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Ghost of a Chance

Page 13

by Jade Falconer

  James stood slowly, and held onto Ryan's hand as they crept out of the closet.

  The room was dimly lit, but compared to the closet it seemed like daylight. He held onto James’ hand as they made their way towards the door and then to the foyer. “Do you want to go back to the kitchen and eat something? Or, just go to bed.” His mind raced ahead to sleeping in the same bed with James again.

  "Um...” James’ stomach grumbled. “We left everything out, maybe we should at least clean up..."

  "Well, the rice cooker shuts off automatically, so the rice is probably still good,” he said with a little smile. He could tell that James was hungry. He didn't mind waiting.

  They went into the kitchen, and James turned the pan back on. He hadn't added the vegetables yet; they were just sitting out on the counter, so when the pan was hot enough he dumped them in and began to stir. The whole time he kept sneaking small glances at Ryan, shyly.

  Ryan fluffed the rice and slowly added it to the pan as James cooked the veggies. He bumped his hip against him playfully every now and again, giving him little sideways smiles.

  The anticipation was sweet. “I assume you'll be sleeping in my bed again?” James said a little hoarsely.

  Ryan handed him a bottle of soy sauce. “As long as you want me there. Yeah. I'd like to.” He wasn't going to make any moves on James, but he wanted to be close to him. And now he could cuddle up to him without feeling guilty about it.

  It was domestic like before, but with an added edge of sexual tension. “Good,” James replied, and after he turned off the burner, he turned to Ryan and pulled him into his arms. “I couldn't keep my hands off you a second longer,” he whispered.

  Ryan gasped and relaxed against him. “Mmm, that's good. I was feeling a little neglected,” he said quietly, smiling. His erection returned full force almost instantly, and he wondered if they would have any more ghost problems.

  "I never want you to feel neglected,” James replied, bending down to kiss Ryan.

  Ryan whimpered into the kiss, but he didn't let it last long. “You should eat so we can go to bed,” he said, stroking his fingers through James’ hair.

  James moaned a little, nodded, then stepped back. He scooped some food onto each plate, and handed one to Ryan.

  Although both were anxious for other things, they took their time, sitting in the dining room at the end of the massive table, playfully feeding each other with smiles and soft laughter. Suddenly it was like a light had gone on in Ryan's life. He wouldn't be alone here. James wasn't going to get tired of him and stop coming over. They would be together.

  And there were thankfully no more spectral interventions. They put their plates in the kitchen and put the leftover food away, then made their way upstairs to James’ bedroom.

  Ryan could sense James’ apprehension, and as they got to the room, he took his hand and squeezed it lightly. “We don't have to do anything, you know. We can just sleep if you want,” he offered quietly. “As long as I'm near you, I'll be content."

  James closed the door and turned to Ryan. He took a shaky breath and said, “Let's just see how it goes, okay? I want to hold you, and kiss you, and feel your body against me."

  James’ words made Ryan moan quietly. “Okay,” he said. “I'll go get ready for bed. Be right back.” He slipped off to his own room and into the bathroom. A few minutes later he returned in a thin pair of boxer shorts and nothing else. He swallowed hard.

  "God, you're beautiful,” James whispered, eyes drawn to the colorful tattoos that adorned him. Ryan's hair was loose around his shoulders.

  Ryan blushed and lay back on the bed, slipping between the sheets. “It's all presentation. I'm not really that beautiful,” he protested quietly.

  "You're wrong,” James said, shaking his head. He pulled off his own shirt and looked back at Ryan. “Every part of you is beautiful."

  You're beautiful, too,” Ryan said softly. “You're everything I've ever wanted.” He didn't mean to go that far, but it was true. And it just tumbled off his lips before he could stop it.

  . “I'm yours if you want me,” he whispered as he dropped his jeans to the floor. He stood shyly in front of Ryan in just his boxers, then made his way to the bed.

  "I do want you. Completely. Do you mean, do you want to go out? Like be a couple?” he asked softly. He would like nothing better than to be James’ boyfriend.

  James slid carefully beneath the covers and moved close to Ryan. “Yes. I don't do casual relationships,” he said softly. “And how I feel for you, it's not casual."

