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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

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by S. K. Lessly

  Copyright © February 2015 by S.K. Lessly. Publisher: Jessica Watkins Presents. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages to be printed online, in a newspaper, or magazine.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be assumed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  First and foremost, I’d like to thank God for allowing me to express myself the way that I do. I know I wouldn’t be able to do what I love if it wasn’t for his Grace.

  I want to thank Jessica Watkins for seeing the potential in me and giving me this opportunity to express myself and share my crazy imagination through my writing. To my JWP family, I will be forever grateful.

  To my family the Russells, Taylors, Bowras, Cottons, Tiptons: I love you all.

  To my fans: Wow, I have fans… I think you guys are awesome. You are the reason why I stay encouraged. It’s the little things you say to me that keep me going. I hope I can continue to entertain you in my own special way.

  Special love sent to my sorors and Frat… Love you guys.


  I will continue to dedicate my writing to my family. You all allow me to do what I love, and I’m blessed to have you in my life. I’m blessed to have a strong foundation and people around me that support me and love me enough to tell me when my writing sucks or when it’s good.

  Dad, you will always be an inspiration.

  Jessica N. Watkins Presents


  Loving an Alpha Male



  I can’t breathe.

  I felt his hands grow tighter around my neck, and I tried desperately to move his fingers. He had a vice grip on me and by the look in his eyes, he wasn’t letting up until he saw the life leave mine.

  I’m going to die and the last person I will see is this maniac. The last smell would be his breath on my face as he watches me struggle to breathe. The last thought I’m going to have is fear and regret.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t understand what I did that was so awful that my life would end like this.

  Damn it, I’m stronger than this.

  I tried to fight him, gouge out his eyes, but his arms were too long, and I couldn’t reach his face, let alone his eyes. I tried to kick him in the balls like I’d done earlier, but it was futile. It’s like he has brass for balls or something.

  God, what was I thinking getting wrapped up in him? I knew the moment I laid eyes on him that it wouldn’t end well for me. I knew he would end me. I knew the moment his lips touched mine that he would destroy me, but I didn’t listen and now… Oh God!

  It’s happening.

  I blinked back the tears but as I felt them fall I knew I no longer had control of my body. I could feel the fight leaving my body. I could feel death circling my dangled feet. My brain was finally getting the message and starting to shut my body down.

  I started to pray first asking for God to forgive me. Since I messed up in this life, maybe He’ll have mercy on me in the next. I then thanked Him. I thanked Him for the good and bad that happened in my life; for the mistakes and triumphs, successes and losses.

  It’s crazy really; that this would be my end.

  I’m dying because I fell in love with a man who said he would love me forever, but has taken my life instead.

  Chapter 1


  Damn, if this bitch grazes me with her teeth one more time, I’m pulling my gun.

  I was really trying to concentrate on her lips moving up and down my shaft, but it’s hard as fuck. I couldn’t believe I let my stupid fucking cousin talk me into taking these two broads to our hotel suite. I, of course, said no. Just looking at these chicks, I knew it wouldn’t end well for me. And just as I suspected I was probably going to have brush burns on my dick because she can’t keep her teeth away from my skin, and blue balls that would haunt me all night.

  The only fucking thing that kept me hard was the porno I’d listened to as wet smacking noises vibrated throughout the room. That’s my cousin, of course. He was in the bathroom clearly getting his off while I was stuck with a fucking vacuum with teeth.

  “Shit!” I said as I sat up. “We’re done, darlin’.”

  She started moaning and trying desperately to get me off, adding her hands to stroke me. I felt her graze me again, and I shifted, trying to move from her mouth, but she gripped me tighter.

  Fuck this.

  I pulled my gun from underneath my pillow and put it straight to her head. “Get the fuck off!” I growled cocking my Glock and she, seeing and hearing that I had a gun to her head, screamed backed up and fell off the bed.

  The wet smacking noise stopped, and the bathroom door opened.

  “Fuck, Cuz! What are you doing?” my cousin said as I stood and pulled up my boxer briefs and black slacks.

  “I told you this was a bad idea!” I yelled.

  “Yeah, but did you have to pull your gun on her?”

  I grabbed my shirt and starting buttoning it. “Hell yeah… Man, she tried to skin my dick with her teeth. She’s lucky I don’t shoot her on principle alone.”

  I walked by the girl, and she screamed again. “Shut the fuck up!”

  At this point, she was loud enough to be heard throughout the suite. Three guys burst through the bedroom door with guns drawn. I looked at them and shook my head, asking, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Goon number one, Darrell, who I call “Thing 1,” looked at the naked girl on the floor. “We heard screaming. Thought you guys needed help or something.”

  I frowned. “Really?” I shook my head and looked back at my cousin, who at this point was pulling up his pants with a smirk on his face.

  I’m surrounded by idiots.

  I moved past the three idiots by the doorway and said, “I’m going downstairs.”

  I started to leave the suite when I noticed her makeup was all over my light blue shirt.


