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The Gunsmith 424

Page 7

by JR Roberts

  The man named Bruce came running back, as if he’d expected something terrible to have happened while he was gone.

  “Are you all right, Laura?”

  “I’m fine, Bruce,” she said. “What did Father say?”

  Bruce gave Clint a hard look, which wasn’t easy, because he wasn’t a hard looking man. He had a little too much around his middle for that.

  “Father said to bring him up to his residence,” Bruce said. “He wants to talk with him.”

  “There, see?” she said to Bruce. “We don’t refuse anyone.” She looked at Clint and opened the gate. “Come, I’ll show you the way.”

  “No, Laura, I’ll do it—”

  “Oh, go back to work, Bruce!” she snapped. “Mr. Adams and I have been getting along very well, I’ll show him where Father’s residence is.” She smiled at Clint. “Come this way.”

  “Thank you, Laura.” He looked at the man. “Thanks, Bruce.”

  This time Bruce almost pouted like a little boy as Laura and Clint walked off.

  The people they passed gave Clint curious stares, and he noticed something.

  “These people don’t seem to be very happy,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I don’t see many smiles.”

  “They’re working,” the woman said. “Who smiles when they’re working?”

  She led him to a house he knew was Stoll’s from the last time he was there, peering out front the tree. She knocked, and the door was opened by another woman, a little older, sultry looking. Her dress appeared to have been put on in haste, and she seemed out of breath.

  “Brenda, I’ve brought Mr. Adams here to see Father.”

  “Sure,” Brenda said, “I’m finished with him. Or he’s finished with me. One of the two.” She pushed past both of them, and Clint knew from the smell of her. She was a woman who had just had sex.

  She gave Clint a look up and down and said, “Better be careful he don’t finish with you, too, mister.”

  She moved on, staggering as she went.

  “She’s drunk,” Clint sad.

  “Oh, that can’t be,” Laura said. “There’s no drinking allowed here. Not in the compound, and certainly not in Father’s house.”

  Whiskey and sex, Clint thought as they entered. Not exactly the message “Father” Stoll was trying to send.

  “Father?” she called. “It’s Laura. I have Mr. Adams here.”

  “I’ll be right out,” came the man’s voice from the other room, presumably a bedroom.

  When Stoll emerged he was drying his face and hands with a towel.

  “Thank you, Laura,” he said to the woman. “That’ll be all, dear.”

  “Yes, Father.” She looked at Clint. “Good-bye, Mr. Adams.”

  “Good-bye, Laura. And thank you.”

  She nodded, smiled at Stoll, and left. Tension filled the air as the two men faced each other.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Are you here to kill me?” Stoll asked.

  “No, just talk.”

  “Give me a minute, then.”


  Stoll went back into the bedroom. Moments later he was back, wearing a fresh shirt.

  “Have a seat, Mr. Adams,” he said. “Would you like something? Coffee, perhaps.”

  “How about whiskey?” Clint asked. “Or a beer.”

  “I’m afraid we don’t keep those spirits around here,” Stoll said. “In fact, they’re not allowed in town.”

  “Really?” Clint asked. “A lady left here as we were coming in. Her name was Brenda?”

  “Yes,” Stoll said, “Sister Brenda was here on Kingdom business.”

  “Well,” Clint said, “that Kingdom business seemed to have gotten her drunk.”

  “That’s impossible,” Stoll said, with a smile.

  “And another thing,” Clint said. “If I know anything about women, she’d just had sex.”

  The smiled disappeared.

  “Now you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Come on, Stoll,” Clint said. “I happen to know that you require the women here to sleep with you, on command.”

  “Is that why you came here?” Stoll asked. “To slander me?”

  “I told you,” Clint said. “I came to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “You’ve got this town under your thumb.”

  “I prefer to think they are following the right path, and I am leading them.”

  “That young man who was with me this morning at boot hill,” Clint said. “His name is Tully, Lew Tully.”

