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Royal Arousal

Page 6

by Lana Love

  “I apologize, Father. I was expecting someone else at the door.”

  “I dare say so.”

  “Father, I’m serious about this girl. I’m pretty sure she’s the one,” I say, my hand nervously trying to smooth my hair. Father is big on appearances and I know I look exactly how I feel – frustrated and having recently rolled out of bed.

  Father leans his large frame back on the sofa opposite me, his presence dominating the room. His laugh sounds more like a bark, and he just shakes his head.

  “Gabriel, please. There’s no need to spin tales about your conquests.”

  I take a deep breath, trying not to take the bait he’s hanging out in front of me.

  “I’ve changed, Father. Really, I have. Sophie is special, she’s very different from the other girls I’ve dated.”

  “Is she now? How come this is the first time I’m hearing of her?”

  “This isn’t. Don’t you remember I mentioned a girl, when we Skyped?” I gesture for the butler and request some coffee. My mind moves at the speed of light, trying to figure out what happened to Sophie and trying to pay full attention to my Father.

  “Oh, her? I assumed she was one of your playthings.”

  “Father, please,” I sigh. It’s always been adversarial between us. He’s always wished I was more like him and I’ve always resented that he’s not been more supportive of my choices. Sure, I haven’t always been a model member of our royal family, but a little support might have changed that. “Did you bring what I asked you to bring?”

  “I don’t know why you asked for this, since you’re not that kind of man. I do have it, though I’m not sure I should actually give it to you. You know what this would do to your mother and grandmother if something happened to it and it left the family.”

  I meet the challenge in my father’s eyes and don’t back down.

  “I’m absolutely sure, Father. I’m more sure of Sophie than I’ve ever been of anyone else in my life.”

  Father raises his eyebrow at me. Par for the course, he doesn’t believe me at all and wants to believe Sophie is a dirty commoner, worse because she happens to be American. It’s a wonder he trusted me with the painting and to represent the family at this gala.

  Ignoring my last comment, Father pushes himself up from the sofa and starts a slow walk around the penthouse.

  “Was this the best place you could find?” Disapproval is heavy in his voice. He doesn’t seem to care this is a three-thousand-foot penthouse, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a stunning view of Puget sound, and a private infinity pool.

  “It was available,” I shrug, not wanting to argue. I think this penthouse is perfectly fine.

  “What’s this?”

  I turn and see him looking at a sketch. As soon as I walk over to Father, I see that the drawing is pulled from Sophie’s sketchbook.

  “This isn’t half bad,” Father says, narrowing his eyes as he studies the drawing.

  He’s right. Now, I’ve had portraits drawn and painted of me since I was a child, but this drawing? Sophie captured a side of me I’ve never seen. She clearly drew this when we I took her to that museum, and I took that nap.

  “Is this someone you know?” Father asks, placing the drawing back on the side table.

  “Yes. That looks like something Sophie created. She’s quite talented.”

  “The woman you’re interested in, she’s an artist?” The disapproval in his narrow eyes is potent.

  “Yes, Father. She is.”

  “Well, she’s quite talented. She’s managed to make you look like an angel, which we both know that you’re not. Even when you were a little terror as a child, you always looked like an angel when you were asleep. This Sophie captured that quite well.”

  I stare at Father, stunned. That’s the nicest thing he’s said about any woman I’ve dated, ever, and it sounds like he’s being slightly sentimental about me. That’s unprecedented.

  Picking up the drawing, I’m speechless. Sophie has, indeed, done a stellar job of capturing me. It’s clear that she cares for me, because there is so much affection in the way she’s drawn me. There’s a note on the back.

  Got called into work. Sorry. Thank you for last night. xoxo

  Relief overwhelms me.

  “Excuse me, Father. I need to make a phone call.” I head for the bedroom and my phone, without even waiting for a response. I’m aware this is rude and that he’ll lecture me later, but I need to talk to Sophie, need to hear her voice.


  The sound of the espresso machine rattles in the background and I can hear the voices of customers.

