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Madness Unbalanced

Page 13

by ML Guida

  “What?” Tom turned around, immediately releasing Chloe’s wrist. “Stella––”

  “Ms. Evans.”

  Two security guards stood on either side of her.

  “You will leave the conference. All your appointments have been cancelled.”

  Chloe was impressed by her no-nonsense tone.

  More of a crowd gathered at the pool. Tom looked around. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Your conversation with Chloe Pitt has been broadcasted throughout the conference. I can’t allow anyone to intimidate or harass my fellow authors. I will be reporting you to the Romance Writers of America for an investigation, and I will personally report you to the police department.”

  He whirled around, bearing his teeth at Chloe. He put both his hands on the table and rose out of his seat. “You bitch!”

  She shrank, her heart nearly leaping out. She gulped down breaths, unable to speak.

  The crowd parted as Drake barreled his away over to her. He growled and Tom took a step back. Stella’s eyes widened when Drake rested his hands on Chloe’s shoulders. She leaned back, needing to draw on his strength.

  Stella smiled.

  Tom pounded his fist on the table. “I demand––”

  “You will demand nothing, Mr. Burrows.” Her smile vanished. She pointed. “You will leave this conference or I will have the police escort you out. Your choice.”

  Tom looked around nervously, then headed toward the crowd.

  “Asshole,” someone murmured.

  “His career’s over,” another one muttered.

  Stella looked between Chloe and Drake. “I’m sorry. I…” She motioned with her arm. “The whole industry owes you an apology.” She frowned. “How did you accomplish this?”

  Chloe held up one finger. Tears formed on the back of Chloe’s eyes, and her throat dried up. She’d waited for the truth to come out, and thanks to Drake, it was out. She looked up at her dragon and allowed him to help her out of the chair.

  “Thank you.” She lifted her hair. “Drake?”

  He undid the clasp and brushed his fingers over her skin, sending chills down her back. She turned around. He molded his hand over the dragon pendant then put it in his pocket. “It’s off.”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  Stella frowned. “What’s off?”

  “My dragon pendant.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “It was a microphone?”

  Drake nodded. “Yes. Our technology is superior to Earth’s.”

  Stella lifted her eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  Chloe gripped Drake’s arm. “He’s teasing.”

  Drake shrugged, but kept his mouth shut.

  This time Stella had tears in her eyes. “I’ve been such a fool.” She held out her arms. “Chloe, will you forgive me for not believing you?”

  Chloe smiled. These were the words she’d longed to hear. She hugged her. “Of course. He was very convincing.”

  Stella wiped the tears out of her eyes. “So, are you going to introduce me?”

  “Drake, this is my friend, Stella Evans.”

  He held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Wow, that’s some grip you’ve got.” She released his hand. “You’ve changed, Chloe. You’re more confident. Wait a minute. Are you wearing colored contacts?”

  Chloe laughed. “Maybe. If you’ll excuse me, Drake has to make do on a promise.”

  “Sure. I’ll leave you both.” Nervousness crept into Stella’s voice and she quickly exited the pool.

  “That thing’s really off?” Chloe put her hand on his back pocket.

  “I told you it was. So, what’s this promise?”

  “I want to go paddle boarding.”

  “I’m not good at that.” He pushed her hair behind her ears.

  “I know.” She locked her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. Delighted he was hungry for her. I like keeping you unbalanced. You’re sexy when you’re vulnerable.”

  “How can I resist?”

  “Did I tell you how much I love you?”

  “Every day.”

  “Thank you for this. I can’t believe I actually confronted him. I was so scared.”

  “You’re my mate and my world. I can deny you nothing.” He grinned. “Even going paddle boarding.”

  “When we go paddle boarding, I want to wear the dragon necklace–minus the microphone.”


  “Because I always want you close to my heart.”

  “You’ve already captured it.”

  They left the pool, holding hands. Before they left for Mexico, Drake paid a visit to Tom’s house. Tom was more than eager to post a retraction and hand over all of Chloe’s pictures to a pissed off dragon.

  The next day, they were back in Mexico and cruising to her favorite private spot. The sun warmed her body and drops of water sprayed in the air, landing on Drake’s naked back. She could hardly wait to run her fingers over his warm flesh. He eased the boat into the cove, where they were alone.

  “So, we really have to do this?”

  “Tell me, dragon.” She walked her fingers up his naked chest, running them over his jagged scar, still not believing he’d stabbed himself to save her. “Ever made love in the ocean?”

  “No, I haven’t, but I’m willing to try.” He grabbed her hips and pushed them against his hard cock, making her gasp.

  She tilted her head. “Get the boards out and get out of those shorts.”

  They both stripped and were in the ocean. Chloe never thought she’d be doing this, but her dragon had opened a whole new world, leaving her with a confidence she never thought she’d possess. She trusted him more than anyone. Her unbalanced world was gone, and all she saw was a future of happiness.

  Water flapped over her. Her pulse raced as another orgasm built inside her. She clutched his shoulders tight as he thrust his cock again and again deep inside her, his hands gripping her buttocks. The dragon pendant sparkled in the sun, warming her chest. She locked her legs around him, knowing he’d never let her go, never let her be hurt, never let her fall. She was his mate and he was hers–blood for blood, heart for heart.

  Do you love dragons, witches, pirates? Then check out my books in S.E. Smith’s Magic New Mexico Series.

  Excerpt from Touch of Madness

  Theo tossed and turned in his bed, breaking out in a hot sweat. He drifted into the mysterious dream like he had every night ever since he discovered he was a shape-shifting dragon. But the dream offered no answers–only more questions…

  Dragons of every color flew through the midnight sky exhaling fire, chasing each other around the two moons that orbited the planet. He thought about shifting and joining them, but many times, he’d shifted and chased the dragons, but he could never catch them. Any time he tried to speak to anyone in his dream he’d awake disappointed.