  “I know,” Stoll said. “His father was the undertaker.”

  “Well, now young Lew might be the undertaker,” Clint said. “He buried his grandfather, and now he’s buried Aggie Kimball.”

  “That jezebel!”

  “I want that woman to stay buried,” Clint said. “Do you understand me?”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “I’m telling you that nobody had better try digging her up,” Clint said. “And another thing, nothing better happen to Lew Tully. If he so much as falls down in the street, I’ll be back here for you.”

  “Now that is a threat,” Stoll said.

  “That’s a promise,” Clint said. “You’ve got all these people buffaloed, but not for much longer. I’m going to prove what you’re nothing but a fraud.”

  “How do you propose to do that?” Stoll asked.

  “You’ll find out,” Clint said. And he thought, as soon as I figure it out.

  “You’d better go, Mr. Adams,” Stoll said. “The faithful don’t need your kind around here.”

  “I’m going, but I’ll be back, Stoll. You can bet on it. To me, you’re no higher power, and you’re not in touch with one. Father Paul will once again be the spiritual leader of the town.”

  “Go ahead, come back,” Stoll said. “You’ll run into my disciples again, and this time there won’t be an audience from the town. There won’t be a useless priest and an even more useless lawman watching.”

  “Good,” Clint said. “Then I won’t have to worry about anybody seeing me use my gun. And if you send your disciples after me, like I told you this morning, you’re the first one who’s going to meet with a bullet.”

  “You don’t frighten me, Adams,” Stoll said, but Clint could see in his eyes that he was lying.

  He turned and walked to the door, then turned back.

  “You’re a menace to the women in this town, Stoll,” Clint said. “I’m going to save them.”

  Stoll laughed. “Now who thinks he’s a higher power, Adams?”

  “My higher power is my gun, Stoll,” Clint said. “It always has been, no matter how I might wish it wasn’t.”

  He opened the door, walked out and slammed it behind him. Outside he found somebody waiting for him, with her arms folded beneath her full breasts. Her dress was still a little disheveled.

  “Hello, Brenda.”

  “I get the feelin’ you wanna talk to me.”

  “You’re right,” Clint said. “Can we go somewhere?”

  “You got a hotel room?”

  “I do.”

  “Let’s go there.”

  “Aren’t you worried about your reputation?”

  “Are you kiddin’?” she asked. “My reputation was tarnished a long time ago, thanks to Father Stoll.”

  “All right, then,” Clint said. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Clint and Brenda left through the front gate, and he could see Laura watching them as they went. They walked to town without talking, into his hotel and up to his room. He opened the door and waved her in.

  “After you.”

  She walked in past him, and he followed, closing the door behind them.

  “You got anything to drink in here?” she asked.

  “Nope,” he said. “Thanks to Mr. Stoll, there’s not a bottle of whiskey to be had in town.”

  “Ah, that’s okay,” she
said. “I had enough with him. He drinks, you know. Not so that it’ll show, but he does.”

  “And he takes the women in his compound to bed, right? For sex?” Clint asked.

  “Oh yeah,” she said. “I knew you could tell he had me. I could see it in your eyes.”

  “Why do you stay, then?” he asked. “Why do you do it?”

  “Well,” she said, “for one thing, I really like sex. I don’t like being just another of his women.”

  Now Clint got it. She didn’t like that he had other women. She wanted to be the only one on “Father’s” arm.

  She sat on the bed and leaned back on her hands, which showed her full body off to her best advantage. Also, he noticed that she smelled fresh, rather than the way she had as she brushed past him coming out of Stoll’s residence.

  “So what’s on your mind, Brenda?”

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “Weren’t you just with Mr. Stoll?”

  “Oh, that?” she asked. “He got me worked up, but we were interrupted before we could seal the deal.”

  “How many other women is he sealing the deal with?”

  “These days? Probably eight or ten.”

  “That must take a lot of energy.”

  “Well,” Brenda said, “Father is nothin if not a ball of energy. He refers to himself as a satyr. Do you know what that is?”