  “Hey back. I’m sorry about running out. You were sleeping so soundly and peacefully, I didn’t want to wake you up. I’m only here for half a day.”

  “Are you ready for the gala?” I pace around my bedroom, kicking around one of my shoes.

  Sophie giggles and it’s like a shot to my groin.

  “I am. My dress is out of this world! Thank you so much!”

  “I look forward to seeing you in it.” I smile. I look forward to stripping it off of her, too.

  “And I look forward to seeing you in your tux. You’re going to be the handsomest man there.”

  “You will be lovelier than anyone and anything there.”

  “Stop,” she says, though she’s giggling again. “Look, I have to run. A group just walked in and Maggie is out on a break. I’ll see you tonight, for the gala.”

  The moment Sophie emerges from her apartment building and I see her, I gasp with happiness. In her brilliant blue dress, she looks stunning and unbelievably beautiful. Her hair is pulled back from her pretty face and she radiates happiness.

  “Hi there.” Sophie puts her hand on my arm and leans in for a kiss. “You look wonderful.”

  The thought of skipping the gala and falling into bed with Sophie is a deeply, powerfully compelling one. I want to be close to her, physically and emotionally; to learn more about her and fit our lives together.

  “You, Sophie, look amazing. You’ve picked a beautiful dress.”

  “I think I have you to thank for this dress.” I hold the car door open for Sophie as she carefully steps in, gathering the full skirt protectively.

  “You don’t have to thank me. I’m honored to have you as my date and you deserve everything in the world. Speaking of,” I slip my hand in the pocket of my tuxedo. “I have something for you.”

  I present Sophie with a large velvet box and a whoosh of air escapes from her mouth. She lightly caresses the Mikimoto pearl necklace.

  “Oh, this is too much! It’s beautiful!”

  “Nonsense. I thought it would be good to give you a different kind of pearl necklace this evening.”

  Sophie’s blush is immediate and absolute. She allows me to drape it around her neck and fasten the clasp. I kiss her from her neck to her shoulder, relishing her shivers of pleasure.

  “We’re never going to make it to the gala if you keep that up.” Sophie turns to me, her breathing heavy.

  Leaning in to kiss her, she plants her hand on my chest and stops me.

  “Don’t you dare mess up my makeup. It took the makeup artist an hour to do this and it would take me longer. Besides,” she looks at me and smiles, “I believe there is a promise involving my lingerie…”

  Sophie runs her hand against my chest and I’m sure she must feel the somersaults my heart is doing.

  “You better fucking believe I’m keeping that promise.”

  Chapter 13


  OMG! I feel like Cinderella!

  Girl, you deserve it! All of it! The money, the prince, everything!

  Smiling at Maggie’s text, I put my phone on silent and stuff it in my tiny purse.

  I glance at myself in the bathroom mirror, still surprised at how amazing I look. This sky-blue silk dress looks like it was absolute made for me. It’s fitted on top and then drapes elegantly to the floor. Gabriel hired a makeup and hair artis
t to come over and help me. It was such a luxury, but I can’t deny they’ve made me look better than I could have ever managed on my own.

  “Would you like a towel, Miss?”

  “What? Oh, no, thank you,” I say, smiling at the elderly attendant in the bathroom.

  “I hope you enjoy your evening. That dress looks beautiful on you, if I may say so. It suits you.”

  “Oh, that’s very kind of you to say! Thank you so much.”

  I make my way back to the ballroom and do my best to keep it all together. Every celebrity in Seattle is here tonight – and Gabriel knows them all! I’ve met the actor that won the Oscar last year for his film “Dragonfly Dreams,” more famous artists than I can count, a senator, and more tech millionaires than I can even count. It’s like every rich and famous person in the state is here tonight!

  “Oh!” I jump a little when I feel an arm wrap around my waist.

  “How are you holding up? You disappeared there for a bit.”

  The concern in Gabriel’s eyes makes my heart melt. I turn to him and lean into his body.

