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Pretend Princess (Cordillera Royals Book 1)

Page 16

by Carolyn Rae

  She glanced at the two suits of heavy armor positioned nearby. A ray of sun lit up a sword in its embossed scabbard, attached to a ring in the armor. Now if she could get a sword out, he might pay more attention to her demands.

  Roberto followed her gaze. “I heard the queen wants to make this a museum. It would be good for tourism, but the king must have insisted it’s too costly.”

  He moved to a window. “Step over here and look out. The castle’s backed up against the mountain so no army can attack from the rear.

  Foot-thick walls framed the glassless opening. Tricia glanced out. Three feet away, a brown and gray cliff rose higher than she could see. She turned to face Roberto. “I insist you untie my guard and Shayla.”

  “Not until you talk to me.” Roberto grasped her shoulders and pulled her toward him. His face loomed closer. It was obvious he had more than talking in mind. The musky smell of his aftershave enveloped her as she tried to push him away. Her neck ached from bending backward to avoid his kiss.

  His muscular arms gripped Tricia in a tight vise. He turned her so her head was against the castle’s stone wall. She pressed her hands against his chest. “Stop.”

  He didn’t move away. Why had she thought she could handle him? Butterflies swirled in her stomach. He might be more troublesome than she’d thought. She’d have to think fast.

  Finally, she managed to pull back a bit. “Look, you’re handsome and smart. Any woman would be pleased to be courted by you.”

  “But you’re not. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I’m not ready to get involved with anyone.”

  “You’re just playing hard to get. You may be a high and mighty princess and want to keep your reputation as a lady, but no one’s looking now.”

  Wishing there were someone else around, she managed to get one arm free and pushed harder at his chest. He grabbed her hand, lifted it to his mouth and kissed it. His lips were flabby and moist. She bit her lip to keep from letting him see how much she disliked his attentions.

  He gripped her shoulder so tightly it hurt. She inched away from the window. If she could just edge closer to that sword. She stuck out her right arm. Touched nothing but air.

  She stepped to the side. He pulled her more tightly against him. His arousal pressed against her abdomen. She tried to free her other arm. Couldn’t.

  She wanted to slap him, but she needed that sword. “Get your hands off me,” she said, but kept her attention focused on straining to reach the sword.

  He dropped his hand, then grinned. “What’s the matter? Aren’t I as good a lover as those two stuffed shirts you’ve been seeing?”

  “None of . . . your business . . . Besides I haven’t–we haven’t,” she sputtered, so anxious she could hardly speak.

  He grinned. “But you haven’t really tasted my kiss. Give me a chance to show you how good it can be.”

  “No way in hell.” Allysa probably wouldn’t say it that way, but Tricia didn’t care. She struggled in his arms. Leaned toward the suit of armor. Touched cold thick metal, but not the scabbard. A quick glance showed her hand needed to go lower.

  She reached again. Felt the intricate, embossed design of the scabbard. Just a little higher, and she could grab the sword.

  Roberto’s mouth came closer. If she let him kiss her, that might distract him. She leaned closer to the armor. His mouth came down on hers, moist and fleshy. He had bad breath. She tried not to cringe as her fingers scrabbled higher on the scabbard.

  He pulled his lips away and smiled. Her relief was cut short when she felt his rough, calloused hand caress her bare neck. “You want me,” he murmured, his voice low and throaty. “You’re just playing hard to get.”

  “No, no, get your hand off me. Can’t you get that through your head?” She fumbled for the sword.

  “But we’d be so good together.”

  Finally, her fingers grasped the sword’s hilt. She turned her shoulder against his chest and tugged the sword with both hands. It was stuck. She yanked harder. It was heavy. She had a hard time pulling it out.

  “What are you doing?” Roberto glared at her.

  With a mighty heave, Tricia pulled again. It came loose, but she almost lost her balance. Only the wall behind kept her from falling. Roberto reached for her arm. She tried to swing the heavy sword. All she could manage was to bang it against his hip.

  “Give me that.”


