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A Winter's Date

Page 32

by Sasha Brümmer

  I can feel the rumble in his throat, and I swear it makes me clench my legs shut.

  “You smell so good.” I nip at his earlobe and sit back before I do some horrible things to him.

  “I’m glad you think so. Let me know when you need to stop.”

  “I’m good,” I reply happily and put my bare feet up on the dash.

  I can feel his eyes on my freshly pedicured feet, and it makes me giggle. “I think this foot fetish might have actually turned into a real thing, Ryan,” I taunt him

  “It’s a possibility.” He clears his throat: it sounds thick with what . . . tension . . . lust? “How’s your foot feeling, sweetheart?”

  “It feels great—the best it’s felt in a long time.”


  As I’m about to turn on the radio, my Greek god surprises me with a revelation. “You know I’m fucking your ass on this trip, right?”

  “Excuse me?”

  I’m staring at him in disbelief. “You know you’d like it,” he coos and brings my hand to his lips. “You enjoyed my finger in your ass not too long ago.”

  I bite down on the inside of my cheek as I think about his finger inside of me, making my orgasm so much more intense. “Maybe.”

  He laughs deeply and licks my finger. “I fucking knew you would love it.”

  I squirm in my seat as I watch him drive and change lanes. I know this is probably absurd, but he looks so sexy driving and in charge. Changing the subject, I ask, “Are you glad to finally be done studying?”

  “You bet your pretty little ass I am.” I can tell he’s smirking to himself.

  The bastard.


  For the last three days, Noah and I have had the most amazing time. I’ve never laughed so much in my life. My cheeks hurt from smiling, and I feel closer to him than I ever have. We’ve bonded over this road trip and I can tell that he is completely carefree. He smiles all the time and has been more affectionate than I ever thought possible. He’s clearly thought this trip out—when he had the time to do so, I’ll never know. We’ve stopped along scenic routes and have taken pictures of the beautiful scenery. He’s even humored me and taken selfies with me with the mountains in the background. I’ve been sending pictures of us to Lana, Dillen, and Dani, and they all have been swooning over how cute we are together. I must admit, I really caught an amazing specimen of a man and I don’t ever plan on throwing him back. I’ve tried to be more comfortable around him regarding my bathroom breaks. So instead of asking him to make a pit stop, I just tell him I need to pee. I know he’s enjoying it because he smiles like nothing else when I tell him.

  I’ve even gotten him to talk about Mae, and it never resulted in an argument.

  I think we’re on the final stretch of the road trip before reaching our destination, because he turned off a main road awhile back, and we’re headed through a two-lane road lined with gorgeous trees and snow-capped mountains. Everything looks like it belongs on a postcard. I’m in awe every time we round another corner.

  I’m stunned into silence when we turn again, and I see the most beautiful cerulean lake. It takes me a moment, but I see a lodge ahead and Noah slows the SUV. “Oh my God, Noah, are we staying here?”

  He reaches for my hand and squeezes. “Damn right we are. The lodge looks over the lake. Welcome to Moraine Lake, sweetheart.”

  I can’t even describe how enchanting this place is. He parks under the entrance to the lodge, and I get out. I’m in a trance, it seems, as I walk away from him and the lodge. I go as far as my feet will take me, to the edge of the grass, and I can peek through the trees at the beautiful aquamarine water. The sun makes the water glitter in the distance, and I think I’ve actually died and gone to heaven. The colors that surround me are unlike anything I’ve seen in my travels throughout North America. I can’t believe I’m standing in the midst of such beauty. Suddenly I feel him behind me as he snakes his arms around my waist, holding me to him. His lips caress my neck before he asks, “Do you like it?”

  “Noah, it’s incredible. I cannot believe you found this place.”

  He chuckles against my skin and gives me a squeeze around my waist. “You constantly seem surprised by what I’m capable of.”

  “It’s just that I’ve traveled so much . . .” I stop because it seems ridiculous to say that I’ve never seen anything so captivating before. “Noah, I love you.”