  “It’s overwhelming, to be honest. Absolutely and totally amazing, but overwhelming. I feel like Cinderella – some poor girl who gets to pretend she’s a princess for a night.”

  Gabriel mumbles something, but before I can ask him to repeat himself, a stately older man comes up to him and taps him on the shoulder.

  “It’s time, Son.”

  Gabriel’s body tenses and he increases his grip around my waist.

  “Thank you, Father. May I present my girlfriend, Sophie Benjamin. Sophie, this is my father, King of Roquefleur.”

  “I’m honored to meet you,” I squeak, not knowing if I should curtsy or extend my hand for him to shake it. Holy mother of… What do I do? I’ve known Gabriel is a prince, but it hasn’t seemed real! He’s just seemed like a regular guy, most of the time, except he has a lot more money than most guys.

  The King gives me a long look and it’s impossible to read his face. Sliding one of his hands into the pocket of his tuxedo, he finally smiles at me. I guess we’re not touching.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you. My son seems to be very taken with you.”

  “I am very taken with him, too.” I look at Gabriel and smile at him so widely that it feels like my cheeks are going to crack.

  “I will return shortly.” A zing of electricity shoots through my body as Gabriel’s lips meet mine for a brief kiss.

  Gabriel’s hand squeezes mine, then I watch his tall, strong figure walk toward the stage.

  “It’s remarkable,” the King says, once Gabriel is out of earshot, “how he is with you. I take it you’ve heard the stories about my son?”

  I turn to the King and meet his eyes, then nod. “I have. I read about him in magazines, before we met.”

  “Yet still you’re interested in my son?” The King raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Absolutely! I understand you two have a…a contentious relationship, but he’s not like that with me. He’s been nothing but a gentleman with me.”

  Our conversation is interrupted as a hush moves over the crowd and everyone turns to where Gabriel is standing. He looks magnificent in his custom tuxedo, smiling out at the crowd.

  “It is my honor to be here with you this fine evening. I know these speeches are normally filled with small talk, but I will dispense with that.” He pauses and ripples of laughter and cheers rise up from the crowd. “It has been my pleasure to be in this fine city this past month and I can assure you that it is a city that has captured my heart and one that I will visit often.”

  I can’t help but smile to think that I’m part of the reason he will return to Seattle or that he might stay here longer.

  “On behalf of my family, the de Montmorency’s of Roquefleur, I’m pleased to loan The Fugue to the Pacific Art Museum. This is part of our private collection and this is the first time the painting will be on display to the general public.” With a flourish, he removes the cover of the painting.

  “And now, I will leave you to enjoy this party.” Gabriel gives a slight bow as everyone in the ballroom applauds.

  “May I have this dance?”

  Gabriel bows slightly and extends his hand to me. Smiling, I bend my knees into a slight curtsy and place my hand in his.

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  “It will be our pleasure.” Gabriel’s eyes flash and land on the pearl necklace I’m wearing, and I can’t help but giggle as we walk to the center of the dance floor.

  A beautiful waltz pours out of the speakers and we dance around the floor as if we’d danced together a million times before. Gabriel’s strong arms hold me firmly, expertly guiding me through everything Stella taught us.

  It feels unreal to be here, dancing in this enormous gallery filled with priceless artwork, surrounded by the social and financial luminaries of Seattle. I really do feel like a lucky, lucky princess, and I’m already dreading when Gabriel has to leave and return home. I don’t even want to think about the hole my life will have when he’s gone.

  As the song ends, I sigh. It wouldn’t be a terrible thing if the song played on endless repeat and I could stay in Gabriel’s arms forever.

  Gabriel slips his arms from me and I pout a little. “Can’t we dance another?”

  “Well, actually, there is something I need to do, first.”

  I sigh, turning to walk to the side of the ballroom, but I feel Gabriel tug at my hand. Confused, I turn back to him.

  The crowd goes silent as Gabriel slides down onto one knee in front of me. My mind spins and then my heart races faster than I ever thought it could. This can’t be!