  Ryan wriggled closer to James in the bed. “I guess that makes you my boyfriend,” he said, smiling broadly.

  "It's about time,” Percy said, hovering at the foot of the bed. He appeared to James as well, this time, though.

  James jumped about a foot in the air. “Is that Percy?” he gasped, looking at Ryan.

  "Wait, you can see him?” Ryan asked. “Yeah, that's Percy.” He turned his attention to the ghost. “I thought..."

  Percy shrugged, picking at the lace at his cuffs. “I changed my mind."

  James’ mouth dropped open, and he just stared at the ghost. “You mean you lied? Ghosts shouldn't be able to lie!” He looked over at Ryan. “Wait. Do you think maybe we weren't in danger at all?"

  "No, you are in danger, although I doubt he'd do anything serious until Ryan produces an heir. Our line dies with you,” Percy said. “And I did lock you in for your own good. In a manner of speaking.” He smirked.

  Ryan glared at the ghost. “You have to stop interfering, okay?” He turned to James. “I'm really sorry about him."

  James still seemed stunned from seeing an actual ghost, and he was staring at him. “You're going to go away now, aren't you?” he said to Percy. “You've helped and all that, but now I think we need to be alone."

  Percy stiffened. “I appeared to you to make you less apprehensive. And this is the thanks I get,” he sniffed. “All right, then. I know when I'm not wanted. Despite what you may think, I am not a pervert.” And with that he disappeared into thin air.

  Ryan groaned. “Ugh, my life is so freakin’ weird.” He buried his face in the crook of James’ neck.

  James wrapped his arms around Ryan, pulling their bodies closer together. He whimpered from the contact, and his body started to respond immediately. “Did I piss him off?” he wondered vaguely.

  All thoughts of Percy or ghosts or castles or Earls fled from Ryan's mind when James pulled him closer. “Who cares?” he whispered, tipping his head back to look into James’ eyes. He pressed against him more and kissed him again, lightly, letting James control everything.

  James moaned, kissing back more confidently. He rolled a little on top of Ryan, one hand starting to trail down his side. Ryan whimpered. Never had he felt such an urge to surrender completely to someone like this. Never had he wanted to give someone everything he had. He shifted beneath James a little, opening to him, running his hands all over James’ bare chest, smooth and flat and hard.

  James pulled back a little, panting. He couldn't stop gazing at the other man. His hand rested on Ryan's hip, and he wanted to touch more. “You feel so good,” he whispered.

  Ryan reached up, touching James’ face lightly, smiling up at him. “You're so handsome,” he whispered. “My boyfriend.” He loved the way it sounded, and he licked his lips. “Touch me? Please?” He could see that James was hesitating, but he wasn't completely sure why.

  James smiled back. He pulled at the waistband of Ryan's boxers, and said, “Take these off? I want to see all of you."

  Ryan drew an unsteady breath. He reached down and carefully wriggled out of his boxers, tossing them to the floor. He nibbled on his bottom lip and looked into James’ eyes. “All for you,” he whispered.

  James's gaze slide down Ryan's sleek body, taking in all of him. His colorful tattoos, his toned muscles, and finally his hard cock nestled against his flat belly. “You're so beautiful,” he whispered when his eyes made their w
ay back to Ryan's face. “Mine."

  He shivered a little, panting for breath. “Yours. All yours,” he murmured in agreement. “I love you.” Now that he'd said it, holding it in almost hurt. He could feel James’ gaze like a brand on his skin, and he ached to be touched, and to touch in return.

  "I love you, too,” James responded. He slowly pushed down his own boxers.

  Ryan gasped again, looking at James. James was everything he found attractive. Slender, long limbs, pale. His hands slid down James’ torso to his hips as he looked into his eyes again.

  Slowly, James moved closer again, pressing every inch of their bare skin together. He kept his gaze locked to Ryan's as he pulled him as close as possible, one hand on the small of his back. He moaned softly as their arousals touched.

  Ryan melted against him, fingers exploring everywhere he could reach. He pressed himself against James’ body more firmly, rocking his hips a little with a small gasp. “I still can't believe you want me,” he whispered. “It's like a dream."

