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Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1)

Page 20

by Heather MacKinnon

  “Well then, maybe she shouldn’t be here,” Peyton told him, her dark eyes flashing with hatred in my direction.

  “Maybe that’s not up to you,” I suggested.

  Her eyes narrowed and Beatrice sat forward in her chair. Peyton opened her mouth to respond, but Abraham showed up, putting an end to the conversation.

  “Sorry it took so long, the line was crazy,” he said as he handed me a brown bottle of beer.

  I accepted it, and took a long sip without even looking at the label, my eyes still fixed on Peyton. To my delight, she looked even angrier since Abraham showed up with my drink.

  “Abey, you wanna’ dance?” she asked, turning her laser focus onto him.

  Out of the corner of my eye I watched him shake his head and take a swig of beer. “Nah’ I’m good. I’m gonna’ rest for a few. El here wore me out,” he said with a laugh as he settled his arm along the back of my chair.

  I couldn’t help the satisfied smirk that slid across my face. “If I’m not mistaken, it was you who asked me to dance,” I told him from behind my bottle.

  I’d never been a big beer drinker, but this was tasty and refreshing, and exactly what I needed right now. Abraham chuckled, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

  “Is that how you remember it?” he asked with a grin.

  “That’s how it happened.”

  Peyton stood and held out her hand to Calvin. “Let’s go Cal, dance with me.”

  I watched Calvin take a long glance at me before doing as he was told, and leading Peyton onto the dance floor.

  “You don’t need to treat her that way,” Bea’s angry voice came from across the table.

  “Treat her what way?” Abraham asked before taking another sip of his beer.

  “Like shit. You know she likes you. Why wouldn’t you dance with her?”

  I felt my entire body stiffen and Abraham’s hand freeze in my hair. My pulse pounded in my ears as I swear I saw red.

  Abraham was mine.

  I froze, that thought bringing me up short.

  Because he wasn’t mine.

  What was I thinking?

  He’s not mine.

  I have no hold on him.

  He can do whatever he wants.

  I repeated those words over and over in my head, but the repetition wasn’t making them any more true.

  Abraham sighed and slid his hand from my back to the top of my shoulder where he squeezed. “Bea, you know I don’t have feelings for her like that. I never have. If I’d danced with her, it would only give her the wrong idea.”

  “But, you’ll dance with her?” Beatrice spat, nodding her head in my direction.

  Abraham’s hand tightened on my shoulder, and he sat up straighter. “Beatrice, who I do or don’t dance with is none of your concern. You need to mind your own business and stop trying to set me up with your friend. It’s not gonna’ happen.” His voice had gotten deeper and more serious.

  I leaned into Abraham’s side to distract him from the argument he was having. Beatrice was being a bitch, but she was still his family. And I was learning how important family was.

  When his head whipped around, I knew I’d succeeded. “You wanna’ go back out?” I asked with a nod toward the dance floor.

  Abraham faced me, his lip turned up at the corner in an irresistible smirk. His blue eyes were bright like a clear afternoon sky. “Are you askin’ me to dance?”

  I downed the rest of my beer and thunked it on the table. “I think I am.”

  His eyes stayed locked on mine as he finished his own drink. “Only a fool would turn down the opportunity to dance with the most beautiful woman in this bar.”

  A scoff from Beatrice floated across the table, but we both ignored her. I rolled my eyes and stood with my hand held out for him. “Well then let’s go. We’ll see if you can keep up.”

  Abraham’s smile was brilliant as he grabbed my hand and pulled me against him. “Challenge accepted,” he whispered in my ear.

  We found Evey and Callie out on the dance floor and the four of us danced through the next few songs. Abraham was never far from my side, and would occasionally grab my hand and twirl me around. We laughed, and sang, and jumped, and wiggled until Del stopped singing and set her guitar down.

