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Stepbrother Romance: The Knight Passion Series (Contemporary Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (New Adult BBW Romantic Comedy Pregnancy Short Story Collection)

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by Wanda Edmond

Ian Knight may have been the star of her raunchy secret fantasies, but he was her stepbrother. Still, caring about family and hiding her attraction to her relation were two naughtily different things!

  When Kristina saw Ian at the private spa resort in Miami, she felt her attraction flame for her brother all over again. His boldness and bravado to strip naked and join her in the ocean water had made her core between her bare thighs tingle with desire. When they were together the air lit up and it threatened to spark into fire!

  Chapter 4

  Kristina received another text from her boss Elise.

  Kristina read the note and she looked up, stunned. "You’re giving me a client?"

  "You've been there for the Agency, Krissy. I and the partners believe it is time we stood up for you." Elise tapped a few clicks on her smartphone and she smiled at Kristina.

  "Kristina. I'm giving you your first client. I want you to welcome her with a dinner around the same time the Agency introduces its first playwright as a signatory deal. The Agency will cover all the expenses."

  Kristina continued to stare.

  "You'll have to schmooze everybody, but it will be great opportunity for you to see how PR works upfront." Kristina noticed Elise checking her Tag Heur wristwatch.

  "You'll have one of these from the Agency too, one of these days." Elise said, seeing Kristina eye the watch.

  "If I didn't swing for the other team, I'd ask you to explain why you are always naked, or getting naked when we Skype—" The smartly pressed maven said.

  Kristina wished she looked at hot in a crushed velvet red vest and pantsuit without makeup or heavy accents like the junk most of the girls her age wore. Elsie look fantastic at around 50 and Kristina was just 25.

  "Because I spend more time on the go, than being among four walls," said Kristina. "Wait—we're going to the airport again?" Kristina looked at the drop off curb when she realized she saw a limousine driver holding up a card.

  The card the driver held had Kristina's name printed on it in bold.

  "Here is your ticket, your voucher for the expenses, and your expense account—." Jasmine handed Kristina the items and she handed Kristina a plastic wand.

  Kristina blinked when Jasmine held up a tablet PC. "Sign here, and here."

  Kristina signed her John Hancock.

  "And here. And here. Oh, here too, please." Kristina stared at her co-worker, Jasmine.

  "Gee, I feel like James Bond all over again. Jasmine you really have been towing the line I see."

  "That was the plan," said Elise. "Jasmine's been doing so well, I felt confident pitching you to the co-partners, Krissy," Elise said.

  "I cannot believe this is happening," said Kristina. "I thought maybe you wanted to tell me I was getting canned."

  "The Agency doesn't 'can' anybody," Elise said swiftly. "We do one thing and one thing only. What is that, Jasmine?" Elise said looking into the Skype window."

  "We promote." Jasmine said, her perfectly pretty Indian face grinning.

  "And since Jasmine is going to be liaison for you, and me, Kristina you will have a direct line of communication via Skype and phone, and you'll turn in any details of your dinner evening and memorable moments to Jasmine.

  "You're kidding." Kristina replied. "A dinner party?"

  "You'll be introducing new up and coming best-selling author, Bree Sumner. You'll be taken to the pre-interview meeting with the press to meet, immediately," Elise said.

  Kristina looked at her texts Elise sent and then her plane ticket.

  "I'm going to New York?"

  "Yes, you are. If you agree. Well, Krissy? Are you in?"

  Kristina sat in the company car with one bejeweled sandaled shoe in and her other one on the curb.

  She'd had he strangest week anybody could have. First, with her dreamboat stepbrother in Miami. Now, a limousine driver was waiting to driver her for a fitting, so she would have clothes waiting for her in NYC, following her flight.

  Kristina saw where she had signed a rider for some of her expenses.

  The limo driver was to bring Kristina back to airport before she was whisked up, and flown east.

  Sipping cocktails with a best-selling writer, and hanging out with some of New York's finest should be, interesting. Kristina was always shy in large crowds, but she'd just been offered a promotion, and she wasn't about to say "No."

  Plus, she'd get to put behind all of her racy thoughts and daydreams about her hunky Alpha, self-made billionaire-software mogul brother, Ian. A bonus! What did she have to lose?

  Kristina looked from Jasmine to Elise and she threw up her hands.

  "Am I in? You bet I'm in," replied Kristina.

  “Welcome to the PR world, Krissy Knight. Your life is about to change and it will never be the same." Elise smiled.

  Chapter 5

  Ian found the address on the Miami International Airport printout he asked his good friend Nate hook him up with, and Ian dialed the number listed by the passenger name.

  "’Hi, this is Krissy Knight.’"

  "Kristina, this is your brother, Ian--."

  "’Can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message--.’"

  Ian stared at his phone.

  Seemed his stepsister Kristina was away night and day. Ian decided he’d have to do something about it.

  "Ian Knight. How long, has it been?"

