What Tomorrow May Bring
Page 119
He lets the news sink in. I sit down on the couch and bury my head in my hands. Brad Darcton, the man presumed dead in the attack on Headquarters, is not my father? Dr. Christo is? Which would make Jax…my brother? I’m some sort of DNA hybrid concocted in a lab?
After a minute taken to get my breathing under control again, I ask, “Why? Why would you do that?”
“You’re destined to realign the Ten and Grand Council to their intended purposes. It’s almost time to right the wrongs of the Ten. To be trusted by the SCI, you had to be a pure Dark. To be trusted by me and the rest the Arbiters, you needed to have the ARB marker. I trained you from your youth for this purpose.” He looks so proud of his accomplishment.
“And if I say no to being your ‘sleeper agent’ in the SCI?”
“You won’t. You can’t,” he says.
“Are you threatening me? If so, you’re no better a father than Brad Darcton was.”
“I’m nothing like Brad Darcton. With what you know about the SCI…what they are doing to the Second Chancers…to the Exilers…to the people you love. Can you turn your back on a chance to fix it?” He’s right. Kira would never forgive me if I ignored the opportunity to repair that which is broken.
“All those couples are carrying Kira’s and my children? What happens when my ARB-marked blood mixes with Kira’s?”
“Not for you to worry about” he responds. “You have other concerns. From here on out, things will move quickly. Your Uncle’s in town, and they are scrambling to fill spots on the Ten and Council. If offered a spot, you’ll take it without hesitation. I will advise you as I am able, and Jax and I will train you to develop your latent…talents.”
“Jax knows?” I ask. “For how long? And what talents?”
“He has always known,” he mumbles. “It would be impossible to keep from him. As for talents, it’s unclear what you are capable of. We’ll have to run tests.”
As disturbed as I am by the turn of events, I’m equally intrigued. If I could do a fraction of the things Jax is capable of, it would be amazing. Life changing.
“And, Ethan,” Dr. Christo tells me. “You’re to keep this to yourself. No one can know. The future of Thera depends on it.”
“Hey, bro. I hear a Cleaving may be in your future.” A very smug Jax has arrived, uninvited and unannounced. Kira has been staying with me but is taking a longer-than-approved shower.
“You bastard,” I reply. “You knew about me all along and never breathed a word.”
“You,” he says, poking me in my chest, “did not have clearance. Besides, all the clues were there. You just failed as detective.”
“We’re brothers.” I still can’t believe it. “I seem to be accumulating those lately.”
“So I’ve heard. Half-brothers, though,” he corrects. “I’m anticipating a few half-brotherly quarrels in our future.”
“Well, then, I guess nothing will change.” As much as Jax riles me up, it’s hard to stay mad at him. “We’re always arguing.”
“Over trivial things, thus far. Imagine what happens when brothers clash over important things,” he muses. What, like Blake and I have been doing over Kira?
“Then we’ll have to hope blood runs thicker than hostility.” I’m not convinced that if they Cleave Blake to Kira that I’ll be able to get past it and forgive him.
“About that Cleaving…Think they’ll pick you?” Jax asks.
“I have no idea. If they don’t, I’ll be in no condition to help you, your father, my Uncle, or anyone else for that matter. I’ll find some remote area on Earth to curl up in a ball and wither away.”
“You’re being dramatic as always, Ethan. You hardly even know Kira. Have you talked to her?” he asks.
“She knows how I feel. I can’t force her to feel the same.” I shrug.
“She does,” he says. “She has got a big heart. Big enough to love more than one man utterly and completely.”
“Don’t remind me.” I stuff my hands into my pants pockets and rock back and forth to calm my nerves.
Jax pats me on the back. “Got to run, bro. Kira’s done showering, and I’d hate to run into her when she’s in…compromising attire. It’s almost show time. May the best man win, and I think we all know who the best man is.” Well, I know Jax always assumes that he is the best, but I think that between Blake and me, he’d support me.
“Thanks, Jax.”
