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Taken by the Wind

Page 3

by Serenity Snow

  She’d deal with reason when she woke up in the morning.

  If she woke, the rational part said, trying to creep back in. The woman could be a serial killer or something, but it wasn’t like she was incapable of protecting herself from a mere mortal.

  She pulled past the motel’s lighted sign announcing vacancies.

  But what if she has a disease? Can you deal with that? Her rational self demanded acerbically.

  “I know what I could be getting into, but Aria is everything a girl could want in a fling. She is tall, dark, and gorgeous.”

  Fling? This might not last more than an hour.

  She pulled past an island of flowers and leafy green miniature trees and into a parking space. Juliet watched Aria step into the small hotel’s registration office.

  “Yeah, I know, but it might just be up to me if I see her again or not. And if not, I’ll have tonight. I’ll be satisfied with that.”

  Aria stepped out of the office, climbed into her SUV and started it up before driving around to the back of the hotel where well-tended vibrant green trees mingled with pretty flowers to peek out of the cement planter that contained them.

  Juliet parked in the space next to Aria’s vehicle as the other woman climbed out. Aria rounded the SUV with lithe grace. Aria leaned against her vehicle just watching her, waiting as Juliet unfastened the seatbelt. She peered out at Aria in the parking lot, well-lit by pale light that mingled with some shadows.

  Mind made up, Juliet climbed out, but Aria didn’t straighten. She just kept watching her as if she expected her to change her mind. Juliet went to her, standing toe-to-toe with her. Aria’s gaze seemed to flash with electricity and Juliet shivered.

  “Been here once or twice?” she asked in a teasing tone as her muscles quivered.

  “Once,” Aria admitted with a shrug. “Change of heart?”


  Aria studied her and then averted her gaze for a moment. “I’ve been working a great deal lately, and you’re the first woman I’ve been with in four months. I am disease-free though. I test every three months.”

  That was to the point, but it saved her the trouble of asking. “I’m clean, too.”

  “We’re in number ten.”

  Juliet locked her car door and clicked the alarm before heading to the room. Aria unlocked the door and reached in to turn on the light before allowing Juliet inside. The worn carpet looked clean and the white walls were unblemished, while the big bed was covered with a dark comforter.

  Aria closed the door and leaned against it as Juliet faced her. Juliet watched her for a moment and then leaned toward her, resting one hand against the door next to Aria. The other woman’s heat flared up like a flame and beckoned to her.

  Boldly, Juliet brushed her lips against Aria’s. She didn’t rush the kiss. Instead, she savored the warm soft lips beneath hers and moved closer allowing her other hand to stroke Aria’s side.

  Aria’s lips parted on a moan and Juliet’s tongue darted inside to glide against Aria’s.

  The lingering taste of whiskey filled her senses and the feel of Aria’s tongue was an explosion of sensation throughout Juliet’s body, heating her from the outside in.

  Aria gripped Juliet’s hips and pulled her tight against her as she thrust one knee between Juliet’s legs. The hardness of her thigh pressed against the pad of Juliet’s pussy, the delicate fabric little protection against the firmness that teased her clit.

  Aria rocked against her, jerking a ragged moan from her, and Juliet clutched at Aria’s shoulders as she ground against the knee shamelessly.

  The flame of passion rose to bright life inside her as Aria’s fingers twined in her hair and tightened. Their tongues explored and tasted slowly as if learning each other’s mouths.

  Juliet moaned as Aria tore her mouth away. “Oh God,” she panted out, and Aria’s tongue glided up the column of her throat, before her lips pressed kisses against it.

  Juliet yanked Aria’s shirt free of her jeans and pushed her hands beneath in her quest for silky warmth. She caressed satiny skin, finding hard muscle that rippled with Aria’s slight movements as Aria kissed and nibbled the side of her neck.

  Aria felt so damn good, so hard and strong. Juliet arched into her, needing her naked and damp against her.

  As if reading her mind, Aria stepped back and quickly released the buttons of Juliet’s blouse. She shoved it open finding a black shelf bra holding the firm breasts snuggly. She brushed the straps down before dipping her head to lick over a taut peak standing at attention.