  He turns me in his arms at that moment and lifts my chin with his finger. “I love you more than you know, Heather.” He lowers his lips to mine, and in that instant the wind picks up, tossing my hair around wildly. I can only imagine what we look like in this embrace with this scenery surrounding us—picture perfect. He releases me a moment later. “Let’s get checked in.”

  I nod excitedly and hug him once more before we walk hand-in-hand up the path to the lodge.

  I’ve traveled all over the United States and have never been so enamored by any one place as much as I am here. While he checks us in, I’m drinking in my surroundings. Like a little kid full of excitement, I want to run around this paradise to see every square inch of it. I must be fidgeting without realizing it because he squeezes my hand, and I look over at him. He’s smirking as he looks down at my feet, and I follow his eyes. Without realizing it, I’ve been tapping my foot impatiently.

  “Am I taking too long, Miss Lane?”

  I grin and stop tapping my foot. “Yes, hurry up,” I joke.

  He holds up the room key in front of me. “All done, baby. Should I grab our bags first?”

  I shake my head and tug on his hand. “Can’t they take it up for us?” I plead.

  “I’m sure they can.” He turns to the front desk agent to ask her, but she’s already nodding her head.

  “We’ll have the bags brought up. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Ryan,” she says, clearly drooling over my Greek god.

  “Thank you.” He smiles his panty-dropping smile and leads me to the elevator bank. “You seem to be enjoying yourself already, little miss.”

  “Well, my man is spoiling me—of course I’m enjoying myself.”

  We make it up to our floor and then down the sunlit hallways to our room. Noah opens the door to our room, and I gasp when I step inside: it’s a split-level suite with floor-to-ceiling windows.

  The curtains are drawn, so the room is bathed in an abundant amount of warm sunshine. My eyes are drawn to the king-sized bed, as it’s the first thing I walk past. The headboard and footboard are done in a shiny oak to fit the ambiance of the lodge. I run my hand along the smooth, rounded surface of the footboard and am briefly caught daydreaming about gripping it tightly with Noah’s body behind me. I shake my head to clear my thoughts as I step down the two steps into the sunken living area, which has a river-rock-faced fireplace. Just outside of the large window is our own private balcony overlooking the lake and mountains. I’ve noticed that there are no telephones or televisions in the room: it’s a complete getaway. This lodge is a dream: everything is nature-inspired and oozes comfort.

  My hands reach for the double doors, and I open them in unison. The breeze that blows in is crisp and inviting. “Oh Noah, look . . .” is all I can say. I step out onto the balcony and lean against the railing, taking in the beautiful sight before me. “It’s just perfect,” I say to myself in a whisper.

  I feel Noah move beside me as he appreciates the view. “Damn, I saw pictures of this place online, but none of it does it justice.”

  The balcony has just enough room for two cushioned chairs and a small table spacing the two, with a private hot tub on the other side. I look over and up at him. “This is so perfect, Noah, thank you.”

  “I’m glad you like it, ballerina.”

  The bellman comes in and drops off our bags. Noah walks back and tips him, taking the rental car keys from him before he leaves. “I sure as hell hope you brought your bikini, ballerina. Get your little ass into the hot tub.”

  “I like it when you’re bossy, and of course I brou
ght it.”

  Fifteen minutes later we’re in the hot tub looking out at the lake as the sun starts to set. The sky is illuminated with warm color, radiant red and auburn hues that kiss the snowcapped mountains.

  We’re both quiet as I look over at him. He’s got his head lying back against the tub headrest, and he’s gazing straight up, looking at nothing in particular. I’m wondering what he’s thinking about. “Does this feel good after driving for so long?” I ask, trying to pull him from wherever he is.

  “You’re damn right it does. But then again, so will that ass on my cock.”

  My head shoots up off the headrest and I look straight at him. I can feel the wet tendrils of escaped strands clinging to my neck as the rest of my hair sits on top of my head. He’s unmoving, just staring up at the darkening sky.