  James smiled a little shyly. “You're so sexy you turn straight men gay,” he teased. “Or at least bring out the ones in denial."

  Ryan smiled adoringly at him. He leaned close and kissed him again, just lightly, then slowly started kissing down the side of James’ neck, open-mouthed, suckling kisses, down to his collarbone.

  James’ head fell back and he gasped. His hand slipped lower, just to the curve of Ryan's ass, and he arched against him. His gasps turned into moans as the friction of their cocks increased.

  Ryan moaned against James’ skin, licking into the hollow at the base of his throat. “I wanna kiss you all over,” he whispered. He was sort of asking permission, but he was reasonably sure he wouldn't be rebuffed.

  "Oh fuck,” James groaned. “Ryan, oh God, please...” He touched Ryan's soft skin as much as he could.

  Ryan nudged James further onto his back and rolled on top of him. He started kissing. Over his shoulder, across his chest. He lingered at one nipple, swirling around it with his tongue, before moving to the other one. “So perfect,” he breathed hotly against the dampened skin. “You're so sexy, James.” He kissed lower, suckling gently down James’ chest. Ryan moved downward, toward the center of James’ aching need. James stroked Ryan's back and hair, and watched avidly.

  It was only a few moments before his mouth hovered over James’ cock. He rubbed his hands slowly up and down his firm thighs, staring up into his eyes. He wanted this so much, wanted to drive the other man insane with pleasure, wanted to erase all the bad memories and replace them with good ones. He pressed his lips to him and stroked at him with his tongue, moaning softly as he did so.

  James could only moan and cry out as Ryan licked at his cock. He kept his gaze on Ryan's face. James’ reaction only fueled his need to satisfy his boyfriend. He stroked at him firmly with his tongue for another moment before he sucked as much of James’ cock into his mouth as he could take. His fingers gripped at James’ hips as he started to suck, pulling back and sucking him in again.

  James gasped and tried not to thrust up into Ryan's mouth. “So good, so close,” he warned.

  Ryan worked for James’ climax with all he had. He worshipped James’ cock with his mouth, pouring all the love and affection he had into bringing him pleasure. He kneaded James’ slim hips as he sucked him over and over again, speaking to him with his eyes.

  James was helpless, and he came hard into Ryan's mouth. It went on forever, and he gasped for breath as the pleasure washed over him.

  Ryan waited until he was sure James was finished, and then he licked him clean and slid up in the bed to lie down next to him. He wrapped an arm around James’ waist, settling against his side with a soft sigh and a smile. “Love you,” he whispered.

  James was still catching his breath. “I've never felt anything that amazing before,” he managed to whisper, holding Ryan close with trembling arms.

  Ryan had never wanted so badly to please someone. He'd fooled around with guys before, certainly, but never someone he had such deep feelings for. He nuzzled against James’ jaw, purring a little.

  James couldn't stop touching Ryan. He slid his hand between their bodies, sliding up Ryan's thigh. Getting closer. Ryan gasped a little. “Oh,” he whispered, ending on a whimper. He wriggled a little closer, aching to be touched. He was so hard he was nearly trembling.

  Finally, James wrapped his fingers around Ryan's hard length. He bit his lip as he looked into Ryan's eyes, and stroked. “I'm sorry I'm not very good at this,” he whispered as he slid his hand up and down.

  Ryan chuckled a little before he gasped. “Oh God, you're good.” He moaned and arched his body closer. He didn't tell James that he didn't have to be that good right at the moment. Ryan was almost there already. But he knew James would have more confidence eventually.

  James bent to kiss Ryan as he stroked him. Ryan moaned into the kiss, hips jerking forward into James’ fist. After such a long time alone it was like sensory overload. It seemed like he'd liked James forever, although it had only been a few days. His hand traveled up his arm and gripped at his shoulder as he teetered on the brink of ecstasy.

  James concentrated on a firm even rhythm, and he pulled back from the kiss as he sensed Ryan getting close. “I love you,” he whispered, stroking faster.

  Ryan almost screamed his name as he came hard, thrusting helplessly. He pulsed over James’ fingers, trembling violently, his cries slowly becoming whimpers.

