Scavenger Hunt Capricorn

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Scavenger Hunt Capricorn Page 4

by Michele Imiola

  “Terry, what’s your status?” Terry held Jules hand.

  “I didn’t get my acquired target of a Libra, but I found something better,” he said, bringing Jules hand to his lips. His friends whooped and hollered, embarrassing Jules but Terry ignored them, his eyes glued to her.

  Mia was happy for her.

  “What about you, Mike?” Sean asked. Mike looked at the group. As their appointed president, he should be leading the way. However, tonight was not his night.

  “No dice. Ms. Scorpio, who is supposed to be hellfire in bed, turned me down.” Mike took the ribaldry like a man.

  “And now, Jason, who from the looks of it, has a camera and a lovely woman to show for the evening. In order to win, you know we need to see the proof.” Jason nodded and then looked at Mia. She nodded, too. She should feel ashamed or nervous but she wasn’t.

  Jason stood and positioned the camera. He touched a few buttons and soon the sound of her and Jason’s moans filled the space of the backroom. Mia quickly glanced at the screen and saw that Jason was lying over her, as he had their first time.

  “Hey, you told me the camera wasn’t on.” While everyone watched her and Jason make love, Mia shot daggers at Jason.

  “Mia, after the first time I knew once wasn’t going to be enough. I’m sorry I lied. I just wanted you so badly; I pretended the camera was off.” He did look sorry but when she thought about it, what did it matter? So they had sex twice? Both times were phenomenal. If she was honest with herself, she knew once hadn’t been enough for her either.

  “Mia, you little hussy,” Tina said smiling and Jules grinning at her.

  Jason focused back on the group and realized they got more than they needed as proof. He turned the video camera off and told Mike to pay up. Mia looked at all the men and saw they were stunned. Nobody said a word. Were they looking like that because of her or Jason or both?

  Mike handed Jason an envelope and Jason counted out half the money and handed it to Mia.

  “You paid her?” Sean asked.

  “He didn’t pay me,” Mia said. The man’s tone made her angry. “I was part of the hunt and therefore deserve half of the prize.” She turned to Jason and lowered her voice. “Thank you. The sex was great, best I’ve had in a long time. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going home.” Mia grabbed the camera by the tripod and worked her way out of the bar.

  The men of Delta Tau Delta of USC looked at Jason, surprised.

  “You’re going to just let her walk out?” Mike asked Jason.

  “I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Jason said. He really had only thought as far as winning the prize. Once he knew the night’s target and that Mia was a Capricorn, his only thought was to get in her bed. Now that the hunt was over, he didn’t know what to do.

  “Give me her number, man,” Mike said.

  Jason stared at him. Mike obviously liked Mia. Offering five hundred bucks was the first indication, asking for her number was his second.

  “No,” Jason said. He would not share her with his fraternity brothers. They’d seen too much of her naked anyway. Mia belonged to him.

  “You’re going to go after her, aren’t you?” Tina questioned. “Or was this just to win?”

  Jason stared at Tina and saw the look of disgust on her face. Her friend Jules looked just as angry.

  “Men, God! You all drive me nuts. No wonder I don’t date,” Tina said, shaking her head. “Come on, Jules we’re out of here.” Tina took Jules hand and pulled her away from Terry. Jules looked back and mouthed ‘call me’ to Terry and he nodded.


  Jason sat, his friends making comments about the video, asking questions about Mia he didn’t answer. He paid little attention to what they were saying, his brain focused on Mia. What had he just done? He slept with a woman he barely knew, videotaped it and got paid for it. But that didn’t bother him. It was this woman, Mia. She’d gone for the scavenger hunt idea and didn’t think twice about it. Wow.

  That excited him immensely. She was the first woman who didn’t balk at such an idea like a scavenger hunt. He’d dated women who told him he was childish, playing this kids game and he should grow up and act his age. These women didn’t get the thrill that Jason felt when he hunted his target, the excitement that ran through his veins when he planned his steps in order to win. They thought he just wanted to win, which he did, but it was obtaining the target that excited him. None of them cared for the game, ignoring his excitement, not wanting to be involved. But Mia was different.

