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Ghost of a Chance

Page 17

by Jade Falconer

  James groaned at the new tightness. “I am claiming you, baby, now you're mine completely.” He thrust harder, his possessive dominance coming out again. “Take my cock, Ryan, take it..."

  Ryan was holding on for all he was worth, but feeling James let go was what put him over. “Oh, God!” he cried out. And then he screamed James’ name as he came hard enough that his field of vision grayed out for a second.

  James seemed stunned that Ryan had come so quickly, and it robbed him of all control. He thrust a few more times and then he was coming, moaning in ecstasy.

  Ryan smiled at James, lips parted, breath still coming fast. He relaxed his grip and smoothed his hands over James’ shoulders. “You're beautiful when you come,” he whispered dreamily.

  James pulled out carefully, removing the condom and discarding it. Then he collapsed next to Ryan, snuggling as close as possible. “You're beautiful all the time,” he breathed, gazing at Ryan.

  Ryan curled towards him. He loved being cuddled up to someone after sex, and he was glad James seemed to like it, too. “My boyfriend,” he said softly.

  "My lover,” James replied, wrapping his arms around Ryan tightly. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He pulled the covers up over them and kissed Ryan's forehead.

  Ryan grinned. “I took your mansex virginity,” he said quietly, nuzzling under his jaw.

  James laughed softly. “You did. I'll never be the same.” He fitted their bodies together more tightly. “Did I do okay?” he asked.

  "You did amazing. I've never felt anything like that,” he said, and he meant it. Maybe it was just how close he felt to James. Over a few days it seemed like they'd already been through so much together.

  James smiled. “You're not just saying that to make me feel better? I think we'll need to practice a lot."

  "Well, I'm all for practice. Not that you need it, but it's fun.” He rested his hand on James’ chest. He pressed his lips to James’ cheek.

  James looked down so he could see Ryan's face. “If there's something you want me to do, or not do, you'll tell me, right?” he asked. His gaze was serious. “I want to make you happy."

  "Yes. And if you want to do anything, you won't be afraid to ask, right?” He tipped his head back and kissed James on the lips.

  "Right,” James breathed, pulling back from the sweet kiss. “I, um. I wasn't too rough, was I? You sort of bring it out in me..."

  "Mmm, no, not too rough,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from the memory of it. “You could be rougher and it would be okay."

  "How rough?” he breathed. “I've always wanted to be rough..."

  "As rough as you like,” he whispered against James’ lips. He licked at his lips. “What do you have in mind?” he purred.

  James moaned then, and incredibly, his cock began to twitch to life again. “Things like ... tying you up, or spanking you, or...” He was already breathing harder. “Pretending to force you..."

  Ryan's breath hitched. “Y-yes,” he whispered. “We could do anything you like.” He was starting to feel the beginnings of arousal, too.

  "Anything?” James said softly. He rolled on top of Ryan, taking his hands and pinning them above his head. He pressed, not quite painfully, but firmly. “You'll do anything I tell you?"

  Ryan whimpered at the feeling of being restrained. “Anything,” he breathed. James kept getting sexier and sexier.

  "Oh, God,” moaned James, and he crushed his mouth to Ryan's, roughly.

  Ryan opened to him instantly, letting James take the lead completely. He was absolutely on fire for his beautiful boyfriend.

  James rocked hard against him, not being as careful as he had been, and he tightened his grip on Ryan's wrists. He pulled back from the kiss, and he could see his boyfriend's face.

  Ryan gazed at him, a little dazed. “God, James. You're so sexy. I want to do everything with you,” he panted. “Please. Whatever you want.” He tugged at his wrists a little.

  "I like the way you say please,” James purred. He moved, still holding Ryan's wrists, until he was straddling his chest. His very hard cock was right in Ryan's face, and he used one hand to direct it to the other man's mouth. “Look what you do to me, baby. Suck me."

  Ryan parted his lips and sucked James’ cock into his mouth. He was so close he really didn't have a choice, and James was holding him down securely. It was the sexiest thing he could ever imagine. He moaned against the hard flesh, staring up at him.

