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Passion by the Book (Kimani Hotties)

Page 13

by Pamela Yaye

  “What do you want to do first?” Marcus asked, forking a heap of hash browns into his mouth. “A tour of the Music Hall of Fame Museum or hit the slopes?”

  “Let’s go to the museum. I looked it up online, and it’s one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. I’m really excited to check it out.”

  “Me, too, but after what you did to me in bed this morning, I can barely move.”

  Showers of sunshine streamed through the tall, curved windows. Falling across Marcus’s face, they illuminated the mischievous twinkle in his piercing deep brown eyes.

  Wearing a saucy smile, she leaned forward until their lips were just a kiss away. “For the rest of the trip, I’ll keep my hands to myself. Okay?”

  “Sure you will.” Marcus pulled up the bottom of his shirt and exposed his chiseled, rock-hard chest. “We both know you can’t live without all of this.”

  Simone giggled and shook her head when he started posing and profiling. Standing, she wiped her hands on a napkin and dropped it on her plate. “I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

  Marcus captured her arm, pulled her to him. “You know, I’ve always fantasized about sexin’ you in a men’s washroom....”

  “Then you better buy your own restaurant!”

  The couple shared a laugh, then a kiss that made Simone feel light on her feet.

  While Marcus waited, he checked his email from his phone. It rang, and when Nate’s number filled the screen, he debated taking the call. Nate had been blowing up his phone all weekend, and Marcus suspected he was in trouble. Gambling was his buddy’s Achilles’ heel, and although his fiancée had dumped him over his boozing, partying ways, he refused to give it up. On the third ring, Marcus hit the talk button and put the phone to his ear. “Hey, man, what’s up?”

  “You’re alive?”

  Marcus chuckled. “I came up to Manchester to meet with the executives from Health Plus, remember? I told you all about it last week.”

  “My bad, bro. I’ve been so busy at the downtown location that I forgot.”

  “It’s cool. We’ll be back in a few days.”

  The waiter came, refilled his glass and rushed off.

  “You’ll never guess who called yesterday,” Nate said. “Coach Strickland.”

  “I haven’t talked to him in ages. How’s the old man doing?”

  “Good, he needs a favor.”

  “Lay it on me.”

  “The guest speaker booked for Career Week canceled at the last minute, and he wants you to step in. The university is willing to pay you handsomely to do it, too.”

  Marcus’s jaw hit the table with a thud. “For real?”

  “Yup, and that’s not the best part. They’ve lined up radio and TV interviews, and in true University of Atlanta fashion, they’re promoting the hell out of the event.”

  Adrenaline shot through his veins, creating the ultimate high. What an honor! He was going to be the guest speaker for Career Week, one of the biggest events of the year at his alma mater. Smiling wide and bright, he rocked eagerly back and forth in his seat. He’d finally made it. Arrived. Made something of himself. This invitation proved it, and Marcus was so pumped up, so excited, he felt like doing backflips around the room.

  “Sign me up. I’ll do anything for Coach. If he hadn’t gone to bat for me back in the day, I never would have graduated!”

  Nate chuckled and admitted that Coach Strickland had saved his neck a time or two. “Career Week starts tomorrow, so you guys need to head to Atlanta tonight.”

  Marcus groaned. “I should have known this was too good to be true.”

  “But I thought you loved Atlanta.”

  “I do, but—”

  “But what? The ATL is a hell of a lot better than Manchester, and it’s warmer, too!”

  Returning to the table, Simone sat down in her chair, picked up her fork and selected a piece of heart-shaped fruit from the ceramic dessert bowl.

  “Later, man,” Marcus said, anxious to wrap up his call and share his good news with Simone. “Text me all the necessary information.”

  “Will do. See you in the ATL, bro!”

  Ending his call, he set his cell phone on the table. “That was Nate.”

  “I figured as much. What does he want?” Simone smirked, raised her index finger in the air. “Let me guess. He wants to take the boys out for lunch so he can score some chicks.”

  Marcus winced. “Ouch, that’s cold.”

  “What? You don’t think he offers to babysit out of the goodness of his heart do you?”

  The couple laughed.

  “This is so good,” Simone gushed, dipping a piece of kiwi into the homemade chocolate sauce. “I better stop eating this before I split the zipper on my skinny jeans!”

  Chuckling, Marcus watched his wife quickly devour the bowl of fruit. Her eyes were bright, her flawless brown skin was glowing and an indulgent smile sat on her rosy-pink lips. She was in a great mood, obviously looking and feeling on top of the world, and when he told her they were headed for Atlanta, she would probably leap into his arms. And Simone thinks I’m not romantic, he thought, indulging in a proud grin. Little does she know, I’m the man!

  “Guess who has been invited to give the opening address at Career Week for U of A?” Marcus asked, popping the collar on his casual, button-down shirt. “He’s handsome, successful and one hell of a kisser....”

  Simone choked on the piece of kiwi inside her mouth, felt it lodge painfully in the back of her throat. Or maybe it was the shock of her husband’s announcement that made her eyes burn with tears. The last thing Marcus needed was another job to add to his already busy schedule, but since Simone didn’t want to rain on his parade she found a smile and pasted it on her lips. “Congratulations,” she said with false enthusiasm. “That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you.”

