denmark, 222; German unconditional surrender, 221; VE Day, 220–26; Potsdam Conference, 227, 232, 233; atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 228, 232; Japanese surrender, 232
Wren, Christopher, 131
Wyllie, George, 115
X-Craft midget submarines, 180
Yalta Conference (1945), 227
Yeomen of the Guard, 2
York, North Yorkshire, 144
York transport aircraft, 169
Zeppelins, 23
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Copyright© 2019 by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi
First Pegasus Books hardcover edition September 2019
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