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Nothing Short of a Miracle

Page 15

by Carol Henry

  “Are you all right?”

  She wrung out the washcloth and placed it over her face.

  “Fine,” she hiccupped again, wishing him away.

  “You don’t sound fine. Are you crying?”

  “I never cry.”

  “It sounds like you’re crying.”

  “Go away.” She hiccupped once more. “I’m fine.”

  “Listen, Gabby, I’m really sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ve felt like a heel ever since I kissed you.”

  Gabriella sat up in the tub. Water sloshed over the rim. He was sorry he’d kissed her? It had been a wonderful kiss—she couldn’t stop thinking about it. Obviously their kiss didn’t matter to him if he was sorry he kissed her? On top of everything else, if that didn’t put her in her place, nothing did.

  “I’m sorry, too. I’m sorry I slapped you. You hurt my feelings, but that was no excuse.”

  “I understand. But you didn’t slap Charles’ face. Why is that?”

  “You didn’t give me a chance,” she said, suddenly realizing the truth of it. “You slugged him before I had a chance.”

  “I wonder why?”

  His voice low, Gabriella almost missed his words. Mortified at his comments and their entire conversation, Gabriella slipped deeper into the tub and immersed her entire body underwater, head included, hoping he would just go away so she could be humiliated all on her own.

  But her respite from his closeness was short lived. Two hands lifted her from the tub and the now cool water without ceremony, and she was held tightly against one strong, warm, firm, enticing unclothed body—skin to skin.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Chad whispered harshly against her ear as his face found the curve of her neck. He put her down on the melon-colored throw rug, not letting her go. “Were you trying to drown yourself? God, woman, you scared the hell out of me.”

  Spitting and sputtering, Gabriella’s hair clung to her head, neck, and shoulders, while bubbles slid slowly down her back. Her skin, slick and silky from the foam, was definitely aware of his warm, firm, solid body. He held her tight against him in a sensual embrace. Clasped so close and so tenderly, his reaction to their contact was evident. Her breasts were held captive against a very warm chest, as bubbles continued to slither down her skin in a slow, erotic path. His lips found hers and Gabriella floated, adrift at sea.

  His hardness nestled against her, leaving little doubt as to his own desires. Belatedly, Gabriella extricated herself from his side, for it was sheer madness the reaction he was causing. She shivered, hot and dizzy all at the same time.

  “No-no-” She stuttered, not knowing whether it was in answer to his question, or to try to stop herself from letting her emotions run riot.

  His arms gripped her tighter. She was about to die from the pleasure of it. Her arms slid up and circled his neck at the same time his lips covered hers in another deep, penetrating kiss. As if aware her knees were about to give out, Chad lifted her off the floor and cradled her in his arms.

  “I’m so, so sorry, Gabby. I didn’t mean to hurt you last night.”

  “If you apologize for kissing me one more time, I’ll scream,” she murmured against his lips.

  “Apologize? For kissing you?” he asked. “You’ve got it all wrong. No, Sweetheart, I was apologizing for what happened after the kiss. I never apologize for kissing a lady. Especially, one as enticing as you. It’s all I think about anymore—kissing you. Well, that and other things…”

  Gabriella remembered they were still naked, far more than just toe-to-toe. Shyness washed over her, she snuggled into his neck.

  Chad set her feet back on the rug, lifted her chin and looked deep into her eyes. He slowly wrapped a bath towel around her shivering body, her arms still around his neck.

  “This goes against every principle I’ve ever had when I have a beautiful, enticing and naked women in my arms—letting her go when I have her just where I want her—in my arms.”

  “What if she doesn’t want to be let go?” It was a softly stated question she shouldn’t have asked. She grabbed at the towel like a lifeline and stepped back from his embrace.

  Chad took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I don’t think we’re ready for this yet. There’s still too much unsettled between us that might get in the way.”

