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Bruised Angel (River of Lies #2)

Page 11

by Sammy King

  “Oh have you been through it?” Chelsea asked.

  Kelly’s eyes welled up as she nodded.

  “Yeah. It wasn’t good” she said sadly as a tear dripped down her cheek.

  Chelsea put her coffee down and pulled Kelly into her arms. Kelly wrapped her arms around Chelsea’s waist and laid her head on Chelsea’s shoulder. Chelsea held Kelly for a long time stroking her red hair until she pulled away and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

  “This life isn’t a good one. Especially when you are alone” Kelly said.

  Chelsea shook her head.

  “What about Knox doesn’t he protect you?” Chelsea asked with a frown, suddenly worrying about what she had got herself into.

  She wondered if she was in the same situation would Mason protect her, would he stop someone threatening to hurt her. Chelsea could feel panic begin to grip at her.

  “He does, but in that situation he can’t be everywhere. And I’m not his woman, so it’s not right for me to go and hang off him” she said. “At least you have Mason, if you do find yourself here when it happens, you can stick beside him and he will keep you safe”

  Chelsea shook her head and took Kelly’s hand.

  “I won’t let them hurt you again. I can’t stand by and let that happen” Chelsea said.

  Kelly smiled and hugged her.

  “That’s admirable of you, but even you with that spit fire spirit you’ve got burning inside you couldn’t have protected me” she said.

  Chelsea nodded she didn’t want to push Kelly to tell her what had happened. She knew that it was bad, but she figured Kelly would tell her when she was ready. Kelly sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

  “Well I think I’ve had enough for today, I might go soak in a bath and go to bed. Thanks Chelsea for everything” she said with a smile, kissing Chelsea on the cheek.

  Chelsea smiled and watched her new friend leave. She had never had a female friend, never had a sister, she hadn’t even had female cousins, it felt nice to have someone who had the same emotions as her to talk to and confide in. Chelsea was washing up hers and Kelly’s cup when she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist. Chelsea recognised Mason straight away and leaned back into his chest.

  “I’m sorry about tonight” he said into her ear.

  Chelsea smiled and looked up at him.

  “It wasn’t too bad, Kelly explained a lot of what was going on, so that helped” Chelsea said.

  Mason squeezed her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Good. Kelly is good like that. I see you two are getting close” he said.

  Chelsea smiled and nodded.

  “Yeah I really like her, she is the closest I’ve ever had to a female friend before. I like that feeling” she said.

  Mason turned her around so she was facing him and smiled.

  “Good I want you to be happy, I want you to feel good” he said lifting her.

  Chelsea wrapped her legs around his hips as he sat her on the corner of the counter and Mason began to kiss her deeply, she ran her hands up and down his back and he pushed his groin into her. Chelsea tightened her legs and clung to him.

  “Seriously in the kitchen?” Knox said behind them.

  Mason looked up over his shoulder and Chelsea could see Knox leaning against the wood frame, she laughed.

  “We have our clothes on” she laughed.

  “I don’t think it would have been for long if I hadn’t come in” Knox said with a laugh. “Chels, you did great tonight. I wasn’t sure how you were going to handle them all”

  Chelsea smiled and untangled herself from Mason, sliding off the counter.

  “Thank you” she said to Knox.

  Knox leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  “You’re welcome” he smiled. “Now take her to bed and don’t mess up my counters”

  Mason barked out a laugh and took Chelsea by the hand leading her to the bedroom she now seemed to be sharing with him. She didn’t know how it happened so fast, but it felt right, she felt for the first time that she belonged somewhere. When they reached the bedroom, Mason stripped of his shirt and pulled Chelsea in close. She looked up at him and felt the all too familiar stirring start to work its way through her groin and into the base of her stomach. She had only been having sex for two days and although she enjoyed having Mason be the one that took charge she wanted to show him that she could be just as dominant.

