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And So She Waited

Page 11

by Shakuita Johnson

  "Why are you here, Raven?" Matt asked.

  "You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I be here? I need you now more than ever," Raven said.

  "Why, because Remy doesn't want you? You've finally come to your senses about him?"

  "Not exactly. Our parents are planning our wedding. They're telling him now. Your parents are there as well. It wasn't my idea."

  No. This wasn't happening. Matt couldn’t breathe. He didn't even have words for everything he was feeling right now. He was officially over this nonsense.

  "You need to leave, right now," Matt said.

  "What? Why?" Raven stuttered.

  "I need to be alone. Whatever you came over here for, you shouldn't have. I don't want to talk to you or see you."


  "Just please go, Raven. I can't deal with this right now. I'm holding on to my sanity by a thread. It's taking everything in me not to beat you to within an inch of your life. So just leave me alone for a while."

  "But Matt…"

  "No dammit! I'm serious. You need to get away from me right now. I won't be held accountable for my actions if you don't get out of my sight. Leave if you value your life. I can't deal with you right now."

  Matt watched as Raven stood up to leave. He could tell she didn't want to go and he knew she wanted to say more. But she left like he'd asked her to. He waited until he heard the front door close before he released all the rage he'd been barely holding in check. He let out a bellow worthy of a five-star general and pounded his chest a few times for good measure. Married? She was getting fucking married to Remy Peters?! His parents were a part of it and they hadn't even mentioned it to him. What kind of fucked up world was he living in? He couldn't even trust his own damn parents to be on his team. This was unacceptable. He was going to lose his shit all over them as soon as they got home. In the meantime it was taking all his energy not to trash this entire fucking house. He should have stayed in bed this morning and not opened the door. He wouldn't be making that same mistake twice.

  Matt woke up to the sounds of his parents' voices. The more he heard them talking the angrier he became. How dare they consort with the enemy? He couldn't believe how casual they were being about contributing to the ruination of his life. Had they no loyalty? They should have been in his corner, not Remy's. Who cares if he'd almost killed the prick? If you asked him, good riddance. The only thing he regretted was being pulled off of him before he could finish the deed. Matt stomped down the hallway to his parents' room. They had closed the door behind them but he didn't care. He pushed the door open with so much force that it bounced off the wall and closed in his face. He opened it again slowly and stalked his way into the middle of the room.

  "Would you like to explain to me what in the hell it is you've been doing behind my back?" Matt asked.

  "I'm not sure I know what it is you're talking about, Matthew. Do you care to elaborate?" his father asked.

  "Don't play coy with me, Father. It isn’t cute. Why are you helping to plan this sham of a wedding between Raven and Remy? What are you gaining by this betrayal of your only son?"

  "Matthew, sweetie, where are you getting these outlandish accusations?" his mother asked.

  Matt hated when they talked to him like he didn't know his left from his right. They weren't slick and he was tired of the bullshit. Tired of being lied to and screwed over by those who claimed to care about him. First it was Raven and now it was his own fucking parents.

  "So this is the game we are going to play? Are you both sure you want to go this route?" Matt asked, his arms across his chest.

  "Matthew, we have no idea what it is you're prattling on about," Mr. Masterson said.

  "Oh, okay. So you weren't having a meeting with Remy, his parents, and Raven's parents about them getting married because she's carrying his bastard?"

  Matt was met with blank stares. He guessed he wasn't supposed to know that little piece of information. Well, too fucking bad. He knew it all.

  "Where did you hear this?" Mr. Masterson asked.

  "Does it matter? Are you going to tell me the truth or keep lying to me?"

  "You don't understand what's going on here. We have no choice," his mother said.

  "I'm sorry, but that's bullshit and you both know it. We all have choices and you chose wrong."

  "It's for you. We're doing this for you. You took that choice away from us when you almost killed their only fucking son!" his father exploded.

  Now they were getting somewhere. The truth was coming out full force. It seems the money they received wasn't enough. The blackmail would never stop. They were going to squeeze until they couldn't squeeze anymore. Matt didn't know what was worse. The fact that his parents loved him too much and wouldn't let him face the consequences of his actions, or the fact that Remy's parents loved money and prestige more than their only son.

  "You know what? Do whatever you want. I don't really care anymore. I wished I'd have gotten the chance to kill that slimy asshole."

  "Matthew Masterson!" his mother exclaimed. "You will not speak like that. I don't want to hear you say any such nonsense again, am I clear?"

  "Whatever, I'm over this conversation. The Peters are using their son to drain you both dry. Not only financially but personally as well. They won't rest until they are at the top of the food chain. They are greedy, selfish cunts who only care about what car they drive or which upscale places they are seen at. Don't let them drag you to the gutters. You both have reputations to protect."

  With those words, Matt left. He had nothing else to say to his parents. He definitely wasn't going to that fucking wedding either. He didn't care if Satan himself came to carry him. He'd rather live for eternity in one of the seven circles of hell. Planning a damn wedding with the enemy. He'd seen it all. It was bad enough that Raven was kissing Remy's ass but now his parents were doing it, too. The worst part of it all was he knew Remy didn't give a damn about Raven or the baby. Matt wondered what had even been dangled over his head to make him even agree to the spectacle in the first place. It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense anymore, especially not his life. It was supposed to be simple. Raven was supposed to wake up one day and realize they were meant for each other and that was the end of that. But no, his life was shit and she was carrying around the spawn of Satan.

