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Scavenger Hunt Capricorn

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by Michele Imiola

  Jason looked at her, caught off guard by her response.

  “Um, they want a videotape…of us having sex.”

  “Really,” she mused. She’d never been recorded having sex but there was a lot of things she’d never done sexually. But with the right guy, why not? It held a certain amount of appeal and excitement which actually surprised her.

  “What’s the prize?” she asked.

  “It’s three thousand dollars.”

  “Three thousand dollars for a videotape of you having sex with a Capricorn!?” Mia gasped, surprised at how much the world of scavenger hunts had changed over the years. The prizes she got as a kid were pens, books or candy. Now they were getting cold hard cash.

  “Yes. Every month we each deposit money for events like this.”

  “So, you’ve done this before?” she asked. Maybe the idea wasn’t so appealing after all, Jason picking up women, using them and then dumping them when the game was over.

  “No, nothing like this, we’ve done some other crazy things in the past but this one is a first for anything sexual.” Mia sighed with relief. At least she wasn’t in a long line of women used for this kind of game.

  “I’d understand if you’re not interested. But if you’re going to say no, I need to know like in the…” he looked at his watch, “…next two minutes because my time to find another Capricorn is running out.”

  “You’re on a time schedule?” Dumb question, Mia; all scavenger hunts are on a time limit. Find your items within so many minutes or hours or you lose.

  “Yes. I’ve got to produce a willing Capricorn within fifteen minutes or I’m out of the game.”

  Mia looked at Jason. She’d been attracted to him even before they spoke. Once she spoke with him, he seemed like a nice guy, a bit embarrassed to ask her, but determined to win. He had an appeal he didn’t seem aware of and he’d actually approached her, so that must mean something. Granted, his reasoning for approaching her seemed rather bizarre.

  However, he intrigued her and to be quite honest, not having sex was frustrating the hell out of her, along with a horrible boss and an unpublished story. Sex right now could make her forget all her problems. She wouldn’t have to sit with Tina and Jules tonight and mimic their complaints about not having sex. She could actually be doing it for real and if it wasn’t her, some other lucky gal would get this prize in bed.

  “Okay Jason, here’s the deal. I want half of the prize money. That’s fifteen hundred dollars to me. Cash.” He nodded. “Secondly, I want to make sure the video is not going to end up on some porn site on the internet.” He nodded again. “Thirdly, why did you pick me?” He didn’t nod. He stared at her as if she’d just spoken in a foreign language.

  “Well, because,” he said, trying to find the words, “I was hoping you’d be what I needed,” he paused again, “to win, that is.”

  “Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend?” If he did, the deal was off.

  He shook his head, “No.”

  “Good enough. What do we do now?” she asked.

  “We need to show proof of your birth date, then we go do it and we’re done.” He made it sound so simple, as if they were signing a contract.

  “Who needs to see this proof?”

  “Our fraternity president, Mike, he’s over here,” grabbing Mia’s hand he led her towards the back of the bar. Mia liked the control he took, holding her hand tightly in his. His hands were rough and she wondered what he did for a living. Mia noticed several men straighten up as they came forward. The backroom seemed to quiet down the closer they got and pretty soon all of the college guys were focused on her and Jason.

  “Mia, this is Mike. He needs to see something with your birthdate on it.” Mia put out her hand to Mike and he shook it. He was a good-looking man. In fact, all the men of the fraternity were handsome. It must be one of the criteria’s for getting initiated into their boy’s club.

  “Mia,” Mike said, clasping and rubbing his other hand over hers. His voice sounded velvety soft, seductive and Mia knew he used it to his advantage. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Quit flirting, Mike, she’s my Capricorn, so back off,” Jason said, displaying a dominance Mia rather liked. Mike let go of her hand and Mia opened her purse to grab her wallet. She pulled out her driver’s license and handed it to Mike. Mike looked at Mia’s license, taking longer than normal to gather what information he needed.

  “You’re the same age as us,” he said, looking at Mia. “What school did you go to?”