  James moaned as he watched his cock disappear into Ryan's hot mouth. “You look so good with a cock in your mouth,” he purred. “Only my cock.” He thrust a little, not enough to gag him, just to make him feel used.

  Ryan whimpered, sucking him in earnest. He loved being spoken to like that, although he knew that James would be sweet and loving, later. It was the perfect combination of unbearably hot and wonderful.

  Even though James had just climaxed, he was close already. He pulled out of Ryan's mouth. He moved off of him after a moment, and snapped, “Get on your hands and knees, head down, ass up. I want to look at you."

  Ryan gasped for breath and sat up a little unsteadily. He turned over and got on his hands and knees. He leaned down, putting his ass in the air as James had instructed. He spread his knees wide, revealing everything to James.

  "Perfect,” James breathed, just gazing at Ryan. He got up off the bed so he could walk around and look at his lover. “You look so good, baby. You like me looking at you this way, don't you? Like to have your legs spread like a little slut, so anyone who walked in could see everything?"

  "Yes,” he panted. “I love you looking at me, James. I belong to you.” He pressed his cheek into the pillow. “Do you like looking at me?” he panted hard.

  "I love it,” James answered, walking around the bed. “I like to look at what's mine. My own personal whore. Is that what you are, baby?” He reached out to run his hand down Ryan's sleek back.

  "Yes. I'm whatever you want me to be, James.” He was so aroused he was aching. He couldn't help completely submitting to James. He was too appealing like this.

  James was nearly panting now. He went to the drawer where he had seen Ryan pull out a condom, and he took one out. He ripped the pack open and slid it on himself. “Do you want me to fuck you like this?” he asked as he did so. “While you're all helpless and open to me?"

  Ryan whimpered. “Yes. God yes, James. Want you so much. Take me. Hard and fast. Don't hold back."

  James slicked the condom and climbed onto the bed behind Ryan. “Say please. Beg for my cock,” he ordered, spreading Ryan open.

  That brought another whimper. “Please. Oh, godpleasefuckme,” he moaned, arching his back to open to him even more. “Need you inside me, James."

  There was no way James could hold back another second. He positioned himself and slammed in as hard as he dared. Ryan sobbed into the pillow, holding on for dear life. He'd never been taken like this. He felt helpless. All he could do was take it, and it felt so fucking perfect.

  James chanted Ryan's name as he thrust into him. Ryan took everything, asking for more, and James lost himself in the pounding rhythm. It was pure unbridled pleasure. Ryan's body trembled. He was already so close, even after just coming a little while ago. It was carnal and primitive and the sexiest thing he'd ever experienced. He was grunting, lost in a world of sensation as James pounded into him over and over.

  James reached down to stroke Ryan's cock as he pounded into him. He wrapped his fingers around the other man's length, stroking, panting with the effort of fucking Ryan hard. Being touched was what put Ryan over the edge. It was too much and he lifted his head, crying out James’ name as he spilled over his fist. A great shudder ran through him and his body tensed up, tightening impossibly around him.

  When Ryan tightened around him and cried out, James couldn't help but follow him into climax. It seemed to last forever, and after a moment he pulled himself up and stroked his back. “Are you all right?” he asked hoarsely.

; "Yes,” Ryan answered. His arms were shaking with the effort to hold him up. “Need to lie down,” he whispered. He just wanted to sink into the mattress.

  He helped Ryan to lie down, and lay down next to him, cuddled up behind him. “That was...” he trailed off as words failed him. “I love you,” he finally whispered, kissing the back of Ryan's neck.

  Ryan felt completely spent, limp, and boneless. He relaxed back against James’ solid, warm body. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh of pure contentment. “I love you, too,” he whispered. He'd never felt so close to anyone before in his life. He knew he would never feel this way about anyone else. If there was such a thing as a soulmate, James was his.

  They needed a shower, but it could wait until morning. They both drifted off into a well-sated sleep.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Ten

  Ryan was downright unconscious throughout the night. Nothing haunted his dreams with James’ strong arms wrapped around him. He didn't even move, just stayed cuddled back against his boyfriend throughout the night.

