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The Dragon Shifter's Desire: A Wishing Moon Bay Shifter Romance

Page 27

by Harmony Raines

  “Name them?” His eyes darkened. “If you are for real, you should know their names. You should know everything I’ve done. And you would understand why I did what I did.”

  “I know.” She stepped closer to Argothorn and looked deep into his soulless eyes. “I also know you are a coward. That you murdered two dragon shifters to hold onto your power. You also murdered Andor’s mate. And then you killed another man to cover your tracks.” She held his gaze as his eyes widened. Then she smiled, her lips curling as she shook her head and walked away. “Only a great leader can admit his mistakes. Only a mighty dragon shifter can own up to those deeds.”

  “They weren’t mistakes!” Argothorn ran toward her, his hand outstretched as he tried to grab her shoulder.

  Larisa ducked out of his grasp and ran toward the wall of the fire pit where she hoped Ivan and Egan were waiting.

  With a growl, Argothorn gave chase, but he’d been codified to his tower for too long and he couldn’t match her speed.

  Where were they? Her legs pumped, her breathing labored as she sprinted toward the wall. Had she made a mistake? Perhaps they weren’t here after all.

  She risked a look over her shoulder. Argothorn had slowed but he was still too close. She couldn’t get away. Not when he could shift at any moment and kill her with one bite of his powerful jaws.

  Larisa stopped running and turned to face him. Argothorn skidded to a halt in shock. He was a coward not used to confrontation after so long in power.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  Larisa didn’t answer, she simply stared at him as he took a step toward her. Sliding her hand under the folds of her dress, she closed her fingers around the hilt of the knife Gilliam had given her. Perhaps this was how it was meant to be.

  Perhaps she was meant to kill Argothorn and end his reign as Dragon Lord of Cairnnor.

  Sadness gripped her. She would fail at clearing her father’s name and instead become what he never was. A murderer.

  Argothorn approached slowly. He sensed a trap.

  The air shimmered around him and the hairs on the back of her hands stood on end. Argothorn was about to shift. She’d failed.

  Larisa gripped the knife but before she pulled it from the sheath, Argothorn’s shoulders slumped forward and he stared at something behind her with his mouth open.

  “Argothorn.” She instantly recognized Ivan’s voice. Relief was swiftly followed by fear. They were still in danger, and they hadn’t accomplished their mission.

  Argothorn hadn’t admitted his crimes.

  “I’ve conjured the ghosts of your victims,” Larisa told him solemnly. “Do you remember their faces, Argothorn? Do they haunt you?”

  “No!” Argothorn replied but his face paled as he looked at Ivan. “Andor.”

  Larisa followed Argothorn’s gaze and took a sharp breath. Egan had blood running down his chest from a slash on his neck. What had he done?

  “Murderer,” Egan croaked.

  “Why did you kill us, Argothorn?” Ivan asked.

  “You stood in my way,” Argothorn replied. “You wanted to undermine me and remove me from power.”

  “So you killed me. And my mate,” Ivan’s voice wavered but he didn’t flinch.

  “And what about me, brother?” Egan spat. “Your own flesh and blood.”

  “I did what I had to do.” Argothorn switched his gaze to Larisa. “There, I’ve admitted my crimes. I killed them to stay in power because I am the greatest dragon lord, willing to do what no other ever has.”

  “Even though killing another dragon shifter is forbidden.” Larisa trembled as a wave of emotion washed over her. They’d done what they set out to do. But what happened now? Had Egan managed to get the other council members here?


  Larisa swung around, an elderly man entered the fire pit and approached them, followed by Elise and Caleb. Behind them, Silas and Fiona walked side by side.

  “What is this?” Argothorn asked.

  “You will be stripped of your titles and arrested for your crimes,” the older man said.

  Argothorn snorted. “What power do you have, Lorelis? The council will never believe you.”

  “The council is here, Argothorn.” Lorelis held out his arm and swung around toward the doorway in the wall where a group of men appeared. They didn’t move too far from the door. Argothorn either had their loyalty or they feared him. “They have heard your confession from your own mouth.”