  Chad made a pretense of making sure the large, fluffy towel was securely in place before ushering her out of the washroom and down the hall to her room.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Obviously, being a gentleman—and a fool,” he said, chuckling. “With you wrapped around me, naked, it’s becoming impossible. It’s late and I’m sure Nina isn’t going to let you sleep in. I’ll see you in the morning. We’ll talk.”

  Gabriella gazed into his handsome face, and smiled. She must be crazy. She wasn’t sure where this latest episode was taking her, but right now she didn’t care. Chad had kissed her again, and it was even better than the last time. He didn’t believe she was after his fortune. This time she truly believed he trusted her.

  He leaned down and placed a quick but firm kiss on her willing lips, turned and retreated down the hall. He took his time, his white briefs hugging his muscular backside. He turned and caught her staring. Gabriella smiled back. He winked. Her heart sang.

  Oh, Lord. What just happened?

  Gabriella shook her head. If he hadn’t pulled the plug on her feelings they would have made love.

  She lay down on the queen-sized bed, sinking into the old-fashioned feather tick coverlet. Gabriella closed her eyes and wondered what it would be like to make love with Chad. Chad didn’t think she was ready, but she was never more ready in her entire life than she was at this moment. The feelings that coursed through her body when he touched her were like none she’d ever known. She tingled, came alive, responded to him, his kisses, the touch of his skin against hers. The feel of his hardness against her turned her blood to molten lava. Just thinking about it made her mouth go dry as the heat from her body burned at the inner core of her being. It was amazing. It was all consuming.

  Gabriella opened her eyes, turned toward the window and gazed out at the soft, lazy snowflakes drifting past the window in the moonlight. Nina turned over in her crib and sighed. With an effort, Gabriella got out of bed, the towel slipping to the floor. Instead of picking it up and re-wrapping it around her still damp body, she slipped into her nightshirt, and wrapped her hair turban style with the towel. She padded across the floor to check on Nina.

  The room was warm, and the blanket-sleeper Nina wore sufficient to keep her snuggly all night long, but Gabriella made sure all was well.

  She leaned down to kiss the sleeping baby—a precious miracle.

  Chad was right. They had a lot to settle between them before a lasting relationship could form. In her heart, she wanted more than a one-night stand. But was he ready for a long-term relationship?

  The following morning, with Nina bathed and fed, she dallied hoping to avoid Chad—hoping he’d already been down for breakfast and gone back to his room to work so she wouldn’t have to face him right away. She had doubts about last night. Her feelings still raw, she wasn’t quite sure what his feelings were toward her. Sure, there was chemistry between them, but was it enough for a lasting relationship? She wasn’t about to lay her heart bare if he didn’t love her in return. If he didn’t trust her with who he was—a famous writer. Would he accept Nina as part of her life, or would he consider her nothing but a distraction? What about her degree? Although her encounter with Chad the night before was explosive, and opened new doors for both of them, she needed to be cautious with her heart.

  There were too many questions to be answered.

  Gabriella’s spirits fell when Helen told her Chad was called back to Manhattan and had already left.

  “He should be home on Wednesday,” Helen said.

  “Did he finish his novel?” Gabriella asked, excited, but inwardly
upset he never mentioned that he was going back to the city last night. Not even a goodbye, I’ll see you Wednesday.

  More doubts niggled.

  Ethel and Helen looked at each other, then at Gabriella.

  “Yes, I know about his books,” Gabriella said, smiling at their puzzled looks. “I found out quite by accident.” She didn’t explain.

  Ethel’s expression changed, the smile indicating perhaps she knew something.

  “My, my,” Helen said, lifting Nina against her shoulder to make the baby more comfortable. “How did my son react when he found out you knew about his writing?”

  “Not well, I must say. He was very upset.”

  “It’s nothing personal, you know,” Helen said, patting Nina on the back in a slow rhythmic motion. “It’s a closely guarded secret. He tries not to let people know about his career until he gets to know them better.”

  “Why ever not? I read one of his books last night and it’s very good.”

  “It’s the women, you see. Once they find out who he really is, they go after him because of his fame and fortune. He’s become very jaded, I’m afraid.”

