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Twisted Slumber

Page 4

by K Loraine

  His voice rumbles in my mind as I return to consciousness. It takes me a moment to get my bearings. I’m in my bedchamber. It was a dream. God, but what a dream it was.


  The Siren Coven waits for me in the greenhouse. Three of them, all formidable, all deceptively beautiful, with the air of gentle women who'd never hurt a fly. I know the truth. They were partially responsible for the great flood that decimated the earth so long ago. They've been around longer than any of us.

  "Prince Phillip, I thought it strange you'd extend an invitation to us. But now, it's clear." Helena rests one hand on her hip and tosses her dark waves over her shoulder.

  I do my best to paste on a smile, hoping not to betray the desperation of my situation. "You sense her, then?"

  "Of course we have, and not only that, Gwen has had a vision."

  Gwen locks eyes with me, hers holding knowledge I can't even fathom. "Go on, Gwen. Tell me. What did you see?"

  Her brow furrows. "It's not as simple as you breaking her curse. She has to accept the love from those destined to save her."

  "Why wouldn't she accept my love?"

  Izzy, the blond Irish firecracker, steps forward with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Have you told her what you are? I think the wings and fire-breathing and scales might put her off with you."

  She's right. I've had control of my dragon since she arrived, but there's no way I'll be able to live my entire life without shifting. It's not in my nature. And it will drive me mad. "I don't want to scare her away."

  Izzy's mouth turns down in a pout. "Oh, the dashing prince is afraid of scaring away his princess. How sad. If you want her to love you, she has to love all of you. It won't work if she doesn't know. How can she accept your love without accepting all of you?"

  Cold unease curls in my gut. The feeling is unwelcome and impossible to ignore. "Can't you do something to help? Perhaps a spell to bind my dragon? Or, something to ease her fear."

  The three of them look at each other, their eyes telling a story I don't want to accept. Finally, Helena turns her gaze on me. "We can slow the speed of the curse. Keep her from falling under its spell as long as possible, to give you time. But it's important that you hurry."

  "How long will that give me?"

  "I'm not certain. This curse is powerful, and without our fourth, we are not at full strength. Ruby leaving us has taken a toll."

  "The anniversary of her mother's death should be the deadline. If we can keep her safe until then, the curse—"

  "You can't seriously be thinking that you will keep your nature from her until after the curse deadline has passed? That's playing with fire."

  "And if she runs away? She'll meet the same fate as her mother. I can't risk that."

  Izzy reaches out and puts her hand over mine. "Trust me, honesty is the only way you'll win her in the end. You can't lie to her any longer."

  I nod and mutter, "Fine, do your spell. Give me time to explain things properly."

  The three of them link hands, forming a circle with me on the outside, watching as ancient magic is done in my very greenhouse.

  Wind swirls around us, the witches’ hair blowing in all directions as they chant softly together. A sickly green ball of light manifests in the center of the circle, its power growing stronger with each word that leaves their lips. Intense pressure sits on my body, filling the air, changing the atmosphere. My dragon begs for freedom, desperate to escape this uncomfortable weight. And then, the ball bursts and green light fills the room, blowing out the windows of the greenhouse with a loud, crashing sound.

  I can't contain my beast any longer, I rush out the doors and as far into the woods as possible before tearing my clothes from my body and allowing the shift to begin. It's a strange blend of pain and pleasure. As scales erupt along my body, my wings finally free sprouting behind me, and the power, the magic of my true self, bursts forth. I take flight low at the top of the trees, attempting to stay hidden from view. It's dangerous to fly during the day. But the power the witches possess, the power they unfurled, made it impossible for me to contain myself. I fly until I reach the other side of the mountain. And then, I perch at the top, the summit covered in snow, hidden by clouds, and I let out a mighty roar.

  No. There is no way I'll be able to hide who I am from Aurora. It will be impossible. And if Mal realizes what I'm keeping secret from her, he'll use it to his advantage. He'll try to keep her for himself by making me the monster.