  Larisa sure hoped they acted through fear. Fear could be conquered but loyalty could be hard to break.

  “Are you all right?” Ivan moved closer to her, and she nodded as Elise and Caleb came to stand on either side of her.

  “Are you my bodyguards?” She was relieved to have them here.

  “Yes. If anything goes wrong, we’ll get you out of here,” Caleb assured her.

  “If that monster shifts and attacks, I’ll stab him with my knife.” She loosened the knife in its sheath but suspected she lacked the courage to carry out her threat.

  “Where did you get that from?” Elise sidled up to her.

  “Gilliam gave it to me. He’s the fae your Grandma Hannah sent us to see,” Larisa explained.

  “Go home,” Argothorn ordered the council. “Only Lorelis needs to answer for this treason.”

  “It’s not treason, Argothorn.” Lorelis approached the dragon lord warily. Once Argothorn knew his reign was over, things might get a little unpredictable.

  Or a lot unpredictable since Argothorn didn’t care about anyone other than himself.

  Chapter Forty – Ivan

  His people’s history stood all around him. The fire pits of Tolarth were where the dragons of long ago came to fight. On the trek from the beach, Silas had told him some of the history of the dragon shifters of Cairnnor.

  As Ivan stood there on the same dirt that his ancestors had bled, he felt as if he belonged.

  But the dragon shifters gathered here weren’t his people. Except for his friends and his mate, his people were back in Wishing Moon Bay. That was his home.

  These are our people, too, his dragon said. The spell was wearing off, there was no point in hiding who they were. Not anymore.

  “Take Larisa to the tunnel,” Ivan told Caleb as Argothorn clenched his fists and the air once again shimmered around him. The dragon lord was going to shift. Which put everyone here in danger.

  As Caleb put his arm around Larisa, whose face had been totally transformed by clever makeup, Argothorn made his move.

  His eyes glowed a deep amber and flickered like flames as he shifted into his dragon. Ivan didn’t hesitate. This fight was about to kick up a notch or two.

  He had to be fast, he was a second or two behind Argothorn which left them all exposed to danger. As Ivan faded from the world so did Lorelis, Egan, and Fiona.

  Argothorn didn’t stand a chance once they all shifted. But what damage would he do in the few seconds’ head start he’d gained?

  Agitated, Ivan’s dragon burst back into the world to witness Argothorn’s actions. His anger was directed at Larisa. The person who had fooled him, the person who was least able to defend herself.

  With a scream of rage, Ivan’s dragon launched himself at Argothorn, his talons scraping the older dragon’s hide, leaving a deep wound, but it was as if he didn’t feel it. He was totally consumed with a vengeance which he intended to unleash on Larisa.

  Argothorn rolled over and angled his body toward Larisa, sucking in a huge amount of air.

  He’s going to incinerate her, Ivan’s dragon roared as he pushed himself off the ground and propelled himself toward Argothorn.

  However, before he engaged in an attack, Elise moved, grabbed something from Larisa’s belt and vaulted through the air. A knife. A long thin blade that Ivan had never seen before flew through the air, aimed at Argothorn’s chest.

  As he watched, the story Gilliam had told them of a war between the fae and the dragons flashed into his head. It all start
ed when a fae killed a dragon. Andor had once stopped Gilliam from inciting that war.

  Now it was Ivan’s turn.

  He twisted through the air and flew in front of the knife. The pain was sudden and acute as it ripped through the leathery skin covering his wings.

  Argothorn’s dragon reeled back, a sneer crossing the dragon’s face as he thundered toward Ivan’s injured dragon.

  But Ivan was not alone. The other three dragon shifters converged on Argothorn. Fiona screamed with rage as she grabbed Argothorn by the throat and used her weight to pin him to the ground.

  Argothorn thrashed around on the ground, fighting to be free. But Fiona tightened her grip and he stilled.

  The two other dragons stood by her side as Silas hurried forward, dodging beneath Fiona’s body, and placed his hands on Argothorn’s dragon’s head. In an instant, the dragon faded away and a man lay in his place.