  “Oh,” Gabriella exclaimed. Helen’s concern and love for her son was clear. She understood now why he was so protective, and why he didn’t trust her when he’d found his book in her hand. It all made perfect sense. But it didn’t explain Chad’s reaction to her when he lifted her from the tub and held her close. Was he beginning to care? To trust her?

  Ethel poured tea. Several minutes later, Sheila and her kids stopped by for a visit.

  “We’re all going caroling next Saturday evening. Why don’t you join us, Gabby? There’ll be about thirty of us and we usually have a ball—kids and all!”

  “It sounds lovely, but I’d rather not take Nina out in the evening air. It’s too cold to take her out in a stroller.”

  “Now, dear, Nina is still young enough to be no problem for me and Ethel. You can feed her before you go, and we’ll keep her here and rock her by the fire and enjoy ourselves till you all return. Devon, too,” Helen turned to Sheila. “I hope you’ll let him stay with us, as well.”

  “Thanks, Mom. We won’t be gone long and he’s still too little to do anything but sleep.”

  “He can sleep on my lap,” Helen smiled. “Now with all that settled, I need you ladies to do some shopping for me seeing as I can’t get around very well in this contraption.”

  “We can take you to the mall and wheel you wherever you want to go. It shouldn’t be too crowded this afternoon.”

  “No, no. Perhaps if the weather was better. Besides, I’d rather stay with Ethel and enjoy the children. You girls go and have a good time.”

  “Give us a list and we’ll tackle it for you,” Sheila said. “How about it, Gabby, want to come along? The men plan to watch the kids so we can have a mom’s day out. Jodi is going to join us, too.”

  “I’ll call Mindy to see if she’ll keep Nina for a couple of hours.”

  “My dear, Nina can stay here.”

  “Helen, you’re too kind, but as you’re going to watch her while I go caroling, I’m sure Mindy won’t mind in the least. I’ll give her a call right now.”

  But Mindy was busy, much to Gabriella’s surprise, apparently a dinner date. Ethel and Helen kept Nina after all.


  Gabriella was still in bed when Chad left Monday morning—he hadn’t wanted to wake her. Overwhelmed by holding her naked body in his arms the night before, he’d forgotten all about the call from his agent wanting to meet with him on Monday. He figured he’d be back no later than Wednesday morning. He and Gabby could talk and work everything out between them. His meager apology didn’t explain his behavior near enough. He had so much more he wanted to say to her, but being so close to her, touching her, breathing in her scent, had taken away all his coherent thoughts.

  He arrived in Manhattan only to discover major changes were needed on his latest manuscript, and his agent had arranged meetings with the editor, not to mention a last minute release book signing scheduled for Friday.

  On Tuesday evening while attending the publisher’s evening social, Tanya, his ex-fiancée, tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Long time, no see, Bronson, Baby.” Her deep shimmering pink painted lips smiled and pouted at the same time.

  How had he ever considered those lips enticing?

  “The name is Chad, as in Chadwick Hempstead,” he said.

  “I know, darling. But you are Bronson B. Brady, and I’ve always found that charming.”

  “You found my money charming. Whose shirttail have you got a hold of this time? Don’t tell me you’re here alone? Maureen wouldn’t knowingly have invited you to this affair otherwise.” Chad retrieved a drink from one of the many trays being passed around. He desperately needed something to calm his nerves.

  “You haven’t changed, Bron Baby. You’re still the old stuffy bore you always were. I can’t understand how you can write such exciting sexy detective books and be so unemotional in real life.”

  “You never complained when we were together, if I remember correctly.”

  Tanya tucked her arm though Chad’s and nudged closer, her breasts rubbed against his arm through her flimsy dress, the cleavage dipping down to her navel.

  Chad looked into her eyes, raised his eyebrows, and shook his head. He disentangled her from his side just as Ned Harper, another author, approached.

  “Darling, you didn’t tell me you knew Chadwick. How interesting. Chadwick, how’ve you been?” Ned offered his hand and Chad took it in a firm grip. “My congratulations on your new release. I envy you—you’ve had a long run.”

