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Pretend Princess (Cordillera Royals Book 1)

Page 25

by Carolyn Rae

  The guard frowned. “I am not about to wake His Highness up at this hour of the morning. He’d have me sacked for sure.”

  “I am tired. My feet hurt, and I’m cold. Please call immediately. If he gets mad, I will plead in your behalf.”

  The guard picked up a phone and punched buttons. Minutes later a servant hurried out. The guard asked, “Does she look like Princess Allysa?”

  The servant, one Tricia hadn’t seen before, looked her up and down. “Our princess always looks beautiful. This woman, with her hair hanging loose and her dress ripped, can’t be our princess.”

  The wind sprang up, causing goose bumps on her arms. Tricia touched the guard’s arm. “Please, just call the prince. He’s my cousin. He’ll vouch for me.”

  “If he does not and I get fired, I will ask the king to throw you in jail for impersonating the princess.”

  “Just call him.” She shivered in the early morning breeze. “Please.”

  She paced in front of the guard’s booth for what seemed like half an hour. Finally, Lawrence, his brows set in a deep frown, stepped out of the palace door. He didn’t say a word, but strode toward her, his posture commanding even as he carried a mug of something steaming.

  Upon reaching the guard, he said in a gruff voice, “Don’t stand there, let her in.” The guard stepped back to let her enter the gatehouse.

  As soon as she stepped through, Lawrence looked closely at her. His brown eyes shone with sympathy. He hugged her. “Thank God, you’re safe. I was so worried about you. Come inside the palace. I’ll have Serena draw you a bath.”

  Tricia let out the breath she’d been holding. “Did you get a call from—” Realizing the guard and the servant could hear, she added, “Did you get a call to rescue the woman who was with me?”

  Lawrence hurried her into the palace. “No. Perhaps she had no phone.”

  “I gave her mine.”

  “Maybe the batteries were low.”

  “I know where Roberto is holding her. You must send soldiers to rescue her.”

  Lawrence beckoned to the servant who had followed them inside. “Summon Pierre and Jose. Have them meet me at the princess’s suite. And see that Serena is awakened and told to prepare a hot bath for the princess.”

  The servant scurried away.

  As soon as she entered the palace, Tricia slipped off her shoes. Her feet were killing her. Later, at the doorway to the princess’s suite, she heard water running. Submerging herself in the pink tub would feel heavenly. Pierre and Jose approached and bowed. Jose was still fastening the top buttons of his red uniform. Lawrence turned to her. “Tell them where Allysa is.”

  Tricia handed Pierre the hand-drawn map and explained where Her Highness was being held. “There are two men with Roberto. They’d should take reinforcements.”

  Prince Lawrence nodded. “You’re right, but I need men I can trust. “Pierre, take Jose and three more soldiers. Tell them nothing except that we are to rescue a woman. We must keep this mission secret.”

  As the soldiers started down the hall, Lawrence turned to Tricia. If they are successful, you will have to hide in another room while Allysa takes her rightful place.”

  Tricia yawned. “Anything, just as long as I can take a bath and get some sleep.”

  Lawrence pushed the door open and stepped aside so she could enter. “You can sleep in Serena’s bed. Her room is across the hall.”

  Serena walked out of the bathroom. “As you wish, Your Highness. It is time I was about my duties.” She looked Tricia up and down. “I must see to Her Highness’s clothes. Would Your Highness like help removing your dress?”

  Tricia shook her head, then turned to Lawrence. “Are you going with the soldiers to rescue Allysa.?”

  He nodded. “We will return as soon as possible.” He called to the soldiers. “Wait for me at the gatehouse.”

  He shut both doors to the sitting room, then took her in his arms. His kiss set her senses on fire, making her long to be with him always. Tricia kissed him back, treasuring the feel of his sensuous mouth. Reluctantly, she pulled away, knowing he needed to hurry. Seeing the longing in his eyes, she treasured knowing he was as reluctant to leave as she was to see him go.