  Silas adjusted his hold and closed his eyes as he used his power on Argothorn. Fiona’s dragon stepped back, her teeth gnashing at the air as she watched to ensure Argothorn didn’t get away.

  “Ivan!” Larisa was by his side. As she touched him, he suddenly became aware of the pain radiating out from the wound.

  “You should have let me skewer him.” Elise examined his wound, her touch firm but light.

  “There would have been a war,” Larisa told her. “Gilliam told us that the fae don’t like dragons in the fae realm because there’s a prophecy that a fae will one day kill a dragon shifter and start a war.”

  “Oh.” Elise paled. “It’s a good thing you were here then, Ivan.” She checked the wound thoroughly and then announced, “It will heal. It might be sore for a few days, but when we get back to Wishing Moon Bay, I’ll go fetch some salve from Grandma Hannah.”

  “What’s Silas doing?” Larisa asked as she stroked Ivan’s dragon’s head.

  “I have no idea. But I’m glad he’s not rummaging around in my head. I’ve never seen him so angry.” Caleb looked down at his brother. “Why don’t you shift back to your human form?”

  Ivan glanced at Silas. He and the other dragon had everything under control. At least for now. His dragon rubbed his head on Larisa’s shoulder before he let go of the world and Ivan reappeared in his human form.

  “You’re not injured,” Larisa said with surprise.

  “No. My dragon still is, but we’re separate in many ways, including physically.” He held out his arms. “I’m as good as new.”

  “And so is Argothorn.” Silas let go of the tyrant and stood up.

  “What did you do?” Matheus came forward with the other council members close behind.

  “I have convinced Argothorn that his dragon is not real, it’s just a dream.” Silas looked self-satisfied with his work.

  “You stole his dragon from him?” one of the council members asked.

  “I didn’t exactly steal him. He’s still there but Argothorn doesn’t know where to find him.” Silas turned to face the council. “What would you have done with him? He killed two dragon shifters, he killed both of Ivan’s parents and Egan’s father. Plus at least one other person.”

  “He should pay.” Lorelis shifted back into his human form. “We should lock him up and throw away the key.”

  “He’s going to stand trial in the world beyond,” Silas announced. “He committed the crimes there and framed Larisa’s father. She came here to clear his name and we would never have gotten this far without her.”

  Ivan slid his arm around his mate’s shoulder, and she leaned into him. “I agree.”

  “I agree, too,” Lorelis added. “The people of Cairnnor deserve a fresh start and that will never happen if Argothorn is imprisoned here. Take him.”

  Silas nodded and lifted his gaze to Fiona. She shifted instantly and Silas lifted Argothorn onto her back before climbing on behind him.

  “Fiona can’t carry us all,” Ivan said.

  “And you can’t shift,” Larisa told him.

  “I’ll carry you,” Egan said.

  “I’ll come, too.” Matheus shifted before his father could argue.

  “I guess we’re hitching a ride home on a dragon.” Ivan hid his embarrassment at not being able to carry his mate home, but his dragon might injure himself more if he used his wing.

  “Let’s get going.” Larisa hooked her arm through his and propelled him toward Egan, while Elise and Caleb got onto Matheus’s back.

  “Take care, son.” Lorelis patted his son’s shoulder, and the dragon turned his head and puffed smoke in his father’s face before he took off.

  Fiona flew in front, while Egan and Matheus followed side by side. Minutes later, they crossed the dragon isle and headed over the ocean to Wishing Moon Bay.

  Matheus’s dragon edged ahead, his expression eager.

  He’s probably never been to Wishing Moon Bay, or anywhere else. His dragon shivered in excitement. Now we have friends on Cairnnor we can visit and learn more about who we are and where we came from.

  We know who we are, Ivan told him. And where we came from.

  As Fiona circled the hotel and landed in the parking lot, his dragon chuckled. You’re right. This is our home.

  They got off the dragons and Silas hauled Argothorn to his feet. The old man looked scared, his eyes wide and unsure as he looked around. “I’ll take care of this,” Silas jerked Argothorn’s arm.

  “How?” Larisa asked as they dismounted from Egan’s back.