  “Surely, you don’t mean to hurt me.”

  She swung the sword again. Hit his arm with the broad side. “I will if you don’t leave me alone.”

  He stepped back. His angry scowl said he’d finally gotten the message. “Don’t you believe in fair play? If we each had a sword, you’d lose.”

  “Want to try?” She figured he’d back down. She waited.

  Slowly, he backed away, walked toward the other suit of armor. He reached for the other sword.

  Oh, no. She held her breath. Hoped she could remember her fencing lessons. Would Roberto actually stab her? Her pulse raced. And then she saw Cindy standing motionless in the doorway, her eyes wide open.

  “Tricia, what are you and Mr. Roberto doing? “I just woke up and everyone was gone.”

  Tricia held her breath, hoping he hadn’t heard Cindy call her Tricia.

  Roberto stepped away, obviously taken aback.

  Tricia kept hold of the sword, but rushed over to Cindy. “Come on, sis. We’re leaving.”

  “You don’t need to leave. I’ll behave,” Roberto said.

  Cindy looked puzzled. “I thought only kids didn’t behave. Were you misbehaving?”

  He frowned. “She didn’t want me to kiss her.”

  Cindy put her hands on her hips, well what little she had. “So why didn’t she just slap your face? And call you a bastard?”

  Tricia felt her face grow hot. She couldn’t blame Cindy for saying that—heaven only knew where she’d heard that term. But she had to get herself and Cindy away from Roberto.

  His eyebrows came closer together. He scowled. “She called you Tricia, and you called her sis. Princess Allysa has no sister. You are an imposter, not the person I want to be seen with. Go on, leave.”

  “And I don’t believe you were working with the kidnappers. You were the one behind it all, weren’t you? Prince Lawrence could sue you for assault and battery.”

  “What’s assault?” Cindy asked. “Is that something like somersaulting?”

  “No, dear. It means to threaten someone, tell him that you might hit him.”

  “Oh, like you did with the sword?”


  “Does that mean they could throw you in jail?” Cindy asked.

  Tricia shook her head. “Roberto here is more likely to be put in jail for kidnapping Prince Lawrence.” She faced Roberto. “Now, you need to release Shayla and my guard.”

  “Why should I?”

  “Because I will have you arrested and spread gossip about you that will ruin what reputation you have. But if you set us free, I won’t say anything about this, provided you don’t cause any more trouble.”

  He scowled. “You drive a hard bargain.”

  He yelled to his men to release Shayla and the guard. It didn’t take Roberto long to hustle his men into his car. Looking sullen, her guard marched back to their car and held open the doors for her, Shayla and Cindy. “Did his men hurt either of you?” Tricia asked.

  “No. Your Highness,” the guard answered, “but I’m ashamed I let them overpower me. I should not have let them take the queen’s lady-in-waiting, but I watched to be sure they didn’t hurt her.”

  He drove them back to the palace. Shayla grumbled most of the way. “The nerve of him. I feared he or one of his rough men would try to take me by force. I hope I never see any of them again.”

  “You won’t have to,” Tricia said. “I will have him banned from the palace.” Thank goodness, he’d let them go. She hoped he wouldn’t dare bother her again. However, she couldn’t be
sure he wouldn’t spread gossip.

  She looked at her watch. Almost three o’clock. Hopefully, she could persuade her chatterbox of a sister not to relate the details of this afternoon, at least not to the prince before Tricia could explain. Cindy would probably tell Becky though.

  When they arrived at the curved driveway covered with tiny white gravel, Prince Lawrence was practicing shooting a bow and arrow in the garden. Tricia hoped he’d be so intent on hitting a target that he wouldn’t notice their arrival. She hated having to confess she’d been fooled by Roberto again.

  Pushing his way between the rosebushes, dropping pink petals as he walked, Prince Lawrence strode from the garden, bow in hand. He helped Tricia from the car. He grasped Cindy about her waist and lifted her out. Instead of putting her down, he swung her around.

