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Ascension Saga, Book 1: Interstellar Brides®: Ascension Saga

Page 8

by Goodwin, Grace

  When I was a younger man, I’d believed the honor of easing a female’s Ardor was a violation. The idea of giving part of myself, part of my body, my very life force to a female had sounded like a burden.

  How very wrong I’d been. Buried in Trinity, her hot, wet pussy milking my cock, the sweet scent of her skin, the soft silken strands of her hair—the sounds she made as I pleasured her.

  Not enough. I’d give her everything. Kill for her. Die for her. Give her every last drop of my blood, my seed and my soul. My cock ached, but remained hard and hungry. I knew her now, knew from the way she squirmed in the seat next to me that she was far from satisfied. She needed more. Wanted more.

  From me. Only me.

  She’d said we fucked like rabbits, but I had no idea what that meant. I hadn’t given her much time to talk—about anything—before I’d had my mouth on hers, quieting her except for her moans of pleasure.

  And now I was a tiny bit sorry I hadn’t given us more time to talk because I was taking the females to the citadel. To collect something that had been left there for them. Why the citadel? Did someone leave a package behind a shrub? That seemed unlikely, for the guards who circled the revered building had little to do but watch for strange people, strange packages. Anything out of the ordinary. In the past twenty-seven years, nothing had been out of the ordinary.

  The spire still glowed brightly. The queen was alive, but silent.

  Would this thing they needed to collect still be there? I’d definitely delayed Trinity long enough for their item to be found and confiscated. The three of them seemed confident that it was there. They were adamant, refused to go anywhere else.

  “I still don’t understand why you’re here, on Alera,” I added, circling back to the first question I’d had about them since Prime Nial contacted me.

  “You complaining?” Trinity asked. She placed her small hand on my thigh, and I had to fight the instinct to pull the vehicle over and fuck her right here in the car. Now.

  I glanced at her, saw the curve of her lip and I knew she was in a teasing mood. If her sisters weren’t sitting behind us... I’d tug her ankles so she slid down on the seat and I settled over her. It wasn’t a big vehicle, I was only a Coalition fighter after all, but the cramped quarters would only be to my advantage as I fucked her. I could push off the side and take her hard and deep. And with her leg over the controls, she’d be wide open. Wet.

  “Easy, soldier,” she whispered.

  “You guys have had two days to work this Ardor and awakening shit out of your systems,” Destiny grumbled from the back seat. “Chill.”

  “You’re the one who told me to jump him,” Trinity countered, squeezing my thigh.

  Jump? She had all but flung herself at me. I couldn’t help but grin. “The strongest females on Alera have been known to awaken to Ardors that last up to a week. And Trinity is not yet appeased.” But fuck, the last two days had been amazing, touching her for the first time. Tasting her lips, feeling the heat of her pussy against my cock, even through our clothing. The tight peaks of her breasts against my chest. “Thank you, Destiny, sister of my mate, for advising her to, as you say, jump on me.”

  “You’re welcome. But I didn’t do it for your blue balls. I did it for Trinity’s vagina.”

  Trinity glanced over her shoulder at me. Grinned. “My vagina thanks you, too.”

  “What are blue balls?” I asked.

  They laughed. All three of them. The NPU wasn’t needed since we all spoke Aleran, but every once in a while, they added an Earth term that did not process. In that moment, I realized something and set the vehicle to auto.

  “You’re speaking Aleran. All three of you.”

  Trinity frowned and I could see the V in her brow with only the lights from the passing buildings lighting her face.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “But you’re from Earth.” The NPU wasn’t processing and translating directly to my brain. We were all speaking the same language.

  “Yes,” Trinity added.

  Up to this point, Faith had remained silent. “Wow, Trin, you’re a killer in bed if it took him this long to start asking questions.”

  “We know she’s a killer in bed because we heard it all,” Destiny added. “It’s not like they were quiet.”

