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The Magic Compass

Page 21

by Martha Carr

  Jake let his shoulders drop and sighed, but he was still smiling. “Of course, this was only meant to be a coffee run, anyway. It was about to be the world’s best coffee run…” He laughed and sat down, pulling her into his lap. “It still is.”

  She wrapped her arm around his neck, setting the travel mug down on the steps, completely forgetting about the coffee and making out with her boyfriend till the sun rose over the trees.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Maggie yawned, walking through the house, touching her fingertips to her lips, still feeling the sensation of Jake’s mouth against hers. Bernie was fast asleep on the blue sofa in the living room, snoring softly. Maggie stopped and unfolded a blue afghan, pulling it over him. “I’m going to let it go that you’re right by the front window,” she whispered.

  She tiptoed away, walking through the house and stopped halfway through the kitchen, smiled, lifting the edge of her pajama top and scratching her belly. “Never did try that coffee.” She looked out the window. “Sun’s up now, might as well stay up.”

  She went through the motions of making coffee, distracted as she waited for it to brew, holding up the toaster to get a better look at her face. “No beard burn, good work Jake.” She went to the cabinet and pulled out her favorite mug with blue flowers on it and leaned against the counter waiting, almost nodding off.

  A flash of bright light and the sound like a lit fuse coming from her backyard jolted her awake. She ran for the back door, ready for anything and hoping the chickens were alright.

  There in her backyard stood a man who looked more like a bald-faced grizzly bear dressed in a heavy tunic, chain mail covering his arms and long pants with leather boots that came up well past his oversized knees. Maggie turned back to run upstairs and get her gun but saw that he was already halfway to the door. She opened the pantry and leaned in, grabbing the metal baseball bat she kept there for protection and ran out the door to get in the first swing. Surprise might be her only weapon.

  “Bernie!” she yelled out. “Peaches! Peaches!” But he was still snoring in the other room, moving his feet in his sleep like he was running.

  Maggie lifted the bat to her shoulder, leaping off the back steps and got ready to swing, giving it everything she had in her. The chickens were all out of their coop and were flapping their wings, flying up for a few inches and coming back down again.

  The beast of a man put out his hand and stopped the bat in mid-swing, lifting it up higher, dragging Maggie off her feet with it. She swung around, kicking as hard as she could in every tender spot she could reach, finally making contact.

  The giant dropped the bat, doubling over as Maggie landed on her side, rolling over to get to her feet and try swinging again.

  “Wait, wait.” A booming voice came out of the man as he held up his hand. “Is this always the way you greet visitors to your house?”

  “This week it is, especially if you show up in my backyard at sunrise unannounced.”

  He gripped the bat around the barrel. “I can see your point. I come as a friend, an ally really. Did Bernie not mention us?”

  Maggie stopped pulling on the bat and relaxed her stance. “You know Bernie? What are you?”

  “Give me a minute. That was a pretty good kick.”

  Maggie leaned the bat against the back porch and went back to the large man, her hands on her hips despite being dwarfed by his size. He finally got his breath back to his satisfaction and spread his arms wide, releasing a spray of dark blue bubbles, covering himself till he turned into a tall, slender man with long straight dark hair.

  “The outfit changed sizes with you. That is a cool trick.” Maggie held out her hand to help him up and saw that he was still several inches taller than she was. “You don’t get to go any further till you tell me who you are and why the dramatic entrance. I saw the flash of light.”

  “That was my way of knocking on your door.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m afraid it backfired on me. Let me start over. My name is Wilmark, and you are the Elemental.” He pointed to a crest printed on his tunic. “I’m part of a society, thousands of years old that was formed with the sole purpose of protecting the Elementals. We are known as the Knights of Godwin.”

  Maggie stared at him, rubbing her temple. “What now? One break in to my garage and people are coming at me out of the woodwork.”

  “You’ve already been attacked, I apologize. My arrival was delayed.”

  “You drink coffee?” Maggie turned to go back up the stairs, grabbing the bat. She didn’t even wait for a response. “This will go better if you just say yes.”

  “Then, yes.” He followed her up the steps and into the kitchen.

  “Take it black? A secret group of knights are out there protecting the world. I kind of like knowing a bunch of Peabrains have my back.”

  The knight smirked, clearing his throat. “Not all of us are Peabrains. I’m an elf.” He waved his hand over his ear, the light glowing around it for a moment as the ear grew more pointed. He waved it back and the ear rounded again. “It’s a simple light spell to make it easier to be among the common people.”