  “Oh, do it again,” she squealed.

  He did, then set her down and moved closer to Tricia. “I’d love to hear you say that,” he whispered.

  His grin sent ripples of excitement throughout Tricia.

  But then he frowned. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried about you.”

  Her stomach twisted in knots. What could she say to avert the approaching storm?

  Cindy took his hand. “We went to an old castle, but I fell asleep. When I ran inside, Mr. Roberto was there with Tricia.”

  Prince Lawrence’s frown became a scowl. “I thought you promised you’d refuse to go out with him. Or have you decided you like his high-handed ways? I thought you preferred to be treated as a lady.”

  Tricia met his gaze. He looked jealous. That made her feel good, but she hoped he’d remember she was supposed to be Allysa, at least where others could see them.

  “You should not have left the castle without telling anyone,” he insisted.

  She pointed back toward the castle. “I took a guard and a lady-in-waiting. And I told Serena.”

  He shook his head. “I mean, you should have told someone who could come to your rescue if you needed it.”

  “Like you, for instance?”

  He glared at her. “Yes. Serena could not have done much.”

  Cindy tugged at the prince’s sleeve. “She let him kiss her, and she didn’t push him away.”

  “I did too,” Tricia said.

  Cindy tugged at the prince’s sleeve. “I’m hungry. We took some lunch there, but we didn’t eat any of it. Can I get something to eat?”

  Serena emerged from the castle doorway. “I’m glad you have returned. I was just going to send a guard to look for you.”

  Prince Lawrence glared at Tricia. “Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?”

  “Because,” Tricia said, “I took a guard with me. You won’t believe all that happened.”

  Lawrence’s eyebrows moved closer together, and his mouth formed a tight line. “How did he find out you were going there?”

  “Wait a minute and I’ll explain.” Tricia turned toward Serena. “Would you please see that Cindy gets something to eat?”

  “Oh, goody,” Cindy said and hurried over to Serena, who took her hand and led her inside.

  Tricia related everything that happened and said Roberto had claimed a guard leaked the information about their plans to visit the old castle.

  Prince Lawrence scowled. “That man is dangerous. Just wait until I learn which guard told where you were going. He will be sacked, fined, and spend time in jail. Roberto must have had several rough men working with him. If it had only been two men who accosted me, I would have gotten away. I signed warrants for those three men’s arrests. From now on, I will be vigilant. No one will take advantage of me or you again.”

  Tricia nodded. “I don’t think he’ll bother us again. I promised he wouldn’t be arrested if he left us alone. He really wants to be seen with Allysa, not me.”

  “He had better not. I have a good mind to have him put in jail anyway.”

  “He didn’t do more than steal a kiss. Why not wait and see if he causes any more trouble.”

  Prince Lawrence held out his arm. “Come with me into the garden. We need to talk.”

  Tricia’s stomach tightened. She’d have a hard time convincing him she’d gotten Roberto to leave them alone at the old castle. Lawrence stood there, waiting. She took his arm, her stomach full of butterflies as she strolled beside him along the flagstone path to the garden. The smell of roses enveloped her.

  He didn’t say anything, just led her toward the stone bench. He motioned for her to sit, then seated himself. The hard surface was cold, cold like Lawrence’s stony expression.

  “Why did you let him kiss you?”

  “I couldn’t help it. He had me pushed up against a wall. He left a bad taste in my mouth.”

  Lawrence glanced around, then moved closer. “I’m so sorry he forced himself on you. I am so mad I want to pound the stuffing out of him. Why did you let him get off so easily?”

  “I don’t want him to cause any more trouble. I figured letting him go would avoid that. Since he let the guard and Shayla go, maybe he’ll lie low from now on.

  “Let me help you forget all the trouble he had caused.” He was about to kiss her.

  “That would be nice, but ….” She inched away from him. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. Someone might see.”

  “Not if I act quickly.” He pulled her toward him, a question in his eyes.

  She smiled, not wanting to deny him a kiss.

