Book Read Free

A Winter's Date

Page 15

by Sasha Brümmer

  “See ya.” I end the call as I reach the top of the stairs and unbutton my jeans. I get them off before I walk into the bedroom where my ballerina is holding the covers up to her neck. “Are you cold?” I ask teasingly. She nods as I shut the door and walk toward the bed.

  “You know that answer by now, don’t you?” she asks in a sleepy voice.

  I turn off the lights and get into bed, pulling her against my chest. “I do, but I seem to be your solution.”

  She nuzzles my chest and tangles her legs with mine before settling comfortably. “Yes, and I can’t sleep unless you’re in bed with me. You’ve pretty much ruined me for life.”

  For life?

  “I think I can handle taking the blame for that.” I pull the blankets up and kiss the top of her head, her long dark-chocolate brown hair fanning out against my chest.

  “I love you, Noah.”

  “I love you, Heather.”

  How the hell did we get back here after what I did to her? I’ve never had anyone love me without any bounds before. I threw a ring at her in anger and was cold, even cruel to her. Yet here we are. I’m lost to this woman, and I sure as fuck hope she’s lost to me.

  My mind races for what seems like hours as I listen to her breathe. I have so much emotion pent up; I think I’m going to lose my shit. I can feel my heart start to race, and I’m moments from getting out of bed to pace when Heather seems to sense my unease even in her sleep. Without waking, I feel her hand drift up my bicep, and she shifts to the side. Just one touch of hers breaks me out of my marathon of thoughts, and my heartbeat returns to normal.

  I slide my hand down her back to her ass, pulling her as close to me as I can without waking her. She breathes in deeply and sighs, mumbling something to herself, something that she’s dreaming wildly about. I look up at the ceiling and shut my eyes in hopes of getting some decent sleep tonight.


  We are on our way to meet up with Coen and this Lana girl. I’m rather skeptical about all of this. I’m sure Dillen would not like me hanging out with his next lay. I know she was the one who broke his heart, but I also know how much she liked him.

  When Noah told me that he and Coen wanted to go skydiving today, I laughed in his face. When he didn’t join in my laughter, my smile fell, and I knew that he was serious. I may have overreacted a tad with my refusal, and now I sit here, arms crossed, while Noah drives. I’m having a hard time hiding my anger and irritation. “You do realize how dangerous this is, right?”

  He reaches over and puts his hand on my thigh. “I do, ballerina, but I’m licensed, and I’ve jumped out of a plane with Coen more times than I can count.”

  I don’t even try to hide my scowl. I can feel my eyebrows knitted together as I stare at him. “Noah, seriously. What if something happens? When did you become an adrenaline junkie? Why am I just now hearing that you skydive?” I hear myself huff and slam my head back against the headrest. I look over and he’s got a small smirk on his face while he drives.

  “Baby, you know I fucking love it when you’re pissy. Relax for me, okay? It’s just something that Coen and I have always done.”

  “Yeah? Well, it’s stupid,” I spit out and exhale hard.

  He growls under his breath and looks over at me as he pulls up next to Coen’s car. “Settle down.”

  I lean forward with my arms still crossed and look out the window and up at the sky, squinting as I look for bodies falling from planes. His body is buzzing with excitement and mine is telling me it’s time to panic. I’m suddenly wishing I had a tiny shot bottle of liquor stashed away in my purse.

  He gets out of my car and walks around to open the passenger side door for me. “Are you coming?”

  Coen emerges from the building and calls out, “Hey fucker.”

  He’s already dressed in his jumpsuit and walking toward us with a huge smile plastered on his face. I want to hate him right now. I do hate him right now. I’m sure he came up with this stupid boys’-day-out idea. Noah turns, and they do that male handshake-hug thing and then start walking back toward the building as I sit here waiting.

  Ugh . . . stupid boys and their stupid toys.

  I grab my bag and get out of the car when I’m suddenly face to face with a beautiful blonde woman. “Oh . . . uh, hi,” I stammer out as I shut and lock the car.

  She smiles brightly. “Hi, I’m Lana. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  I’m taken by surprise because I want to hate her but . . . I just can’t. She’s got the most pleasant smile: it’s genuinely friendly.