  “Sophie.” Gabriel looks up at me, his hand grasping mine tightly. “Ever since we met, you have continually surprised me and challenged me, and you have absolutely enchanted me. You are strong, talented, and amazing, and I would be honored if you would marry me and stand beside me for the rest of our lives. I love you and need you in my life, now and forever.”

  Gabriel releases my hand and reaches into his pocket, extracting a carved, antique ring box. He opens the lid and a dazzling ring is nestled inside – an extremely large, multi-faceted diamond, surrounded by sapphires and rubies.

  “These are the colors of our Kingdom, which match the colors of your country. This ring belonged to my Grandmother, then to my Mother, and now I hope you will do me the honor of saying Yes and becoming the next de Montmorency of Roquefleur and to wear this ring as a symbol that you will become my wife, the Princess of Roquefleur, and one day, Queen of Roquefleur. Sophie, will you marry me?”

  My eyes are riveted on Gabriel and I want to dive back into his arms and kiss him and love him until the end of time.

  “Yes!” I clap a hand over my mouth as I realize I’ve screamed my response. “I mean to say,” I continue, trying to regain my composure, “I love you with all my heart and I would be thrilled beyond measure to be your wife. I accept!”

  Gabriel’s hand trembles as he extracts the ring from the box and slides the ring onto my finger. I look down at the ring, marveling at its size and beauty, then throw my arms around Gabriel as he stands up. He bends me backward and kisses me passionately, his tongue dancing in my mouth and making my insides burn with desire.

  “You have made me the happiest man in the world. Now let’s get out of here!”

  The lights in Gabriel’s penthouse are low as we stand next to the window overlooking Puget Sound and watch the last swaths of a brilliant summer sunset.

  “The sunsets will be beautiful in Italy, too.” Gabriel turns to me and releases my hair so that it falls over my shoulders. “Though they will never be as beautiful as you.”

  “Oh, stop,” I say, blushing. Gabriel tugs at the zipper for my dress and it falls into a beautiful heap around my feet.

  “Come here,” Gabriel says, holding his hand out to me. I step out from the dress, following him into his spacious bedroom. I feel self-conscious about my body as we walk, but that all disappear
s when he turns and looks at me. His blue eyes are filled with love and desire. It’s a powerful feeling, finally being seen for me, instead of how my body looks.

  Gabriel bends his head and slowly kisses a trail from my neck, down my arm, and to my fingertips.

  “I will always love you and cherish you. You are the most remarkable woman I’ve ever encountered.”

  I smile at him and run my hands through his blond hair. “You’re pretty amazing yourself, too, you know. I still keep expecting to wake up and find this has been a dream.”

  “You are the dream,” Gabriel says, his voice husky. With a flick of his fingers, the clasp on my bra is undone and I tremble a little as he removes it and tosses it aside. He bites his lip as he looks at my breasts, before leaning in and kissing them lavishly.

  Every touch from Gabriel sends an electric jolt of pleasure through my body, and I stumble and fall back on the bed.

  Gabriel’s voice is nearly a growl as he looks down at me. He roughly rips off his tux shirt and pants, before crawling up on the bed. I gasp as I watch his muscular, powerful body move over mine. I raise my hand up and caress his chest, my engagement ring twinkling in the low light.

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky, with you,” I say, pressing my body up against his and pulling his head down into a kiss. Gabriel’s tongue fills my mouth and his kiss takes my breath away.

  “Because you are fucking magnificent.”

  I run my hands down his strong back, reaching for his sculpted ass and pulling him closer to me. The heft of his thick cock presses against my slick wetness and my body instinctively rises up to meet him.

  “I need you.” My voice wavers with desire and absolute need. My body is screaming to be one with Gabriel, to feel him filling me up and moving inside of me.

  Gabriel doesn’t hesitate and he grabs his cock and pushes into me.

  “Oh my God,” I cry out.

  “Are you okay?” A moment of alarm flashes in Gabriel’s eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “No, it feels good. Please don’t stop.” I look into his eyes and he pushes deep into me. This is more beautiful than I even imagined it could be.


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