  He pressed his mouth upon hers, heating her lips with fire and sending hot tremors throughout. He backed off a few inches. “Too hell with quick.” He kissed her again, long and leisurely. It felt so heavenly she wanted it to go on and on.

  Finally, reluctantly, she backed off to take a breath. She sighed. “That was wonderful, but we shouldn’t have. Someone could be watching.”

  He grinned. “But you liked it. I can tell.” With gentle fingers, he traced her mouth. “Your lips are so soft, so kissable. I am going to have the very devil of a time resisting you from now on.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Still reeling from his kiss, Tricia backed away. For years to come the smell of roses would remind her of this moment. And the way his kiss stirred her like none other. Was enjoying his kisses so wrong when there could be no future for them? And when it jeopardized the charade she was playing? How she wished they could go on together to share life in this little kingdom. She’d love to stand beside him, to love him openly. She sighed. But that could never be.

  She glanced toward the palace. Was that Serena standing at a window on the second story? Tricia couldn’t be sure. While her maid knew she wasn’t really Allysa, if someone else saw them kissing, that could cause a real brouhaha.

  Neither she nor the prince knew which guard had revealed her plans. Despite what she’d said about Roberto leaving her alone, what if he came after her again? Would she be able to get away as easily? Just thinking about it made eagles flap in her stomach. She looked up at Lawrence. “I love being with you, but I can’t take this anymore. If you and the palace staff can’t protect me, I need to take my sisters home and resume my real identity. You royals will just have to weather the scandal of a missing princess.”

  “You can’t leave now. Not after I have come to know you, to admire your spunk and share your kisses. Even your smell is intoxicating.”

  Her heart swelled. No one had ever said that to her. Probably no one else would. She could get used to being with Lawrence real easily, but could she believe him? Who was she kidding? He probably enjoyed treating her this way because she would only be here for a short time.

  She glanced around the rose garden, drew in the heavenly scent. Every morning she looked out to blooming flowers. Upstairs in her room, Allysa’s room, her bath water always smelled of roses. Her clothes were always neatly hung, no matter how she’d left them.

  She sighed. Danger might lurk in the shadows, but did she really want to go back to real life so soon? She had enjoyed studying for her degree and looked forward to finishing he
r dissertation, but she’d miss the life here. Most of all, she’d miss Lawrence, his kisses, his sultry looks, his seductive touches, his way of making her feel desired.

  Of course, like his uncle, he might take on a mistress or two before settling down.

  She both pitied and envied the wife he’d choose. That woman would have to be on perfect behavior at all times and perhaps look the other way if Lawrence dallied with a mistress. Well, she wouldn’t put up with that. If there were any chance she could win Lawrence’s heart, she might stay and face the possible dangers.

  She squeezed his hand, then drew hers away. “When do you think you will choose a wife? Do the king and queen have to approve your choice before you can marry?”

  He smoothed down his brown mustache. “She would have to be of noble birth, personable like you, and have perfect manners. If she were pretty and had those qualities, I imagine the king would approve.”

  “What about your mother? Doesn’t she have any say?”

  “As long as the king approves and my mother doesn’t hate her, the queen won’t go against my wishes.”

  “So, the king gets the last word, does he?”

  “That is how it works in Cordillera.”

  “Well, if a woman wanted to marry you, wouldn’t she have the right to find out such things in advance? I would never stand for such behavior.”

  Lowering his eyebrows, he shot her a look, but didn’t say anything.

  Tricia swallowed. Why had she ever opened her mouth? She wished she could turn into a rose bush and hide behind the others to be admired but not touched. But his touch had spurred her to think of a life with him. From now on, if she stayed, she’d have to avoid his touch, as pleasant as it had been.

  She couldn’t, she wouldn’t, let him steal her heart with his charming ways and his intoxicating kisses. She had a career to look forward to, teaching in universities and doing research on the side. And as for Lawrence—well, any future with him was impossible.

  He was still looking at her. She wracked her brain to think of a suitable comeback, but all she could say was, “I was just curious.”


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