  Aria’s hot tongue-tip swirled around it, sharp teeth scraping at the tender flesh before her mouth closed over the nipple.

  Juliet groaned and pushed the fingers of one hand into Aria’s hair and tugged at the silky strands. She cried out softly as Aria bit her nipple sending a light arc of pain through her.

  Then Aria drew back to push Juliet’s blouse down her arms. Juliet released her hold on Aria so the garment slid to the floor while Aria worked the catch of the bra open and peeled the thin barrier away.

  Aria’s lips skimmed her shoulder licking over her warm skin while her fingers stroked down her back to the button of Juliet’s skirt. She didn’t release it. Instead, she lightly raked her nails back up sending pleasure running through her.

  Juliet shivered and sighed roughly.

  Aria kissed the side of her neck while her fingers slipped beneath Juliet’s skirt to play over the backs of her thighs.

  “Aria,” she breathed. Her body was catching fire and threatening to become a maelstrom of unchecked desire.

  Aria backed her away from the door as she worked the button of Juliet’s skirt free and dragged the zipper down its track. She took a step away from her and the skirt pooled around Juliet’s ankles leaving her standing there in panties and stockings.

  Breathing hard, Juliet watched as Aria unbuttoned her own shirt and tossed it aside. The blue bra was a tantalizing creation with nipple cut-outs, but it was her well-defined abs that held Juliet’s gaze riveted. The woman had muscles and definition in places Juliet didn’t know existed, and she wanted to lick each plane and curve.

  “Damn, you’re so beautiful and the muscles are making me wetter.”

  Aria smirked as she pushed her pants down revealing boyshorts that matched her bra. “Thanks.” She kicked off her loafers and let her pants fall to the floor before stepping out of them.

  Aria took Juliet in her arms and claimed her mouth hotly. Juliet melted against her, her thoughts becoming mush.

  “Your skin is like satin.” Aria caressed her hand down Juliet’s chest and back up to pinch her nipples.

  Aria’s touch was rough as she rolled the sensitive flesh between her fingers, and then drew her thumbs over the hard points. Juliet gasped as pleasure rushed through her. Aria flicked her tongue over one nipple and pinched the other hard before swatting them both.

  The bite of pain was rich and unexpectedly heady. She caught her breath.

  “More or less?”

  “More,” Juliet answered breathlessly.

  Aria swatted her flesh harder and pinched the sensitive point, drawing a hard groan from Juliet. Aria’s moist tongue tip lashed one rosy peak and then the other before her mouth closed over a tightly furled bud to suck it hard. Teeth scraped and Juliet pushed her fingers into Aria’s hair and pulled as pinpricks of sensation bombarded her.

  Aria’s fingers plucked at the twin as her mouth milked the tender tip.

  “Oh, my Goddess!” she whispered. “Aria!”

  Aria groaned. “I smell your heat, baby,” she purred the words silkily. “Your cream is begging for my tongue to play in it.”

  The erotic words drew a shiver from her as her juices eased a little more from her body to dampen her panties and her inner thighs. And Aria withdrew her mouth only to swirl her tongue around the twin peak which now ached and burned for the rough attention.

  She sucked it hard and pinched. A cry fell from Juliet’s lips as she ha
d the odd sensation of moving and then turning.

  Juliet panted, her breath coming out hard. She was a wildfire on the verge of burning out of control, she was hot and sweat was already starting to dew on her skin. She tipped her head back as she got lost in the web of sensation.

  “Juliet,” her name was a whisper and then Aria’s lips were trailing kisses unerringly to her stomach. Nips from sharp teeth brought an edge of pain that made her wetter.

  Her fingers flexed in Aria’s hair as Aria drew her tongue around Juliet’s navel, while her fingers tugged the band of her panties down.

  “You smell like jasmine,” Aria said as she dragged the wisp of fabric down around Juliet’s ankles. She licked her inner thigh and moaned. “Mmm. Let’s see if that cream is as sweet at its source.”