  I walked into my bedroom to change my shirt. Hell, while I was at it, I needed to erase her scent from my dick. I wiped off quickly in the bathroom, put on a fresh pair of boxer briefs, cologne, a charcoal gray button down shirt, and my black Fedora and walked out.

  I made it to the club that happened to be inside the hotel and went straight to an open table in the corner. A pretty ass waitress with her tits on display came over smiling at me, which made me frown even more.

  “What can I get you?” she asked, with hidden meaning evident in her tone.

  I placed my order with the look of “I’m not fucking interested” in my eyes and sent her on her way. I reached into my front pocket, pulled out a Cuban and lit it. I’ve been here for two days now with my cousin, Angel, and a few of his goons from Philly. My uncle, Bruno, Angel’s dad, sent us here to Cabo San Lucas as a mini vacation that, to be honest, I didn’t feel I needed. I’ve been working nonstop at home, because of his dumb ass eldest son, Eddie, that I haven’t come up for air in weeks. That didn’t mean I was tired. If he wanted to do me a favor, he could let me put a bullet in Eddie’s fucking head and put us both out of our misery.

  I looked around the bar. What I needed right then was to get wasted so I could forget how fucked up those two days had been. Since our plane touched down, my cousin Angel had been trying to get laid nonstop. It’s lik
e he’s a fucking virgin who just got a taste of pussy and now can’t seem to get enough.

  Angel and my Uncle Bruno are from my mother’s side of the family. My father disowned that side of the family, for obvious reasons. In the last five years, I have reconnected with them. Angel and I have been thick as thieves since then. For the most part, we’re always together, whether it’s when I’m out on a job, or we’re just out shooting the shit. Wherever there’s one, there’s the other.

  So even though I was not too thrilled about being there, Angel was trying to make the best of our situation. The problem was finding the right kind of woman for me. I’m not complaining about the pool of women. There were plenty for me to choose from. The locals were beautiful, as well as some of the vacationers. The problem for me, so far, was that we had dabbled a little with some of the local women, and I was not really impressed.

  Angel decided that we needed to grab some vacationers more so than the locals. His backward ass thinks they were there for the same reason we were so they would be more eager to fuck a stranger. At first I was with it. I mean, I won’t turn down a piece of ass. But I do have fucking standards, and so far I had not found any on my level.

  I was getting more and more irritated being there, and I was this close to fucking off this trip and going home. But, doing that would be a slap in the face of my uncle, and I wouldn’t do that either. So I just had to make the most of it and hope the days would go by fast. I just needed to get laid properly. The women we hooked up with last night were alright, right up until I took the panties off the girl I was with. Man, I wanted to throw up at the smell, first and foremost. Even if I was a nasty fucking dog, which I’m not, but even if I was, I would’ve been turned off by the bush that exploded the moment the panties came down.

  Ladies, I don’t care if you expect a man to go down on you or not, fucking tame your shit. You don’t have to get waxed, and you don’t have to shave. But get a fucking pair of scissors and handle that shit. We shouldn’t have to weed through a fucking forest to get to the pussy, hoping that nothing bites us on the way in.

  I told you I have fucking standards, so I told her this wasn’t going to work, and I left. My cousin, pissed off, followed me out. He too had standards and we weren’t that hard up to get laid, or at least I wasn’t. Again, my cousin was on a mission, so he found someone else to get into that night. Me; I went to my room, and fucking went to sleep.

  The bar I was currently in wasn’t too bad as far as the pool of women. It was packed with a live band playing some local music, and everyone was either on the dance floor or sitting at tables drinking. I surveyed the area looking for someone that would be more my speed and so far it looked like blue balls were in my future again.

  I hate fucking Cabo…

  The waitress placed three shots of top-shelf tequila in front of me. I took two quickly and sipped on the other while telling her to bring three more. The moment she walked away, I fit my hat closer to the front of my face, slouched and brought my cigar to my lips. I took a pull, rethinking the waitress, when my eyes fell on a vision of perfection. I watched this heavenly beauty walk apprehensively into the bar, looking around as if she was looking for someone. I really hoped she wasn’t. I didn’t want to have to get my hands dirty over ass, but in her case I would definitely make an exception.

  She was my exception.

  She slowly moved through the club, still looking around. Then her eyes suddenly fell on me. She paused and stared. I stared back through the cigar haze, drinking her in, and wondering how she would handle my dick between that perfect mouth of hers. Shit, her lips were beautiful and full and seemingly calling my name. Her eyes were slanted slightly, but I could tell they were expressive and alive. Her hair was wavy and contoured a face that I would kill someone over if only she’d smile at me. Her body was exactly what I needed. The swell of her breasts and the sway of her hips told me I could get lost in her and fuck her until I pass out … and she would take it all. I knew she would. Her curves, the thickness of her body is making my dick hard. Just as she turned to walk up to the bar, I saw the most delicious ass I’ve seen in a long time.