  Matt just wanted a do-over. All the money his parents possessed couldn't fix this clusterfuck of a situation. He almost wished he could go back to his five-year-old self and never set eyes on Raven Sinclair. Dammit! It wasn't supposed to be this hard. He'd had a plan and a damn good one at that. But no. It apparently wasn't in the cards for him. Now he was lost. He didn't know what he was supposed to do now. He didn't want to dance anymore and he sure as shit didn't want to go to law school, but it looked like his choices were limited. He had no one to blame but himself. He should have just told Raven how he'd felt years ago. But his stupid ass believed in all that fate garbage. Soul mates and destiny, what a fucking moron he was. And now his best friend was possibly getting married to the most self-centered jerk on the planet.

  He wanted to slit his fucking wrists. There was no way he would cope with this shit storm of ridiculousness. He wouldn't be able to stomach a wedding. Watching Raven walk down the aisle and into someone else's arms. It should be him! It always should have been him!

  Matt quickly jumped in the shower and then threw on some sweats and a hoodie. He went downstairs and grabbed his keys off the hook and got in his car. He had no idea where he was going but he needed to get out of the house. He couldn't bear to dwell on what he'd lost. His whole life was derailed and he didn't know if he even wanted to get it back on track.

  Chapter 21

  Two months later

  She felt like a fucking house walking around. At only six months pregnant she was huge! Raven didn't know if she wanted to do this anymore. Everything hurt and she was laid up like some poor victim waiting for someone to rescue her. She needed to get out, but there wasn't much she could d
o anymore. The only thing that was going to make this day better was the fact that Remy and his parents were coming over to discuss the wedding. She still didn’t know how they managed to convince him to go through with it, but she didn't care. He was so close to being hers forever. Matt and his family were supposed to come over as well and she hoped Matt would play nice. He'd barely talked to her in the last two months and she missed him. They had never gone this long without seeing or talking to each other before.

  Raven attempted to get up from the couch but it was a wasted effort. She was getting really tired of this shit. She'd never weighed this much in her life but she was craving every food known to man. It also didn't help that she was depressed as shit. Good thing her mom was waiting on her hand and foot these days or she'd starve to death and probably be sitting in her own waste.

  "Mom!" Raven yelled.

  There was no answer. Where the hell was that woman? Raven was hungry and she had to pee like nobody's business.


  Again Raven was met with silence. Where in the hell was everybody? Raven heard a loud knock on the door, followed by the doorbell.

  "Raven, can you get that, honey? It's the Peters," her mother said.

  What the hell? The woman can hear the door but not her yelling for her just moments before? And exactly how was she supposed to answer the door. She couldn't even get off the fucking couch to use the bathroom or stuff her face.

  "I can't get off the couch!"

  "Try! You aren't the first woman to ever get pregnant, Raven. Stop being a baby and get up."

  Raven sent a glare towards the sound of her mother's voice. You aren't the first woman to ever get pregnant, Raven mocked behind her back. She didn't want to get up off her comfortable spot on the couch. She heard the doorbell ring twice more and several more loud pounds before she heaved herself off the couch. She wobbled to the door.

  "I'm coming, dammit! Hold your horses."

  Raven pulled open the door to reveal the severely annoyed Peters. What the fuck were their problems?

  "Yes, may I help you?" Raven asked.

  "What took you so long to answer the door? We've been waiting forever," Mrs. Peters huffed.

  Raven looked down at her belly and swollen ankles, then back up at the Peters. She didn't even try to answer that ridiculous question. Instead she looked over at Remy. He wouldn't even look at her.

  "Would you all like to come in?" Raven asked.

  "No, we just came to stand out on your front porch," Remy said.

  "You don't have to be rude, Remy," Raven said.

  "Whatever, let's get this thing over with."

  Raven was pushed back as Remy shoved his way past her. He was so fucking rude. She moved aside as his parents entered behind him and then she shut the door. Raven shuffled her way back to her blankets on the couch and lay down. She heard her mother call for the Peters to come back to the dining area so they could all talk. Remy sat on the chair across from her and didn't say a word.

  "So have you found a tuxedo yet for the ceremony?" Raven asked.

  She was trying to make small talk but she just wanted him to talk to her.


  He was going to make this hard. It didn't matter because she wasn't giving up.

  "Have you looked? Do you need me to help you? I can look online at a few stores."


  Raven pursed her lips. She was getting tired of his attitude. If he wasn't going to take this seriously he could have just said no.

  "No one is making you do this, Remy. Why are you acting like such an ass?"

  The look he gave her could have frozen water. As it was it chilled her to the bone. He had murder in his eyes when he looked at her. What did she do or say wrong now?