  Ian shook hands with Amy Breyden, guest relations at the New York Four Seasons Hotel.

  "Too long. Looks like you're doing well." Ian gestured around the ornate concourse near the outer lobby of the hotel. The decorative Art Deco and classical painting peppered the walls among cushy leather lounge seats and sofa chairs.

  "This old place?" Amy smiled.

  Amy knew very well Ian knew the Hotel was renovated. Amy worked her through hospitality, scoring her first job with travel and leisure. Now that Ian was back, Amy planned to remind him just how wonderful New York City was.

  "We get only film makers and corporate types. The decor has to reflect their ‘inner man’." Amy walked with Ian to the lounge bar and she checked her watch.

  Amy ordered Ian and herself each of them drink.

  "One whiskey sour and a Budweiser, please?" Amy took her drink when the bartender returned and she glanced at Ian.

  He was taller than she remembered since the last time they had been together. He wasn't able to hide his long legs and his broad shoulders in a tailored suit when they dated, any more than he did now.

  "I hope you don't mind my ordering for you?"

  "This is perfect. I'm flattered you still remembered." Amy watched Ian running the pad of his index finger around the rim of his glass. He seemed far away, and Amy wondered if she had acted too aggressively.

  "To good times." Amy held up her bottleneck of brew and Ian held up his whiskey. The two of them clicked glass.

  Ian glanced at Amy. "I see you still like it cold, and dirty."

  Amy blinked and she looked at the Bud she held in her manicured fingers. "Nothing like an ice cold beer to settle you when life is more work than play."

  Amy slid the neck of her beer bottle down her throat, in the low light of the bar, leaving enough between her lips to drain the bottle, but not so deeply that she gagged. Amy tipped back and she took a long drag of her beer. "That’s good stuff."

  Ian watched Amy guzzle the alcohol, remembering the afternoons they spent screwing in the library of their New York JC before they explored different colleges.

  Ian shifted on his seat, his cock lengthening, as his groin began to sweat. Amy's black shoulder length hair and light blue eyes reminded Ian of a wolf. Amy was 27 now, if he had his math correct, and her sexy way of flirting in public places, was as sensuously intoxicating, as it was dangerous. Ian liked it.

  Amy flipped her hair over her conservative blue corset vest, drawing Ian's gaze down her dark slacks and heels. Amy had a shapely figure, and Ian noticed her tits had grown considerably.

  Ian preferred breasts on the smaller side,
but Amy's titties would fit nicely into his palms, if her were lay her on the bar and take her right in the bar.

  Amy noticed Ian was looking at her hands

  "Single?" Ian said looking over his whiskey sour.

  "Maybe I'm in the market," Amy set her bottle down and she stood.

  "I hear your software turned app KnightSoft, is ready for IPO?" Amy said grabbing her jacket.

  "You know about that?" Ian followed Amy to the hotel elevators.

  "The hotel is looking for a way to interact with guests without prying into their habits. Or stalking them with an advert it 'thinks' they want to get. Part of my job is the find out what people want." Amy stepped in the elevator and she waited for Ian.

  "There's a party you wanted to know about, and that's why texted me you were in town, isn't Ian Knight?" Amy said, putting on her tailored blazer.

  If Ian said his only reason being in town was to see Amy, then would have lied.

  Ian glanced at Amy sheepishly.

  Amy called had him out.

  Ian remembered why he enjoyed being around her. She tagged him on his bull, and she when she had by the balls, she didn't let go.

  Amy Breyden was the kind of woman Ian preferred; if he hadn't shared his heart already with someone.

  Ian stepped into the elevator and he faced Amy. "All right, Amy. There is somebody else."

  Ian knew Amy wanted to know why he hadn't made a play for her back in bar. She and he had a good sexual relationship over the years.

  Amy was his ‘go-to’ babe, when he was frustrated, or exceptionally horny. Still they hadn't shared a bed in the last two summers. Ian had been too busy developing his software and building his company to play a little Post Office.

  "How long has it been, Ian?"

  "Don't ask me questions you already know the answers to, Amy Breyden," Ian said.

  Amy glared at Ian for what seemed an eternity.

  Then Ian watched Amy smile slowly. "The party you want to crash is sponsored by your girlfriend's agency."

  Ian looked out from the elevator into the busy lobby.

  He noticed the way Amy touched her hand to her ear. Two security men in suits were heading for the elevator. Amy threw her hand in front of one side of the elevator. Amy held up her hand and she shook her head.

  "He's all right fellas. He's with me." Amy said aloud.

  Ian stared at Amy. "You knew I asked to see the guest names." Ian said. "Smooth."

  "Naturally," Amy said. "How else are you going to find a way into the book party without an invitation?"

  Ian saw the security men veer to another part of the lobby and Amy stepped back into the elevator.

  "You can get me in?"

  "All that money you have and you still have to figure out how to break into a party," Amy said softly. "That's one of the reasons I always look forward to seeing you. You know how to show a girl a good time, Ian," Amy said, glancing at the numbers on the elevator panel.