  Yes, she was definitely made for me. I’m not a small man in every sense of that phrase. I require more of a woman and, my God, this woman was all that I needed.

  Her eyes hesitantly looked back my way. It was that moment I realized if she gave me a chance, I would probably ruin her. The air of innocence rolled off her in droves. I should turn my head and find someone else to conquer. I would hate it, but I could probably find someone to halfway get into. Hell, I’ve done it already, so I could do it again. As I took the rest of my drink down, and the waitress brought my order to me, the brown skinned beauty finally made her way to me.

  “Um, excuse me. Is this seat taken?”

  I should say yes. I should tell her to find another seat. But I didn’t. The smile that creased her beautiful face fucking did me in. “It’s yours now, darlin’,” I heard myself say.

  She nodded and sat down next to me. I remained quiet, trying not to let her perfume make my dick explode. I need to keep cool. As I said, she’s too sweet for me. I had no business talking to her and quite honestly she had no business being around me.

  It’s time for me to leave.

  I took the rest of my drinks down and pushed out my cigar. I stood, and her eyes came to mine.

  She stood too and looked up at me. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

  I was in the midst of dropping pesos when her question caught me off guard. I moved my eyes from hers and traveled down to her lips, then to her neck, collarbone and to this set of tits that I would love to be in between right this very minute.

  I cleared my throat, “Yeah, I do.” I moved to leave when she stood in front of me, blocking my exit.

  She ignored my brooding and said, “Are you here with someone? I mean, like are you married or have a girlfriend?”

  I frowned, trying my best to give her the meanest look I could. “Why?”

  She looked down at her feet, then looked around the bar before leaning into me and saying, “Well, I was … um... hoping that maybe instead of going back to your hotel you would … um… like to come to mine…” I moved back from her, stunned, and she quickly added, “With me, of course…”

  I couldn’t move if my life depended on it… I was fucking floored.

  This woman, who clearly was way out of her comfort zone, is standing in front of me asking to take me to her hotel room. I gave her a once over again, and I have to say I was fucking intrigued.

  My first thought was this being a setup. No way she could be this sweet and at the same time try and seduce me. But seeing the fear in her eyes and trepidation all over her body quickly changed my mind. I had a feeling tonight would be thoroughly entertaining. I might have blue balls again tonight, but to see if this wallflower could successfully seduce me will be worth it.

  I smiled and moved closer to her, playing her game. “Lead the way, darlin’…”

  Chapter 2


  Shit, he said yes! Now what do I do?’

  His smile deepened, and I swear if I was light skinned I would be blushing right now.

  You can do this, girl.

  I kept my eyes on his and finally he said to me, “Where are you staying?”

  Where am I staying? I frowned starting to say Cabo when common sense finally hit me. “I’m staying here on the second floor on the other side of the resort.” I turned quickly and exited the bar, hoping that he was truly following me. The nerves and goose bumps that were flooding my body should’ve been an indication, but I still looked back periodically to make sure he was still with me.

  My palms started to sweat, and I knew my hands were going the same speed as my heart was. I don’t usually do this, pick up men, but this is part of the deal I made with myself when I got on the plane to come here. I’m no longer Boring-Stuck in the Mud -Georgia. No, I’m Carefree -Throw Caution to the Wind -Georgia. I’m
Get My Freak On- Georgia. I can do this. I’m in control.

  We got to the elevator, and I pushed the up button. He stood next to me, and, as I tried to take a peek at him, I found his eyes searching me, undressing me. A few other people joined us at the elevator, and when it came, he held it open for me and the others there. He never smiled while we made our way to my room. He didn’t have a pleasant soft, approachable face. He was hard with features that I knew meant he was no good for me. But for what I wanted, I didn’t need good. I needed bad. I needed him.

  The elevator ride was short. He again followed me as I led him to my ocean view room. It took me a few times to put my key in the lock, but once I did, I opened it and held it open as he walked past me. Damn, this man was walking sex and probably as bad as they come. I could tell that the moment I laid eyes on him at the bar downstairs. But what else drew me to him was pure physical. I mean, he was the sexiest man I had ever seen in my life. He was so fine, hard, and rough. I couldn’t stop thinking about him taking me up against the wall of my hotel room. Hell, he made smoking a cigar sexy, and I hate cigars. And just the sight of him, slouching in his chair with the cigar in his mouth and his hat covering his eyes, made me want to jump him right at the table.

  I remained at the door of my room watching him and taking deep breaths of my own. Then I finally closed and locked it. I put my back against the door and watched him look around my room.

  If my friends could see me now, they would probably commit me to the psych ward. This is so out of my character, but that is the point, right? I don’t want to do what I normally would do, which, of course, is to steer clear from him. No, I’m running full speed into danger…. This better be worth it.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath again. My nerves were starting to get the better of me. I’d never been with a white man before, so I didn’t know what to expect. But there was one thing I did know for sure; as I opened my eyes to look at him, the look in his dark ones as he stood in front of me exuded promise of a night I knew I wouldn’t forget.


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