  Maggie tilted her head, narrowing her gaze. “That outfit doesn’t make it tough to blend in?”

  “I can tone it down when I have to. This seemed like the right moment to bring out the old outfit. We’ve been waiting to find one of your kind for a very long time. The records were all destroyed…”

  “I heard about that from Bernie and Jack.”

  “You’ve met Jack, too. Well then,” he got down on one knee and bowed his head.

  “Whoa, what are you doing?” Maggie’s eyebrows were raised, wrinkling her forehead.

  “I pledge my life to you, to protect you and keep you safe till the mission is complete and the engine of the ship is finally put back together. All of us who can rightfully say we are the Knights of Godwin, do the same. We are at your service, no matter what, no matter when.”

  Maggie pressed her hands to her cheeks. “You can’t hang around me all day, or even part of the day. I’m a detective and there’s no way to explain you. I already have a boyfriend, or at least I think he is, so that excuse is out.”

  “I don’t need to be right next to you all the time. We will be nearby, keeping watch.”

  “Nothing creepy about that at all.”

  “I can also help you to learn magic. I was a teacher before I was asked to be a knight.”

  Maggie poured a cup of coffee, slurping it while it was still too hot. “There are still knights in this world. This is one of the weirder things this week.” She slurped again. “Trust me, that is saying something, too. Hey, how do I know this is the real you and not that large, hairy guy.”

  The elf arched an eyebrow at her and tilted his head. “I suppose you’ll have to wait and find out. Do you know where the compass is?”

  “I do but I’m not sure how to get it back.”

  “Then that is our first quest. Are you ready? Is that what you’re going to wear into battle?”

  “You were born in relatively recent times, right? Who talks like that? Hang on, I have to change, this is not my battle wear, and I have to wake up Bernie.”

  The knight started to say something but Maggie stopped him. “I know what you’re going to say. Save the compass, save the world, and buy me more borrowed time.”

  “Just hurry,” said Wilmark, looking out the window.

  “You think I’m in real danger.” Maggie felt a familiar tingle on the back of her neck and looked past the knight, into the empty backyard. Find the compass, save the world. I can do this.

  The story doesn’t end here. Maggie is on a quest to get the compass back, but will things work out with Jake? Will she be able to find the other Elementals and put it all together in time to save her own life? Continue the adventures with The Gnome’s Magic now available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

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  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  December 6, 2019

  The release of this first book in a new world is a kind of celebration for me. The ideas for Terranavis Universe have been percolating in my own brain for a few years now. It’s been a test of my mantra, everything happens when it’s supposed to… because I dragged my feet for a while.

  I have talked about the series, asked others what they thought, wrote a short story to test the crowds, but have never actually gotten around to launching. (And more than one person has had an opinion about the series name – being me I responded by adding it to every title on every book… it’s how I roll)

  Too many other things to do and elements of this story are very special to me. I wanted to do it justice.

  But just about a year ago, I finally quit my day job, which I loved, and tried my hand at publishing on my own – only to learn I don’t like it. This is the start of having everything under LMBPN – a team that for me is more like family.

  I have also finished moving into the dream house, unpacked and fixed whatever needed to be fixed. Even planted a lot of azaleas and a couple of trees. I’m out of excuses (for getting out there and dating more too, but that’s another story for a different day).

  And one more thing that really clinched it. In October of 2018, my very clever big sister, Diana, who I called ‘D’ died suddenly. D was the one who first taught me about Star Trek, and DC comics and making elaborate costumes and magic and flaming cherries jubilee. She was fun personified mixed with large servings of curiosity. She tackled her fear of heights by taking flying lessons. For the first month of lessons they just taxied, but eventually she flew everywhere in her Cessna.

  We were a lot alike and looked a lot alike too. (She was much better at math, however) Time ran out for her way too early, way before the adventures were over.

  I stood by her bedside in the hospital and realized it was time for me to start. You see, the fun part of being here is taking on the new challenges, trying that creative thing, risking failure and realizing once again the sense of victory. And to do the whole thing with a crowd of people, the more the merrier.

  In other words, it’s the experiences that count – not the things. That’s what D taught me.

  Losing her is what got me to finally quit the day job and sit down and write. The sister in The Adventures of Maggie Parker, Diana is loosely based on D who read my books, still sent a check for my birthday long after I was grown, and an Advent calendar at Christmas, and always had a special way with the Offspring – my son, Louie.