  Chelsea put her hand on his bare chest and urged him to sit on the bed. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she smiled at him. Slowly she began to strip for him, squashing the feeling of looking silly. She had never done anything like it before, but had seen her fair share of romantic movies and copied the moves she saw them do. As she swirled her hips and slowly took her shirt from her body, turning her back to unclasp her bra and slowly shimmy out of her pants, so that she just had her panties remain, Mason sat back on the bed on his elbows and watched the show, she could tell by the bulge forming quickly in his pants that he was at least enjoying it.

  Chelsea seductively walked towards Mason and lowered to her knees. He looked down at her again with a raised eyebrow. She smiled sweetly up at him and began to unclasp his jeans, tugging them and his boxers down over his hips. With one hand she gently rolled his balls and with the other began to stroke the shaft of his cock slowly. Mason watched her with a bemused smile until she leaned forward and licked from his balls to the head of his cock, it was then that he rolled his eyes back in his head and groaned, laying back on the bed. Chelsea slowly covered his cock in kisses and licks, repeating in the places that brought forth the biggest groan. When Mason’s hips started to gyrate under her, Chelsea opened her mouth and took the head of his cock and fed it deep into her throat, which bought a gasp from Mason. He reached out and touched Chelsea’s head, careful not to put too much pressure on the back of her head.

  Chelsea started to work her mouth up and down all over his cock, his hips began to move faster on her down stroke, pushing him further into her mouth; she held the base of his cock to prevent it going too deep.

  “Oh shit Chelsea I’m going to cum” Mason cried with alarm.

  Chelsea increased the suction on his cock as he let out a loud groan and she felt him spurt his juice into her mouth. She didn’t like the taste but liked the way that he shook and groaned underneath her as she swallowed him down. He put his hands under her chin and pulled her off him and looked at her with a smile. She coyly smiled back at him as he shook his head.

  “Chelsea that had to be the best thing that I have ever experienced” he said with a wicked grin.

  Chelsea raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Really?” she said with a smile folding her arms across her chest.

  Mason held up two fingers.

  “Scouts honour” he said nodding his head.

  Chelsea laughed and shook her head, climbing up his body so that her hips were straddled across his crotch. She leaned down and kissed him gently, not sure whether he could still taste himself on her lips and not sure that he would like it either. She moved her body up so that her breasts sat above his face as he leaned his head forward and took one in his mouth bringing a groan from her. She instantly ground her crotch down on him, feeling his erection beginning to grow underneath her. She continued to grind against him feeling the pressure begin to build and throb between her legs. Her groaning becoming more intense at the feeling, Mason held her hips and pushed her down harder on to him. She looked down at him, he was watching her intently.

  “I want you to cum Chels” he said.

  It was all she needed to hear as an orgasm rocked through her body, she shook and clung to Mason as he kissed her neck and chest. When the aftershocks slowly began to wind down she felt that he was still hard and twitching against her. Chelsea rolled off Mason and slipped her panties off tossing them onto the floor, she leaned over and opened the bedside drawer to get a condom; she gasped when she saw the gun she had used to shoot Carl. Chelsea
recoiled her hand and stood from the bed. Mason frowned and looked into the bedside draw.

  “Oh Chels. I’m sorry I forgot it was there” he said closing the drawer quickly.

  Chelsea felt her tears rolling down her cheeks as she shook her head, a trembling rumbled through her body. Mason stood and came to her putting his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. She stood there tears flowing and shaking, wondering how the vision of one thing could make everything flood back into her mind, all the attacks, all the abuse, all the things she had repeated with Mason, Carl had made her do to him.

  Chelsea felt bile rise up in her throat, she pushed out of Mason’s arms and ran for the toilet, just making it as her dinner reappeared. Mason came into the bathroom behind her and turned the taps on the bath. When she had finished dry reaching he bent down and picked her up from the floor without a word he laid Chelsea in the bath and began to wash her gently. Careful not to touch anywhere to cause her upset, Chelsea lay there in the warm bath feeling cold, almost comatose.