  “Argothorn is going to confess because he knows it’s the right thing to do.” Silas bowed his head at Larisa. “Your father can let go of the past.”

  “Thank you.” Larisa’s hand shook as she wiped her eyes. “Thank you all.” She looked at the back of her hand which was smudged with makeup. “I need to go wash this off.”

  “I’m glad it worked,” Egan said.

  “Egan. I can’t thank you and your mom enough.” She flung her arms around Egan’s neck and Ivan fought the need to tear them apart. He had nothing to fear, Larisa was his mate.

  And always will be, his dragon said.

  “I owe you all dinner.” Ivan offered his hand to Egan. “That includes you and your father, Matheus.”

  Matheus, who hadn’t shifted into his human form, lowered his head and nodded, then he leaped into the air and flew off toward the mountains.

  “I felt the same way the first time I came here,” Egan admitted. “I’d like to come back and explore this world.”

  “Let’s hope that your people and our people can all get to know each other now that Argothorn is no longer in power.” Ivan slipped his arm around Larisa’s shoulders as Egan nodded.

  “I’ll come back with news when things have settled down.” He pointed at Silas. “Make sure he never comes back here.”

  Silas nodded. “As soon as we leave, I’ll make sure he never finds his way back to Wishing Moon Bay or Cairnnor.”

  “Good.” Egan walked away from them. “I’ll see you soon.” With that, he shifted, and his dragon took off, heading straight toward Cairnnor. As he flew, Matheus joined him, and the two dragons flew out of sight.

  “Why don’t you two go home and get cleaned up?” Caleb suggested. “We can tell everyone what happened.”

  “Do I look that bad?” Larisa looked down at her clothes. “I look as if I’m in going to a Halloween party as an elf.”

  “I like the look,” Ivan told her. “But maybe we should go home first.”

  “Home.” Her mouth turned down at the corners and her chin trembled. “I need to call my dad and tell him the news.”

  “Come on, we can do that back at my apartment.” He led her to his car, and they got in wearily.

  “It’s finally over.” She buckled her seatbelt and leaned back in her seat.

  “Finally.” He reached for her hand and kissed it. “I don’t want us to be apart like that again. Whatever we face, we do it side by side.”

  “Side by side,” she agreed.

  “There’s one other thing I’d like
us to do side by side.” He chuckled. “That sounds corny but hear me out.” He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the ring he’d chosen from his treasure. “The sapphire reminds me of your eyes and the diamonds are like your hair.”

  “Ivan.” A stray tear trickled down her cheek.

  “I know it’s not the most romantic proposal, but I don’t think I can wait.” He got back out of the car and ran around to the passenger side. “I want to do this properly.” He bent down on one knee and took her left hand in his. “Larisa. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, a wide smile on her face. Ivan pushed the ring onto her finger, and she cupped his face in her hands. “Today seems like a dream. It’s like I spent my whole life fighting to get here.”

  “The fight is over, Larisa,” he murmured. “You won.”

  “We won,” she reminded him. “All of us.”

  “And now it’s our time. I want to raise a family with you and make a life here in Wishing Moon Bay that we can be proud of.” He tilted his head back and kissed her.

  His life was irrevocably changed. And he couldn’t be happier.


  “My dad will be here in a couple of hours.” Larisa snuggled closer to Ivan and kissed his cheek as he tightened his arm around her. “I should get up and get ready.”

  She didn’t move and he chuckled as he turned onto his side and rested his weight on one elbow. “We have plenty of time.”

  “I want everything to be perfect.” Still, she didn’t move.

  “Everything is ready,” Ivan assured her. “My mom and Belle made sure your dad and Simon have the best rooms in the hotel. And Elise is making sure there’s something for them to eat if they’re hungry when they arrive. But we don’t want them to eat too much because I’m making them lunch.”

  “I can’t wait to see them both.” She covered her eyes with her hand and lay back on the pillow.

  “Hey.” He pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. “No tears.”

  “They’re happy tears,” she assured him as she brushed her tears away. “My dad is finally free of the past. We’re finally free to move on with our future. What happened is no longer hanging over us. We know the truth. And more importantly, the police know the truth.”


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