  When morning came, he stirred slowly, stretching and rubbing his eyes. His body was a little sore, but deliciously so. Every little ache reminded him of the night before, and he found himself smiling. He glanced over his shoulder to see if James was awake yet, and he saw a pair of warm, light brown eyes staring back at him. “Morning,” he whispered.

  James smiled back. “Hi,” he said a little hoarsely. “Did you sleep well?” He hugged Ryan more tightly against him.

  Ryan grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Mmm, don't remember,” he purred, wriggling back against him. “Do you have to work tonight?” he asked, hoping the answer was going to be no.

  "Nope,” smiled James. “I only work four nights a week.” He ran his fingers through Ryan's long hair. “Trying to get rid of me already?” he joked.

  Ryan slowly turned to face James. “Oh, yeah. Get the fuck out,” he said, laughing softly. He slid his arm around James’ waist, fingers stroking lightly up his back. “Do you want to go get more of your stuff today?"

  "Sure,” he replied, breath hitching as their bodies rubbed together. “And I suppose I should let my landlord know."

  "Mmm,” he said, content to remain still as well. “Oh. I told the gardener guy that I'd look the place over and suggest anything I wanted to change. Do you know anything about gardens?” He tipped his head back to gaze into James’ eyes.

  "Not really,” James admitted. “But I'd love to wander around the gardens with you and offer completely unhelpful advice.” He nuzzled Ryan's neck. “Oh, and kiss you."

  He tipped his head back further to give James better access to his neck. “As long as this deal includes coffee, I'm game,” he said softly. He wanted to get up, but until James stopped doing that, he was incapable of it.

  James scooted down so he could kiss Ryan's neck more easily. He said between kisses, “Coffee, definitely. I think that's why you love me. I can make coffee.” He bit gently at Ryan's skin, morning stubble scratching.

  Ryan giggled a little. “That and the sex,” he said, shivering a little. “We'll never get out of bed if you keep doing that."

  "Is that a bad thing?” James murmured against Ryan's warm skin. “I just can't get enough of you, baby,” he breathed, hand trailing down Ryan's back. He pulled back then, and teased, “But if you want me to stop..."

  "Just until I've showered, brushed my teeth, dressed and been caffeinated, okay?” He kissed James’ cheek and rolled away, smiling at him as he padded off to the bathroom.

  James brushed his teeth while Ryan showered, and refrained from molesting him though Ryan caught him admiring him through the glass. He went down to start the coffee while Ryan finished up.

  By the time Ryan made it downstairs, he could smell the aromatic scent of the coffee wafting across the dining room. He slipped into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around James from behind. “You're way too good to me,” he said, putting his chin on James’ shoulder.

  James’ eyes closed for a moment and he shivered a little at Ryan's touch. He leaned into him for a moment before pulling away so he could pour the coffee. “Not possible to be too good to you,” he said, smiling, as he handed a mug to his boyfriend.

  Ryan stepped back and accepted the mug, taking a sip. “Mmm, perfect as always.” He pushed a lock of still damp hair back over his shoulder. “Ready to go exploring in the gardens?” he asked brightly, feeling better than he had in a very long time.

  "Absolutely,” James said, sipping at his own coffee. “What exactly are we looking for here? Should I take notes?” They wandered toward the door to the back gardens, grabbing their jackets on the way.

  "Uhh, I don't know. I guess not.” He shrugged on his jacket and opened the door, stepping out onto a stone terrace. “Hey, this is nice.” There was a partially walled garden with the sprawling lawns beyond, and finally the home wood in the distance. The garden was the width of the house, and had some shade trees, winding stone pathways, and orderly plots of flowering plants.

  James took a deep breath. “It's great,” he smiled, slipping his hand into Ryan's. “You should put in a hot tub.” He grinned at his boyfriend, and looked back out to the distance. “You need a maze. Don't all castles have to have mazes?"

  It felt nice to be holding hands, sweet. “Do they? That might be asking a bit much, but the hot tub sounds like a rad idea.” He tugged James down one of the pathways, spotting a small bench under one of the trees.

  The sun was warm for once, though the breeze was cool. James followed Ryan to the sun-warmed bench. They sat down, and James smiled at Ryan. “Nice place you have here, my lord,” he said.