“Ethan, do you know where my brush is?” Kira yells. I turn around to say goodbye to Jax, but he has already vanished. So, I do the only thing I can—go to spend what may be my last moments with Kira before the Ten make their decision.
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.”
— Joseph Campbell
The knock comes at 0300 hours. Two armed guards tell us that the Ten has requested Ethan’s and my presence at Headquarters immediately. We oblige and follow the men. Ethan holds my hand the entire way, and I’m not sure whether this will be the last opportunity to do so or not. Vienna Darcton visited me earlier to tell me Blake would be given a choice to stay or leave, and the Ten awaited his decision before choosing my Cleave.
I stress over what Blake decided the entire way to the Headquarters building. How will he use the information I passed to him? I—and now Blake—are in possession of a whopper of a secret. The clues came unwittingly from Brad Darcton. I’m sure he’d be rolling over in his grave if he knew that he led me to the information.
Even though I didn’t figure it out right away, the key to the puzzle was an offhand comment Brad made the day he showed us the city models. He bragged that the SCI could never be defeated because of the power within a giant, wheel-shaped structure in the model. It helps with “resource allocation and management for the city” he said.
The resources are people, the structure—a portal—a mega-portal leading to Earth and to every city on Thera. That’s how they could have security forces arrive on demand when Exilers attacked. And how the City Heads arrived for their meeting. The spokes of the wheels are tunnels—the individual portals. When Ethan and I left Earth, we arrived at Earth’s mega-portal. The circular room was paneled, but I saw the seams to dozens of doorways.
Without the capabilities of their mega-portal, the SCI would appear weak and scattered. With it, they can transport goods and people quickly from one place to another without the need of airplanes or complex transportation systems. The ships are used for large shipments and serve as a great decoy, hiding the SCI’s true capabilities.
I repeat the million dollar question in my mind. What will Blake do with the information? Will he stay here so that we can formulate a plan to immediately decentralize the SCI government? Or will he choose Exile? Albeit unspoken, we both know our best chance of getting back into the great hall of city models is to stay on good terms with Vienna Darcton.
Ethan and I are screened at the Headquarters door and then separated. I’m taken to a small room where two armed female guards watch over my “care” given by my regular doctor and nurse. They give me a full physical with more shots. I still hate the needles, but since I seem to encounter them nightly, I’m used to the pain. Once the shots and medications are done with, the doctor gives me another full abdominal ultrasound. Are they going to take more eggs so soon, I wonder? I don’t ask.
Following my medical checkup, I get moved to a giant dressing room where my escorts ask me to dress in a shimmering gold gown in preparation for my Cleaving ceremony. I guess the Ten’s wasting no time Cleaving me off now that the decision has been made as to who. Although I’m hardly ready for a Cleaving to anyone and what that entails, I’m ambivalent about the ceremony itself.
I put on the gown. I’d swear it is spun of real gold. Diamond-like gems cover the tight bodice. The skirt’s full and imitates flowers and leaves delicately laced together. It fits me perfectly as though a master craftsman created it just for
me. I feel like a princess about to be crowned queen. Queen of an evil regime, that is.
A kind older lady joins me to do my makeup and hair. When finished, I look like the royalty the Therans claim I am, jeweled gold tiara and all. I stare at myself in the mirror. Despite being masked with beauty, this isn’t at all how I imagined my wedding day as a child. I’m without family or friends. I didn’t get to pick my gown, nor is it white to reflect my virtue. The identity of my groom is a secret. There will be no fancy reception.
Forget expectations. Forget what the Ten think they’ll be dictating for me—just for tonight. The gown is gorgeous and well beyond anything I’d be able to afford. My Cleave will be my family—with my enthusiasm for that being either real or faked, depending on who they pick. And, I don’t need a big reception. I can do this. I signal that I’m ready to proceed. I put on my happy face. No one will know the truth. Everyone will think that it’s the happiest night of my life.
The guards lead me through a series of passageways and tunnels. Blake told me that Cleaving ceremonies were held in the atrium of Headquarters, but given the massacre that happened there and the destroyed glass mosaic, they must have moved the location.
