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Out of the Flames

Page 31

by Lawrence Goldstone

  Bainton, Roland, H., Erasmus of Christendom, (New York, 1969; Charles Scribner's Sons)

  —Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther (New York, 1950; Abingdon-Cokesbury Press)

  —, Hunted Heretic: The Life and Death of Michael Servetus (1511–15.53)(Boston, 1953; Beacon Press)

  Beales, Derek, Joseph II(Cambridge, 1987; Cambridge University Press)

  Bell, Mary I. M, A Short History of the Papacy (New York, 1921; Dodd, Mead)

  Beloff, Max, The Age of Absolutism (London, 1954; Hutchinson.)

  Benson, George, A Brief Account of Calvin's Burning of Servetus (London, 1743; The Old Whig

  Blanning, T. C. W, Joseph II(London, 1994; Longmans)

  Bliss, Michael, William Osler: A Life in Medicine (London, 1999; Oxford University Press)

  Boorstin, Daniel, The Discoverers (New York, 1983; Random House)

  Breen, Quirinus, John Calvin: A Study in French Humanism (Hamden, Conn., 1968; Archon Books)

  Brodie, Fawn M, Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate Portrait(New'York, 1974; W. W. Norton)

  Brooks, Richard A., Voltaire and Leibniz (Geneva, 1964; Librarie Droz) Bumbaugh, David, Unitarian Universalism: A Narrative History(Chicago, 2001; Meadville-Lombard University Press)

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  —, The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York, 1914; D. Appleton)

  Chauffpie, Jaques George de, The Life of Servetus (London, 1771; R. Baldwin)

  Coq, Dominique, Le Parangon du Bibliophile Français: Le Duc de la Vallière et sa Collection (Paris, 1988; Promidis)

  Cushing, Harvey, The Life of Sir William Osler (Oxford, 1925; Clarendon Press)

  Cuthbertson, David, A Tragedy of the Reformation (Edinburgh, 1912; Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier)

  Davies, Martin, The Gutenberg Bible (London, 1995; British Library)

  De Rosa, Peter, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy (New York, 1988; Crown)

  Drummond, William H., The Life of Michael Servetus (London, 1848; John Chapman)

  Duffy, Eamon, Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes (New Haven, 1997; Yale University Press)

  Durant, Will, and Ariel Durant, The Story of Civilization (New York, 1957; Simon & Schuster)

  Faludy, George, Erasmus (New York, 1970; Stein & Day)

  Fulton, John F. Michael Servetus: Humanist and Martyr‘(New York, 1953; Herbert Reichner)

  Gargett, Graham, Voltaire and Protestantism (Oxford, 1980; Voltaire Foundation)

  Garrison, Fielding H., An Introduction to the History of Medicine(Philadelphia, 1914; W. B. Saunders)

  Glendinning, Victoria, Jonathan Swift: A Portrait (New York, 1998; Henry Holt)

  Grendler, Paul, Aldus Manutius: Humanist, Teacher, and Printer (Providence, R.I., 1984; John Carter Brown Library)

  Hackett, Francis, Francis the First: First Gentleman of France (Garden City, N.Y., 1935; Country Life Press)

  Hale, John, The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance (New York, 1994; Atheneum)

  Harvey, William, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, trans. Robert Willis (Frankfurt, 1847)

  Hemmeter, John C, Michael Servetus: Discoverer of Pulmonary Circulation (Leyde, 1915; E. J. Brill)

  Hillar, Marian, The Case of Michael Servetus (1511–1553): The Turning Point in the Struggle for Freedom of Conscience (Lewisburg, N.Y, 1997; Edwin Mellen Press)

  Hohnel, Ludwig von, Discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stephanie: A Narrative of Count Samuel Teleki's Exploring and Hunting Expedition in Eastern Equatorial Africa in 1887 and 1888 (London, 1894; Longmans, Green)

  Holt, Anne, A Life of Joseph Priestley (London, 1931; Oxford University Press)

