Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders
Page 22
2. Mercer, “Inside Employees’ Minds: Navigating the New Rules of Engagement,” June 2011, http://inside-employees-mind.mercer.com/referencecontent.htm?idContent=1419320 (accessed November 17, 2011).
3. “Employee Engagement: A Leading Indicator of Financial Performance,” http://www.gallup.com/consulting/52/Employee-Engagement.aspx (accessed July 12, 2010).
4. Skip Weisman, “Why 44% of Today’s Leaders Are Unhappy with Their Employees’ Performance,” October 31, 2011, http://www.managementexchange.com/story/why-44-today%E2%80%99s-leaders-are-unhappy-their-employees%E2%80%99-performance (accessed November 17, 2011). Reporting the results of a survey.
5. Department of Leadership and Law, U.S. Naval Academy, Karel Montor and Major Anthony J. Ciotti, USMC, eds., Fundamentals of Naval Leadership (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1984), p. 1.
6. United States Navy Regulations, with change 1, chapter 8 (Washington, DC: Department of the Navy, 1990), http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS52787.
7. Theodore Roscoe, United States Submarine Operations in World War Two (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1988), p. 273.
8. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Independent Statistics & Analysis, “World Oil Transit Chokepoints,” December 30, 2011, http://www.eia.gov/emeu/cabs/World_ Oil_Transit_Chokepoints/Malacca.html (accessed February 11, 2011).
The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
Accountability, 37, 41
eyeball, 56
achievements, recognition of, 184–87
acting your way to new thinking, 65–68, 206
action-aversion, 46
Adams, Dave, 29, 30, 91, 96, 101, 189, 190, 208, 214, 217
coaching by, 135, 136
deployment preparation of, 188–89
long-term planning by, 190–91
schedule made by, 79
and search for Grayling, 176
in simulated battle, 86, 89, 91, 101
and torpedo problem, 127
administrative processes, 184, 186–87
advancement, 55
advancement examinations, 143, 166–68, 171
airlines, 123
Alexandria, USS, 217
ambiguity, 100
Arabian Gulf, 188, 195–97, 202
Arleigh Burke Fleet Trophy, 203
Arthur Andersen, 110
attention to detail, 120
attitude, 62
authority, 57–58, 64, 128
Aviles, Armando, 209
Barb, USS, 45
Barclay (dog), 150–51
battle plans, 41–42
“begin with the end in mind,” 192–93, 207
Beowulf, xxv, 1
Bernacchi, Mike, xxxi, 208, 217
Birmingham, USS, 12
blind obedience, 162
Blue Crew, 4–5
Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), 112
Bonefish, USS, 154
Bowfin, USS, 176
Bremerton, USS, 218
briefing, 138–41, 206
brief stop for personnel (BSP), 211
Brooks, Lt., 171
Built to Last (Collins and Porras), 56
call to action, 28–34
capacity, 206
captain’s mast cases, 118–19
Card, Kendall, 210
caring, 163–72
casualty drills, 130, 138, 173–75
caution, 123
certifications, 115, 138–41, 206
chain of command, 31, 72, 74, 127, 181
decision-making authority and, 161
empowered phrases and, 83–84
information in, 49
change, 51–61, 65–66, 68
chart review process, 120
checking out, 37–38
Cheyenne, USS, 218
chief of the boat (COB), 52, 148
chief of the watch (COW), 157
Chiefs in Charge, 57, 60, 120, 139, 149, 152–53, 203
clarity, 49–50, 161–62, 205, 206–7, 213
and beginning with the end in mind, 193, 207