  Errr . . . sorry, Dill.

  “Heather,” I say and take her extended hand to shake.

  She beams as we follow the men. “Are you going to be jumping too?”

  My eyes go wide, and I shake my head. “No. No way. I actually think it’s an insane idea.” I say those last two words a little louder than necessary, so the boys hopefully hear me.

  Noah turns back briefly to wink at me.

  Lana giggles and nods. “I completely agree with you. I’m not into anything that puts my life at risk. I’m glad I’ll have someone to hyperventilate with when they jump. I thought I was going to be the odd one out.”

  I watch Noah turn back and continue to walk.

  Uh-huh, okay, fine, mister. That stunning wink will get you nowhere.

  “No, I’ll be down here too with the vomit bag up to my face.”

  “Well, I’ll be here to squeeze the hell out of your hand,” she says as we take a seat outside in the warmth of the sun.

  I smile over at her and cross my legs. My foot twitches wildly back and forth, and I try to think of anything I can to keep my man safely on the ground. Thoughts of a life without Noah race through my mind as we wait. I’m in a trance while I sit there.

  A few minutes pass before Noah and Coen both walk up to us. Noah leans down and presses his lips to mine. “I love you, ballerina. And fuck, you look so damn sexy.”

  Lana and Coen are talking softly, and I see him kiss her gently out of the corner of my eye.

  I grab both of Noah’s hands and pull him down. He sits on the balls of his feet, crouched in front of me.

  “What, baby?” he asks as he reaches up and moves some stray hairs from my face.

  “Don’t go. I’ll do anything you want.” I lean down and whisper in his ear almost frantically, “I’ll let you do me in the butt.” I pull back, my eyes wide and hopeful.

  His brows shoot up and his cool, stormy laugh fills my ears. “I won’t be long, and we are going to do that regardless.”

  My hopeful face drops into a full-on pout, and I huff. Well, that didn’t work at all.

  His lips find mine again, and he stands up. “You good to go, Coen?” he asks, and I look over at Lana and Coen. He has his hand on her cheek and is looking at her like she’s the most beautiful woman on Earth.

  My mouth literally drops open, and I smack Noah’s thigh, hissing up at him, “See, she doesn’t want him going either.”

  He chuckles and kisses me again. “I love you. Coen, let’s go, dipshit.”

  Both of the men smirk and walk away from Lana and I to the awaiting plane.

  I’m not sure what is making my legs shake more—my nervousness for him, or him in that jumpsuit. Holy crap, he looks hot in it.

  Lana’s voice distracts me as they get everything they need onto the plane. “So, Heather, Coen told me that you are a rather popular ballerina.”

  I’m trying all I can not to lose it, so I grab onto her distraction. “Oh . . . umm . . . I don’t know about popular.” I look down at my boot and laugh. “I used to be a ballerina, but I had a fall.”

  She frowns. “He mentioned that too, as well as your and Noah’s story. That man has really gone to the end of the world for you, huh? It’s rather romantic.”

  I can’t help but smile softly. She’s right . . . everyone can see it. Everyone but me. I have been so obtuse about everything. “Yeah, he’s pretty amazing,” I say delicately. Before I ca
n say another word, I hear someone whistle loudly to get our attention. We both look over, and the guys are waving to us before getting into the plane. My heart slams against my chest, and I think I’m going to be sick.

  “I need a Xanax,” she says before shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

  The small plane comes to life, and I grimace. It doesn’t even sound safe. It sounds like it’s going to die. It’s sputtering and revving and . . . oh God, don’t think any further. I look over at her when the plane takes off to taxi and head to one end of the runway. “So, Lana, what do you do?”

  She seems to be as agitated as I am. “I’m a professional makeup artist. I do makeup for a lot of photo shoots, and I was just hired on with Fox 5 News to do makeup for all of their anchors.”

  I gasp with as much excitement I can muster up. “Oh really? That’s great. Maybe you can give me some tips?” I laugh.

  “Oh, I’d love to, but your makeup is done beautifully. We should go have lunch some afternoon.”