  I should have felt embarrassed. Possessive even, for Trinity’s sounds of pleasure belonged to me. Instead, I felt pride that I could make my mate feel so much satisfaction. As expected, Trinity was not a virgin and had shown me what she liked. I’d been all too eager to combine what the male classes had taught me on pleasuring a female, but knowing my mate liked my mouth on her pussy, that flicking the left side of her clit made her come within seconds. That there was this little spot deep in her pussy, when I pressed firmly as I sucked on her clit made her scream, made her so wet she dripped over onto my palm. That she liked it from behind the most out of all the positions we’d fucked. So far.

  No, I wasn’t embarrassed. I was aroused. My cock was uncomfortable and thick in my pants and ready for more. Ready for Trinity. I was completely at her mercy.

  And that was why I was driving them to the citadel in the middle of the night instead of driving into Trinity’s pussy. She’d asked if I would bring her—all three of them—to the citadel. It had taken a day for me to agree, and even then I’d agreed on the condition that we visit in the dead of night. I promised to protect them, keep them safe and they wanted to go to the most exposed—and revered—place on the planet.

  Only when I was deep inside her did I agree. Oh, she’d used her female wiles to manipulate me. What male could deny his mate anything when she had her fingers pressed to the smooth spot behind my balls? She’d teased me with light touches until I agreed, and then she’d gotten me off.

  It was only after my head cleared that I added the requirement that it be done late at night.

  “I may be completely at your mercy, mate. I may have these blue balls you mention. I may even need to pull over and fuck you once again because I can’t control myself. But I am not stupid. I am well aware you are redirecting, keeping me focused on the scent of your pussy, the feel of my cock inside your body, the wet heat of you milking me of cum, instead of answering my questions.”

  “Holy shit, Trin. He’s a dirty talker,” Faith commented. “I like it.”

  Trinity’s hand gripped my thigh now. Hard. Yeah, she liked it when I was crude, when I told her exactly what I wanted to do to her.

  “Yes,” Trinity replied, her eyes on mine. I wasn’t sure if she was saying yes because she wanted me to get between her thighs and breathe her in, to get my cock nice and deep so she could all but draw the cum from my balls, or if she was admitting she was intentionally avoiding a response.

  “I have been accommodating, mate. To you and your sisters.” I spoke the truth. They had been safe and protected. Bathed and fed. They each wore Aleran clothing generated in my quarters, using my S-Gen machine. I had done everything they asked of me…and they’d told me nothing.

  “Not us, hot stuff. Just Trinity,” Faith added, but I could tell from her tone and the smile on her lips she was playing.

  I wasn’t. While I couldn’t force my cock to go down, especially not with Trinity beside me, I could focus on something besides fucking. “We are almost to the citadel. I’ve done as you’ve requested. My assignment with Prime Nial is to offer protection and assistance in whatever you need to do. But in order to fulfill that, I must be briefed. Now.”

  The queen’s light could be seen glowing above the buildings. We were only a few blocks away.


  I took Trinity’s hand from my thigh, moved it away. “Don’t Leo me. I will give my life to keep you safe, but I must know everything.”

  Trinity eyed me, bit her lip. She glanced at her sisters. “We have something to get at the citadel.”

  “Yes, you’ve said that. What is this something?”

  Trinity turned in her seat to face me, one knee bent. “I
don’t know. None of us do. That’s the truth.”

  “Then why is it so important, so dangerous, that someone wants you dead?” I thought of the assassins the other night and my grip practically strangled the controls. We’d avoided danger, so far. But taking the three females out into the city, exposing them to the world, made me edgy.

  “I don’t know.”

  I clenched my teeth to keep from snapping at my mate, demanding she answer me.

  “We don’t, Leo,” Faith added.

  “How do you know where it is? It’s not like there are places to hide something around the building. It is all open, with guards.”

  “Our mother told us where to find it.”

  “Your mother. On Earth.” This was hard to believe.

  “Yes,” Trinity added.

  The road we were on went directly to the citadel. The silver building could be seen in the distance before us, the glowing spire a beacon. We were a hundred feet from the guards, not close enough to raise an alarm, but being such a late hour and without anything to do, their attention was on our vehicle.