  “I have an idea.”

  “Well, I didn’t,” she said. “He had to explain it to me.”

  “I thought they were some sort of woodland creature,” Clint commented.

  “Yes, but accordin’ to Father they are known for—what did he call it?—‘unrestrained revelry.’ Father’s idea of revelry is sex.”

  “And how do you feel about being one of ten?”

  “Oh, I don’t like it,” she said. “Not at all. When I’m with a man I want to be the center of attention.”

  She arched her back a bit, which thrust her breasts forward. He had already noticed how full and round she was, and now he could see her nipples outlined beneath the fabric of her dress.

  “Well,” Clint said, “considering your obvious charms, I don’t see how you could not be.”

  “You’re sweet,” she said, “and I’ll bet you’re a bit of a devil with the ladies yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Mmmm,” he said, “you called me ‘sweet’ and a ‘devil’ in the same sentence.”

  She shrugged, sat up straight, crossed her arms, grasped the edges of her dress and pulled it so that it ended up bunched around her waist. As he’d suspected, she was naked beneath it. Those full breasts came tumbling out, all pale and round and pink-tipped.

  “And which do you feel like now?” she asked.

  “Oh,” he said, “a devil, definitely.”

  She smiled lasciviously. “I was hopin’ you’d say that.”


  Stoll opened the door in response to the knocking and admitted Dan Erskine.

  “What’s up, Boss?” Erskine asked. He and one or two of the other disciples were the only ones who didn’t call Stoll “Father.”

  “Clint Adams was just here,” Stoll said. “He’s going to be a problem.”

  “I thought he was already a problem.”

  “Well, he’s going to be a bigger one,” Stoll said. “We have to get rid of him.”

  “Want me to run him out of town?”

  “How many of you would that take?” Stoll asked.

  “Well,” Erskine said, “he didn’t seem bothered this morning by five of us. So I’d say eight to ten.”

  “Do we have ten?”

  “I can get them.”

  “All right, then,” Stoll said, “do it. Get ten men together, and make sure they won’t flinch at shooting him, if it comes to that.”

  “I don’t think any of my men would mind being the one who shot and killed the Gunsmith,” Erskine said.

  “Good. Now, about the fee.”

  “You pay me, and I’ll pay them,” Erskine said. “Believe me, it won’t take me much to get them to go against the Gunsmith, not in a group like that.”

  “And how much will you want?” Stoll asked.

  “Oh, enough to make it worth my while.”

  “All in cash?”

  “Well,” Erskine said, “there are some interestin’ lookin’ females around here ... ”

  “Which ones?”

  “Well, Brenda, to start.”

  “Ah yes,” Stoll said, “Brenda has quite an appetite though, Erskine. Are you sure you can handle her?”

  Erskine smiled, which made his ugly face even uglier. “I think I’d like to try.”

  “Very well,” Stoll said, “you’re usual fee, and some time with Brenda.”

  Okay,” Erskine said, heading for the door, “I’ll get my men together.”

  “Let me know when you do,” Stoll said. “I’ll give you the word when you can go ahead.”

  Erskine nodded and left.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Brenda stood up so she could wriggle out of her dress the rest of the way, which did wonderful things for her flesh, causing the right parts to jiggle in the right way. When she was completely naked she stood and posed, hands on hips.

  “Well, Mr. Devil,” she said. “One of us has too many clothes on.”

  It didn’t take him long, first the gunbelt on the bedpost, and then the boots tossed across the room. After that he got rid of his shirt and trousers, underwear, and was as naked as she was.

  “My, my, I have to say I’m not disappointed.”

  She closed the distance between them, took his erect penis in her hands and stroked it. He could smell soap on her, but once again that sex smell was wafting up from between her legs, so he assumed that she was already “worked up,” again.

  He reached for her, gathered her to him and kissed her. Her mouth opened and she moaned into his. He slid his hands down her back until they were cupping her chunky ass cheeks, which were as smooth as silk, and hot.