  She hadn’t cut herself in a long time but the urge was so strong, the urge to make herself bleed, to feel the sharp sting as the knife slipped through her skin, to feel the relief as the dark red blood began to bubble from the wound and drip over her body. Chelsea closed her eyes and tried to push the urges away. After she got out of the bath, Mason reached over to the book that Brenda had given her and handed it to Chelsea.

  “Draw it out baby. Please don’t hurt yourself” he said gently.

  Chelsea looked up at him and nodded her head slightly. She looked down at the blank page on her lap. Her mind was filled with blood, her own blood, she couldn’t think of what to draw, she didn’t want to draw, she wanted to cut herself. When Mason left the room she listened as he walked away. Chelsea went into the bathroom and looked through the drawer, searching for a razor. Finally she found what she was looking for and pulled it out, it was a disposable razor, one of the cheap plastic ones, she banged the head of it on the basin and it snapped easily exposing the blade. Chelsea quietly walked over to the bathroom door and shut it silently.

  She looked down at the scars that dotted her body; her anger and pain etched out in intricate patterns. Chelsea put the seat down on the toilet and sat down with the razor in her hand. She followed the lines on her legs, they didn’t make a recognisable picture but to her it was her sad portrait of agony. Chelsea put the edge of the blade on her thigh beside the deepest scar she had, she didn’t want to cut that deep again. Slowly Chelsea moved the blade towards her feeling that familiar sting that brought her so much relief. Her heart quickened as she winced, sucking in a sharp breath over her teeth. Her eyes widened as the blood began to ooze in bubbles from the line in her leg. She was able to let out the deep breath that she had been holding and laid her head back against the toilet, closing her eyes and feeling the familiar relief of the blood as it trickled down over her leg.

  “Oh Chels” she heard

  Chelsea sat up suddenly and flung her eyes open. Standing in the doorway was Kelly. Chelsea stood and dropped the razor on the floor, panic gripping at her throat. She looked down at her leg which was dribbling blood down to the floor. Kelly came into the bathroom and shut the door behind her, reaching out for the towel that hung on the rack. Kelly wrapped Chelsea’s leg with the towel and held pressure to the wound. Chelsea closed her eyes and let the tears slip from the corners.

  “Chelsea look at me” Kelly said.

  Chelsea looked up at Kelly and saw that she had taken her top off. Dotted across her chest down to her pubic line were angry red scars. Chelsea’s eyes widened and she shook her head. Kelly nodded her head. Kelly knelt down beside Chelsea and lifted the towel slightly checking on the wound.

  “You know what I was telling you about before?” Kelly said.

  Chelsea nodded her head.

  “Well I started cutting myself after that. I had just turned fifteen and Knox invited all the Kings of Darkness here. One of the chapters had just had a reshuffle and so had some new men in positions of power. I hadn’t met the guys before”. Kelly said swallowing hard.

  Chelsea leaned her head back against the back of the toilet and watched Kelly.

  “Well I was supposed to stay in my room, Knox had told me to keep out of sight and look after Mason who was fourteen. Mason has always been headstrong and he wanted to join in with his Dad.” Kelly swallowed hard as she remembered what happened.

  “Anyway he went out into the living room and I followed him. Knox was in his bedroom with some prostitute and there were strippers dancing in the living room. Two of the new guys were in the living room getting lap dances and everyone else was outside by the fire or in bedrooms getting fucked.”

  Kelly teared up and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Chelsea put her hand over the one that Kelly held pressure on the wound with. Kelly looked up at her and smiled weakly.

  “Anyway long story short the two guys in the living room pushed me on the couch and both fucked me over and over at the same time, they made me do things to them and they both did things to me. There was no hole out of bounds it seemed. I was fifteen for fucks sake. That was my great losing my virginity legacy I had to keep” Kelly said shaking her head.

  Chelsea sucked in a sharp breath.

  “What did Mason do?” Chelsea asked with a frown.

  Kelly shook her head and looked up at Chelsea.