  Hunter, Michael (ed.), Robert Boyle by Himself and His Friends, with a Fragment of William Wotton's Lost Life of Boyle (London, 1994; William Pickering)

  An Impartial History of Michael Servetus, Burnt Alive at Geneva for Here-sie (London, 1724; printed for Aaron Ward)

  Kelly, W A., The Library of Lord George Douglas (Cambridge, 1997; Libri Pertinentes Publications)

  Kesten, Hermann, Copernicus and His World (New York, 1945; Roy Publishers)

  Knecht, R. J., Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I (Cambridge, 1994; Cambridge University Press)

  Knott, John, Michael Servetus and the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood (New York, igi i; William Wood)

  Koch, Adrienne, and William Peden, The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson (New York, 1944; Modern Library)

  La Vallière, Louis César de la Baume Le Blanc, due de, Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothèque de feu monsieur le duc de La Vallière, 3 vol. (Paris, 1783; Guillaume de Bure)

  —, Prix des Livres de la Bibliothèque de Monsieur le duc de La Vallière(Paris, 1784; Guillaume de Bure)

  Lázár, István, Transylvania: A Short History (Budapest, 1997; Corvina)

  Livermore, Harold, A History of Spain (New York, 1958; Farrar, Straus & Cudahy)

  Lowry, Martin, The World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice (Ithaca, 1979; Cornell University Press)

  Mackall, Leonard Leopold, Servetus Notes (New York, 1919; P. B. Hoe-ber)

  Manchester, William, A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (Boston, 1992; Little, Brown)

  Manguel, Alberto, A History of Reading (New York, 1996; Viking)

  McBrien, Richard P., Lives of the Popes: The Pontiffs from Saint Peter to John Paul II(San Francisico, 1997; HarperSanFrancisco)

  McNeill, John T, The History and Character of Calvinism (Oxford, 1954; Oxford University Press)

  Meade, Richard EL, In the Sunshine of Life: A Biography of Dr. Richard Mead 1673–1754 (Philadelphia, 1974; Dorrance)

  Numbers, Ronald L. (ed.), The Education of American Physicians: Historical Essays (Berkeley, 1980; University of California Press)

  Odhner, Carl Theophilus, Michael Servetus, His Life and Teachings(Philadelphia, 1910; J. B. Lippincott)

  O'Malley, Charles Donald, Andreas Vesalius of Brussels 1514–1564(Berkeley, 1964; University of Californis Press)

  Orcutt, William Dana, The Kingdom of Books (Boston, 1937; Litde, Brown)

  Osier, William, A Way of Life (1913 reprinted Philadelphia, 1992; J. B. Lippincott)

  —, Bibliotheca Osleriana (Oxford, 1929; Clarendon Press)

  —, Michael Servetus (Oxford, 1909; Oxford University Press)

  —, Principles and Practice of Medicine (New York, 1892; D. Appleton)

  Parke, David (ed.), The Epic of Unitarianism: Original Writings From the History of Liberal Religion (Boston, 1985; Skinner House Books)

  Parker, T. H. L., John Calvin: A Biography (Philadelphia, 1975; Westminster Press)

  Pepys, Samuel, Diaries (New York, 1955; Heritage Press)

  Priestley, Joseph, The Autobiography of Joseph Priestley (Teaneck, N.J, 1970; Fairleigh Dickinson University Press)

  Randall, Willard S, Thomas Jefferson: A Life (New York, 1993; Henry Holt)

  Reddaway, W F. et al. (eds.), The Cambridge History of Poland (to 1696) (Cambridge, 1950; Cambridge University Press.)

  The Register of the Company of Pastors of Geneva in the Time of Calvin, trans. Philip E. Hughes (Grand Rapids, Mich., 1966; William E. Eerdmans Publishing)

  Reyburn, Hugh, John Calvin: His Life, Letters, and Work (London, 1914.; Hodder & Stoughton)

  Roberts, J. M, A History of Europe (London, 1996; Allen Lane)

  Robertson, J. M, A History of Freethought: Ancient and Modern to the Period of the French Revolution (London, 1936; Watts.)