  He’d never hunted with sex as the target before. Most of the recent hunts had sexual overtones, like talking a woman out of her panties and giving them to him or getting a woman to kiss him within one minute of meeting him. Those had been fun but tame, the women not degraded or humiliated. Tonight, though, when he saw Mia at the bar, he’d hoped and prayed she was the woman who could help him get his target. He didn’t think that what they did harmed either of them. Mia knew the rules, willingly participated and made some cash out of the deal. Even if she hadn’t been a Capricorn, he still would have wanted to meet her. Luck had been on his side tonight.

  Winning meant a lot to Jason. In soccer, they called him ‘Killer’; his desire to win was so overwhelming. He played fair, not dirty, using his skill, planning his moves to help them win. Granted, soccer was a team sport and he couldn’t control every part of the game, but he could control his piece and he played it as tenaciously as he planned and executed his hunts.

  What he liked about Mia was her desire to win also. She didn’t tell him the game was stupid, that he was being childish. She went along and if memory served him correctly, she enjoyed every moment as much as he did, which frightened him because he wasn’t expecting anything afterwards. Now, however, he wanted more. Once wasn’t enough, nor had the second. So what now?

  The game was done, wasn’t it? Should he continue, pursuing her at his leisure? The hunts were easy; get the target definition, plan the steps to acquire the target, put the plan into effect, win, collect earnings and go for the next target. Relationships, however, confused him to no end. They weren’t simple, clear-cut, defined. But Mia, he thought, what was the prize?


  “And you’re not upset?” Tina asked Mia.

  “Well,” Mia admitted, “no. I went into this with both eyes opened. Jason was honest, except for the part about the camera not being on, and then us doing it again,” she said as she waved her hand in the air, “which was great, so other than that, no, I did it willingly.” Tina and Jules had shown up about a half hour after she got home. She just finished a shower when her doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of her friends.

  “But aren’t you even interested in a relationship?” Jules asked.

  “That wasn’t part of the deal,” Mia said. “This was a scavenger hunt guys, not a long term affair. Two hours tops.”

  “You’re not mad he didn’t come after you?” Tina asked.

  “Will you two listen? This was a game, nothing more. So just stop, okay?” Both women looked at each other, then back at Mia. “I mean it. No more about Jason. It’s done.”


  Mia kicked her friends out so she could write. As much as she tried to live up to what she told Tina and Jules, her thoughts kept creeping back to Jason. He surprised her. What she did surprised her. In fact, her behavior in general surprised her. She said that anything other than winning wasn’t part of the deal. Now, if she could believe that herself, she’d be better off.

  Jason had made love to her, even if it was a game, but it hadn’t felt like one. Granted, he did it for money, but then again, so did she. She just needed to forget him and get some words down on paper but every time she started to think about writing, her thoughts would return to Jason. His come-on line about Capricorns, his tattoo running down his back, him saying he didn’t turn on the camera so they’d fuck again. The sex had been terrific, even better the second time. She’d lied to her friends, knowing that she’d like somethi
ng more with Jason.

  She’d never just jumped into bed with a guy she just met and didn’t know. Jason had quickly made her feel comfortable, with his easy-going nature and his domineering attitude. She supposed she should be put off by him acting dominant but it was exciting the way he made it casual, not too strong but enough to push her. Mia liked his desire to win, even if it was only a silly sex game.

  Remember that, Mia, she told herself, it was just a game. A scavenger hunt and the target had been achieved. It’s over, as you told Tina and Jules. You won’t hear from him again, unless…unless there’s another hunt and you’re needed. Mia smiled a little, wondering if she’d be called upon again to participate in another hunt. Quit stalling, she thought, daydreaming meant more days working for Veronica.

  She started to type.