  “Which lube would you prefer? Flavored or unflavored? I bought one of each.”

  My mouth is agape. I can’t even answer his question. He’s totally serious, isn’t he?

  “Well?” he pushes.

  “Uhh . . . I.”

  The water ripples as he moves toward me. “We’ll go slow, sweetheart.” His lips are on my neck before I realize I have yet to breathe.

  I now realize that he’s been trying to get me relaxed this whole time. And holy hell, it’s working. My arms and legs are so relaxed, and now he’s working his lips against my neck; my only reaction is to moan.

  “I’ll take that as a yes . . .”

  The electricity between us is palpable and I’m caught in its flare. I trust this man with my life, even when the skies grow dark, and his storm becomes immeasurable. I’m ready for him.

  His arms move around me, caging me in as his lips assault my body with a welcome shock of targeted current. He knows what he wants and where he wants to go.

  I cannot see underneath the bubbled surface, but I can feel one of his hands slide underneath my black lace bikini bottoms to the side of my left cheek. I jolt in front of him as his teeth almost break my skin as his lightning splits the night sky. His storm is radiant and full of powerful wonders, as his descent on me looms closer, darker.

  This man is his own electrical storm, and the charged region of his gorgeous anatomy is ready to strike an uncharted place on my body. His large hand moves to cup my cheek instead of my sex. He takes his time to work me up, and I fantasize what it would feel like to host him there. With the water pressing against us, he moves his finger between my cheeks and up, touching me, causing the vibrating electricity between us to sing.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Where do you want me to touch you?”

  His question reminds me of the first time he ever touched me, and I know I made the right decision that night.

  “Everywhere,” I counter.

  His other hand is on me in an instant, grasping my chin, forcing it to the side as he bites down on my overheated skin. I can feel his heavy gratitude for me pressing against my belly as he touches me.

  “Make those sounds for me, Heather.” His voice is highly erotic as he begs me, his lips making their way down between my breasts and his tongue playing at the edging of my bikini top. I oblige his request and wail tenderly, begging him for more and whispering his name.

  He reaches his hand around to my strapless top and easily unhooks it. The second he gets it off, I slide my hand up his wet, warm chest and up around his neck before pushing my breasts up against him. My nipples are hard, tender, and peaked, while bolts of electricity zap through my veins.

  He cups my breast with one strong hand and kneads me, while his lips surround my nipple. My back arches, and my fingers run through his wet hair.

  “Oh yes, Noah.”

  I moan when he sucks, and then nips with his teeth. I glance down and lose my breath when he looks up at me in the same moment that his tongue and lips surround my other nipple. He loves to watch my pleasure, and I, his. The hand that is beneath the water never caresses me where I’m silently begging him to be. He’s teasing me, forcing me to show him just how much I want him.

  “I need to hear you say it, Heather,” he prods and releases my nipple. He rises and looms over me, his lips red and full from his assault on my upper body.

  I look up, and I know my eyes are dark with lust.

  My breathing matches his.

  My sex is aching for his touch, and I’m about to combust.

  I maneuver my legs and wrap them around his waist, trying to pull him closer to me. “Noah, please . . . I need you. You’ve got me so worked up.”

  I’m begging and he’s smirking down at me, shaking his head. I whimper—I’ll keep begging if I have to.

  “Not good enough, sweetheart.” He lowers his head and his lips are a mere breath away but not touching mine. “Beg for me to touch you, Heather.”

  Every piece of me aches for this man. I would exchange years of my life for him to touch me—touch me like only he does—every day. Each time our bodies connect, the feeling that overtakes me is almost more than I can handle.

  He must notice that I’m utterly lost to him in this moment, because he lifts me out of the water before cautiously stepping out of the hot tub. As soon as his feet hit solid ground, his lips are back on me as if they never left.

  He takes me back inside the room and up the two steps that lead to the end of the king-sized bed. Removing his lips from my neck long enough for him to throw the comforter off of the bed, he lays me down on my back. My chest is heaving as he moves over me. His hand moves down my rib cage as I stretch out on the bed. I don’t care that we’re wet or smell of chlorine; I just care that he wants me as much as I do him.