  Perched in my secret place, atop a castle, I watch as Phillip walks into the greenhouse. "What are you up to, brother?"

  I get to my feet, walking as close to the window as I can. Green light fills the glass windows, the intense magic making me feel wild. Desperate abandon pushes at my control, and my beast begs for freedom. The glass from every window in the greenhouse bursts as the green light explodes outward. And Phillip, my brother, runs for the woods. I can sense him changing, finally giving in to his dragon. It's been a long time for him. What he doesn't understand is the longer he denies his dragon, the stronger it becomes.

  My beast pushes, attempting freedom, but I've been working my control every night while the castle sleeps. Flying free and acting as a sentinel, protecting what's mine. I push back the need to change, clenching my fingers on the stone windowsill and closing my eyes, desperate to keep my human form. Phillip will be gone for hours at least. This is my chance, my opportunity to be with Aurora without worry of him near. I need her to trust me. I need her to want me.

  I take long, slow breaths until I am certain I have control. The power has faded in the air, and now…now I take my chance. Running my fingers through my hair, I descend the staircase and make my way through the castle. Aurora is the only thing on my mind.

  A small woman dressed in blue with dark hair and big eyes runs straight into me, her hand smacking against my chest as she hits me full force.

  "I beg your pardon." I say, amusement in my tone.

  Her eyes widen, shock making her little Cupid's bow mouth turn to a round O of surprise. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't see you there."

  I chuckle. "You must have been in a rush. I'm not easily missed."

  She looks me up and down, a smile curving her lips.

  "No, I suppose you're not. How tall are you? You look like you’re at least six-foot-four.”

  I nod. "Very good."

  "I'm Merri. Aurora's friend. And you are?"

  I hold out my hand expecting her to shake it, but she just looks at me. "Malachi. Everyone calls me Mal."

  "Bad." She murmurs the word, but I hear her.

  "Do you think I'm bad?"

  "I suppose it depends on what you want. Are you after Aurora?" Her tone holds a defensiveness I hadn't heard in our earlier conversation.

  "Who exactly are you to her?"

  "I've been with her since before her mother was injured. She's one of my best friends. I am protective."

  Narrowing my gaze, I assess her. There's power in her tiny body, not of the human variety. "What are you? Fairie?”

  A little gasp escapes her. Ding, ding. "Do you know about the curse?" I see she didn't answer my question, but her response is very telling.

  "I do. And the prophecy."

  She runs her hand up my belly until she rests over the mark on my chest that she can't possibly know is there. "Dragon. But good or bad?" She hums. "I can't tell. Your name suggests you're bad, your energy suggests confusion."

  "I need to find her. You can't tell her. She doesn't think any of this is real."

  She removes her palm from my chest and backs away, biting her lower lip as she assesses me. "If you do anything to hurt her, I will rain fire on you, and I will haunt you to the ends of the earth. I swear it."

  Movement at the end of the hall stops me before I respond. Aurora, reading a book, walking without care for where she's going. She's dressed in a pair of high-waisted white pants with a soft pink shirt flowing ov
er her form. It's some kind of silky material, and it forms to every curve she has in a tantalizingly demure way. My mouth runs dry, and the attraction, no, affection she stirs in me is concerning. I lock gazes with the little fae and nod my agreement. Then Aurora closes her book and stares at me, an excited gleam in her eyes. She wants me, same as I want her. Oh, this will be like taking candy from a baby.

  I sidestep Merri and stride toward Aurora. "Good afternoon, princess. My brother is otherwise occupied, so he sent me in his stead. Would you care to go for a ride?"

  Aurora's face lights up. "Yes. That sounds lovely. Do I get my own horse this time?"

  I chuckle and thread our fingers together. The connection of our hands feels far too significant. "If you wish. Or, I don't mind riding with you."

  "Nice try. I want to pick a horse. And then, we'll race."

  I nod, pulling her with me toward the front door, ready to get out of this castle and under the open sky.