  Chapter Six

  Mia completed the chapter and saved her file. It was almost nine-thirty in the evening and her eyes were getting sore. She had spent most of her Saturday glued to the computer, finding her story take a sharp turn with the arrival of a new character, Jason.

  Two weeks had passed since she walked out of the bar with her video camera. A night didn’t pass that she didn’t sit and watch the video of them making love. Somehow, while sitting and typing, she’d added another character, Jason, to the plot and things were really picking up. She liked the direction her book was taking but now she needed a break and some food. She ordered a pizza and then took a shower.

  Toweling her wet hair, Mia heard the doorbell ring and she walked to the front door. She pulled money out of her wallet and then looked through the peephole. She only saw a man’s profile. She opened the door and the man turned his face.

  It was Jason.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked surprised. She thought she would never see him again.

  “I’m on another hunt,” he said, smiling his boyish smile.

  This made Mia laugh.

  “What is it this time?” She’d bet her paycheck the guys of Delta Tau Delta were getting kinkier ideas by the day.

  “I need some red hair, and since you’re a true redhead, I came to you.”

  “You could have found someone else,” she replied.

  “But I didn’t want to find anyone else. I wanted you,” his voice soft and sure.

  “What makes you think I want to participate in this hunt?” she asked. What he was asking for was nothing. She’d snip some hair and he could be on his way. But it bothered her that he’d show up, take what he needed and then leave.

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” he said, trying to solicit her help with money.

  “What’s the prize this time?”

  “Only a thousand,” Mia raised an eyebrow, thinking the prices should go up, not down.

  “After seeing the video of us, the guys decided that the price we set was too low for what they saw,” he paused, “especially after what they saw…of you.” Mia blushed then. “They raised that to five thousand; here’s your cut.” He pulled an envelope out and handed it to her. “There’s another thousand in there for you.”

  Mia didn’t know what to say. She got twenty-five hundred dollars for less than two hours work. Maybe she should become a prostitute; the money was good and the hours weren’t long and if all her customers were men like Jason…ummm, she thought.

  “Say something, Mia,” Jason said, standing in the doorway.

  She looked at him and then looked away.

  “The pizza man is behind you,” she finally said.

  Mia paid the man, giving him a twenty and telling him to keep the change. Hell, she’d just made another thousand so what was twenty bucks. She walked into the apartment and told Jason to close the door.

  He followed her inside to the kitchen and watched her opening the box of pizza. Mia took a slice of pizza and bit into it, cheese strips hanging off. She scooped them up and shoved them into her mouth.

  “Hungry?” Jason asked, watching her devour the slice.

  “Starved, I haven’t eaten all day.” She grabbed another one, “Help yourself,” she said, moving to the refrigerator to grab a drink. She held a beer out to Jason, who took it and pulled out a bottle of water for herself.

  She sat at the table, continuing to eat. “Tell me about the target this time.”

  Between bites, Jason told her he needed hair from a true redheaded woman, but not from her head. Mia stopped chewing, once again surprised at the requirements of the hunt.

  “Who makes up these targets?” She just bet it was Mike, their president, sitting alone in his room, thinking of humiliating things for his buddies to do.

  “Actually, we all do. We each had to come up with some things to hunt and obviously they’ve turned a bit personal and intimate. This one, which I happened to pulled out of the hat tonight, required us to find a true redhead’s pubic hair.”

  “Do you know how humiliating that is, Jason? I mean, I had sex with you and all your friends saw the video. That wasn’t too bad. But now you want my pubic hair. For some reason, this seems more personal than the video.” Mia couldn’t understand why this one bothered her more than sleeping with Jason and letting people watch the two of them on video. Maybe she was so defensive because she’d get no sexual satisfaction out of this deal

  “It’s just hair, Mia,” he said not bothered by her argument.

  “But it’s my hair,” she said a bit defensively.

  “How about we put some of my pubic hair with yours, would that make you feel better?” Mia could see he really wanted to win, using any tactic to persuade her to give up her hair.