  "Oh, you didn't know. They threatened to make me live in poverty if I didn't marry you. I would be stripped of everything I owned and thrown out on my ass to live in boxes on street corners and back alleys. I have no choice in this thing. I don't love you and I don't want to raise goldfish with you, let alone a child. A child I never wanted you to have in the first place. Leave me the hell alone, Raven. I have no intentions of ever walking down an aisle with you. I sent a message to my grandparents and as soon as I get a response this thing is over. They won't stand for this travesty my parents are trying to force upon me."

  Raven choked back a sob. She would not cry in front of him again.

  "How could you say these things to me? What did I ever do besides love you?"

  "You've ruined my life. I wished I'd never set eyes on you. Poor little rich girl. No one's ever said no to her and the first time someone does she can’t take it. Whined to her parents, and now my life has been sacrificed for yours. I hate you and I wish you were dead. I will never love you."

  Raven was saved from speaking by the sounds of the doorbell again. It was Matt and his parents. She slowly got up and walked to the door.

  "Hey, my parents and the Peters are in the dining room," Raven muttered as she let them in.

  "Hey, Raven, is everything all right?" Matt asked.

  "Yes, I'm fine."

  Raven went back to her couch and remained quiet. Matt sat next to her and glared at Remy.

  "Raven, are you sure you're okay? Did this jerk upset you again?"

  "It's okay, Matt. I need to go talk to my parents for a moment."

  Raven got up and left Matt and Remy alone together. It probably wasn't a smart idea but she had something she needed to say before this thing got any more complicated.

  Raven found them all in the dining room with several books and magazines opened. They wouldn't need them for long. What she had to say would only take a moment.

  "Excuse me, I need to talk to everyone for just a moment," Raven said.

  "What's wrong, honey? Is it the baby? Are you okay?" her mother asked.

  "No, the baby's fine. I need to say something about this wedding. There won't be one. I don't want to get married."

  Raven was met with silence from her parents and the Mastersons, and looks of horror from the Peters.

  "What did Remington do now?" Mr. Peters asked, red faced.

  Remington? That was new. Raven smiled a little to herself.

  "Nothing. I just realized I have no desire to be married."

  "Well, honey, if this is what you want," her father said. "We will support you."

  "What? No! This wedding is happening whether they want it or not," Mrs. Peters said.

  "If Raven says she doesn't want to get married then she's not,” Mr. Sinclair said. “We don't force our children to do things they don't want to do and we certainly don't threaten them."

  "Either she marries our son or we will make sure Matt spends the rest of his life in prison for almost killing our son," Mrs. Peters threatened.

  Raven wanted to wipe the smug look off her face but Mr. Masterson beat her to it.

  "You could do that but I'm sure the courts would love to read the statement you both signed agreeing to take a sizable amount of money for dropping the charges."

  Raven watched, amused, as the Peters stuttered and sputtered before giving up and walking out. Served them right. They were horrible people who only cared about money. Raven was brought out of her musings by the sounds of crashing coming from the living room. What the hell was going on?

  Chapter 22

  Remy didn't want to be here. He just wanted to go home and claim amnesia of ever knowing Raven Sinclair. He couldn't be married. He was still waiting to hear back from his grandparents on if they would support him if his parents kicked him out after he refused to marry Raven. He hoped they got back to him soon. He still had a little time but the constant worrying was killing him. He tried to ignore the death stare that Matt was aiming towards him since Raven left the room. He wasn't sure what his problem was but he was sick of his shit.

  "What are you looking at, asshole?"

  "What the fuck did you say to Raven?"

  "None of your business."

  "See, that
's where you are wrong. Raven is my business. Always was and always will be. Now what did you say to her?"

  "The truth. Not my fault she couldn't handle it."

  "What. Did. You. Say?"

  Remy paused for a few moments. He didn't have to tell him shit. Matt wasn't the boss of him and he was tired of playing this game.

  "I told her I wasn't going to be tied down to her. Ever. Plus, I told her how much I hated her," Remy said with a smirk.

  Before he could even blink, Matt was heading towards him with both hands raised. Not this time, thought Remy. He would not be caught with his pants around his ankles again. Remy got up and met him head on. They crashed into each other in a whirlwind of arms and legs. They both went down hard and traded blow for blow. As they struggled to get the upper hand, they were destroying vases and end tables in their wake. Remy took a solid uppercut and fell back to the ground. Matt took the opportunity to jump on top of him and land three blows to his face. Remy shook it off, rolled over and punched Matt in the chest and stomach several times. They were both bloody and their clothing was starting to rip.

  Remy didn't care. He was sick of this asshole thinking he could put his hands on him. He wasn't his bitch boy and he was still mad about being choked out months before. It was time for some payback. He pulled himself off the floor and landed a few kicks to Matt's ribs. He was sure everyone would come running in any moment and he wanted to do as much damage as he could before he was pulled off. He went to kick Matt one more time but was caught off guard when Matt grabbed his foot and yanked. Remy was thrown off balance and fell backwards to the hard, unforgiving floor and hit his head. That was going to leave a mark.

  "What in the hell is going on in here?"

  Remy heard his mother shrieking and all it did was make his head hurt worse than it already did.

  "We were just having a little discussion," Remy said, coughing up blood.

  "A little discussion? Are you insane? You are both bloody and the living room is in ruins," his mother said.


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