  His hand is back underneath my lace bottoms, pulling them down so he can see me, all of me, lying before him. I can’t help but run my hands down to my breasts and pull on my nipples to relieve some of the tension that is percolating through my pent-up body.

  “Fuck, I’m going to enjoy this,” he states and leans down to kiss down my rib cage, down to my hipbone, and close to his destination at the inside of my thigh.

  His teeth sink into delicate flesh on my inner thigh, and my legs automatically try to close. His hands grip my knees to keep them open and in place. I can feel him inhale my arousal, and it makes my cheeks blush.

  “I won’t be rough with you right now, but fuck do I want to be . . .” he says as he bites again but licks soothingly afterwards.

  He lifts himself off of my wet body to remove his swim trunks, before going over to his duffel and pulling out two types of lube. “Which do you want, baby? Strawberry or unflavored?”


  He walks back over to me with his phone and the lube, one in each hand. Before he puts his phone down, soft, erotic music fills the room. It’s now dark outside, and there is only one warming light on in our suite.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I think so.”

  Tossing the lube next to me on the bed before climbing on, he starts kissing up my neck all the way to my ears, where he pauses to nibble on my earlobes before locking his lips with mine. One of his hands tracks down my body, while he uses the other to prop himself up—I’m ultra-aware of every move he makes.

  “Grab the lube, baby.”

  I’m so freaking nervous that I’m practically trembling on this bed. I’ve never thought I’d be doing anything like this, but then again, I trust this man completely. He sees the indecision in my eyes, I’m sure, because he leans down and starts kissing my neck again slowly, passionately. My tense body relaxes once again, and I know he can feel it. He wraps his arm around my waist and turns me, putting my back to his front while we lie on our sides. I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck and shiver when his lips follow my collarbone and down the curve of my shoulder. I can feel his hard length against my butt as he pays special attention to my aching sex with his fingers. He’s going so slow with me, and I appreciate everything he’s doing to make me feel comfortable.

  “Mmm, there you
go baby, just relax for me.”

  He reaches for the bottle and I hear him open the cap of the lubricant before he runs a finger down between my cheeks to my puckered opening. He lazily circles me there, applying the slightest amount of pressure. I barely gasp because it feels so good, but it’s hard not to be tense when I know what’s coming.

  “Just lie there and enjoy this, baby; it’s going to take some time. I’m not going to hurt you,” he tenderly whispers in my ear between licks and kisses.

  “I know. I trust you.”

  He nips at my shoulder as he slowly sinks the tip of his finger into me. He removes his finger briefly to apply more lube before he rims his finger around me again. The lube is frigid against my heated skin as he applies some more with his free hand.

  I exhale an audible sigh, and I can feel him grin against my neck. “Mmm . . . you do like it, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Give me more, please?”

  I can feel his cock twitch against my behind when I say that, and he slides his finger in deeper. “Fuck, you’re so tight. I’m going to enjoy every minute of this.”

  I close my eyes and relish the feel of this unexpected and delightfully full feeling. It’s a different sensation than having him finger me—alien and one I’m not accustomed to—yet it’s so intriguing. I wonder if he can bring me to an orgasm like this?

  I reach back and stroke his length because I need to feel him. He takes in a deep breath and sinks his teeth into me, and I feel naughty. It’s like he’s offering me something forbidden. He’s tempted me, and I want more. I love that this will be ours: both of our firsts, our dirty little secret.

  I start to rock back against him, making sure to rub his length between my cheeks. “Do you like that?”

  “Damn, baby, more than you know.”

  A heated moan escapes from my lips when he teases me with a second finger. He slides his available hand over my skin to my sex where he starts stimulating my clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure.

  I can feel his body vibrate behind me as a growl escapes him. My grip on him has become tighter, and I’m shamefully writhing in his arms.


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