  Magnificent mountains rose high around the lush valley where there was a three-turret castle veiled in an aqua mist.

  Theo walked along a familiar path toward the castle, inhaling the fragrant smell of exotic flowers and pine. Pine trees of every kind and some he’d never seen before decorated the valley and mountains. Despite the fire breathing dragons, the air was cool and crisp. He’d been here many times and knew if he reached the castle, he would receive answers. But every time he reached the portcullis, he woke up frustrated, tangled in his sheets.

  “Come, Theo,” a female voice urged. “I have need to talk with you.”

  The mist slowly dissipated from the fortress, revealing not four turrets, but five. The hidden one was bigger than the others and had a balcony large enough for twenty people. He didn’t know how he could have missed it. His heartbeat quickened, and he broke out into a hot sweat as he hurried toward the castle, terrified he’d wake before he entered.

  “You’ll not awaken this time,” the voice said. “I promise.”

  Not sure he believed her, he broke out in a dead run. He was abou
t to rush inside when a guard blocked his way. He wasn’t any ordinary guard. He wore two leather baldrics across his chest. Not only did he have a sword, but he had a gun that looked like a laser right out of a sci-fi movie. He had a tattoo the shape of a Native American headdress on his right shoulder like Theo’s, which Theo hadn’t had until he transformed into a dragon for the first time.

  The guard put up his hand. “Halt.”

  Theo skidded to a stop. “Who are you?”

  “I am Servius. The Queen has asked me to escort you to her. Follow me.”

  Servius didn’t wait for Theo to answer. He led him down a hallway that opened into a Great Hall, where instead of a wooden or stone ceiling, it looked like something from outer space. Stars, planets, and galaxies that seemed to move around. “What is this place?”

  “I’m not authorized to answer your questions. Queen Antonia will answer some of your questions.”

  “Some?” Theo grumbled. He didn’t like the sound of that, especially since Servius knew more than what he was telling.

  Servius led Theo to a slender black-haired woman sitting on a simple throne. He stood on the other side of her, her only guard, but Theo had known enough witches to know that this woman probably didn’t need a guard. She had on a wispy aqua gown the same color of the mist outside. Around her slender neck, she wore a silver medallion with a sparkling diamond in the center.

  “Greetings, Theo,” she said.

  Theo recognized the voice he heard calling to him earlier. “Are you the queen?”

  “I am. Queen Antonia of the Dragons.” She smiled. Theo was surprised, because she looked like she was in her twenties.

  “Are you a shifter?”

  “No, only the males of my race are shifters, but the women possess other powers.”

  She didn’t tell him what powers, and Theo didn’t ask. He was still trying to digest this place that was more magical than Magic, New Mexico.

  “Is this real?” he asked.

  “What do you think?”

  “My mind says no, but my heart–”

  “Says yes,” she finished for him. “To answer your question, this is real.”

  “Servius wouldn’t tell me, but what is the name of this place?”

  “That, unfortunately, I can’t tell you. Your mother escaped to Earth and asked that you never know the name of this planet in order to keep you safe.”

  “Safe from whom?”

  “Sadly, another question I cannot answer.”

  “Why the hell not?” His voice turned into more of a growl then he had intended.

  Servius unleashed his sword. “You will not talk crossly to the queen.”

  Theo lowered his head. “My apologies, Your Highness, but why have you brought me here?”

  “To answer the questions that you need to know. Your mark for instance.”

  Theo waited patiently, even though he wanted to shake every answer out of her stubborn head.

  “The mark you–” She tilted her head. “Servius also bears the mark of the Lumis dragon, which are the orange and yellow dragons. You are the light that protects your homes and your soulmates.”

  Theo frowned. “I have a soulmate?”

  “Yes, all dragons do. You mate for life and can be with no other. Your position is to guard Magic, which we feel is a special place, because it is a haven for not only magical folk, but aliens as well.”

  “So, my father was a Lumis dragon?”

  “Yes, he was, but he was killed, which is why your mother fled to Earth and left you in Magic. His best friend killed him. That is all I can tell you. My purpose is not to tell you about your past, but your future.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s my future?”

  “Your mate is in danger, and without her, you’ll never be able to control your powers and will become a menace to those you love.”

  “That’s not very comforting.”

  “You must make her fall in love with you.”

  “I thought we were mates.”

  “You are, but soulmates do not necessarily mean true love. Only true love can make her whole.”

  About the Author

  Award Winning Author M.L. Guida loves the paranormal. Even when she was four years old, she would watch the soap opera, Dark Shadows, and fell in love with vampires! Who wouldn't want a bite on the neck? But she didn't stop there. Witches, dragons, angels, and demons are sprinkled throughout her books.

  Today, she continues to love the preternatural and watches Supernatural, Paranormal Survivor, and A Haunting. Like Dean Winchester, she loves to write alpha males who aren't afraid to face the forces of evil.

  If you don’t want to miss another book, sign up for ML Guida’s Supernatural Scroll

  Also by ML Guida

  The Worlds of Magic, New Mexico

  Touch of Curiosity

  Touch of Darkness

  Dragons of Zalara

  Madness Unleashed

  Madness Unhinged

  Madness Unmasked

  Legends of the Soaring Phoenix

  A Pirate’s Curse

  A Pirate’s Revenge

  A Pirate’s Agony

  A Pirate’s Obsession

  A Pirate’s Bane

  A Pirate’s Darkness

  Angels of Death





  Copyright © 2018 by ML Guida

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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