  Robertson, William, The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V (London, 1772; Strahan & Cadell)

  Rothstein, William G., American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine: A History (New York, 1987; Oxford University Press)

  Sanders, Joan, La Petite: The Life of Louise de Lavallière (Boston, 1959; Houghton Mifflin)

  Sedgwick, Henry, Ignatius Loyola: An Attempt at an Impartial Biography (New York, 1923; Macmillan)

  Servetus, Michael, Christianismi Restitutio and Other Writings, trans. Charles D. O'Malley (Birmingham, 1989; Classics of Medicine Library)

  —, The Two Treaties of Servetus on the Trinity, trans. Earl Morse Wilbur (Cambridge, 1932; Harvard University Press)

  Steinberg, S. H, Five Hundred Years of Printing, ed. John Lrevitt (London and New Castle, Del., 1996; British Library & Oak Knoll Press)

  Stephen, Leslie et al. Dictionary of National Biography (London, 1885–1901; Smith, Elder.)

  Tallentyre, S. G., The Life of Voltaire (New York, 1905; G. P. Putnam's Sons)

  Temkin, Owsei, Was Servetus Influenced by Ibn an-Nafis? (Baltimore, 1940; Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine)

  Tuchman, Barbara, The March of Folly (New York, 1884; Alfred A. Knopf)

  Wedgwood, C. V., The Thirty Years' War(London, 1938; Jonathan Cape)

  White, Andrew Dickson, A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (New York, 1905; D. Appleton)

  Wilbur, Earl Morse, Our Unitarian Heritage (Boston, 1925; Beacon Press)

  Willis, Robert, Servetus and Calvin: A Study of an Important Epoch in the Early History of the Reformation (London, 1877; Henry S. King)

  Winship, George Parker, Printing in the Fifteenth Century (Philadelphia, 1940; University of Pennsylvania Press)

  Wotton, William, Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning (London, 1694; J. Leake for Peter Buck)

  —, Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning 2nd ed. (London, 1697; J. Leake for Peter Buck)


  We had a good deal of help in writing this book. Many people took the time to speak at length with us, both to help us find obscure references and to provide background that was not available in print. Miriam Man-delbaum at the New York Public Library first set us on the trail. Toby Appel, the librarian at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library at Yale, and Mona Florea, her assistant, were consistently patient, enthusiastic, and invaluable. Time after time, they helped us find what we were looking for, even when we weren't sure ourselves, and let us have access to an amazing variety of materials, from a genuine first edition of De Trinitatis Erroribus to the catalog of the Lavallière auction, complete with the almost impossible-to-find price list. At the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, curators Christa Sammons and Vincent Giroud were always willing to take the time to fill in a blank for us, send us in the right rather than wrong direction, or translate a passage.

  As for Unitarian history, John Tolley and Dean Grodzins at Meadville-Lombard University were generous with their time and knowledge, as was the Reverend Barbara Fast at the Unitarian congregation of Westport. Dr. Géza Jeszenszky, the Hungarian ambassador to the United States, and a former professor of history, was of enormous assistance in helping us trace both the Teleki and Szent-Iványi families. As to the former, Paul Teleki gave us further details of his remarkable family, and for the latter, István Szent-Iványi, a member of the Hungarian parliament, and his sister Ilona helped us trace the history of theirs.

  On the book front, we are deeply indebted to Geneviève Guilleminot-Chrétien at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France for her help in learning more about the Duc de Lavallière and Joseph Van Praet, but mostly for allowing us a private viewing of the Colladon copy of Christianismi Restitutio. And without the help of Claudia Oudey and François Giraud of Room Y at the BNF, we would never have had the opportunity of speaking with Mme. Guilleminot.

  Also in Paris, the staff of the Village Voice bookshop, specifically Odile Hellier (owner), Michael Neal (wizard of the Bibliothèque Nationale), and Aude Samarut and Barbara Bessat-Lelarge (ways and means of the French post office), obtained photoreproductions for us in the face of enormous odds. Without Don Bell (“Don the Bookman”) none of it would have been possible.