  “So, you’re okay with me cutting our romantic weekend short.”

  “You are? Why?”

  “Career Week starts tomorrow, and I need to meet with the organizers tonight,” Marcus explained, glancing down at his phone. “I’m just waiting for Nate to text me the travel itinerary.”

  Her eyebrows jammed together, formed a crooked, angry line. “But what about our trip to the museum, the winery and the dinner theater show tomorrow night?”

  “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  Simone couldn’t believe it. Marcus was bailing on her—again. But this time, he was leaving her alone, in a cold, frigid city that was thousands of miles away from home. “So, that’s it. You’re just going to leave me here and head off to Atlanta with Nate?”

  “Of course not, baby. I’m taking you with me.” Marcus winked and caressed the length of her forearm. “I need you to keep me warm at night.”

  “But I don’t want to waste the whole day flying to Atlanta. I want to stay here.”

  Concealing his disappointment, he lifted his glass to his mouth and tasted his drink. Marcus wanted Simone by his side when he addressed the sophomore class, wanted her to hear him publicly declare that she and the boys were the best thing that ever happened to him, the true driving force behind his success. But instead of begging her to reconsider, he tried to lighten the mood, and joked, “You must really want to sample the new stock at the winery.”

  Simone didn’t laugh. “I really miss the boys,” she said, putting down her fork and scrubbing at the sauce staining her fingers with one of the cherry-red napkins provided. “I should just go home and spend the rest of the weekend with them.”

  Marcus nodded. What else could he do? Get down on his knees and say, “I want you by my side, so please, baby, please, come with me to Atlanta?” Giving his head a hard shake cleared his thoughts and made him realize the only way to come out on top of this conversation was by agreeing with her. “You�
��re right. You should.”

  “You have some nerve.”

  His grin froze on his face.

  “I thought you were trying to change, but I was wrong. You’re just as selfish as ever!”

  “Simone, keep your voice down.”

  Her eyes narrowed into a hideous glare. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  “You’re making a scene.”

  “I’m making a scene,” she stammered. “Well, you’re being a...a...a...jerk!”

  “A jerk?” Marcus jabbed a finger at his chest. “Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how much money I’ve spent this weekend?”

  “Oh, please. Don’t make it sound like you planned this trip for me. You had business meetings here, remember? I just tagged along.”

  “You’re right,” he conceded with a nod of his head. “I did come down here for business, but the best part of this weekend has been being with you. Laughing, joking, staying up late into the night talking and making love.”

  Right. That’s why you’re leaving. To keep from unleashing her full fury on Marcus, Simone clamped her lips together and counted to ten. It didn’t help to calm her. Anger rose inside her, consumed her. Every time they made a little progress, they hit another bump in the road, and Simone was sick of Marcus ditching her. Work came first, and she came last. That’s the way it had always been. Likely the way it would stay unless she took a stand now. “You promised there’d be no interruptions this weekend,” she said, unable to hold her tongue. “You said this weekend was all about us, remember? Or have you conveniently forgotten now that something more important has come up?”

  “Wow, if I knew you would get this upset, I never would have agreed to go to Atlanta.”

  Staring at him, wide-eyed and openmouthed, Simone listened in stunned disbelief as he accused her of being melodramatic. It took every ounce of her self-control to keep from kicking him in the shin. His insults stabbed her ears, made them ache and throb.

  “Why are you getting all riled up? It’s not that serious. If you want me to stay, I’ll stay. No need to get hysterical.”

  “Don’t do me any favors,” she spat. “I couldn’t care less whether you stay or go.”

  A brief look of sadness passed over his features. “Fine, then I’ll leave tonight.”

  “Why wait? I bet you could get a flight within the hour.”

  “I just might do that.”

  Angry enough to spit fire, Simone pushed back her chair and grabbed her purse. She heard her cell phone ring but ignored it.

  “Where are you going? We’re not finished eating.”

  “You’re not, but I am.”

  In her haste to leave, Simone bumped the table and knocked over her glass. Peach lemonade flowed over the table like a mighty rushing river, and when Marcus jumped to his feet, an aghast expression on his face, she felt the impulse to laugh. But there was nothing funny about the way he’d spoken to her or his decision to end their trip early. Or the fact that he spent little time with their sons, but had all the time in the world to meet with his celebrity clients and business associates.

  Moving faster than a professional speed walker, Simone stormed out of the dining room, through the restaurant and into the waiting elevator. The doors slid closed, sealing her inside the metal box with two burly men sporting cowboy hats. Simone felt tears dribbling down her cheeks, and turned her face toward the wall.