  "Don't worry, I'll get you into the party." Amy pushed the button to the penthouse floor.

  "The author is a friend of mine. You'll go in with me and you can tell me ahead, what you're going to do for me, now that I'm helping you get your girl."

  Ian closed the tiny space between himself and Amy, who smiled. "She is not my 'girl'."

  "She will be when you get through though, won't she?" Amy grinned at Ian while the elevator doors closed.

  "What is it you want?" Ian said, his voice thick and gravelly.

  "I think you know. And you're a fantastic bargainer when the chips throw down."

  Amy turned to Ian.

  "You know, you get better looking every time I see you—.”

  Chapter 6

  Amy Breyden was as fiery a slut as Ian recalled. She stopped the elevator before the carriage reached the Penthouse floor. Amy unbuttoned her slacks and Ian watched bemused as she let them slide down her shapely legs to the elevator floor.

  Amy wanted Ian. The sex they’d had was simply too hot not to try again. She grabbed Ian's crotch and she sank to her knees, ready to remind him how good they both were together.

  "I want you to know, I don't do this everybody," Amy said, sliding her lips over Ian's long, thick shaft.

  Ian threw his head back as Amy clawed his crisply pressed shirt with her nails. Amy undid half of Ian's buttons, as she gulped her way down his manhood.

  Damn, she was hotter than he first remembered. Her lips felt hot on Ian’s flesh like they were made of molten butter, and her mouth and her tongue were smoother than silk.

  "I'm not gonna be able to last long, babe," Ian warned as he thrust his balls and shaft against Amy's throat.

  Amy nodded, her licks and suckles along Ian's erection were muffled by his in-and-out assault on her mouth. Amy pinched at Ian's nipples as she dragged her lips over on his crown. Ian's legs trembled and his abdominal wall flexed, as he groaned, and his body tensed. Warm, jets of scalding male come erupted from him and spurted thickly into Amy's waiting mouth.

  Amy gulped and she sucked; she nipped at Ian's cock and she nuzzled him, drinking all he had to give, confident she had proven she had the right gifts any man would relish.

  Ian dropped to his knees and Amy spread for him. He delved his tongue into her hungry center and he began to lick and nip at her tender, wet flesh—when the elevator started again.

  Amy moaned, enjoying Ian's attack on her horny pussy when she slapped her hands on the walls, screaming in pleasure. She’d struck the elevator button to the penthouse floor, rocking herself and Ian as she teetered over the brink of tumultuous orgasm.

  "Oh, baby—." Amy grinned, as she flood Ian's lips and mouth with her sweet, horny nectar.

  "You really do remember how to give a good bitch a good time!"

  Chapter 7

  Kristina stepped onto the heliport, frightened.

  "Is it supposed to whirl so much?"

  Kristina begged to find a limo that could take her from LaGuardia to her hotel. Everything was held.

  "Can't I find a taxi?" Kristina's phone was down to its last few bars, and she prayed she would be able to keep a signal. She overheard an airport attendant say there was a heliport. A half an hour later, she stood outside, staring at a rotor spinning a massive blade; and she wondered if she could handle flying high in a thingamajig that wasn't that much bigger than a car.

  She hadn't given much thought to how cool New York might be at nighttime. Kristina wished she'd brought a coat or a sweater jacket with her. The fitting she had while was still in Atlanta took all of twenty minutes, and then she piled back into the company limo, and she was handed a charm bracelet from a stylist. Then she was off to travel to The Big Apple.

  Nobody bothered to tell her that the clothes she was measured for were sent to the wrong hotel.


  The attendant at the LaGuardia heliport asked Kristina if she was okay. She'd hung up already with her hotel and she was determined to arrive at the book signing party. "No, I 'll do this," she said. Kristina had to meet her client Bree Sumner at the pre-release book signing on time, and Kristina never arrived anywhere, "Fashionably Late".

  "Will you walk me to the 'copter?" Kristina held out her hand and the short, bald assistant guided her under the blades of the helicopter.

  "This is your first helicopter ride?" The pilot said loudly.

  "Everything I'm doing lately is filled with firsts," Kristina tried to hold her sarong in place as she climbed into the passenger's seat. She thanked the assistant and waved as the helicopter lifted.

  The helicopter blades sputtered; Kristina yelped, and the pilot told her that everything was going to be fine.

  "I'll have you at Downtown Manhattan Heliport in no time."

  "How long does the trip take," Kristina said loudly.

  "Eight clicks. Will get you there in eight minutes, tops."

  Kristina didn't have nearly enough time to look at the city. The helicopter cut through the sky so swiftly, she landed at the helipor
t, and then she whisked to her hotel before she blinked.

  "Thank you."


  Kristina traveled by limo to the hotel. She stopped by her room, and she headed to greet Bree Sumner. When she got to Bree's room, Bree was just leaving.

  "Pardon me? Bree Sumner?"


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