  “That’s all I got for you tonight! Thanks for havin’ me!” she called before exiting the stage to loud cheers, and whistles from the crowd. The noise had become too much for me, and I had to cover my ears to cope with the piercing sounds. I’d developed a headache over the course of the night and knew I had my newly enhanced hearing to blame.

  Abraham noticed my distress and pulled me into him. With one ear pressed against his chest, and his hand on top of mine holding the other, I made it through Del’s applause.

  “You doin’ all right?” Abraham whispered in my ear. “I probably shouldn’t have brought you here tonight. It’s too soon after you got your hearing.” I looked up and saw his anxious eyes staring back at me.

  I shook my head. “You couldn’t have missed your sister’s show.”

  “Your wellbeing is more important.”

  I shook my head again, but he ignored me, and turned to Evey. “Are you ready to go, or did you want to stay a while?”

  Evey shrugged. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

  “How about you, Callie?”

  She nodded too. “I’ve had a long week, I’m ready for bed.”

  Abraham nodded and ushered us back to the table. Del was there when we arrived, and Abraham stepped away from my side to wrap his arms around his sister.

  “Del, you did amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sound better.”

  Her cheeks darkened as she accepted hugs from Callie and Evey. “Thanks, Abey. It was a good show.” She turned to me and held her arms out. I still wasn’t as comfortable with displays of affection and hugging as they were, but I was getting better. “How’d you like the show, Elizabeth?”

  “You were incredible!” I gushed as I embraced her.

  “This was the first time Ellie’s been to something like this,” Evey added.

  Del’s eyes widened, but before she could speak, Peyton cut in.

  “Never been to a live show before? What, have you been living under a rock?” she laughed.

  “No, I was busy becoming a successful attorney, actually.”

  My response had Del and Evey laughing. Peyton’s dark eyes flashed dangerously. Abraham took that opportunity to speak up.

  “Del we’re headin’ out. Did you want a ride back, or are you gonna’ hang for a bit?”

  Del shook her head. “I’m too wired to go home now. I’ll catch a ride later with one of these losers,” she jerked a thumb over her shoulder at Clyde and Calvin, the latter taking mock-offense to her description of him.

  “Abey, I’m tired, and they’re not leaving for a while. Do you think you could give me a ride home?” Peyton asked with a honey-sweet voice that made my teeth grind.

  “Sure, we got room. You ready now?”

  She nodded and wrapped a skinny pale arm around his bicep. “Yup. Let’s get out of here.” She took off toward the front door, dragging Abraham, and leaving us to follow in her wake.

  Abraham glanced over his shoulder at me, and I smiled through my clenched jaw as I stalked after them.

  He’s not mine.

  I have no hold on him.

  He can do whatever he wants.

  I repeated the words over and over as I wove through the crowded bar. Evey caught up and slung her arm around my waist.

  “You know he likes you, right?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I spat and then winced, instantly remorseful for the tone I was using with my new friend. She didn’t deserve my anger. The harpy up ahead however, did.

  “I know you know what I’m talkin’ about Elizabeth Montgomery, so don’t play dumb with me.” Her sharp words cut through the red haze I was in, and I turned to face her. “Peyton’s always had a thing for
him, ever since we were younger, but he’s always turned her down. You don’t need to worry about her. She’s just jealous cause’ she sees the way he looks at you.”

  My face heated, and I didn’t trust myself to respond.

  “You don’t need to admit it now, but I know you like him too. It’s written all over that pretty little face of yours. You need to stop bein’ so hard-headed and let him in. I promise he’s a good guy. The best. He’s never once let us down, and I know he won’t let you down either.” I was stunned silent. “You don’t have to decide today, but just think about what I said,” she requested.

  The best I could muster after that declaration of hers was a simple nod, but it seemed to satisfy her.

  “Good to hear,” she giggled. “Now, what did you think about your first dive bar and show?” At that point Callie came up on my other side, linking arms with me, and joining our conversation.

  We laughed as we recounted our night, all the while I snuck glances ahead of us at Peyton and Abraham’s backs. I wondered what kind of sickly sweet things she was saying to him, and whether they’d make me want to punch her.