  Later, luxuriating in frothy suds that smelled of lavender, Tricia let the heated water soak away her aches. Her feet still hurt. Never again would she wear high heels if there were a chance she had to walk any distance.

  Dressed in a low-cut white silk nightgown, Tricia wrapped Allysa’s blue velvet robe around her and headed toward Serena’s bedroom and the narrow cot. The maid stood in the doorway and shook her head. “You may rest in Princess Allysa’s bed until they bring her back. Then, if she wishes, I’ll wake you.”

  Too weary to protest, Tricia climbed onto the high bed and slid between the satin sheets. Moments later, exhausted, she fell asleep.

  It seemed as if she’d hardly slept a wink when someone was shaking her shoulder. “Wake up and talk to me,” Prince Lawrence said.

  Still groggy, she sat up and blinked her eyes open. His hand caressed her shoulder, sending warmth throughout her. His dazzling smile brightened her spirits. Enduring all that happened to her was worth it, just to see him smile at her like this.

  When his hand dropped to caress her breast, she glanced at the door. It was shut, thank goodness. She grasped his wrist. “You can’t. Not here.”

  He grinned. “Don’t you like me touching you?”

  “To say I didn’t would be a lie, but we can’t. Think what a scandal it would cause if anyone saw us.”

  “I love my cousin, but she never set me on fire the way you do. Nor does she make me long to take her in my arms. Of course, cousins aren’t supposed to marry, so we’ve always just been friends, but you?” He grinned. “You make me want to lock the door and spend the afternoon in here.”

  Tricia drew in a deep breath. He was so intoxicating. How wonderful it would be if they could, but she needed to find out about Allysa. “Where is she? Didn’t you bring her back?”

  He shook his head. “Unfortunately, when we got there, no one was there. I found your cell phone on the dresser and her rhinestone hair clasp beside it.” He pulled those items from his pocket. “And your battery must be dead.”

  She checked it. “You’re right. Aren’t you going to make another search for her?”

  “Lars, my valet, has gone into town to secure a private investigator. We’ll see if Roberto has any other property where he might keep her.”

  “So, as soon as you find out something, you’ll leave again?”

  He nodded. “I want Allysa out of his clutches as soon as possible, but it’s no good rushing off half-cocked. He smoothed a lock of hair from her forehead, then ran his finger down below her neck. “Meanwhile, I’m right where I want to be—near you.” He shot her another warm smile. “But not as near as I’d like to be. Let me make love to you before I go. I locked the door. I promise it will be even better than last time.”

  Tricia shook her head. “Last time was wonderful, but I just got swept away. I don’t think we should do that again, and especially not in the palace.”

  “But if we’re careful, no one will suspect.”

  “Even so, I don’t do casual sex.”

  He grinned. “I tried everything I knew to make it wonderful for you.”

  “And it was, but I can’t keep doing that and then leave for America without anything permanent between us.”

  “I could come and visit you.”

  “That isn’t enough. If I can’t share your life, I will make my own way alone. Like Allysa, I want a man I can love for the rest of my life.”

  She watched his face.

  He didn’t say anything.

  She breathed in and out. He must be just like his uncle, take joy in a mistress, but never marry her. Tricia wondered how the queen felt about that. Maybe she stayed because of the power and position.

  Lawrence rose. “I had better see to rescuing my cousin. Hopefully, we will fin
d her before dinner. Please stay in her room until I return.”

  She watched him stride from the room. Why did he have to be so charismatic, so seductive . . . and such a bastard?

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Lawrence left Allysa’s bedroom, leaving Tricia behind.

  For the first time, he wanted nothing more than to give her the best orgasm she’d ever had. More than he’d ever cared to before with anyone else. He remembered her ecstatic smiles. The way she’d matched him, taking an enthusiastic part in the action, had been thrilling and unexpected.

  He would marry some day—after all he was the next in line and had to produce an heir—but he was in no hurry to be tied down. Especially not to some cold distant princess because his family wanted to preserve the royal line. Lady Constantine, while not a princess, seemed to have found favor with the king and queen. When he did marry, he’d try to be faithful. The days when a king could be discreet about a mistress were over. Even though nothing had appeared in his country’s press, newspapers thrived on scandal. Some even made up stories. People in Cordillera gossiped.