  Once we're saddled and astride our mounts, me on my midnight black stallion, her on a pure white mare, we take off. We head south of the castle, far away from the direction Phillip took off to. No sense letting him possibly catch sight of us and ruining all my fun. I glance at her, confident in her seat.

  She smiles. "What?"

  "Nothing. You just…the way the afternoon sun shines on your hair makes it look like spun gold."

  Her cheeks turn pink, but then she digs her heels into her horse’s sides and the thing shoots forward, faster than I'd like. She drives the horse into a full lope, then a gallop, and I follow , watching her hair fly behind her. When she's too far away for comfort, I urge my horse on. He's fast, the fastest in the country actually, and we gain on her in no time. The two of us stop at the crest of a hill, looking down at the rolling green landscape before us and the creek in the valley. "Where did you grow up?" she asks.

  I shrug. "Here and there. We were nomadic when I was a child."

  I can't tell her the truth That I was raised alone by my mother, shunned by every dragon we met. Not from my own choices, but for those of my ancestors. Black dragons, green fire, not to be trusted, not to be included.

  "And, your mother just happened to marry a king?"

  "Her father was a lord and her mother a lady. But, they died penniless and disgraced. After the king's wife passed, my mother went to her graveside and laid flowers once a week. A long time ago, the two of them had been friends. Until the queen married him. The story goes that he saw her and watched how she came faithfully every week for a year. And then finally, he approached her. Old feelings returned, blah, blah, blah. You know how it goes."

  Her eyes are downcast, brow furrowed.

  "Have I said something amiss?"

  She swipes at the tears in her eyes and turns her beautiful irises to mine. "No, it gives me hope. For my father. My mother's been dead for a very long time, and he refuses to move on. He holds onto her like somehow he can bring her back. But all it's doing is making him sick."

  I nod. "I admit I've heard stories. The reclusive movie star, driven mad by grief. Convinced there's a curse."

  She sighs. "I don't know how to get him to let it go. He thinks it'll take me just as it took her."

  "Well, do you think if you break this curse in his eyes he'll get better?"

  She sits atop her horse and ponders for a moment before saying, "Possibly. But I don't know how to break the curse in his eyes. How do you break a curse that doesn't exist?"

  "You find true love. Convince him that that's what it is." Emotions war in my chest. Excitement, hope, confusion. "I might be able to help with that." I hate how tight my voice is.

  She smiles, and it's like the sun rising. "Mal, I don't know if it does exist." She trails off, and a cloud passes over the sun.

  "It's all right. I know, Phillip is the one you want. But, consider me a willing participant."

  A roar fills the air, nearly deafening. And that shadow I thought passed over the sun passes us again above the clouds. Dread curls in my stomach. It's Phillip. He's seen us, and there's nothing I'll be able to do to escape his wrath. "Come on, it looks as though we're about to have a storm."

  "Was that thunder? I've never heard thunder like that."

  "You've never been in Ashea before."

  Together we ride back to the castle, and I'm desperate to beat Phillip there. But, as we approach the stables, there he is. Standing with a stormy expression on his face, and eyes burning molten gold.

  Fucking Phillip.

  Fucking Phillip and his damned princely ways.

  Fucking Phillip and his perfectly pressed suits and shiny fucking shoes.

  He’s got her seated right next to him at the head table when I make my way into the ballroom. The guests chatter and dance, and music weaves magic all around us. Three of the four witches of the Siren Coven stand together, two of them with their husbands at their sides, tension rolling off them in waves as they stare at me. I wonder where their fourth got off to.

  They’re fabled to be the strongest coven in the world, and part of me thinks Phillip brought them here to break the curse. I smirk. What a fool. He can’t break it. Not unless he’s her true love. He must be confident she’ll choose him.

  The little blond witch stares daggers in my direction again and the rest of her companions follow her gaze. Pure distrust glitters in their eyes.

  I give it right back to them. My look says, yeah, sure, watch me all you want. I’m the bad one. I’m the wicked dragon from the prophecy. But really, I just want to bring down Phillip. He’s got the woman meant for me on his arm.

  He stole her from me.