  Mia sat quietly, eating pizza and staring at Jason. He sat quietly himself, raising his eyebrows at her, like Groucho Marx and smiling. He must know he had a boyish charm because he used it continually on her and Mia knew she’d give into him eventually. Just the sight of him had her aroused, her body tingling. It was just hair anyway, like he said.

  After her fourth slice, Mia stopped eating. She washed her hands and turned to Jason. “Come on, I’m sure you’ve got some time limit. I don’t want to do this if we aren’t going to win.”

  Jason smiled as he got up and walked to the sink where she stood. He brushed his lips over hers and memories came crashing down on her. Mia remembered everything about their union, their eagerness to touch, Jason taking her quick and hard, and his gentleness afterwards. Their kiss spilled over, a consuming desire flaring between them as Mia’s body began to burn.

  “Thank you, Mia,” he whispered against her lips and kissed her again. He pulled her into his arms. She tasted the beer he drank mixed with the pizza and thought she hadn’t tasted anything sexier. Mia broke the kiss.

  “Don’t thank me yet.” She grabbed Jason’s hand and led him into the bedroom. She told him to sit on the bed and she went to the bathroom. Returning with scissors, Mia laid her body out on the bed next to Jason and opened her robe. She was naked underneath.

  Jason let out a deep breath. “Do you know just how sexy you are?” he asked.

  “Just make sure you don’t cut too close or leave a bald spot. I’d hate to have to explain that to a new lover,” she said, adding the lover part to see if she’d get a rise out of him.

  Jason gazed at Mia. She was sexy; he’d meant every word. And what was the part about a new lover? Was she looking for a boyfriend? Then why was she alone on a Saturday night, naked with him in the room? No, she didn’t seem the type. Mia was a one-man kind of woman and he wanted to be that man. He didn’t want any other man to touch her, let alone see her naked. He wanted her all to himself and he needed to figure out a way to make that happen. But that would have to wait. Right now he needed the hair and get back to the bar.

  He squatted between her legs and spread them apart. The last time they’d been together he hadn’t got this close and personal to her pussy but now, now he could take his time and look. He thought she was beautiful, with her red hair covering her mound. He leaned forward, taking in her musky scent, wanting to breathe in every
inch of her. As he spread her legs further apart, he saw her opening, her lips coated wet with her juice and Jason couldn’t help himself.

  He leaned forward and swiped his tongue along her slit. Mia gasped loudly. He bet she hadn’t expected that. Her taste was sweet and Jason wanted more. He dove in, holding her thighs apart and licked her hard, dragging his tongue up and down her opening.

  Mia struggled under his hands, her body reacting to his licks.

  He slid his fingers between her folds, running them up and down, adding more sensations to her sensitive spots. Jason lifted his head and saw her clit peaking out at him. He flicked his tongue to her nub. Mia moaned, obviously loving it. Like before, he moved in hard, his mouth capturing her clit and sucking, his fingers diving into the warm cavern of her pussy. Mia buckled under him, her hands flying to his head.

  Jason felt Mia’s hands hold him close, pushing her pelvis into his mouth, wanting him to eat her hard and he did. His mouth worked frantically against her, nipping and flicking across her clit, his fingers sliding in and out quickly, rubbing her inside walls. He heard Mia moaning, ‘Oh, God,’ and ‘Oh, Jason’ coming out of her mouth.

  Sucking hard, he pulled a climax from her and kept sucking, feeling her muscles contract around his fingers, squeezing them as she rode her orgasm. Jason felt a rush of juice slide out, and he lapped up her warm liquid, pushed his tongue into her pussy, loving the feel of her pleasure as she covered his face with her moisture.

  Mia thrashed on the bed, overwhelmed with her climax, tingling sensations that ran all the way to her lips. Jason’s attentions overwhelmed her and she pulled away breathing hard. She laid there, her chest rising and falling. She looked down her body and saw Jason still between her legs, her wetness coating his face, smiling. She let her head fall back. Man, could this guy eat a girl out! Not a bad trade for some hair.


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