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Katie: Book One: The Cattleman's Daughters

Page 3

by Danni Roan

  Removing his hat he hung it on the peg above his bed and ran his hands through his thick dark hair. Once again he took a look around him, this time counting cow hands. There were seven altogether, although he knew there were a few still out on the range, and the most striking thing about the whole crew was that not a one of them could be less than twenty years his senior.

  “Why don’t you get settled?” Benji told him, rising and heading to the long table. “You’ve had a long ride, and a longer day. Give it all a little time to come together in your mind. I’m sure you’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep. Besides tomorrows that last day of branding so things will settle down.”

  Will spent the rest of the night hanging up his one change of clothes, and putting his gear, what there was of it, away. Finally he washed up at the basin by the door and crawled into his bed roll. Tomorrow would come early and he was tired but as he drifted off to sleep instead of thinking through the next day’s work a vision of a pretty girl with honey colored hair danced before his eyes.

  Dawn found Will, once more, on the back porch of the sprawling ranch house eating with the hands. The ladies were nowhere to be seen but the noise was not decreased in the least by their absences.

  The old Chinese cook stumped his way around the table, on bowed legs, placing stacks of pancakes, baskets of bread and platters of ham and bacon on the table with a thump. Then pouring coffee into any cup he deemed to be not quite full.

  “That’s Joshua’s other father-in-law.” Benji whispered with a nod toward the wizened man.

  Will felt his eyes go wide.

  “Well I guess really he’d be his great father-in-law. Josh married Chen Lou’s granddaughter. She was Mae’s mother.” Then in a louder voice he called. “Chen Lou, you old coot, can’t you see my cups almost empty over here.” He added in gest, lifting his almost full cup.

  Chen Lou, stomped around the table to where Benji sat, his long white braid swaying with every step of his skinny bowed legs. He wore a strange outfit that looked like a light loose jacket over trousers and small slippers on his feet. He poured coffee for Benji with a grumble, but smiled warmly at Will, bobbing his head.

  Will couldn’t help but think the whole ranch was not only totally confusing but rather strange. How did a man like Joshua James end up with an ancient Chinese man as a father-in-law and kitchen staff?

  As the sun crept over the horizon, bathing the deck with a golden glow, the ranch hands began rising one by one and making their way to the barn and to their mounts. Seeing Benji stand Will rose to his feet but Mr. James waved him back to his seat.

  “You stay here with me a while. The boys (an ironic term if Will had ever heard one) can finish up with the branding. We’ll have a little chat then I’ll show you round the place properly.”

  “Yes sir.” Will replied as Benji patted him on the shoulder before leaving with the other men.

  “Where you from?” Joshua James asked, turning his arctic blue stare on Will.

  “I’m from Virginia, well what’s now West Virginia, originally.” Will stated, but my folks moved out to Missouri after the war. I’ve been moving cows from Texas for most my life though.” He replied.

  “Your folks still livin’?”

  “No sir. They’ve been gone a long while now.”

  “Got a’ sweetheart back in Missouri?” The white haired man asked inquisitively.

  Will started at the questions but decided to reply anyway. “No sir, never had time for a sweet heart, not with dustin’ the trails all the time.” Will squirmed under the bright gaze of his new boss.

  “I’ve been here a long time now son. Came out in ’68 and settled right here. Lived in that little soddy yonder with my wife and baby girls.”

  He gestured in the direction of the earthen shack Will had seen the day before.

  “Made this place into something with these fellas who came with me. Twenty years now I been raisin’ cows here and frankly I’m getting’ tired. Things are changing fast. The last two winter just about did us in and cattle won’t be king much longer if you ask me. We faired a lot better than most being here in the basin but it was rough.” He paused for a few moments thinking and then continued. “I believe that it won’t be long until Wyoming is granted state hood and then think of what will happen. The railway’s made it to Casper, and soon this whole area will be full of people. I need some new blood around here if I expect this ranch to keep goin’. Someone who can think ahead and find a way to keep this place a float. Diversify. You think you’re up to the job?” He finally ended, his Viking eyes boring holes into Will.

  “I’ll do my best sir.” Will said, swallowing despite himself. “I’ve had enough ramblin’ to last me a life time already. So if you’re lookin’ for a fella to stick around and see this place grow I think I’m your man.”

  Will was startled when Mr. James reached his large hand out across the table, “Glad to have you then.” The old man said and shook Will’s hand with gusto. “Now let’s get you a tour of the place.”

  Chapter 4

  Katie finished dressing for the second time that morning. Snapping the last button on her white blouse into place with a disgruntled huff she smoothed her beige riding skirt so that the wide divided sections fell together like a regular skirt.

  She’d rather be in her denims and on the range again today but her father had asked something more of her. She wondered for a moment if she would see the handsome puncher again, but quickly put the thought out of her mind. If her father was true to form he’d keep the young man as far away from her and her sisters as possible. There’d been a few young punchers pass through on the ranch before but they’d been kept well away from the James girls.

  The new hand was all her sisters had talked about after dinner the night before, but she knew how it was on the ranch and that as likely as not he’d be on his way before long. Sighing she examined herself in mirror. Nona Bianca had come to put her hair up for her earlier. Taking her time and fussing over Katie as if she were a princesses. It was nice to be girlie for a change.