  I decided that was likely.

  “I can’t believe Abey requested Del sing that song,” Callie confided, her light blue eyes wide. “He’s never done anything like that before.”

  I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Oh, yeah?” I asked as offhanded as I could.

  Callie nodded seriously. “Never. He’s danced with tons of girls at shows like this and never requested a special song for them.”

  I gritted my teeth until they felt like they might crack. “Oh, yeah?” I repeated, although this time a little harsher.

  “It’s different with Ellie, Cal, can’t you see that?”

  Callie nodded again. “It’s totally different,” she agreed.

  “What’s different?” Abraham asked. We’d arrived at his truck by now, Peyton still hanging from his arm.

  “Nothing!” the three of us chimed together, which produced a fit of giggles from us, and a sigh from him.

  “Great, another woman in my life to gang up against me,” Abraham complained with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his face. He clearly wasn’t bothered by our camaraderie.

  “I’d never gang up on you, Abey,” Peyton purred.

  I rolled my eyes and fought to stop the beer I’d had from making a repeat appearance.

  “Thanks Peyton,” he said as he walked over to the driver’s side, ruffling her hair like a kid as he passed.

  She frowned at the sisterly affection which made my night just a little brighter. Until she opened her mouth again.

  “I call shotgun,” she yelled, causing the headache I’d been developing to blossom further.

  I shot a furious look at the skinny brunette while I climbed into the cramped backseat between Callie and Evey. I could already tell this was going to be a long ride back to the lodge.

  Chapter 26

  Peyton spent the whole twenty-minute ride back to the lodge talking Abraham’s ear off. I spent it seething in the back. So, I was beyond relieved when we finally pulled onto his long driveway, and up to the lodge.

  When we stopped, I slid across the backseat, and stepped onto the gravel drive as fast as I could. To my surprise, Abraham approached me immediately, using one hand to wrap around the back of my neck, fingers tangling in my thick hair.

  “Hey,” he said simply.

  I smiled. “Hey.”

  “You hungry?”

  My stomach took that opportunity to rumble. He must have heard because he smiled and directed me toward the massive house in front of us.

  “I could eat!” Peyton piped up, coming around the other side of the truck to stand in our way.

  I watched Abraham’s face to see how he’d handle this. If he invited her to eat with us, I was going to bed early, empty stomach or not. But, instead, he frowned.

  “Don’t you and Paul have enough food? If not, I can gather whatever you want from the pantry.”

  Peyton’s dark eyes dimmed. “No, we’ve got plenty of food,” she admitted.

  Abraham smiled and patted her on the shoulder as he ushered me toward the door. “Great, then have a good night, Peyton,” he called as he left her seething in the driveway.

  I held my tongue, but couldn’t wipe the grin off my face.

  We got to the kitchen, and Abraham pulled out a stool for me at the large island in the middle of the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator door and stuck his head inside.

  “Uh…” he began. I arched an eyebrow and waited for him to finish. He straightened up, holding a couple bags of deli meat. “Sandwiches?” he asked hopefully.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  He smiled his million dollar smile, and I swear I saw stars. How could this man be so beautiful, so kind, so gentle, and funny all at the same time? There had to be something I was missing. Some bad habit, or terrible skeleton in his closet. He couldn’t be this perfect.

  “We got ham, turkey, or roast beef,” he interrupted my musings.


  His surprised eyes met mine. “Okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ll have it all. Load it up.”

  He smiled wide. “That’s my girl. An everything sandwich coming right up.”

  I rolled my eyes, but smiled back. “Not your girl, McCoy.”

  “Not yet,” he responded.

  I scoffed, but didn’t deny it. Because if I had, it might have been a lie.

  “How about some lettuce and tomato?” he asked.

  “And mayo and mustard,” I added.

  He nodded and went back to hunt down the extra ingredients. “Where can I find a cutting board and knife?” I asked.