caring and, 172
decision making and, 182–83, 207
excellence and, 206
goals and, 159
legacy and, 176, 206
obedience and, 200, 207
organizational, 193
questioning attitude and, 200, 207
and recognition of desired behaviors, 187, 207
trust and, 172, 206
Coast Guard, 71
Collins, Jim, 56
combat, 130
Command Leadership School, 178–79
commitment, 17–21, 180
communication, informal, 102–4, 106
competence, 27, 49–50, 115, 129, 161, 205, 206, 213
certification and, 140, 206
control and, 126, 132–33
deliberate action and, 115, 119–21, 122–25, 126, 206
goals and, 159, 206
learning and, 131, 133, 206
proof of, 63–64
and repeating the message, 149, 206
and specifying goals, 159
training and, 132
competition, 186–87
confirmation, xix–xx
Constellation Battle Group, 18, 135
Constitution, U.S., 45, 130
continuous improvement, 180
control, xxi, xxx, 21, 49–50, 85, 205, 206, 213, 216
acting your way to new thinking as mechanism of, 65–68, 206
competence and, 126, 132–33
and “embrace the inspectors,” 111–12, 206
exercise for, 58–59
genetic code for, 49, 55–60, 206
and “I intend to . . . ,” 81–82, 83–84, 85, 105, 108, 206
and resisting the urge to provide solutions, 91–92, 206
short, early conversations and, 75–76, 206
and thinking out loud, 105–6, 206
conversations, short, early, 75–76, 206
cooperation, 187
Costa Concordia, 200
costs, 68
courage, 180
Covey, Stephen, v, xvii, xxii, 82, 83, 190n, 192, 201–2, 203–4, 208
creativity, xxiii, 99, 206
creeds, 129–30, 134
crises, 152–60
cruise lines, 123
cult of personality, 21
culture, 62–68
curiosity, 22
daily intentions message (DIM), 210
damage control central, 156–57
decision making, xix–xx
chain of command and, 161
clarity and, 182–83, 207
guiding principles for, 162, 178–83
on Santa Fe, 51–61
on short notice, 92–93
Defense Department, U.S., 177
delegations, 41, 58, 61
stewardship, 181
training and, 132
deliberate action, 115, 119–21, 122, 126, 152, 204, 206, 216
implementation of, 122–25
multiple benefits of, 175
Deming, W. Edwards, 98–99
deployments, 19–21, 131, 152, 158, 163–72, 179, 188–90, 201, 202, 208
Dillon, Scott, 174–75, 185, 192, 211, 218
disempowered phrases, 82–83
diving, 137–38, 140
“don’t brief, certify,” 138–41
doubt, 100
drills, 131
effectiveness, xxvii, 166, 195–200
efficiency, 164, 165–66
8th Habit, The (Covey), 83
Einstein, Albert, xxi
electrical utilities, 123
electricity, 115
electric propulsion motor (EPM), 79
emancipation, 212–13
“embrace the inspectors,” 111–12, 20
emergency air breathing (EAB) devices, 153
empowered phrases, 83–84
empowerment, 8, 10, 164, 165, 181, 207, 208–13
empowerment programs, xxiv, 9, 59
energy, 206
engagement, 132, 141
Engineering Duty Officer community, 215, 217
Enron, 110
enthusiasm, 104–5
equipment status log, 26
errors, 40–47, 117–25, 152
evaluations, 183, 192–93
evolutions, 130, 139, 140–41
excellence, 40–47, 161
executive officers, 7–8
eyeball accountability, 56
farming, xxv
Fast Company, 150–51
fear, 46
fire control system (FCS), 25–26
fires, 153–57
fixed objectives, 187
Fluckey, Gene, 51
Frank Cable, USS, 217
frustration, xxiii, 22–27
gamification, 187
Gamification (blog), 187
goals, 21, 206
methods vs., 159
Gold Crew, 4, 7
government audits, 112
GPS, 100
Grayling, USS, 176
Greene, Bill, 37, 74, 80–81, 86, 208, 217