  Although technically Bianca Lione’ was the biological grandmother of Issy and Lexi she had been a grandmother, Nona, to all of the girls at the Broken J over the years and Katie smiled admiring the intricate knot Nona had made of her hair. It had been a long time since the older woman had found the time to fuss over Katie. It would be a shame to cover it up with a hat she decided, giving her hair one final pat, then turned to head down stairs. She’d no sooner stepped from her room than Mae came charging by and raced down the stairs. Katie rolled her eyes and followed.

  Joshua James pushed himself to his feet in preparation to start his day when the back door swung open with a loud bang and his daughter Mae came storming out.

  “I do not need a babysitter!” She exclaimed without even a good morning to her father or his guest. “I am perfectly able to go riding by myself.” She added crossing her arms over her small frame, and tilting her chin defiantly.

  Almost on her heels, but minus the dramatic entrance, came Katie her glossy hair up in a most becoming way and seeing her, Will whipped his hat from his head, nodding politely.

  “Don’t need a babysitter hey?” Mae’s father quipped, one eyebrow raised in question. “Do I need to remind you of what happened last time you went haring out across the prairie on your own?” He then asked raising an eyebrow at his obstinate off spring.

  “Oh, Pa.” Mae moaned. “I’m old enough to be out by myself for a little ride. There’s no one around for miles and miles, what could possibly happen?”

  “You could.” Katie stated from directly behind the much smaller girl causing Mae to whip around with a glare.

  “Your sister’s going with you today and that’s final.” Joshua stated, his tone making it perfectly clear that no argument would be accepted. “As a matter of fact.” He added looking at Will, I think you girls can do me a big favor today. I was just going to take Mr. Robertson out and show him the spread but since yo
u’re riding out anyway why don’t you just take him along with you and I can go see how the last day of branding is progressing?”

  “Oh,” Katie started, surprised that her father would send the young man out with his girls. “Well if it will help.”

  “It sure will. What do you say Mr. Robertson is that alright with you?” Will looked first at the two young woman and then at his boss.

  “Yes sir.” Will replied “Sounds like a dandy plan to me.” He couldn’t help but note however how Mae’s face became even stormier and without another word she turned and stomped back into the house, her small boot heels setting a loud staccato pace. Katie was right behind her.

  “You’d best get a move on son.” Mr. James chivvied “that girl won’t wait for no one.”

  Snatching up his hat Will dashed through the still open screen and into what was obviously the kitchen. A room that took up the whole back section of the house.

  “You need this!” The Chinese cook called holding up a heavy sack that he handed Will as together they quickly scurried down the long central hallway past the stairs and out the front door.

  Four horses stood tied at the hitching rail, including his red roan, but he’d barely had time to register the scene when Mae leapt into her saddle, turned her calico pinto south, and raced full speed from the yard. Katie, a heartbeat behind, swung up onto her palomino and turned after her sister with a groan.

  Still clutching the heavy bag, Will thrust a foot into his stirrup and before he’d even hit the saddle had Whisper after the girls. The lean, long legged red roan stretched out over the rutted trail eating up the distance between him and the horses in the lead. Will quickly came abreast of the lithe golden mare, only having a moment to take in the look of sheer determination on Katie’s face as she leaned over her mounts neck pushing for more speed. The roan, finding his stride, surged past as Will gave the gelding his head. Lying low of the animal’s neck and whispering in its ears Will’s eyes quickly tearing with the rush of the wind, and soon he was neck and neck with the Mae’s smaller pony.

  Leaning precariously out of his saddle Will grabbed the bridle of the little pinto and began hauling on the reins. His roan sensing what he wanted began slowing his pace forcing the other horse to do the same. They’d no sooner come to a stuttering halt then Mae threw back her head and howled with laughter. Her long black tresses were tangled with the string of her hat, and her cheeks were rosy with the thrill of the ride. Will was just thankful the child hadn’t broken her fool neck.

  “Mae Lynn James!” Katie’s excited voice exclaimed as she pulled her horse to a sliding stop beside them. “You could have killed yourself or one of us running off like that. You should know better. What if something had happened to Mr. Robertson?” She added, trying to bring her trembling voice under control.

  For just a moment a shadow passed over the young girls face. “You hurt Mr. Roberston?” She asked quietly.


  “See no one was hurt,” the girl called “and besides it was fun. Of course you’ve forgotten what that is.” Mae retorted not noticing the hurt expression on her older sister’s face. “Did you see his roan run Katie? That’s about the fastest horse I’ve ever seen. Can I ride him?” she added excitedly now looking at Will.

  “Mae!” Katie exclaimed in shock at the rude question.

  The younger girl rolled her eyes, then shaking her head, turned her pony on down the trail. “Alright, alright. Let’s just show him around then.” She cast over her should and kicking her mount into a trot, set off.

  Pulling her horse up alongside Whisper Katie looked at Will as they both moved out to follow her impetuous sister. She noticed, somewhat to her surprise, that the man didn’t even seem to be angry at her little sister, but by the twinkle in his eye had found the whole thing rather exciting himself.