  Lawrence didn’t want to follow in his uncle’s footsteps in that regard. But for now, he wanted to enjoy all the pleasures available as long as he could keep it quiet.

  He really needed to find Allysa and get her back to her rightful place. Who knew what that despicable Roberto would do to her? Surely, he wouldn’t rape his cousin if he knew she were pregnant, or would he? Even if he didn’t harm Allysa, Roberto needed to be punished for what he’d done. As soon as they found Allysa, Lawrence would have Roberto thrown in jail.

  Lawrence strode down the hall to his quarters. Lars, his valet, was polishing boots.

  Lawrence ran his fingers through his hair. “Have you found out anything from the private detective?”

  Lars snapped to attention and nodded. “We have the address of a country house by the river.”

  Taking the paper from his valet, Lawrence wondered how many houses the man had.

  “Summon the captain of the guards. I am going after my cousin. We will keep that a secret from all except Jose and Pierre. Again, we’ll only tell the captain a woman in distress has need of rescuing.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Prince Lawrence addressed the gathering of ten soldiers in the courtyard. “I will be in my white Mercedes. You will follow in jeeps. We will rescue the missing woman from Roberto and bring her to the palace.”

  With Lars at the wheel of Lawrence’s Mercedes. Lawrence led the way, moving past the guard house and out through the open gates.

  Roberto’s country home was several miles out from town. Lars turned onto a narrow dirt road. Since it had rained recently, the trees and bushes still hung wet and dripping over the road. Some low hanging branches brushed the roof of the convertible. Ruts in the road were more pronounced, making their progress slow.

  Lawrence could see turrets over the tops of the trees. The car jerked to a stop. The engine groaned and then strained loudly against the mud.

  “Lars, stop. We don’t want to alert the man that we are approaching. We’ll go on foot from here. Pierre, have the men surround the place.”

  When they approached the house, Lawrence said, “Looks like he’s trying to copy the old royal castle. Knock on the door and demand they release the woman.”

  Pierre did, but no one answered.

  “Tell them,” Lawrence said, “that you come in the name of Prince Lawrence. That they had better show their faces if they don’t want to be shot.”

  Pierre shouted the command, but no one came to the door.

  “Push it in and search the house,” Lawrence said in a loud voice. After shoving the door open, Pierre entered. The guards followed.

  A few minutes later, Pierre returned. “The place is empty. There’s no furniture there, and the building doesn’t seem finished.”

  “Damn,” Lawrence muttered. Clenching his fists, he straightened. “We will return to the palace. Lars, call the private detective and ask if he can find out anywhere else the bastard might be.” He strode along the muddy road, his hands clenched into fists. He wanted to curse the weather, the ineptitude of the private detective, and the situation in general, but managed to keep his demeanor controlled. Barely.

  Two hours later, after another consultation with the private detective, Lawrence and his soldiers set out for an inn in the next town. A man whose description was like that of Roberto had been seen driving with a woman toward that town.

  When they got there in the early evening, the air rang with shouts of men drinking beer and singing. In the courtyard in front, a gypsy woman swirled her red skirts seductively and twirled a long green scarf. Men clapped and cheered. As Lawrence approached, they parted to let him through.

  He strode inside. His men followed. “Send me the manager,” he barked.

  A bald-headed man wearing a leather apron appeared and bowed. “May I be of service, Your Highness?”

  “I’m looking for a woman who may be held captive in one of your rooms.”

  “No such thing would happen in my inn. I run a strict establishment. No women have entered my inn, captive or otherwise, in the last two nights.”

  Prince Lawrence felt someone tapping him on the back of his shoulder. He whirled. “Don’t touch me.” A thin woman in her late thirties, wearing a black suit and thick glasses, seemed to be writing down everything that happened. A reporter. That’s all he needed.

  She stood there, a defiant look in her eye. “Why are your men searching the place? Is someone from the palace staff being accused of misbehaving?”