  She released his hard cock and put her arms around his neck so that she could lean into the kiss more. He enjoyed the heat of her against his own body.

  “I know,” she said. “I get very hot when I’m excited.”

  “Well then,” he replied, “I can only assume that you’re very excited, at the moment.”

  “Worked up,” she said, with her lips against his neck, “is my phrase. I’m very worked up.”

  He squeezed her ass hard, and then slapped it. She grabbed his cock again and tugged him to the bed, where they fell, locked together.

  They kissed for a long time, their legs entangled, his erection trapped between them, the heat emanating from it rivaling hers.

  “Jesus, that’s hot!” she exclaimed, reaching between them.

  “I guess I’m worked up, too,” he said.

  She kissed his neck, his chest, ran her tongue around his nipples, then worked her way lower, running her tongue down over his belly. She rubbed her face against his pubic bush, then licked the length of his cock up the underside, and then down again, then up again, stopping at the head, which she popped into her mouth. She teased him with her tongue and her lips, and then allowed the rest of his cock to glide past her lips, little by little, until most of him was inside. She sucked him, then, moving her head up and down, moaned so that he could feel the vibrations of the sound in his shaft.

  At that moment he wondered what Miss Brenda had been doing for a living before Father Stoll brought her into the Kingdom?


  Sheriff Gaines looked up as the door to his office opened and Dan Erskine entered. Gaines sat back in his chair watching as the man approached the desk.

  “What’s on your mind, Dan?” he asked. “Mr. Stoll send you over here?”

  Erskine sat in the chair across from Gaines.

  “Just wanted to see how my old buddy is doin’?” Erskine said.

  “I’m fine,” Gaines said. “What’s Stoll got you doin’ now? Diggin’ up bodies?�

  “What? Now, why would he waste my talents on somethin’ like that?” Erskine asked.

  “Then the only other thing he could be plannin’ on doin’ is sendin’ you after the Gunsmith,” Gaines said. “How do you think you woulda done this mornin’ if I hadn’t come along?”

  “We woulda handled it, Sheriff,” Erskine said.

  “Not with only five men,” Gaines said. “I pretty much saved your life, Dan. And I know I saved Stoll’s life. And maybe that wasn’t a good thing.”

  “There are a lot of people in town who wouldn’t agree,” Erskine said. “They depend on him for guidance.”

  “Come on, Dan,” Gaines said. “You’re not one of those people. I know you better than that. The only thing you believe in when it comes to Stoll is his money.”

  “Man’s gotta make a livin’, Sheriff,” Erskine said, standing up. “What are your plans for the Gunsmith?”

  “I just wanna make sure he doesn’t kill anybody,” Gaines said, “and nobody kills him.”

  “That may be hard, considering who he is,” Erskine said. With that comment he turned and walked out.

  “And,” Gaines said to the empty air, “considering who you are.”


  Brenda continued to suck Clint until he couldn’t take it anymore. When he was about to reach down for her, she released him from her mouth, climbed atop him and took him into her vagina. If the inside of her mouth was like an oven, the inside of her pussy was like a volcano.

  She started bouncing up and down on him, the movements creating more of those wonderful jiggle moments with her flesh. She put her hands behind her head, arched her back and rode him for all he was worth. When he exploded inside of her she covered her face with her hands, which muffled her screams ...


  Later, as she dozed in a satisfied state, he slid down between her legs and used his tongue to make his way through her pubic thatch until he found the still moist lips of her pussy. He licked her awake, then used his elbows to pin down her thighs while he licked and sucked at her. She came awake and enjoyed the sensations but when the pleasure became too great—the kind of pleasure that was almost painful—she tried to get away, but couldn’t. He had her anchored there, so she simply had to wait for the waves and waves of pleasure to subside. Again she muffled her screams behind her hands, until he moved over her and drove his hard cock deep inside of her, once again enjoying that volcanic heat.


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