  “I’d like that.”

  I look up at the sky and watch the plane take off with my boyfriend inside. My anxiety level just hit an all-time high and I start picking at my nails nervously. I’m mentally cursing Coen and Noah.

  A thought occurs, and I just blurt it out. “You know . . . I don’t think I’m going to let those two hang out anymore.”

  “Yes, I agree, and I think that is an amazing idea. Are you joining us for drinks tonight with uh . . . Joe?”

  “Joel.” I smile and correct her. “Yes, I’m definitely needing drinks after this excursion. I never expected them to do this. Do you know just how . . . um . . . wild Coen is?” I try and make it sound not so bad.

  “Wild? Uhm, well, sort of. I suppose not completely because it’s only been two weeks. He’s great, though. We met at a club when I wasn’t the least bit sober. Of course he took me back to his place to . . . well, you know. He said he was just dumped and needed an escape. Unfortunately, I got incredibly ill before any of our clothes came off. So he just hung out with me for the rest of the night and made sure I was okay. So, yes, I know he’s not the most romantic guy, but he cares. He truly cares in his own way.”

  Awww, Coen, I coo silently. “He is rather caring. You wouldn’t know it to look at him because, well, he’s awfully cocky. But he definitely has a big heart,” I reply and look up at the sky, getting really anxious because I don’t hear the plane anymore, only wind.

  Shouldn’t they have been down by now?

  “Yeah, Coen told me about Dillen. He’s actually been truly open and honest with me; I think that’s why I’m really digging him,” she admits, laughing. “Not to mention, he’s smokin’ hot!” she continues as she fans her face.

  I turn and nervously ask her. “Shouldn’t they have already jumped?”

  She swallows hard and nods as she stands up, scanning the sky for them. “Yes, Heather, they should have been down by now.”

  My emotions are amped up, and I start to get teary-eyed. I once again think about my life without Noah. It would be pointless. He’s everything to me. I would never be able to be with another man again. Nobody could ever compare to him—in any aspect. My heart frantically beats while I wipe my cheeks dry. My mascara is running, I’m sure, by the looks of my hand. I sniffle and look down at my feet, thinking about how I may never see him smile again. My streaming tears continue to fall, and I inhale deep breaths, trying to remain calm.

  I can’t. I just can’t be without him. My earlier fears and apprehension of a marriage with him vanish. I want it. I want all of it with him. Mine. My Noah, Noah as my husband. I want to have his baby. I want a family with him.

  This revelation hits me so hard that it knocks the breath out of me. I hear Lana gasp, and I look over at her quickly. She’s pointing to my right, and I see two parachutes headed toward us. My legs go weak and wobbly, and a huge smile breaks across my face.

  “Oh,” she cries out and reaches for my hand. “Let’s go and get them,” she squeals excitedly.

  Even in my clumsy boot, I drop my purse right there and run. I don’t feel any pain; I just run. To him, my boyfriend, my future. I wipe at my tears as I run with Lana, and they seem to land almost simultaneously. Almost there, just a few more feet. I almost sob when I crash into his chest and grip onto him. I’m clutching any part of him I can, and I can feel my body tremble.

  “Oh my God, Noah, no, never again. I need you,” I plead with him as I pepper his neck and jaw with my tear-drenched lips.

  His arms lock around me with the parachute still strapped onto his strong, stable body. “Heather, I’m not going anywhere. I love the fuck out of you.” He lifts me up, so I’m able to wrap my legs around his torso. “Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?”

  I can’t stop sniffling and wiping at my tears, but I choke out what I need to say. “I want us. I want everything you want, maybe even more. I’m sorry it took me this long to realize it.” I try to look at him through my wet lashes: his expression is blank, so I continue. “I don’t want to live a life without you in it. I want everything, Noah. Everything.” My breath catches on a hiccup, and I just stare.

  I tolerate the discomfort in my boot as his smile lights up my world. This man has challenged almost every view or thing I believed in. He broke me down, and he has worn me on his chest proudly. I don’t know how this relationship took off, but I know I’d rather have hard times with my Greek god than have to deal with them alone.

