Scavenger Hunt Capricorn

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by Michele Imiola

  Jason moved up her body until he covered her lips with his own. His face glistened with her wetness as he gave her a kiss. Mia grabbed his face, tasting herself on his lips, loving that he did this to her. He kissed her as he ate her, hard, fierce, wanting to consume her again. One thing she could say about Jason: he really gave himself to what he was doing. Whether it was finding a target for the scavenger hunt or being with a woman, he gave his best.

  Mia broke their kiss and lay back again. “Thanks, I needed that,” Mia said. Now she could add another chapter or two to her book.

  “That was my pleasure,” he said seriously. He turned and looked at her clock, and groaned.

  “I’ve got to get moving, Mia. Let me cut some hair so I can go.”

  “Fine, whatever, just don’t leave me bald, or…”

  “Your lover might notice, right?” he added for her. Not if he had any say in the matter.

  She noted his sarcasm, “Right.”

  He moved between her legs and made a quick cut.

  “Done,” He held up several hairs between two fingers.

  “Now you,” she said.

  Jason shot her a wide-eyed look. He seemed to forget he’d volunteered his own hair for the cause too.

  “I get to cut too,” she quickly unbuttoned his jeans, which she noticed looked great on his trim body. She unzipped and saw he lacked underwear. His cock was hard and jutted out as she pulled the zipper down.

  “Don’t move,” she said, a wicked smile coming to her face. She made a quick snip and held up the hair she cut and placed them into his hand.

  “Now go, so you’re not late.” She zipped him back up, trying to avoid catching his erection in the metal teeth, then buttoned him and patted her hand against his crotch. Jason watched her, the wide-eyed look still on his face. “Get going. Go get your prize.” When he didn’t move, she grabbed his arm and walked him to the door.

  Mia opened it and pushed him out. “I hope you win,” she said and closed the door.

  Chapter Seven

  Jason stood in the hallway.

  What the hell just happened? He shook his head. In his hand he had several strands of red and blonde hair. He stared at them. He asked for them and she gave it and then sent him on his way. But what about what he just did to her? Didn’t that mean anything to her? Just tasting her body, the wetness oozing out of her, coating his face, had his cock hard. He loved her taste, the feel of her clit as it hardened against his tongue. He loved her body clenching tight around his fingers as she came.

  He wanted more.

  He looked at the closed door. She kicked him out, told him to go get his prize. But the prize he wanted was behind that door. A woman who defied any understanding he’d ever had about women. She didn’t chase him or ask for more than he could give. She gave him what he asked for and then let him go.

  If she wanted him, she would have given him a sign, right? But didn’t she just do that, by letting him eat her out and then take her hair? If she didn’t want him, then she would have told him no. How about when they fucked? If she didn’t want that either, then she would have said no. But she didn’t; Mia accepted him and the conditions and then sent him on his way. But weren’t woman supposed to at least act as if they wanted the man? You know, some sign like ‘call me’ or ‘when will I see you again’? Mia did nothing.

  What did she say about Capricorns? Cool, collected, business-like and determined. She certainly was business-like, their transactions negotiated and handled as if they were signing a contract. She was cool and collected about their unions, not asking for more than the target of the hunt. Determined? Yeah, she seemed determined to win the prizes as much as him. So where did that leave him?

  Jason walked to the elevator confused. Did she want him? He knew he wanted her but didn’t understand why he only saw her when he was after a target. She did help him win the prizes. She must have wanted to win, too. Why wasn’t he calling her for a date like a normal guy? He’d gone after everything he wanted and got it. Much to the fraternity’s displeasure, Jason was more often than not the winner of every hunt. He should be chasing after Mia with the same fervor.

  On the walk back to the bar, Jason realized he never participated in a relationship with the same fervor he had when it came to college, soccer, work or his fraternity games. Those were simple, focused events. Women were complicated. Mia proved otherwise. She made no demands, other than to share the prize, which made him smile. She was a shrewd partner on a hunt, sending him away quickly so he’d win this next round. No, she asked for nothing and didn’t judge him. Maybe that was what scared him. But the real question that bothered him was why he seemed afraid. What now, he wondered.


  The chapter she finished mirrored what Jason had done to her the last time she saw him. She heard from Jules, who was still dating Terry that Jason won again, beating out Mike, who was royally pissed. Mike showed up five minutes after Jason, having paid a prostitute one hundred dollars for five hairs. If any of them knew what Jason had done, getting the hair from Mia, it was never mentioned. Jules said her name never came up, though she’d laughed long and hard when Mia admitted to giving Jason the hair.

  As she sat and typed, trying to remember every detail of what Jason did, her body started reliving each event. She felt him swipe her slit, his tongue making a warm path against her folds; Jason’s fingers finding her deep recesses. She remembered the speed in which he ate her, hard and fast, wanting to taste every part of her pussy. She put her hand in her shorts and moisture coated her fingers. The image of them on her bed, Jason squatting between her legs made her want to do it again. He was intoxicating, taking control so quickly and assuredly that her body just reacted. No man had done that to her before.