  She ran her tongue up Juliet’s slit, and she gasped, knees buckling. She lost her balance and fell onto the mattress. Aria chuckled and moved closer to her before spreading her thighs with her hands and used two fingers to part Juliet’s inner lips.

  Her tongue slid up her slit to curl around her clit and Juliet’s hips jerked off the bed.

  Aria’s tongue was a feather stroke of pleasure as it teased the side of the erect nubbin, circled it lightly, and then flickered over it.

  “Aria!” Juliet screamed.

  Aria licked over Juliet’s pleasure button again and closed her lips over it to suck firmly. The bliss rippled through her encasing her in a haze. She was trembling when Aria lifted her head to give her pussy a swat. The sting set off a whole other set of vibrations that rocked her and made her womb clench as her juices eased from her.

  Aria tapped her clit once and then again before running her tongue down to the opening of Juliet’s body. She thrust it into her and groaned roughly.

  “So good,” Aria murmured looking up at her before running the tip of her tongue up to her clit and around it without touching it. She nipped at the edge of one lip before plunging her tongue back into Juliet’s pussy and thrusting it in and drawing it out as her thumb worked the tender bud of pleasure.

  “Aria. Aria!” Juliet screamed and Aria drew her tongue out of Juliet’s hot depths to lick at her clit.

  “So responsive,” Aria murmured as she pushed two fingers into Juliet’s tight pussy.

  Aria drove her fingers into Juliet’s pussy and stroked hard and fast as she sucked at Juliet’s clit between flicks.

  Juliet thrashed her head from side to side on the bed, mewling as Aria’s fingers and tongue whipped up a firestorm that threatened to turn her to ash.

  “Oh, yes. Yes!” Fingers thrust hard into her tight heat as warm tongue lashed her tight nubbin. Juliet was so close, about to come and Aria withdrew from her.

  Juliet watched her as she got to her feet and pushed down her own panties before leaning toward her. Aria lifted both of Juliet’s legs and draped them over her shoulders before lowering her body until they were clit to clit.

  Wet heat kissed wet heat and Aria ground against her sending shivers of pleasure shooting through her. Hands braced on the bed, Aria rocked, their bodies sliding together in unison, fast and sweet until Juliet’s body jerked, her stomach tight as her orgasm smashed into her.

  “Aria!” Juliet screamed as her lover ground against her harder and faster. Her energy pooled in the middle of her chest and she came hard on a rough cry as their juices mingled.

  Breathing hard Aria looked down at her. The silver-blue glow of power encased her—no it went beyond her as if she was encased in a circle. The silver-blue was licked by red flames and a soft wind ruffled the curtains.

  Juliet’s stomach knotted, she swallowed convulsively as horror started in her. Looking back at Aria, she stared into storm-gray eyes that glowed. For a moment, it was as if she’d been here before, and then the reality slammed into her. Aria’s eyes had no irises, just a blue canvas for flashing lightning, and Juliet lost her breath.

  Chapter Six

  Juliet blinked and warm breath washed over her before Aria turned her head and kissed the inside of one thigh. The breath was a caress against her skin and heat licked over her even as Aria stroked Juliet’s legs from her shoulders.

  Juliet watched her warily, her body still thrumming with pleasure, though fear was starting to tense her muscles. She wasn’t crazy, but she knew sometimes light played tricks on the eyes.

  And sometimes, what you saw was real.

  Was a demon or dark one looking up at her?

  Aria dropped a kiss on her forehead, and her lips curved into a cryptic smile. “Well, that was interesting for a first time.” Her gaze swept over Juliet slowly, lingering on her arm and the bracelets there. “Give me a minute to clean up.” She headed to the bathroom and Juliet stretched, in no real hurry to move.

  She hadn’t felt this sated in a very long time and the lingering energy was like a cord that connected her to Aria, to the burning passion she’d been searching for almost all of her adult life.

  Her body was already aching for Aria’s again. Her kiss had been intoxicating. Aria’s touch had been a brand and her eyes a hypnotic suggestion she could barely fight.

  “What am I thinking?” she whispered as the water ran in the bathroom.

  Dark ones could consume the powers of good ones as they died. She wouldn’t go down that easy, but she didn’t want to have to fight for her life after sex like that because she just didn’t have the energy.