  Ryan giggled. “Gee thanks, my lowly subject.” He stuck his tongue out. He looked out across the garden. “These British people are all about the gardens, aren't they?'

  "They are. But most of the time it's too cold to enjoy them. I don't get it.” He wrapped his arm around Ryan, pulling him close.

  Ryan leaned against him. “It's nice today, though. I think this is the nicest day since I've been here."

  James smiled. “I don't think it could get nicer."

  Ryan beamed at him. He kissed James’ cheek. “So do you have any changes you'd like to suggest besides a hot tub and a maze?"

  "Hmm,” James pretended to think about it. “My boyfriend, naked on my lap?” He grinned. “Or just on my lap. Don't want him to get a cold."

  Ryan grinned and moved so he was sitting on James’ lap. He slid his arms around James’ neck. “Is that better?"

  "Much,” answered James, hands settling on Ryan's slim hips. “God, I love you,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss him.

  Ryan kissed back, wriggling on his lap a little. He loved the way James spoke of him so possessively. He combed his fingers through James’ hair.

  James moaned softly into Ryan's mouth, gathering a handful of his hair as they kissed.

  Just then, there was a loud crack, as if someone had stepped on a branch nearby. James’ eyes flew open and he pulled back from the kiss. “Is Nigel here?” he asked softly.

  "I don't think so. He said he wasn't coming over until later,” he said softly. “Why, did you hear something?” he asked, looking around.

  "Yeah,” he whispered. “I think we're being watched. Move off my lap, I'm gonna get up quickly.” He waited for Ryan to move, and he got up heading quickly for a gap in the hedge. He saw a flash of blonde hair and tweed coat. “Fuck,” he muttered. Then he continued more loudly, “Miss Murray. How nice of you to drop in unannounced."

  Slowly, the reporter edged around the bushes. She glared at James and addressed Ryan. “Forgive me, my lord, but I rang the bell and no one answered, so...” Her gaze went between the two men and it was more than obvious she'd seen everything.

  "So you decided to sneak in the back?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Ryan stood as well, and folded his arms over his chest. He still wasn't exactly sure what she wanted with him. Other than the
fact that he'd inherited a title and a castle, which she already knew, his life wasn't that interesting. “What can I do for you?” he asked, although there wasn't a lot of hospitality in his tone.

  She smiled, but it was more of a smirk. “I was hoping you'd be willing to answer a few more questions, now that you've gotten settled in,” she began, moving a step closer. “I wondered how you liked the village, and all that.” She paused a beat, eyes flicking to James. “But I can see you seem to like it quite a bit.” She let the statement hang, threateningly.

  James’ eyes narrowed, watching the woman.

  Ryan frowned. He looked at James for a moment. “Wasn't there some sort of thing about British people being polite? Or is that just PR spin?” he asked. He turned back to her. “Yes. I do like the village. Or most of it, at least. So why don't you just come out and ask what you really want to ask?"

  "Well, really,” she began, “I don't have to ask anything, do I? It's rather obvious that there isn't going to be a Countess of Elgin soon, is there?” She turned to James. “Or is that what he calls you?"

  James blushed but stayed silent.

  Picking on James was going too far in Ryan's opinion. “What the hell is your problem? Are you homophobic or something? I gave you an interview, I answered whatever you asked me. As far as I'm concerned, we're done. Let's go inside, James. It's not as nice out here as I thought.” He turned and stalked off towards the house.

  James hurried to walk by Ryan's side, but to his annoyance the reporter followed. “My lord! The people have a right to know. You're a public figure now. And this is just the sort of thing the public is dying to know.” There was a note of glee in her voice.

  Ryan stopped inside the drawing room and gaped at her. She had followed them right into the house. He was about to say something when all of a sudden the door slammed shut behind her. He looked at James and then looked suspiciously around the room. “Uh oh,” he said quietly.

  "Oh dear, she's in quite a lot of trouble now.” It was Percy's voice and he was standing to the side of the door, leaning his shoulder negligently on the doorframe. He examined his nails. “I believe the only thing Maxim hates more than Earls of Elgin preferring the company of men is commoners gossiping about that fact."


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