  But I’m going to take her back. Somehow. Instead of quietly skulking in the shadows, I stride down the center of the ballroom, muttering, “Move,” at each dancing couple too distracted to get out of my way. The music stops, and the crowd murmurs.

  “Your royal princeliness, or whatever I’m supposed to call you. I’ve come to claim my seat at the table.” I don’t bow. He doesn’t deserve that.

  Phillip’s eyes blaze with fire and challenge. “You haven’t been invited to join us, Malachi.”

  “Ah, yes, that is a pesky problem, isn’t it?” I lock gazes with Aurora, whose cheeks are a tempting shade of pink. Her blue gown makes every bit of aqua in her eyes stand out. “But I think your little princess wants me to be here. In fact, I know she does. She invited me after all.”

  Phillip cuts a glance to Aurora, but she won’t look at him. She’s staring straight at me. “I think she can speak for herself. Aurora? Did you invite Malachi to join us?”

  Her brows pull together in a sexy little furrow. “I did, but…I thought it was a dream.”

  “There you have it. She did. Now, will someone get me a plate? I’m starved.” I bound up the steps that lead to the raised platform displaying the royals like targets lined up for shooting practice, then walk behind the table to where a member of Aurora’s entourage has been seated. “Do you mind, love?”

  She widens her eyes and looks from me to Aurora, but scoots down until there’s space for me. A servant bustles over, shifting the place setting and adding a new one for me. Then they bring me a chair. The whole show is wildly entertaining and I revel in the anger boiling close to the surface in Phillip. He’s wishing he could kill me here and now, but that would expose who he really is to his precious Aurora. I don’t think he has the stones for that.

  When I sit, my thigh brushes hers, and she tenses, moving away. It’s not the kind of reaction I want from her. I want her to be as affected by me as I am by something as simple as the soft perfume she wears. Instead, she recoils. This is all his fault. I lean close and whisper, “You don’t have to deny what you want for his benefit, you know.”

  She sits up straighter and stares at the people on the dance floor. Then she turns her head toward Phillip. “I think I’d like my handsome prince to show me what it feels like to dance at a royal ball.”

  Phillip smirks—the bastard—and stands, taking her hand
and helping her to her feet. “As you wish, darling.”

  Jealousy rages, searing through my veins and making me desperate to have her in my arms. I watch the two of them as he twirls her around with a flourish. The skirt of her gown swirls and rises, displaying nothing more than her calves, but it’s enough. I’m hard. Fuck, just the sight of her damn ankles and I’m straining against my trousers like a teenager.

  “Right, that’s enough of that.” I push my chair back and make my way to the center of the dance floor where Phillip has Aurora in his arms.

  He pulls her closer, his eyes locked with mine. I don’t back down. He has as much claim to her as I do.

  I snag her hand and tug her out of his hold. Phillip is too much of a gentleman to stop me. He won’t risk making a scene. Not in front of everyone.

  Aurora gives a little gasp, but she doesn’t refuse me. She lets me hold her tight. Gods but she feels amazing in my arms. “You shouldn’t have done that,” she says.

  “I’m not afraid of Phillip.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Then what do you mean?”

  “It puts me in a difficult position.”

  I chuckle, unable to stop myself. “I’ll put you in a difficult position if that’s what you want. Come to my room tonight.”

  Her eyes spark with challenge. “You’re bad.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  I spin her out, then yank her back until her body is fully against mine. I’m sure she can feel my erection pressing into her hip. Good. I want her to know what she does to me. I can only hope she wants me as much as I want her. There’s lust in her eyes, but indecision too. “I’m not meeting you in your room.”

  I wink. “That’s fine. I’ll find you in your dreams.”

  Mouth open in a shocked O, she doesn’t respond.

  I lean in and whisper, “So you did dream of me.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “But I was right. Wasn’t I?”

  She pushes away from me, pink spots on her cheeks, and lands right back in Phillip’s arms. But I don’t care now. I got to her. I felt her heart racing, the warmth of her in my arms. That’s enough for now.


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