  Lawrence frowned. Thank goodness, she’d hit on the wrong reason. He didn’t need to have any staff know about his cousin missing. “No.” He hoped no one had seen him kissing Tricia. He’d better not kiss her again in the palace, locked room or not.

  He cleared his throat and looked her in the eye.” Would you have the courtesy to show me what you’ve written before you turn it in?”

  The woman stepped closer. “I believe freedom of the press is still the law of the land, Your Highness. If you want what I write changed, you will need to speak to my editor.”

  She glared at him. Not wanting to seem rude, he said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to speak so abruptly. This is a matter of national security, not a scandal. I need to conduct a search here without having it appear in the news. I’d appreciate your cooperation. If you will give me your card, I will call you when I have some news to share.”

  The woman handed him a business card. “I plan to hold you to that promise, Your Highness.” She turned and walked away.

  An hour later, Prince Lawrence walked into Allysa’s suite, his shoulders slumping. “We didn’t find her. I don’t know where else to look. I hope she’s all right.”

  “Maybe it’s time to let the people know she has been kidnapped.”

  “You think someone might come forward and give us tips?”

  Tricia nodded. “It’s worth a try. Of course, that means I need to put on my own clothes and go home.”

  “Stay here in the room. We could spend the afternoon together.”

  “It’s too risky.” She wasn’t going to mention the risk to her heart. “Have someone find me a couple of good books, thrillers, mysteries or a historical romance.”

  Half an hour later, Lawrence knocked on the bedroom door. “I took your suggestion. You can watch on the television. It should be on the five o’clock news.”

  “Wait a minute. There’s no TV here.”

  “Yes, there is. It’s in a cabinet between the armoire and the window. Unfortunately, you will have to stay in this room from now on. I explained everything to Serena. She will bring dinner up to you at six.

  At five o’clock she watched the news. Glancing into the mirror and comparing her image with the picture on the screen, she saw the close resemblance. It was a good thing she hadn’t tried to sneak home in a blouse and jeans with a scarf over her head.

  When Serena brought a tray, Tricia nibbled on the cra
ckers and cheese her maid brought with the dinner.

  She was reaching for her second croissant when Serena said, “We have to share you know. I told the cook I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to eat in my room. I can’t tell the cook that I am getting food for you, so she didn’t fix enough for two.”

  Tricia divided the pork chop and mashed potatoes, putting half on the bread plate for Serena. “You can have the cranberry juice if you’ll let me have the coffee,” Tricia said.

  “Very well, your non-highness,” her maid said and giggled. Then she covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help that. It’s just that you aren’t supposed to exist now that everyone knows the princess is missing.”

  Tricia smiled. “I feel like a non-person. I just hope they find Allysa soon.”

  The next day around two o’clock, there was a knock on the door. When Serena opened it, Prince Lawrence stood there. He looked tired. “We received a tip. My men and I are going out again.”

  “Good luck,” Tricia said. “I hope you find her this time.”

  At three-thirty Serena brought leftover tidbits from afternoon tea, including scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, tiny cream puffs filled with lobster and sugar cookies. Tricia pointed to the caviar on crackers. “You may have all those. I don’t care for caviar,” she said to Serena.

  The maid smiled and put three crackers on her plate.

  Tricia reached for a tissue to wipe a bit of jam from her face when a knock came again.

  “Serena,” called a female voice. “They’ve found Princess Allysa. She’s here in the lobby answering questions from the security staff. It was a daring rescue. Let me in, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Serena called. In a whisper, she said, “You must hide. If I don’t let her in, she’ll think it strange.” She pointed to the bed. “Under there. Quick,” Serena whispered. She took the tray in the bathroom and shut the door.

  Tricia didn’t want to crawl under the bed, but the armoire was full of Allysa’s clothes. After lifting the bedspread, she got down on her hands and knees and scurried under. Serena flapped the spread down until it touched the carpet, then hurried off. Tricia heard Serena’s footsteps and then a door opening.


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