  “I hear you’re not doing too shabby yourself—another three-book contract following your last Sci-fi trilogy. Not bad.”

  Tanya smiled up at Ned, her slender fingers and long cherry talons now wrapped around the other author’s arm. Obviously, Ned was enamored with her, too. Chad felt sorry for Ned. On the other hand, Chad was relieved he’d escaped Tanya’s clutches, no matter the cost.

  Seeing Tanya again had all the old emotional baggage and doubts about whether Gabby cared for him or for Brady crowded his mind. After all, it was only after she’d discovered his pseudonym that she seemed to truly want him, wasn’t it?

  Tanya led Ned across the room. She turned and smiled. A very satisfied smile.

  He’d never considered himself stuffy, and it bothered him to think Tanya thought of him that way. Did others? Did his family think he was stuffy, too? From the way Gabby responded to him, he didn’t think she thought he was stuffy at all. Unless it was all an act.

  Damn Tanya for putting doubts in his mind.

  Chad lifted his almost full glass of Champagne to his taut lips and drank heartily. He didn’t think he was stuffy. He had made snow angels. He’d taken part in a wild snowball fight. He’d decorated a Christmas tree. And he’d had a blast. He was truly alive for the first time in years. His sisters and their families weren’t so bad after all. Gabby as well as her baby had tugged on his heartstrings—holding Nina had been an emotional experience. He wondered what it would be like to have a baby of his own. He’d never wanted children, but after the last few weeks at home with Gabby, he began to change his mind.

  About a lot of things.

  Chad scanned the crowded, noisy room. It wasn’t where he wanted to be. He put his glass down, made his excuses to his host, and left. It was almost three in the morning when he found his way back to his empty studio in mid-Manhattan.

  Alone in his cold, dark, spotless apartment, Chad realized his life was incomplete. And lonely. He wondered if Gabby was thinking about him. He wanted to call her but wasn’t sure what to say. They had left so much unsaid. He couldn’t forget how she had responded to him. She had been too willing—much too willing. He had been the one to put a stop to their last encounter. Gabby had looked disappointed. Now, he wasn’t sure how genuine her feelings really were. Meeting up with Tanya again did nothing but skew his perspective on his
and Gabby’s relationship.

  As the hectic week continued, Chad found it harder and harder to pick up the phone and call home. On Thursday morning, his mother called to see if he was coming home for Christmas.

  “Yes. I’m almost done with the changes and negotiations. I have a book-signing on Friday evening for the Christmas rush. I plan to drive home afterwards,” Chad promised. He was ready to leave the city behind.

  “After having you home the last couple of weeks, it would be a disappointment if you didn’t make it back for Christmas Eve,” Chad’s mother sighed. “Everyone is caroling Saturday evening.”

  “I’m not sure I’ll make it for the caroling, but I’ll be home for Christmas.”


  “So, how’s Dad? Has he been going to the office all week?”

  “He’s fine. Yes, he feels better knowing I’m not alone all day.”


  “How’s Ethel? Still baking up a storm?”

  “Son. I know you don’t give a fig about Ethel’s baking. Why don’t you get right to the point? Why don’t you ask me about Gabriella?”

  “Is she still there?”

  “Still here? Yes she’s still here. Why would she leave?”

  “No reason, I guess.”

  “What’s been going on, Chad? She’s wearing one of the longest faces I’ve ever seen. What have you done now?”


  “Don’t ‘mother’ me. I’m not blind. The two of you have been dancing around each other since you both got here. Why don’t you just admit you’re attracted to her? You haven’t met up with Tanya again, have you? That woman is an evil witch.”



  “Listen, I’ve got to go or I’ll be late for my meeting.”

  “I wasn’t just trying to goad you when I said Gabriella was too good for you, you know. I think the two of you are perfect for each other.”

  “Mother, I do have a meeting and if I don’t leave now they’ll probably cancel my contract.”

  “Not likely. You bring in too much revenue for them. Just talk to her. Give her a chance.”


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