  My frustration grew and I ran my hand through my hair. I wanted to wake up Prime Nial, force him to tell me more. It would be easier than prying the answer from these three stubborn females. Surely, they could handle the most ruthless of interrogators.

  “Mate,” I growled, and not in a sexy way. “Where?” I couldn’t ask more. It sounded ridiculous. Where did your Earth mother tell you a secret package was hidden at the heavily guarded and fortified citadel on far-off Alera?


  A bark of laughter erupted and I stopped the vehicle in the middle of the street. There was nowhere else to go.

  “Is your mother trying to get you killed?”

  Trinity frowned, crossed her arms over her chest. She no longer wore the Earth garments, but an Aleran outfit I'd created using the S-Gen machine in my quarters. She didn’t look like she’d come from Earth any longer. She’d blend in perfectly on Alera, which was exactly what I wanted. To blend in so the assassins wouldn’t have such an easy target.

  “Of course not.”

  “Are you sure she doesn’t want you dead? Because there’s no way you can get into the citadel with the protection the ancients left behind. They created an energy field surrounding the inner sanctum. No one but their descendants, those of royal blood, can pass without being destroyed. Instant death, mate. I’ve seen it happen twice, right after the queen disappeared. Two of her less-blooded, greedy cousins tried to get inside. They wanted the throne, the power for themselves.”

  “What happened?” Faith asked.

  “Cellular disintegration. A heat so hot it’s cold. An explosion so fierce it doesn’t need oxygen. The body explodes, but implodes. Dust.” It had been years since anyone not of royal blood had tried to enter the citadel, and even then, it had only been those who wished to end their life, not ascend to the throne. “The clerics guard it night and day to stop others from attempting to end their own lives.”

  “Jesus, the citadel is a suicide mecca?” Destiny flopped backward in the back seat and put the weapon she’d been cleaning on her lap. “Didn’t see that one coming. That really sucks.”

  Trinity didn’t blanch, didn’t even flinch at what would happen to her if she attempted to cross the energy field. “We must go to the citadel, Leo.”

  “Tell me why?”

  “I can’t. I made a vow to my mother, to my sisters. I can’t tell you, but I’ll be back. I promise. I’ll find you.”

  Find me? “What are you talking about?” I stared into sad eyes, eyes filled with regret and cold dread filled me even before I felt the hard end of a blaster pressed to the back of my neck.

  “You’re getting out here, Leo,” Destiny said.

  I stilled, looked to Trinity.

  “We’re going in. That’s our mission. That’s why we’re here.” She held my stare for a moment, and I knew true terror. She was serious. Dead serious.

  “Are you insane?” I asked, my heartbeat quickening. “You can’t go in there. You’ll die!”

  She shook her head. “We won’t. Trust me.”

  “You will, though,” Faith said. “You’re a nice guy. We like you in one piece. Especially Trinity. And I think she likes one piece in particular.”

  “Faith,” Trinity groaned.

  I noticed a few of the guards were slowly walking toward us. Their weapons were aimed at the ground and their stances indicated they were not at fight readiness. They didn’t fear someone could get inside the citadel, the protective energy field left by the ancients took care of that. Their role was part ceremonial, but also to keep the peace, if required.

  At this time of night, our vehicle was an oddity and they were most likely bored. Still, they were walking this way and I had an ion blaster aimed at my head.

  “Get out of the car, Leo,” Trinity said. “Please.” She tagged on the last, practically begging. The last time she’d said that word was when I’d teased her with my cock, settling the tip just inside her wet entrance and not going any further.

  “I won’t leave you,” I countered. “You’re my mate. I won’t let you do this. And as a fighter, as I’ve vowed to Prime Nial to protect you. I refuse.”

  I heard the click of the weapon’s fire safety being released, the high buzz of sound as the weapon held its charge, ready to fire.

  “You’ll have to kill me, Destiny.”