  And – bonus - writing the Maggie Parker series will be a chance to spend some more time with D and the memories and let it sink in – we are all magical, but we have to use it. It’s her gift to me to just keep going, reaching out for more to see what the world still has to offer.

  The idea that human beings are naturally magical is something I’ve believed for a long time. Look at what we create, or the way we’ll come together and solve a problem, or sometimes say just the right thing to comfort someone in just the right moment. We’re amazing! But we can take it all for granted and forget.

  So, Maggie Parker is starting to remember and step out of her protective shell. She’s even trying dating with Jake. (I may even learn a thing or two about that topic just writing about it.) Too bad that’s more complicated than she realizes – and it’s unfortunate the Earth wants to self-correct and wipe her off the planet. But maybe the compass can help her solve a few things. We’ll see… come on this trip with me – there’s a lot more adventures to follow.

  Here’s my new mantra - Never leave what’s most important to the last moments. Do those now. More adventures to follow.

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  December 14, 2019

  First, thank you SO much for reading our stories! We can’t do what we do without engaged fans.

  Today, I want to introduce you to another person “behind the scenes” here at LMBPN Publishing.

  You have seen his work on MANY of the books LMBPN has published, including Witch of the Federation, Animus, Scions of Magic, Judge, Jury and Executioner, Magic Ops, and many MANY others.

  I met Jake Caleb at the Boston Fantasy Fest project in May of 2018. He had a booth at the event (as did LMBPN), and I had been looking for a person with a new feel for our covers. I wanted something a bit more raw than photo-bashing, and he happened to have one image from a cover that sealed the deal for me.

  It was a crazy female with a white-painted face and marks. It was badass as well as emotional.

  I believe our first project might have been Animus, but frankly, I don’t remember. Since then, Jake has probably done well over fifty covers for us, and if he hasn’t, he will soon.

  I just went to his website to see if I could find and share the image with you, but he has changed his website ( to mostly show his covers and a submission contact part at the bottom.

  I noticed he said he has availability starting June of 2020… So I sent a request to ‘purchase’ his available slots.

  I wonder what he will think about that? Heheheh.

  We reached out and asked Jake some questions to give a little better perspective on the enigmatic artist, and here are his answers and perhaps a comment or two from me.

  1.What turns you on? Badass Book Covers

  (Seriously? Your wife must be pissed.)

  2. What turns you off?

  Terrible Book Covers

  3. Who do you most admire? Why?

  My mom for her unwavering good heart

  4. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

  Writer (I can help make that happen, I know people – Mike.)

  5. What profession would you not like to do?

  Teacher (I thought I wanted to be a teacher at one time. I was provided the chance to teach two people Visual Basic for Applications. I had NO desire to teach again after that week was up.)

  6. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  Bruh, next time, read the instructions. (BWAHahahahahahaha.)

  7. What is your favorite movie?

  Revolver (What? I don’t know this movie. I’ll have to go look it up.)

  From Wikipedia:

  Revolver is a 2005 British-French crime thriller film co-written and directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Jason Statham, Ray Liotta, Vincent Pastore, and André Benjamin. The film centers on a revenge-seeking confidence trickster whose weapon is a universal formula that guarantees victory to its user when applied to any game or confidence trick.

  8. Who is your favorite character, and from what book by which author?

  Black Thorn, City of Kings by Rob J. Hayes (Great, another item to look up )

  9. What is something most people do not know about you?

  I can hit a target from thirty yards with an axe.

  (Good to know. Stay outside thirty yards and dodge like crazy.)

  10. What do you look forward to most in the new year?

  The chance to keep growing my business.

  11.What's your favorite non-LMBPN series you’ve done? What’s your favorite series inside LMBPN?

  Non- LMBPN – Rylee Adamson series by Shannon Mayer LMBPN – Witch of the Federation

  12. Do you have a web site you’d like to promote?

  Sure, my website is

  I hope you got a little more background from Jake, and check out his other covers. The man is a true artist.

  Ad Aeternitatem,


  Other Books By Martha Carr

  Other series in the Terranav
is Universe:

  The Witches of Pressler Street

  The Adventures of Finnegan Dragonbender

  If you enjoyed this series, you may enjoy these series

  in the Oriceran Universe:




















  Books by Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit

  All LMBPN Audiobooks are Available at and iTunes. For a complete list of audiobooks visit:


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