  Juliet swung her legs over the side of the bed and started to gather her scattered clothes. She quickly dressed, balling her panties in her fist. They were too damp to wear and too dangerous to leave behind. They could be and used to track her if the sorceress choose.

  Juliet found her keys on the floor near the door. She picked them up in her other hand and hurried out as the water turned off in the bathroom. She rushed to her car breathing hard and jammed the key into the lock.


  The voice was soft, carried to her on the wind. It was as if Aria was right behind her.

  She struggled to turn the key, fingers shaking.

  See, that voice of reason taunted her.

  Cool solid energy crept down the side of her face like a spider, and she screamed slapping at it. She hated spiders, but this was no clammy spider leg. This didn’t make her skin crawl, it set off mini bombs of fear.

  The thread slithered down the back of her, turning cool and rough like a thick vine before vanishing down the back of her blouse, and Juliet arched her back while curving her arm around and trying to dislodge the magick. She couldn’t work it free even as the thickness of it wrapped around her throat and closed like the fingers of a hand.

  Her breath rasped out of her as her skin beaded with sweat. She tried to scream and was jerked away from the car forcefully. Then, thorns stabbed into her flesh just above her collarbone stealing the sound before it was born.

  The face she couldn’t make out moved closer and her energy rushed forward, pulling away from her physical body and into her aura, the invisible egg-shaped field around the body that kept their powers contained and safe from thieves.

  “Ugh!” She screamed in pain.

  The woman drew harder on her and her stomach lurched, nauseated.

  “Leave me alone.” She forced the words out, but they were a whisper as she pushed weakly at the other woman. Her thoughts were fractured, the only clear one to escape.

  “You don’t want to fight me,” the woman murmured in a soothing tone. “You want to be with me.”

  For a moment, the eyes were so clear, a beacon and Juliet wanted to fall into them.

  “Your powers are useless against me,” the voice crooned.

  Her core heated and hot air rushed from her hands. The other woman let out a scream of anger and closed a hand around her throat while the other slid down her arm to rest on top of her bracelet.

  “I just need a little—”

  A hard breeze slammed them back and the force holding her like a vice loosened. Juliet stumbled, legs wobbly.

  She jerked around clumsily to face the shadow of a woman. Then, Juliet threw up her hand, a spell on the tip of her tongue, but the shadow struck Juliet across the face sending a gust of air into the side of her car.

  She was punched in the back, and a gasp was ripped from her lips. The shadow was jerked backward and tossed to the ground like a sheet of balled up paper.

  A hard cry broke into the silence and the shadow got quickly to its feet with the fluidity of air. She swung so fast Juliet barely caught the movement. The blow was blocked and Aria kicked the shadow in her shin before punching her in the jaw with a silver fist. The skin split and blood misted away from the wound.

  The shadow grunted and threw Juliet a hard look before flicking her hand in Juliet’s direction. Dark air shaped like a thorn zipped toward her and Juliet ducked to the tune of shattering glass from a window of Aria’s truck.

  A wet sound floated on the air and Juliet straightened to see the shadow wielding a black whip of air. Thorns beaded each side. Aria simply widened her stance as if unconcerned by a weapon Juliet knew would kill her.

  The thorny air whip was known to do a great deal of damage and cause the victim to bleed out quickly.

  Juliet hurried to her car hoping to get in before the fight ended and the victor came after her.

  An angry cry curled around her ear as she climbed into her car and slammed the door. She started the engine and backed out, hands trembling like two dried old leaves on the wind. Her foot was a little heavy on the gas, tires squealing as she burned rubber getting out of dodge.


  Aria caught the tip of the air whip this time before it could bite into her arm again. She jerked it forward while at the same time sending fiery wind rushing up it. The whip was tipped with thorns which meant Carrel had likely killed a wood nymph and tamed her powers—made them hers.

  The dark one screamed and released the whip. Aria took control of it. The energy thrumming in her hand was a mix of light and dark, of earth energy.

  The woman glared at her. Her eyes were black with a red inner ring. “How dare you interrupt my kill?”


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