  “I went to the USC,” she said.

  “Same here,” a big smile appeared on Mike’s face, “How come we never ran into each other?”

  “It’s a big school,” she said. “We were probably in different crowds.” These men were probably the jocks from the looks of their muscular bodies. They had probably prowled the campus for women and barely made the grade while Mia hid out, slaving to maintain her 4.0 average and make the dean’s list.

  “Jason, I’ll give you five hundred to trade,” Mike eyes burned into Mia’s.

  “No. Your target is a Scorpio. You’re just afraid I’m going to win, which I plan on doing, with Mia.” Jason smiled, taking the license out of Mike’s hand and giving it back to Mia.

  “Mia,” Mike said, “you know about the hunt?” She nodded. “You know the rules. We need to have proof. You know that means video, right?” She nodded again. “You’re fine with this? I don’t want you to feel as if you’re being coerced or anything.”

  “No, I understand the rules. As long as I get to keep the video, I’m fine with the rules,” she said, looking at Jason. He winked at her and her insides started melting.

  “All right then,” Mike said. “You’ve got until eight o’clock tonight to provide proof.”

  “Wait a second,” Mia said. All the men stopped and stared. “Is he married?”

  Mike looked at Jason and then said no.

  “Does he have a girlfriend?” she asked.

  Mike looked at Jason again. “I should say yes but I’d be lying,” Mike admitted.

  Mia nodded; satisfied with the answers she got but then thought of another question. “Is he like a psycho-killer or something?”

  That question had them all chuckling.

  “Only on the soccer field,” Mike laughed.

  Mia looked at Jason. “Let’s go,” she told him, smiling.

  Jason took Mia’s hand and started to turn, and then stopped and looked at his watch, then back at his friends.

  “Guys, you’ve spent the entire time watching me hunt my target. By my watch, which we all synchronized together, you’ve got one hour and thirty-four minutes to find your sign and then take her to bed. I expect I’ll be sitting here alone at eight o’clock with proof that I’m the winner.” Each man’s face fell, realization dawning on them that they’d wasted too much time on Jason and Mia’s affair to worry about their own targets.

  Jason smiled as he led Mia out of the bar.

  Chapter Three

  On the sidewalk, Jason stopped her. “You don’t trust me?”

  “I don’t know you well enough to trust you,” Mia answered.

  “Do you trust me that you’ll have a good time tonight?” Jason asked, his boyish grin hinting at all kinds of possibilities.

  “We’ll see, won’t we?” she said, smiling herself.

  “We don’t have much time. Where do you live?” he questioned.

  “Three blocks north of here,” she said

  “I’m on the other side of town. Is it okay if we go to your place?”

  “That’s fine. Time is of the essence,” she said, knowing that within moments, she would be having hot sex with the hunk named Jason.

  “Good. Next obstacle is a video camera.” He looked up and down the street. “I swore I saw a shop around here that sold video cameras. We could stop there and pick one up on the way.” Jason stopped when he saw Mia shaking her head.

  “What’s the matter? Have you changed your
mind?” He sounded worried.

  “No. It’s just that I’ve got a camera at home already. We don’t need to stop anywhere.” She sometimes used her camera when she prepared for a project.

  Jason gave her another smile. “Let’s go then,” he said and started to walk quickly towards Mia’s apartment. He walked faster than Mia and she told him to slow down. She still had her tight skirt on from work, and with her three-inch heels, she couldn’t walk as fast.

  Jason slowed down to a comfortable pace, still holding Mia’s hand. As they walked, Jason told Mia he owned a construction company with his father, buying his way in over the past four years. He had gone to USC on a soccer scholarship and earned his degree in architectural engineering. He designed homes, buildings and parks but still played soccer on the weekends. That would explain the toned body, Mia thought. Jason had joined the fraternity for the camaraderie and after college they’d all stayed in contact.

  Mia asked how they got started doing scavenger hunts.

  “I think it was sophomore year. We were just a bunch of jocks, soccer players, losers, most likely,” he laughed. “One night, after too many beers and nothing to do, somebody suggested the game. That’s all it took.”