“Please wait here for your escort,” one of the guards says. I nod. We’re at a large carved wooden doorway, an anomaly on Thera with the lack of trees. It’s stunning with each of a dozen panels display a hand-etched garden scene. After marveling at the craftsmanship on the door, I shift nervously as I await my Cleaving, and then I start to pace. What did Blake decide, and who did the Ten pick?
I care about both Blake and Ethan. They’re both gorgeous, smart, and both love me. I’m attracted to both.
Considering I will spend a lifetime with my Cleave, I start to ask myself a series of questions. Who will be more honest? The better father? Be more reliable? More fun? Make me laugh? Who’ll be more stable? Exciting? Put me first? Us first? Family first? Who’ll make me smile when times get tough, which they are bound to? Who will still give me butterflies when we’re both old and wrinkly? Which one can look past my flaws? Which one’s flaws can I look past? Who’ll know what I need and when I need it even before I do? Who has the most substance? Who will I have the most to talk to about? Who is his own man and not a puppet to those around him? Who do I love most? Because, I realize, I do love them both. Unquestionably.
I see Vienna Darcton round the corner to join me.
“You look beautiful, my dear. You will be pleased with both your Cleave and your Cleaving ceremony. I’ve brought the perfect escort to bring you in. It’ll just be another moment.” I bite my lip, hoping she’s right and disturbed that she just commanded me to be pleased with her selection. The sinking feeling grows. Everything else has gone wrong, so I expect this to as well. In my panic, I can’t as much as mutter a reply. Vienna disappears through the door without allowing me so much as a peek inside.
The tears freely flow as my “escort” arrives. He looks confused as to why I am crying, but I can’t help it. The security guard gives him instructions on how to walk me into the room.
“Well, pretty lady,” my father says, looking healthy, happy, and quite alive in a dashing suit with a gold vest. “I guess I’m the lucky guy that gets to take you to meet your Cleave.”
“Thank you. I’d like that so much.” I wipe my tears. I can’t believe Vienna Darcton brought my father here for me. His presence calms my nerves despite opening a previous wound I prefer not remember. Who am I kidding? Remembering what happened to my family at my hands was bound to happen on this night. I slough off the guilt, knowing I must press forward, plastering back on a smile just as my mother taught me to.
The security guard opens the door, and we’re flooded with light as we enter the most spectacular football stadium-sized garden I’ve ever seen, one, I imagine, to be like my ancestors enjoyed, and what I assume the artisans portrayed in the Headquarter’s atrium mosaic and on the garden doors. Even though it’s the middle of the night, the light looks as natural as sunlight, the ceiling like daytime sky—sunny with a smattering of clouds. Chairs have been set up on a central lawn and my schoolmates—and children’s surrogate parents—are all seated. Jared and his Cleave, Leila, are here. I also see my mother. She looks more alive on Thera than she did on Earth. The only thing detracting from the perfection is the armed security detail circling the garden.
My father and I walk along sparkling gold stones towards an altar built of stone, and I take in the scenery of majestic trees and fragrant flowers of every variety. No groom awaits me, but I see Vienna Darcton motioning someone to come down another path to join us. When I see who it is, I have the epiphany I’ve been waiting for. I do love both Ethan and Blake, but I’m not ready to Cleave either of them. Blake’s and my relationship has been mired with lies, deceit, and plans beyond our control. Ethan and I have never even had the opportunity to have a real relationship. It looks, however, like I’m going to get that chance.
Ethan is the one walking towards me. The Ten chose him to be my Cleave, and if I’m going to be forced into a relationship I’m not ready for, I can’t say I’m disappointed with their choice.
Ethan’s devoted, ready to settle down, and wants to have a long and happy life with me. I’ve been attracted to him from the moment I met him and still get butterflies when he’s near and shockwaves when he touches me. He caters to my every whim and will listen to me talk for hours. We have fun, and he makes me laugh. I feel at home when I’m in his arms.