  I laughed. “That’s right. Your culinary expertise is a recent development. I’ll find them myself.”

  “I was just thinking Ms. Smartypants. Now I remember the cutting boards are in the cabinet next to the sink, and the knives are in the drawer below that.” My eyebrows rose in surprise, and he rolled his eyes. “I’m not completely useless in the kitchen.”

  I helped to slice up the tomato while he put our sandwiches together. We worked together in companionable silence, and it was nice and oddly familiar.

  He placed the plates in front of two stools and returned to the fridge for a couple bottles of water. He pulled out a barstool for me and then took the seat next to mine.

  Once I’d taken a few bites and a gulp of water, I turned to Abraham, and asked something that’d been on my mind for hours. “So, where are you taking me tomorrow?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” He smiled behind his sandwich.

  “Can I at least get a hint?” I asked sweetly, placing a hand on his thigh.

  He froze in his seat, and turned wide eyes in my direction, first at my hand, and

  then my eyes. His throat bobbed with a harsh swallow, and he took a long sip of water before answering. “Are you trying to use your womanly wiles to get me to spill my secrets?”

  My head fell back with a loud bark of laughter. “My ‘womanly wiles’?” He nodded. “I wasn’t aware I had any ‘wiles’.”

  He smirked. “Believe me, you’ve got wiles in spades.”

  “Well is it working?”

  He shook his head slowly as he finished chewing. “You have no idea.”

  I waited for a few moments before I persisted. “Well?”

  He assessed me for a few long seconds before scratching his stubbled cheek. “Okay, I’ll give you a hint.” I clapped my hands, my smile wide and expectant. “I’d do just about anything to make you smile that way,” he muttered. I had no time to respond to that because he kept speaking. “It’s somewhere you’ve never been before.”

  I waited for more, but when it was clear he was done, I frowned. “Well, that wasn’t very helpful. How am I supposed to guess where we’re going with that?”

  He laug
hed as he cleared our empty plates. “That’s the point, El. You’re not supposed to guess.”

  I sighed dramatically which made him laugh again. “Okay fine. Can you tell me when at least?”

  He rinsed the plates and placed them in the dishwasher. “I’ve cleared my afternoon, so I thought we could leave around one? Have lunch there?”

  I smiled. “My day’s wide open.”

  His expression turned serious, and he slowly walked around the island until he was right in front of me. “You know, the last time you were in my house, you didn’t do much smiling.”

  I gulped. He was so close, his scent overwhelming my senses. “I didn’t have much to smile about then.”

  He took a step closer, nudging my knees apart to make room for his hips. “And, now?”

  I was trapped in his gaze. “Now it’s different.”

  He scanned my face. “You’re different.”

  I could only nod.

  He leaned in close until his lips brushed against my ear. “I like seeing you happy. I want to keep making you happy.”

  My eyes fell closed as a shuddering breath left my lungs. His warm lips traveled from the shell of my ear to my cheek where he pressed a slow, tender kiss that was far too brief.

  He leaned back, and fire burned in his bright blue eyes. “You ready for bed?” he asked gruffly.

  My mouth went dry, my eyes wide as I read between the lines.

  Was he asking me to sleep with him?! We haven’t even kissed yet!

  My heart picked up to an almost painful pace as my palms sweat. Mind racing, I tried to remember the last time I shaved, but couldn’t.

  I’m not ready!

  Abraham watched my reaction with shrewd eyes. Suddenly, his expression cleared, and his head tipped back with a hearty laugh. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me from the stool. Still laughing, he placed a kiss on top of my head, arm still wrapped around me as he lead us out of the kitchen.

  “What I meant was ‘are you ready for your own bed’.”

  My face heated painfully as I prayed for a sinkhole or flash flood to take me away.

  How could I have been so stupid and presumptuous?

  He leaned down until his lips were against the side of my face. “Don’t get me wrong, El. I’d love to wake up next to you tomorrow morning, but the time isn’t right. And, I’m not that kinda’ guy.”


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