  “Heather, my falling in love with you was inevitable. I’m going to be here because I love you, and when I say that, I mean it. It’s not just filler, or words that are empty.” He pauses to unclip something, his hand is back on me. “I need as much validation as you do, ballerina, and I will always give it to you. Now tell me why you’re crying, huh?”

  He runs his thumb over my cheek to dry it, but my tears are flowing steadily and a new black line forms in the wake of another.

  “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Lost me? Why would you have lost me?”

  My tears finally start to slow, and I can see his gorgeous face. “I thought your plane crashed.”

  “Crashed? No baby, Coen had to piss so we went around in a circle so he could relieve himself in a fucking water bottle. I’m good, we’re good.”

  “You swear it?”

  “Yeah, I swear it. All of the bad that I’ve been through in life has been worth it all because in the end, you are simply the best thing that has happened to me. I get to be with the one woman who knows exactly how to send my world into chaos and fix it an instant later. Whether you see it or not, I know the depth of your love is intense and ardent. I’m not going anywhere, Heather Adalyn Lane.”

  I wrap my arms around him tighter than I think I ever have. “Do you . . .” I swallow and look into his eyes. “Do you still want me forever?”

  “I’ve never stopped wanting you for forever.”

  He cups my face, placing his lips on mine, as he starts to kiss me painfully slowly.

  Coen clears his throat, and Lana giggles innocently. I feel Noah’s smile against my lips before he turns his head. “Too mushy for you, assfuck?”

  Coen chuckles and makes a gagging sound, prompting Lana to smack his chest. “Coen, you jerk, let them enjoy each other.” Coen straightens up as if he’s been burnt by a scorching flame.

  Noah pats my rear end to get my attention, and I turn to look at him. “You are in big trouble, little miss,” he scolds.

  “Why? What did I do?” I wipe at my mascara-stained cheeks.

  He raises his eyebrow and sets me down.

  “Were you not running at full speed just a minute ago?”

  “Uhh . . . it doesn’t hurt, I swear it.”

  “Don’t push me, ballerina.”

  “I swear it.”

  “Don’t let it happen again.”

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  Lana and Coen walk over to us and her soft-spoken voice gets my attention, “Heather?”


  “How would you feel about a little girl time? I can do your makeup for tonight.”

  Oh wow, how sweet is she?

  I smile and laugh a little. “I’m sure I look like a mess, don’t I? I’d really like that, Lana, thank you.”

  “Oh stop it, you are gorgeous. I can grab my things and meet you at your place, or you can come over to mine.”

  Noah kisses my cheek and sets me down on my feet.

  “Whatever you’d like to do is fine with me.”

  I walk over to where Coen is smiling. He seems happy that Lana and I are getting along. He opens his arms to me as if he’s expecting a hug, and I start smacking him on his chest hard with both hands.

  “Coen, you stupid jerk! You’re never doing that again!” I yell and smack him repeatedly while he tries to back away and cover himself.

  “Whoa, little lady, I wasn’t the one who brought up skydiving. Blame your boyfriend for that shit.”

  Lana laughs and goes over to stand next to Noah. I turn around and glare at him. “Ballerina . . . don’t look at me like that.”

  “You’re lucky you are my favorite pain in the ass,” Coen says as he playfully takes a step back from me.

  I turn back on him and point into his chest. “You guys had me scared to death! Never again.”

  He laughs and tries to hug me. “Awww, come on, sis. We weren’t gone that long.”

  I shove his hands away and walk toward Noah and shove him too. “This was your stupid idea?” I glare and wait for his answer.

  He surprises me by picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, as he walks back to the building where he briefly sets me down to get his jumpsuit off. I walk over to where I was sitting with Lana and pick up my purse before heading toward our cars.

  “Coen, do your guys have our chutes?”

  “Yeah, don’t worry about that shit. We’ll meet you at Heather’s place.”

  “Sounds good, fucker.”

  I’m raging mad: this entire time I thought this was Coen’s doing.

  As he opens the passenger side door, he sees my face and tries preemptive action. “It was my idea. Don’t be pissed.”


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