  Monika Kiegler at the National Library of Austria took the time to send rare material on the Teleki copy of Christianismi Restitutio, as did Jean Archibald at the Edinburgh University Library for the Douglas copy. Murray Simpson, director of Special Collections at the National Library of Scotland, helped us with the history of the Douglas family, as did David Wright of the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh.

  We'd like to include a special thank-you to Lewis Leist, who was kind enough to send a book that was very enlightening on the life and times of Gutenberg. Robert Fleck of Oak Knoll Books was quite helpful in filling in details of the early history of printing, and Ross King helped us understand the fate of the great aristocratic libraries of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Christine Ruggere at Johns Hopkins helped with the evolution of medical education in America, and Dr. Albert Klainer contributed some priceless anecdotes about William Osler.

  Our editor at Broadway Books, Gerry Howard, not only immediately saw that this was a good story, but more importantly envisioned the telling as we did. He shared our enthusiasm and helped guide us to producing a better book. Thanks also to Jay Crosby at Broadway, who was consistently patient and helpful. Our agent, Jed Mattes, let two strangers walk into his office one day, then sat with us for two hours discussing a project that he could not have known would come to fruition. Not only has he always been supportive, but he is a thoroughly kind and decent man. As Erasmus said of Froben, he is a man with whom you can play dice in the dark.

  Finally, we want to thank our daughter, Emily (age ten as this is written), who was patient and understanding during a period when she did not get the attention she deserved, and who helped her parents resolve an embarrassing number of fights about just whose prose was more turgid or whose research more thorough.


  Frontispiece—Servetus woodcut (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Erotic illustration from the Hypnerotomachia (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)

  Dolphin anchor logo (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)

  Erasmus (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Francis I (Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY)

  Marguerite d'Angoulême (Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY)

  Charles V at 16 (Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY)

  Coronation at Bologna (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University)

  Calvin drawing by student (Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, Collections Bibliothèque publiqueet universitaire, Genève)

  Map from the Geography (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Vesalius (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Title page of the Fabrica—1553 (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University) Title page of Syrups (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Map of Geneva (Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, Collections Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, Genève)

  Title page of Christianismi Restitutio (Bibliothèque nationale de France)

  Servetus's last letter from prison (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Pulmonary circulation passage from CR (Bibliothèque nationale de France)

  Loyola in armor (Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY)

  Servetus passage from Wotton (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Colladon's notes (Bibliothèque nationale de France)

  Leibniz (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Title page of Impartial History (Authors' collection) Louise de la Vallière (Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY)

  Duke de Lavallière (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Errors of the Trinity, genuine and counterfeit (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Priestley (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  Blockley dead house (Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill Universit

  Geneva stone monument (Authors' collection)

  Servetus sculpture (Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University)

  NANCY GOLDSTONE is the author of several works of fiction and nonfiction. She has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post Magazine, and the Boston Globe Magazine.

  LAWRENCE GOLDSTONE has written both fiction and nonfiction, and won a New American Writing Award for his first novel, Rights. Together, they are the authors of Used and Rare, Slightly Chipped and Warmly Inscribed. They live with their daughter in Connecticut.

  OUT OF THE FLAMES. Copyright © 2002 by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. For information, address Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

  BROADWAY BOOKS and its logo, a letter B bisected on the diagonal, are trademarks of Random House, Inc.

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  Frontispiece: An early eighteenth-century engraving of Michael Servetus. There is no surviving image made during his lifetime.

  Goldstone, Lawrence, 1947–

  Out of the flames: the remarkable story of a fearless scholar, a fatal heresy, and one of the rarest books in the world/Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone.—1st ed.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references.

  1. Servetus, Michael, 1511–1553. 2. Heretics, Christian—Europe—Biography. 3. Persecution—Europe—History—16th century. 4. Religious tolerance—History of doctrines—16th century. I. Goldstone, Nancy Bazelon. II. Title.

  BX9869.S4 G57 2002


  [B] 2001056710

  eISBN: 978-0-307-48924-1





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