  Mia laughed at its simple inception and then thought about what tonight’s target was and asked how that came about.

  “It seemed to be a natural progression, I think.” Jason paused as they walked. “We’ve done a lot of hunts, some stupid but fun, others challenging and exciting and by now the things we’ve hunted no longer hold interest. But this one,” meaning tonight’s target of sex and video, “this one is certainly intriguing. A difficult target to acquire,” he smiled down at her, “But one that should be pursued--definitely pursued--to go down in the history books as a great hunt indeed.” He winked at her.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Mai asked laughing. Jason nodded. “You really like to win, don’t you?”

  “Definitely, I love winning and tonight, I got to meet you.”

  That shut Mia up quickly. She hadn’t expected Jason or his hunt or sex. She had expected an evening of drinking and conversation, followed by a hangover and Veronica up her ass in the morning. The deal she was getting now was much better; some sex and she wasn’t turning that down, not with an opportunity to have a guy with no emotional baggage and plus, she would make some money, too. She thought some more and realized she also liked winning. So why not win with someone like Jason?

  Jason asked her about what she did for a living.

  “I work in advertising,” she told him dryly.

  “You don’t sound too excited about your work,” he commented as they turned down her street.

  “I’m not,” she paused. “It’s a long story so let me just say I like my job, it’s my boss I can live without.” When Jason didn’t say anything, she continued, deciding to tell all. “I wrote a story and submitted it months ago. I really want to be a writer.”

  “A writer,” Jason considered. “I think it’s great, doing something you really want to do.”

  “You sound like my dad,” Mia said.

  Jason gave her a raised eyebrow at the comparison.

  “He’s always telling me I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, but that some dreams take more work than others.”

  “He’s right,” Jason said, agreeing with her father’s advice. “What does your mom say?”

  “She thinks it’s a hoot to tell her friends I’m a writer of what she calls ‘steamy stories’. I had her blushing at times.”

  “It sounds like they’re proud of you, Mia.”

  “They are but right now waiting for a publisher, any publisher to say yes is driving me insane wondering, you know…” Mia thought for a second, “…if the story is good enough.”

  “I’m sure it is. Be patient,” he said. “I got a feeling that good things will happen.”

  Mia didn’t know where he got his positive attitude from but she liked it. He was very different from Morgan and that in itself was a blessing.

  “You could always work for someone else, you know,” he commented.

  “Or I could get published,” she answered.

  “My thoughts exactly,” he smiled, giving her the boost she needed. She definitely liked his attitude about life. Mia wanted to have faith like Jason. She hoped one day she’d get a break but waiting to hear whether or not her work was good enough, those were hard days to live through. She wondered if all writers went through this phase and hoped she wasn’t an anomaly. I just need to keep the faith, Mia thought.


  They arrived at her apartment building and Mia led Jason to the elevator. When the doors closed, Jason asked her if she was nervous. Until he said the words, Mia really hadn’t given it much thought. She just knew she would be sleeping with a handsome, sexy guy and that she’d get fifteen hundred bucks in the process. Hell, it made her sound like a prostitute. But she quickly ignored the thought. This was once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing, not a new vocation. So what if she made some money while having some fun? She was part of the scavenger hunt and should reap the benefits also.

  “Yes, I’m nervous,” she said. Jason’s smile made her relax some.

  “I’m nervous too. I’ve never done anything like this before, jumping into bed with someone I just met.” His admission made her relax even more.

  “Neither have I,” she admitted, then realized she hadn’t met Tina and Jules and both should be at the bar waiting for her. “I need to make a call.”

  Jason nodded and Mia pulled out her cell phone. She dialed Tina’s number and got her on the first ring.

  “Tina, its Mia,”

  “Where are you?” Tina asked. “This place is wild tonight. I’ve had three guys come up to me since I walked in asking if I was a Scorpio or an Aries or some other sign. But so far no one has asked if I’m a Pisces, so I guess I’m out of luck.”