  Was she waiting for him, waiting for what would come next? Mia wasn’t sure but the hunts were exciting. Winning was exciting and the new stuff she wrote now was what she had wanted to write all along. The sex scenes were racy, the woman being consumed by a man, taken hard and fast, like how Jason took her. Every scene she wrote was the image of her and Jason. He was invading every aspect of her mind and body. She couldn’t get enough, physically and mentally. She needed another scene and her story would be finished. If he didn’t show, she would have to make one up.

  Mia knew reality was definitely better than make believe and she’d rather have reality.

  Chapter Eight

  Arriving home, Mia took off her suit and replaced it with shorts and a tank top. The heat was a killer today and at six-thirty, it was still scorching hot. She threw a microwave dinner in and booted up the computer. She sat at the computer still struggling with the next scene. She tried a scene with her fictional Jason wanting to dominate her female lead but it wasn’t working. She knew if the real Jason asked to dominate her, she’d say yes, so getting her fictional character to be demure wasn’t working.

  As she worked the angles, all it did was frustrate her. She’d make a scenario and then find herself lost in the fantasy of Jason. She would think the thoughts and her body would react to them. Each scenario made her squirm for release, wanting to act out each thought with Jason.

  Just call him, Mia thought. He’d used her twice for his hunt; she could use him for another chapter in her book. Can someone use you if you are a willingly participate with full knowledge? She was using him too, taking their sexual unions and creating pages upon pages of fantasies. They were even but now she needed another scene.

  The ping from the microwave let her know her food was ready. Mia sat and ate, reading another piece of erotica. For the past week, she perused other books, looking for a new angle, another twist to add to her story. The same theme appeared again and again. Girl meets boy, they have sex, and they struggle because it wasn’t supposed to happen or some overriding conflict kept them apart and then, in the end, they’d express their undying love, at least for now.

  What’s your conflict? Mia asked herself. The only way she could describe it was that she wanted a
man who only wanted her to win a game. He came to her for help and she gave it, willingly. They knew very little about each other except they enjoyed sex together. He gave her an excitement she hadn’t had in a long time. But why wasn’t he pursuing her or her pursing him? That’s what she didn’t understand. She was a determined woman, but she wasn’t acting determined. She was sitting back, letting Jason lead this to wherever it was going.

  Mia knew he had felt something when they had sex the first time and even more so the second time. She had the video to prove it. She saw his face, heard his words. There was nothing faked there. He’d felt something, she was sure of it. As for her, playing the video nightly before she went to bed had become her salvation, a hope that he would do something more, something other than ask for help in a game. Or maybe she was deluding herself, wishing for something that wasn’t really there.

  Of course, she could go after him; get him to realize they might have something. But she didn’t. She knew Jason liked the game, the hunt. She knew he enjoyed winning but what she couldn’t figure out was why he never pursued her without some stake, some winnings to be had. Her personal conflict flew over into her story, her main character caught in a game she didn’t know the rules to. Very much like her personal life.

  Mia cleaned up her meal and walked back to the computer. She got herself comfortable in her chair when the phone rang.

  “Mia, its Tina,” Mia heard loud noises in the background; Tina was probably at Hannigan’s again.

  “What’s going on?” Mia asked.

  “The guys are having another hunt,” Tina said. Her voice sounded annoyed. “I wish they’d find something else to do with their time. It’s getting out of hand.”

  “Is John participating?” Mia asked. Tina and John had sex minutes after meeting at the bar but were now dating like normal people, something Mia wished she was doing with Jason.

  “No, after we met, he stopped playing the sexual games but he does other hunts.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “It’s just that Mike, you know who Mike is, right?”

  “Yeah,” Mia answered.

  “He keeps pushing the envelope. This time…”

  “Tina, I don’t want to know. I joined willingly the other times but now, I’m just not interested.” You are such a liar, Mia. You’d give anything to have another go at Jason.

  “You were right. I should have avoided them altogether. But then I wouldn’t have met John and well…”

  “I know. Take John and go. Let the rest of them play their games.”

  “Yeah, I will. How’s the writing going?” Tina and Jules were Mia’s sounding board, her reviewers. They liked what she wrote; now if a publisher would think the same way, her life would be perfect.

  “I’m struggling but still working at it. I should have a draft soon for you to read. Tina, take John and go have a normal evening.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Hanging up the phone, Mia stared at the screen. The same line stared at her. She opened the door and there he stood.

  If only it were true, what would she do?


  Mia checked the locks on her door and got her clothes ready for the next day. Jason hadn’t come by so he must not need her for the next target. That could only mean he found something or someone else. The thought made her pause; what if he found another woman? Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the doorbell. It buzzed again and then again, a quick successions of bells.

  Checking the peephole, she saw Jason’s face. She opened the door and there he stood. What was she going to do now?

  “Mia,” The silky way he said her name brought goose bumps to her flesh.

  “What do you want now, Jason?” Mia tried to keep her tone even.

  “How do you know I want anything? Maybe I’m here just to see you.”

  Mia forgot how sexy his voice could be. The video had a lot of grunts and groans, but hearing him in person, she was drunk on his words.