long-term planning by, 190
nautical charts reviewed by, 71, 72
in simulated battle, 101
at Sled Dog meeting, 144
and transfer of Panlilio, 170–71
transfer requested by, 30
guiding principles, 162, 178–83
gut feelings, 100
Hill, Doc, 199, 210, 211
Honolulu, USS, 214
Hormuz, Strait of, 202, 208, 209, 223, 224
Ian, xxiii–xxiv, xxix
ideas, 99
“I intend to . . . ,” 81–82, 83–84, 85, 105, 108, 206
Iliad, The, xxv
immediate recognition, 162
improvement, 180
Independence, SS, 15
Indonesia, 184
Industrial Age, xxi
Industrial Revolution, xxv
informal communication, 102–4, 106
INF treaty, 7
initiative, 104–5, 132, 152–60, 179–80
innovations, xxiii, 180
inspection mentality, 78–79, 206
inspiration, 162, 175–77
institutional mechanisms, 56
integrity, 181
intent, signaling of, 204
Interior Communications Manual, 103
intimate technical knowledge, 180
Isola del Giglio, 200
“It’s a Dog’s Life” (Fast Company article), 150–51
Japan, 51, 130, 163, 176
Jensen, Brad, 52, 117
Kenny, Mark, 12, 17–18, 20–21, 29, 33, 42, 45, 63, 78, 109
Covey’s visit arranged by, 82
and deployment preparation, 189–90
deployments certified by, 158
inspection by, 66, 69, 87–88, 104, 111
and torpedo problem, 127
Kerr, Caleb, 208, 214, 218
Knowledge Worker Age, xxi
Konetzni, Al, 42, 177
Krol, Joseph, 170, 195–97
“lack of ownership,” 98
Larson, John, 52, 74, 86
at Sled Dog meeting, 144
leader-follower, xxv–xxvi, 9, 38, 39, 42, 43, 53, 84, 212
as appealing, 15
and resisting urge to provide solutions, 92
see also leadership, top-down
leader-leader, xxvii–xxix, xxx, 61, 68, 141, 203, 204, 206–7, 216
clarity and, 161
in mock battle, 197
current model of, xxv, 205
definition of, xxi–xxii
and going against the grain, 201
guiding principles for, 178–83
models of, 10
personality-driven, xxvi
technical expertise and, xxvii
time horizons and, 14, 16
leadership, bottom-up, 52, 88, 96
signaling action and, 175
leadership, top-down, xxviii–xxix, 5, 14, 21, 28, 35–39, 42, 50, 52, 81, 84, 206
appeal of, 15
elimination of, 96–99, 206
as ingrained, 87, 88
monitoring systems and, 97–98
in Navy regulations, 42
stealth and, 158
thinking ahead and, 92
on Will Rogers, 64
see also leader-follower
learning, 115, 126–34, 206
competence and, 131, 133
training versus, 129
legacy, 162, 173–77
for inspiration, 175–77
long-term thinking, 188–94
Los Angeles, USS, 12, 22, 217
Los Niños, xxiv–xxv
M, Petty Officer, 118–19
maintenance, 130, 131, 152, 153
Makalapa housing area, 126–27
Malacca, Strait of, 163, 184, 202, 208
Master and Commander (O’Brian), xxv
Maui basin, 71, 72, 78, 86
Medal of Honor, 176
mentoring, 190–91, 193
Mesh, Scott, xxiv–xxv
message, 148–50, 206
metallurgy, 115
methods, 206
goals versus, 159
micromanagement, 95
mistakes, 40–47, 117–25, 152
misunderstandings, 142–51
Mk 48 ADCAP, 89
monitoring systems, 97–98
monitor watch, 131
morale, xxvii, xxviii–xxix
Morton, Mush, 51
motivation, 132, 155–56
National Geographic, 74
nautical charts, 70–75, 76, 77, 86–87
Naval Academy, U.S., xxvii, 1, 19
Naval Academy leadership book, xxv
Naval Reactors, 109–11, 117, 121
Naval Submarine Support Command, 218
navigation supervisor, 145
Navy, U.S.:
advancement examinations in, 143, 166–68, 171
performance system of, 191
Regulations of, 41–42
Navy Achievement Medals, 168, 185