  “Don’t tell them you’re a Pisces,” Mia said, looking at Jason as he raised his eyebrow. “They’re on a scavenger hunt. Stay away from them.” Mia knew Tina would leap to play this game if it meant she got laid.

  “Why? They seem pretty harmless,” Tina paused. “Wait a minute. You’ve already been here. You know what’s going on, don’t you?”

  “Make sure you tell Jules, too.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I want to make sure the Capricorn guy wins, okay?” Mia said, smiling at Jason, who grinned easily at her.

  “Mia, what are you up to?” There was another pause. “You’re with Mr. Capricorn now, aren’t you? Is that why your not here? Is he hot?”

  Mia looked at Jason.

  “Yes and yes, very. Now, promise me you’ll stay away from them.”

  “But they’re gorgeous, Mia. Why should you have all the fun?” Tina whined as only she could do so well.

  “Well, then lie. You can have sex with all of them but don’t have sex with the guy looking for a Pisces, okay?”

  “Whatever. I’m going to go. I see another stud on the hunt and he’s cute too,” and Tina hung up.

  Mia glanced at Jason and saw his curious look.

  “Just trying to make sure we win,” she said with a smile.

  “They’ll have to show proof of their sun sign,” Jason said, reminding her of the rules.

  “Then we better hope they don’t have a video camera in the bathroom stalls,” she said dryly, knowing Tina would probably have sex in one. With Tina, one never knew. “But we better hurry anyway.” Mia was actually excited about the possibility of winning. The doors opened on the eleventh floor and Mia walked to the left. Jason followed and waited while Mia opened the door. They entered and Mia walked straight to her bedroom with Jason following her.

  “I’ll get the camera if you want to undress,” she said starting to walk out, then stopped and turned seeing the look of surprise in Jason’s eyes. “We’re taking our clothes off, right? Or is this going to be a real quickie?”

  “To be hones
t, Mia, I hadn’t thought this far ahead. It’s up to you. Either way, I’m there.” His eyes grazed over her body.

  Mia looked down at the white, sleeveless blouse that pulled tight across her chest, tucked into a short, black skirt that stopped above her knees. Lifting her head her eyes met his, she hoped the heated look in Jason’s blue eyes meant he liked what he saw. Her gaze travel down the front of his pants where his erection pushed against the material and said, “Get naked.”

  She’d purchased a tripod when she bought the camera and it would be perfect for this type of project. Mia retrieved the camera and tripod from her office and walked back into the bedroom just as Jason threw his pants and boxers on the chair next to the bed. With his back turned Mia got a perfect view of the hottest ass she’d seen on a guy. She thought he looked good in his khakis but without, oh, baby, the view was better. His ass was hard and firm and she wanted to run her hands all over it. Light colored hair covered his muscular soccer-toned thighs. What drew her eyes next was the tattoo that ran down his spine. It looked like Chinese lettering, possibly a word but not one she could read. It bisected the two well-developed planes of his tanned back.

  “What does your tattoo say?” she asked. She knew she shouldn’t get personal; after all, this was just about sex and winning. But for some reason she just wanted to know something about this man.

  “It says, Live, Laugh, Love...,” he answered turning around to face her. He didn’t seem the least bit shy about being naked in front of her.

  Mia enjoyed the rest of the show. His pectorals were smooth and well defined; his nipples tight discs on his chest. His abdomen made the models in some of the men’s magazines look like wimps. But when she looked further down his rampant erection nestled in blond hair, Mia knew she made the right choice. She smiled to herself, wanting that cock inside her now.

  “Live, Laugh, Love. I like that.” It reminded her of what she was doing right now, taking an opportunity when it came. Studying his body she felt hers reacting, getting warmer.

  “Here’s the camera,” she put the tripod on the right side of the bed. “Why don’t you set it up so we’ve got a good shot? We don’t want anyone saying we cheated.” Jason walked over and Mia savored the view. Hmm, he was too yummy; she could just sit there and watch his body move. Delicious.


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