  “That might be true, but I know for a fact you and your buddies are meeting tonight and you have another target, so spill.”

  Jason looked surprised that she knew about tonight’s hunt. When Mike gave the target, several men declined immediately. Not because it was sexual but because all of them said it was an impossible target to acquire. None of them seemed to think it could be obtained. Jason, on the other hand, knew it could be and left the bar.

  “All right, I’ll tell you.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. “You must find a willing partner that will let you dominate them. You must tie this partner up and spank them. A picture must be provided as proof.” Jason looked up at Mia and saw her laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “You want to tie me up and spank me?” she said. “And then take a picture so you can show your horny friends you did this?”

  “Yes, I do, except the part where I have to show a picture. The last time they saw you naked, they questioned me for weeks.”

  “Serves you right, let me see that note.” Mia read it and handed it back. Jason wasn’t making it up. “What’s the prize?”

  Jason watched Mia. Anytime she asked what the prize was, it meant she was considering doing it.

  “Six thousand.”

  “Holy shit,” she said. That was worth more than just fucking on video.

  “Why so much?”

  “I have to have a good photo, preferably a hand imprint, to show as proof. The guys figured if someone was going to allow themselves to be spanked, the price should be worth it.”

  “And you came to me because…?” Did she have a sign on her forehead that said spank her on her butt? No, but the thought was exciting.

  “I came to you because I wanted to do this with you.” His words were quiet and full of emotion. Mia felt her body react immediately, Jason telling her the words she wanted to hear.

  “Don’t you know any other women?” she asked. She wanted to know something about this man, like why a gorgeous man was running around playing games to get women.

  “I know plenty of women.” Women he didn’t want like he wanted Mia. “I just wanted to do this with you. I wanted to do this to you.” His words came out soft, velvety, like tiny whispers against her skin. Without her consent, her body absorbed what he said, wanting her to do this.

  “How much time do we have?” Mia asked. She knew she wanted to do this.

  Jason glanced at his watch, “Two hours.”

  Mia opened the door wider.

  “We better get moving,” she said, walking towards her bedroom. She heard Jason shut the door followed by footsteps as he walked to her room.

  “What do you want me to do first?” she asked, standing in the middle of the room.

  First? Jason’s head swam with a million thoughts of Mia. He should be honest with her. Since meeting Mia, her image kept crowding his brain. He would be discussing a project with his foreman and an image of her spread thighs would suddenly come to mind. He was once negotiating a deal and Mia’s moans filled his ears. When he got tonight’s target, he knew exactly whom he wanted to accomplish the task with. It was Mia, always Mia, who he wanted.

  “Let’s undress,” he said, unbuttoning his chambray shirt and pulling the flaps out of his khakis.

  Mia took off her tank top and threw it on a chair. She wasn’t wearing a bra and she knew her nipples were hard.

  Jason stared at her breasts, loving the fullness of them. First thing he wanted was to suck her nipples.

  Mia pulled off her shorts and Jason saw she didn’t have any panties on either. Her plush mound drew his attention and his cock stirred within his pants, getting tighter by the second. No, first thing he wanted to do was eat her. Jason sat on the bed and took off his work boots and then stood and dropped his pants and boxers. They stood naked looking at each other’s bodies, bodies ready to do anything.

  First? He wanted everything first.

  “What now?” Mia asked, star
ing hard at his erection. She could see the tip of his cock, smooth and soft, reddish in color. She wanted to take him in her mouth, to taste him, to run her tongue up his length. She ran her tongue over her lips, waiting for his next instructions.

  “I need to tie you up,” Jason said, bringing her attention back to his face. Mia nodded and looked around the room. She saw her scarves hanging on a hook near the closet. She went and got several and handed them to Jason.

  “These should do,” she said. “Where do you want me?”

  Jason looked around the room, taking in the furniture and opted for the bed. “Lie down on your stomach on the bed and stretch your arms above your head.”

  Mia crawled on her hands and knees on the bed, giving him a full view of her luscious ass before lying down.

  Jason took one arm and secured first one wrist and then the other to the headboard. Mia pulled but there was no give to the scarves. That’s when she realized how much she trusted him, to let him tie her up and give him control over her body.

  Walking around the bed, Jason stared at Mia’s bound body. This was a fantasy come true; having Mia bound to a bed, to take her in any fashion he wanted. The things he could do to her, it boggled the mind. He smiled at her, her trust overwhelmed him. He wouldn’t abuse it. He’d do what he had to and then go and claim his prize. With only him and Mike in the race, Jason knew he was going to win.

  Kneeling on the bed, Jason leaned over Mia, and told her, “Lift your hips.” He placed pillows under her, raising her ass higher. She scooted her knees forwards, putting her in a crouching position. Jason stared at the sight she created and his cock jerked. Her buttocks were smooth, his hands running over each globe. The images of spanking Mia came from a fantasy he’d had weeks ago, of marking her flesh with his hand. Hearing her scream in passion, as he kissed her flesh with a resounding spank excited him greatly. He had jerked off to that fantasy but now the reality was even more exhilarating.


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