  Forget Marcus. Forget bending over backward to make him happy. Tired of playing second fiddle to his career, Simone decided right then and there to stop catering to him. From now on, she was doing her own thing. Look out for numero uno. And her first order of business was to get a job. She’d show him! She’d have a successful career, and places to go and people to see, too. Let’s see how Marcus liked being—

  Hearing her cell phone, Simone slid her hands inside her purse and pulled it out. Once she checked the number on the screen and saw that it wasn’t Marcus, she answered. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to call you back last night,” Simone said to Angela, stepping off the elevator and flopping onto one of the chairs outside of the hotel spa. “We returned late from dinner.”

  “No worries, girl. I was just calling to see how you guys were doing and to remind you to pick up a bottle of merlot for me when you go to the winery this afternoon.”

  “We’re not going.”

  Angela sounded as if she was grinning. “Having too much fun to leave the cabin, huh?”

  “We were, until Marcus had to go and ruin our romantic weekend.” Simone told Angela everything, and when she was done, she was even more upset. “We were having such a good time, and now I’m so angry and frustrated all I want to do is go home.”

  “I’m almost as mad as you are,” Angela said, raising her voice. “It wasn’t easy getting you guys a cabin at Chateau LeBlanc, and I had to pull a lot of strings to get those tickets to the dinner theater show. Geesh! All that hard work for nothing.”

  Simone blinked and stared down at the phone. “You planned our trip?”

  Silence plagued the line. Then, after what seemed like hours, Angela spoke. “Marcus asked what I thought you’d like to do, and I gave him some suggestions.”

  “Yeah, which he followed to the tee,” Simone said, sinking further into the abyss of despair and disappointment. “I can’t believe you let him trick you into planning our trip.”

  “He didn’t trick me.” A pause, then, “I prefer to think of it as exchanging services. Marcus put me in touch with the GM of the Chicago Bears for my piece on athletes behaving badly, and in exchange I gave him a list of things to do and see in Manchester.”

  Simone blinked back hot tears. Could this day get any worse? Breathing deeply through her nose, she touched a hand to her neck. It felt like someone had poured hot sauce down her throat. Her mouth burned, and her throat felt so tight and constricted, she feared she’d choke.

  “Where’s Marcus now?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care.”

  “Do you want me to meet you in Manchester?”

  Choked up, Simone stumbled over her words. “Y-You’d do that for me?”

  “Of course, we’re girls! I’ve got your back, and you’ve got mine.”

  “Thanks for offering, but I think I’m going to head home.”

  Angela sighed in relief. “Thank God! I hate Manchester in the winter, and I don’t have a gorgeous man like you do to keep me warm on those cold, frigid nights.”

  “You’re better off having no man than being with someone who leaves you at the drop of a dime.” Simone stared down at her hands and slid her wedding ring absently up and down her finger. She spotted Dr. RaShondra’s book poking out of her purse and grunted so loud she startled the Asian woman exiting the spa. “I can’t believe I wasted my time and money reading A Sista’s Guide to Seduction. I implemented the rules, but Marcus is still blowing me off.”

  “I told you that book was silly, but you wouldn’t listen.”

  “Way to kick a girl when she’s down,” Simone quipped, sighing in frustration.

  “You know who you need? Jaxson Stafford.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “He’s a successful attorney with a background in psychology who also specializes in couple’s therapy. I interviewed him last year, and not only is he fine as hell, he’s smart and intelligent and incredibly knowledgeable about family law. I’ll give you his card the next time I see you. Hey—” she yelled with more pep than a high school cheerleader “—why don’t you come over? I don’t have sexy dimples or a wicked set of abs like that gorgeous husband of yours, but I’m free tonight.”

  A giggle broke free from Simone’s pursed lips. “You are too crazy.”

  “I know, that’s why you love me! So, it’s all set. I’ll pick you up at the airport, and you’ll spend the night.”

  “I’d be terrible company, and besides, I really should go get the boys.”

  “Girl, please, they’re having so much fun they’re not even thinking about you!”

  “Remind me not to call you the next time I’m having a bad day.”

  “Oh, hush,” Angela ordered, though her tone was warm with humor. “And quit being so sour while you’re at it. It’ll be fun! We’ll make popcorn, watch movies and...”

  Staring down at her hands, Simone reflected on the last three weeks. She’d been following the tips in the little pink book faithfully, but using sex to get Marcus’s attention clearly wasn’t working. Sure, they were having fun, but they didn’t have the deep, emotional bond she longed for. If they did, he wouldn’t be cutting their trip short to head off to Atlanta.”I’m just not in the mood to hang out,” she said. “I just want to be alone.”

  “But I have a tub of cookie dough, double-fudge brownies and two bottles of sambuca chilling in the fridge just for you. And while we’re pigging out, we can talk about ways to get your marriage back on track.”

  Simone loved the sound of that. She needed all the help she could get to improve her relationship, and she knew her best friend would come up with great ideas. Standing, she frantically jabbed at the elevator button. “Don’t start without me!” she said with a laugh. “I’ll call you when I reach the airport!”

  Chapter 13

  Simone closed the dishwasher, pressed the start button and wiped down the appliances. Surveying the room, her gaze carefully sweeping from one end to the next, she ensured that everything was in its rightful place. Pleased that the kitchen was finally spick-and-span, Simone untied her apron and dropped it on the granite counter.


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