Ethan’s positive characteristics don’t erase my concerns or give me the illusion that it’ll be a “happily ever after” without any work. Ethan has never really opened up. I’ve asked him on multiple occasions to tell me about his childhood, but he has avoided the subject which makes me wonder what’s he hiding. I don’t know what makes him tick, what he likes or cares about, or what motivates him.
An example—Ethan lived with his Uncle Henry when he moved to Earth. Uncle Henry has been his “mentor.” But, Uncle Henry is Senator Henry King, presidential frontrunner. Not only did Ethan never mention this, but I have no idea what Ethan thinks about being forced into politics. Between his parents’ and uncle’s influence, I don’t know if Ethan has been brainwashed to the point of no return. I’ll never be able to fully trust him until he shares his deepest, darkest secrets and thoughts with me.
My biggest fear with regards to Ethan is that he’s like the most glorious shell in the sea, but when I look inside the shell is hollow. Or perhaps worse, that the shell is filled with a standard-issue, Ten-approved, Original-blooded clone of the SCI ideal of a human being.
To have the kind of love where I want to be intimate—to give my Cleave everything I have to offer, I need him to bare his heart and soul. Maybe, given time, we can get there. But I know the Cleaving rules and time is not something we’re allowed. I dated Tristan for a full year and never slept with him. So consummating the whole Cleaving thing? Too much, too soon.
I’m not sure I’ll ever completely get over Blake. He has made a lot of mistakes. He lied to me, deceived me, and kept things from me. I realize it has all been to either protect me or to further the Exiler’s cause. He cares infinitely more about others than he does about himself, and I find that amazing. Blake is exactly what he represents himself to be, flaws and all.
Bottom line—for my sanity, I need to give Ethan my heart and trust that the rest will work out. But, I’m also going to continue to figure out a way to take down the SCI even without Blake’s help. Fact is, Blake exercised his choice, and he didn’t choose me. He chose to leave. He didn’t trust me to help him get the job done. So, while he’s off with the Exilers, far away from the mega-portal, I’ll be here, working on a plan from the inside.
Ethan and I arrive at the altar at the same time and embrace.
“I love you, Kira Donovan.” He strokes my face and pushes a ringlet aside. “You are, and have been since the moment we met, the only girl for me.” He looks incredible dressed in a gold suit with diamond-studded
tie to match my bodice.
“And I love you, Ethan Darcton.” Joy washes over his face as he hears me tell him I love him. With that one simple statement, I’ve lifted his burdens and worry.
We hurriedly sign the paperwork, and, then, Vienna Darcton announces us as the Mother and Father of New Thera. We then kiss to loud applause, and in that moment, I feel at peace.
We celebrate for hours in the garden, and, the more time I spend here, the more magical it feels. The garden itself covers twenty acres, per Vienna, and is irrigated by an underground spring that has thousands of tributaries to this garden area, acting as a naturally occurring drip system. I’m astounded by the variety of species of plants and flowers—over twenty thousand—all unique to Thera, in every color of the rainbow. Even the grass area is naturally occurring and has more than a hundred types of grass creating an optical illusion of an image I can’t figure out close up and with so many people on it. The fragrance is sweeter and more divine than anything I’ve ever smelled before.
Ethan steals many moments with me in various secluded spots of the garden. For the first time with him, I don’t hold back, and I feel longing and desire I never knew I had. I wish I could build a hut on the grass area and live here forever, raising a whole host of children that I birth myself. This place could make me forget about the Ten, the Grand Council, the desert canyons, and the cruel undertone of Thera.
I do enjoy the party. Vienna provides a delicious banquet for the guests, full of Theran delicacies, my favorite of these is the marinated quellfish, a tube-shaped shellfish caught off shore that tastes like lobster with the texture of a scallop. Some of the girls are having problems with evening sickness so don’t partake, but it is still fabulous to spend the time with my friends and family, even those who don’t remember me. Tristan and Briella avoid me for a chunk of the time but finally come to offer their congratulations.