  I felt the sizzle, the heat of the blast as it went through my body.

  “Or stun you,” she countered.

  I went stiff, every muscle in my body going rigid, then relaxing. I couldn’t move anything.

  “I’m so sorry,” Trinity murmured, stroking my hair, my cheek.

  “Trin, open his door!” Destiny said quickly, but calmly. “The guards are getting closer.”

  Even frozen, I could move my eyes, watch as Trinity glanced out the front window. Reaching across me, she pressed the button to open my door. It slid up quietly. The guards stopped, thirty feet away.

  Trinity didn’t move all the way back to her seat, but stopped, her face right in front of mine. I could see every freckle, every worry, fear, doubt. “I’m doing this to save your life. I’m sorry. I really am, but we have to go. My mother’s been kidnapped, and I really don’t have time to explain or argue. We have to get inside.” She leaned over and placed a warm kiss to my lips. “I’ll find you when I can. I’m so sorry.”

  I tried to speak, but only a strangled groan came out. I tried with all my might to lift my arms, to grab her, to keep from doing this. But nothing worked.

  “Trinity!” Destiny shouted.

  Trinity pushed me out the door.

  I fell to the street on my side, a whoosh of air escaping my lungs.

  I was bent at the waist and I could see Destiny’s big boot, then the rest of her leg come over the back of the seat. She dropped into the spot I’d vacated.

  She looked down at me, her purple hair wild. Trinity was leaning forward, looking at me, her teeth pressed hard into her lower lip.

  “You want answers, Leo. You’ll get answers. Right now,” Destiny’s promise was more a challenge, but all I could do was watch as Faith waved good-bye from the back seat, Trinity took out her weapon, and Destiny lowered the door, once more hiding them from view.

  I fought to speak. To yell. To tackle my mate to the ground and spank some sense into her. My brain worked and worked, but the stun still had a hold on me.

  I could do nothing but lay on the street and watch as my vehicle picked up speed and drove right at the approaching guards. Destiny didn’t stop and the fighters jumped out of the way, then fired at the back of my vehicle. The other guards, now realizing there was an incident, were running and settling into their positions, bracing for some kind of attack.

  The stun wore off, from one heartbeat to the next, and I was up on my feet and running toward my mate. “Trinity!” I bellowed as the vehicle approached the citadel. Then closer. They were driving
straight at the energy field.

  I stopped. The guards stopped. Watched. Waited. No one had ever driven a vehicle through the barrier before. Would it be disintegrated along with the occupants?

  My heart stopped, I held my breath, watched as Destiny drove straight through, as if she had a death wish—or knew, she wouldn’t die.

  The vehicle skidded and swerved to a stop directly before the main entrance to the citadel. Tall doors, two stories tall.

  Slowly, I walked toward the citadel, the guards beside me. Stunned, as I was, they’d all but forgotten I might be a danger. We watched as the doors to my vehicle—the vehicle that had just… fuck, just driven straight through the ancients’ energy barrier—opened and three very alive females stepped out.

  Destiny and Faith used their clothing to conceal their features and their hair. Only the curve of their hips and breasts gave away their gender. My mate? She did not hide. She stood proudly, her hair down, her stance wide. Hands on her hips. She stared up at the central tower, at the line of royal spires pointing to the stars in a magnificent display at its the peak. At the single spire that had burned bright since Queen Celene’s time.

  Trinity turned and faced me. Only twenty feet separated us now, but she might as well have been on another planet, because I couldn’t get to her. The distance was small, yet impossible to breach.

  Our eyes met. Held.

  “Holy fuck, Trinity.”

  “You wanted answers,” she called. She held up her hands, shrugged. “Now you know.”

  Destiny and Faith went around the vehicle and to the entrance.

  There was only one possibility.

  The guards were talking now, whether to commanders off-site or to each other, I had no idea. Nothing like this had happened in twenty-seven years and now it was my mate who’d crossed the barrier and lived. Who stood steps away from the citadel sanctum. From confirming once and for all who and what she was.


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