  “He froze. He was so scared that he slammed himself against the wall and watched it happen. He hated himself for it. Knox came out of the bedroom they both had me pinned to the floor by this time and were having a lovely time taking their pleasure” her tears were turning into sobs.

  Chelsea grasped Kelly’s hand and squeezed it tight.

  “Knox pulled both guys up and took them out the back, I don’t know where he got the gun, but it was the first time I’d ever seen anyone die. But he stood them beside the fire and shot them both point blank in the face” Kelly said tears dripping off her chin and down her chest.

  “Everyone was going crazy thinking Knox had completely lost his mind, prostitutes and strippers were screaming, I couldn’t move off the floor and Mason was still frozen against the living room wall. Blade came into the living room and saw me lying in a pool of blood and shit, my body was torn up and broken.” Kelly put her face into her hands and sobbed.

  Chelsea crawled off the toilet and knelt beside her pulling Kelly into a hug. The two women sat on the bathroom floor crying for their lost childhoods, for their broken bodies, for their pain and their torture. When there were no tears left they sat in silence before Kelly looked over the pair of them and snorted out a giggle.

  “I’m glad Mason or Knox hasn’t walked in with us both sitting on the bathroom floor practically naked” she said with a laugh.

  Chelsea looked down at her body and joined Kelly in laughter. She had completely forgotten that she had no clothes on and Kelly was topless. Kelly reached out to the blood soaked towel and lifted it.

  “It’s stopped bleeding, I’ll go and get some antiseptic to put on it to prevent infection” she said standing and holding her hand out for Chelsea.

  Chelsea took Kelly’s hand standing, wincing as the muscles on her leg pushed on the new wound.

  “Yeah it’s gonna sting that one” Kelly said with a shake of her head.

  Kelly put her top on and left. Chelsea looked down at her leg before going into the bedroom, she was just putting her shorts on when Mason came into the room. He frowned and had a look of concern on his face.

  “You cut yourself didn’t you?” he said.

  Chelsea dropped her eyes and nodded. Mason came towards her and put his arms around her.

  “Oh Chels” he said sadly.

  Kelly came back in with the antiseptic and Mason frowned when he saw the wound she had caused herself.

  “It’s not too deep, not as deep as that one was anyway” Kelly said pointing at the scar beside her new wound.

  Chelsea nodded and winced as Kelly da
bbed the open wound with antiseptic.

  “Sorry, well not sorry, this is what you have to get when we do dumb stuff like this” Kelly said with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

  They both could feel the tension in Mason who stood beside them watching. Kelly stood and put her arm around his waist.

  “She is going to be fine.” Kelly said to Mason with a smile.

  Mason looked down at Kelly and nodded. Kelly leaned up and kissed Mason on the cheek and then bent down and kissed Chelsea on the cheek. Kelly took Chelsea’s hands in hers.

  “If you ever feel the need to do this again, I want you to come find me, no matter what I’m doing, come get me. I unlike many others understand Chelsea. I don’t know what lead you to cutting yourself and if you choose to tell me one day I’d be honoured. But please don’t do this to yourself. You deserve better than that” she said with tears in her eyes. “Remember every time you hurt yourself you’re letting the person you’re trying to escape hurt you again”

  Chelsea nodded and the tears started to flood her eyes again. She had never seen it like that before. She always saw it as relief. But scarring her body didn’t help her, it hurt her and it was letting Carl continue his torture on her. Chelsea put her face in her hands and let her tears roll out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She heard the door shut and felt Mason sit down on the bed next to her. He put his arm around her.

  “Did Kelly tell you what happened to her?” Mason asked quietly.

  Chelsea looked up to see the sad look in his face, she nodded her head.

  “Did she tell you I stood by and did nothing” he said with bitterness threaded through his voice.

  Chelsea sighed.

  “She said you froze from fear. I understand that Mason, being so scared you freeze” Chelsea said gently.

  Mason shook his head and angrily wiped at his eyes.

  “I’m not going to do that with you Chels. I’m not going to make that mistake again, I won’t freeze” he said.


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