  “I’m sure sorry about that Mr. Robertson.” Katie ventured “Mae’s, well Mae’s just Mae. You can’t hardly keep her still for a minute and everything’s a big adventure to her. I hope she didn’t startle you too much.” she offered apologetically.

  “It’s alright ma’am, Whisper here didn’t mind stretching his legs.” Will said patting his horse’s neck. “He likes a good run now and then.”

  Noticing the sack still in his hand Will raised it with a questioning look to Katie who groaned.

  “That will be our lunch. I hope it isn’t ruined.” Katie offered with a shrug. “I guess it will just depend on what was packed.” She added eying the sack skeptically.

  Pulling up for just a moment. Will turned in his saddle and put the sack into one of his saddle bags hoping for the best, then turned and trotted after the receding figure in the distance.

  “Any idea where we’re going?” He finally asked as they jogged along a ragged trail.

  “Mae loves to explore, which means we could end up anywhere. The best I can say is that at least her pony has an unerring sense of direction when it comes to getting her home.”

  “Do you have to do this very often?” Will asked, gesturing with his hand toward the small form riding ahead of them.

  “We’ve all had to take a turn. Though I haven’t had to for a long while. Usually Issy and Lexi ride out with her, at least since the last time she put herself in a fix.”

  She sighed heavily and continued. “Last year after she turned thirteen Mae convinced our father she was responsible enough to go out on her own so he let her. When her pony came ambling into the barn yard on its own later that afternoon we knew he’d made a mistake. You see Mae can’t seem to think things through. If she has a thought in her head then the next moment she’ll be doing it. Apparently she thought it would be fun to crawl into a badgers den and see if it had any kits.”

  Fortunately it was an abandoned den but she got stuck in the narrow tunnel, so after waiting a while her pony just came on home. Every one of us turned out to look for her. Pa was beside himself. Ever since then he won’t let her ride out on her own.”

  Will couldn’t help but smile at the tale, though he could see how at the time it must have scared her family half to death.

  “Well, Pa said I should show you the spread so I’d best start pointing things out while we keep an eye on Mae.” Katie said after a moment of awkward silence. Then she started describing the place she called home.

  Chapter 5

  Joshua James stood on the back porch listening to the sound of racing horses and shook his head with a smile then placing his white Stetson on his head he stepped off the porch and walked to the large oak tree on the corner of the fenced property.

  Walking under the dark cathedral of its overhanging branches he removed his hat and ran a hand through his still thick, snowy hair and bowed his head over one of the three larger head stones sheltered in its shade.

  “Well Bridgette, my dear.” He spoke softly, his deep voice not even loud enough to disturb the birds in the branches above. “I’ve started, just like I promised I would. I’m doing the best I know how for our girls and I’ll see them all settled before I join you. It would have been easier if you’d been here. You’d know what to say to them. I’m afraid I let them grow up a little too much maybe, but it’s so hard thinking of them leavin’.” For a moment his voice faded as a lump rose in his throat. “Everyone’s pitching in to help. I even have my brothers helpin’ out. Now we’ll just have to see what happens. Keep an eye on them from up there if you can.” He added looking heaven ward. Then placing his hat on his head once more he turned and walked back into the bright morning sun.

  Again and again Will’s eyes were drawn to Katie’s face as she animatedly explained the points of interest around them while they rode. Her tawny, flame kissed hair had loosened from its intricate coif and soft strands lay around her face, framing it. Her stunning eyes were lit with a passion for the land she obviously loved.

  Over and over he would follow her gloved hand’s direction as she pointed out a rise, or indicated where a spring or stream ran behind a copse of trees, but
then steadily, as if pulled by some invisible string, his eyes would turn toward her face, tracing the soft curve of her cheek, or becoming absorbed in the deep pink tint of her full lips.

  It was apparent from the time she began schooling him on the ranch that she had a deep love of her home. She was knowledgeable, intent and quite direct about each benefit or short coming of the ranch. He was surprised to learn that the spread was much larger than he had expected and that at the moment they ran nearly twenty thousand head of cattle. A small miracle after the blizzards of ’86 and ’87 that had decimated the state over the past two years.

  He was also shocked to find out that each and every hand who worked the ranch owned some part of it. Whether simply having claim to some small piece of the land itself or sharing in the profits of the ranch as a whole. It made sense; in a strange way, each man would want the ranch to be as successful as possible and would, in turn, reap the benefits of their own labor. It certainly explained why there were so many older hands on the place.

  “Across that draw...” Katie’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts and once again his eyes roamed her delicate features. “…is Uncle Benji’s spread.” She pointed to a low rise backed with tall pines, a field of grass spilling downward along the hill to the prairie below and a small brook bubbled and bounced its way into a larger tributary on the flat land.

  “It’s all part of the whole but when he decides to stop ram-rodding for Pa he has a nice little cabin there.”

  For a moment their eyes met as Katie looked directly at him, a strange warmth seemed to creep from his middle and spread up and down his whole frame. It had been a long time since Will had actually looked at a pretty woman and unsolicited the thought that he wasn’t getting any younger roared through his head.


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