  James watched raptly as he stroked him through it, then pulled Ryan into his arms. He stroked his back and nuzzled his neck. Ryan sobbed a little as he pressed against his boyfriend. “I feel like I've never been in love before this,” he whispered. It was overwhelming. He felt so in tune with James, so perfectly comfortable with him.

  "I feel the same way,” James said, holding Ryan tightly. He never wanted to let go. “I only want to make you happy."

  Ryan was feeling comfortably drowsy and he smiled. “Mmm, you do,” he murmured. Sleep was quickly claiming him and he nuzzled into James’ neck again. “So ... so ... happy...” he whispered.

  "Good,” smiled James. “Goodnight, my sweet Ryan,” he breathed, pulling the covers back up over them both.

  Ryan drifted off easily, more content than he'd been in ages. He slept soundly, cuddled up against James’ warm body.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Nine

  When morning came Ryan was disoriented for a moment and nearly pulled away, apologizing as he had before when he realized he didn't have to. “Good morning,” he said groggily.

  James smiled. “Very good morning,” he agreed, stretching. He leaned down and kissed Ryan softly.

  Ryan smiled at him. “The best morning ever,” he agreed. “So now that we're, you know, officially together, do you want to move in?” he asked.

  James’ breath caught. “As long as you want me here, I'll be here,” he said.

  "But I mean, like, really move in. Bring all your stuff here and everything.” Ryan looked into his eyes. “You don't have to if you don't want to, though."

  "I'd love to,” James said, smiling.

  Ryan smiled and kissed his cheek. “I really, really need a shower,” he said. He withdrew reluctantly and sat up, sliding off the bed, unashamed of his nakedness.

  When Ryan emerged from the shower he dressed quickly and headed downstairs. He figured James was making coffee down in the kitchen, and Nigel was probably already waiting in the drawing room. He poked his head in and smiled. “Morning,” he said brightly, stepping into the room. “How are you this fine morning, Nigel?"

  The solicitor looked up from his notes. “I shall be much happier once the castle is fully staffed, but I am well, my lord. You seem rather cheerful this morning,” he observed.

  "Do I?” he said with a grin. “Hmm. I guess I should tell you the news. James is moving in. Do we have more interviews lined up for today?” he asked.

  Nigel frowned over his glasses. “That is
hardly news. The young man is here constantly,” he said, clearly not getting the implication.

  "Wow. I didn't think you'd take the news of our cohabitation so casually, Nigel. I'm proud of you.” He smiled and leaned back in his chair a little. “I might make some changes around here. You know, if there's anything I need to do to make him feel at home. Like cable TV in the bedroom or something. Nothing major."

  The older man paled. “Cohabitation? As in...” He seemed loathe to say it clearly. “My lord, I thought you said he wasn't...” Nigel seemed speechless for once.

  Ryan shrugged his shoulders, still smiling at the very thought of it. “I thought he wasn't. But I guess he is."

  "I see,” Nigel said carefully. “And the two of you are going to live together? Openly?” The man seemed shocked.

  "We didn't really discuss the whole ‘openly’ part. I mean, I don't care. But I don't know if he will or not.” He knew it was all new to James. “I didn't wanna push him, you know?"

  Nigel sighed. “I cannot tell you how to live your life, my lord. But do not forget there is the matter of producing an heir."

  "Well, gay couples have kids in the United States all the time. But we just got together last night. Having a family is kinda a discussion for another day, you know.” He wasn't concerned about it.

  "They do? How do they manage that?” Percy asked, drifting in through a wall and taking a seat next to Nigel.

  Nigel cleared his throat. “Yes. Well. Be that as it may, we have the matter of the staff to finalize today. Were you up to some more interviews?"

  Ryan held back a giggle. “Sure. Hopefully not as many as yesterday. Are they ready now? I need coffee first."

  Nigel glanced at his watch. “Go ahead and have your coffee, my lord. We can begin the interviews in about half an hour."

  Ryan smiled and stood up. “You want anything?” he asked politely.

  "No thank you,” Nigel answered, and sipped at his tea. “I shall await you here."

  James had showered and dressed, and he was just walking toward the kitchen when he saw Ryan emerge from the drawing room. “Hello again,” he said, holding the door to the kitchen open for Ryan.


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