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Taken by the Wind

Page 16

by Serenity Snow

  He let out a scream and shoved her back with brute force before driving his knee into her stomach. “You won’t stop me, aurai,” he gritted out. “I won’t die by your hand or Necron’s.”

  She clenched her fist and the air in his lungs stilled. He charged her, knocking her off her feet, taking them to the coffee table. They rolled off and each one began shoving at the other, attempting to get the upper hand.

  On the floor, Tucker drove his sharp long nails into her stomach and his eyes widened as his hand went straight through. She blew hot air across his face, and it burned away some of the skin.

  He roared in pain. Then, Aria shoved him off her and drew her hand over his body in a cutting motion and sliced down his chest to his stomach.

  He screamed, and she held her hand over the bleeding wound sending cold air pouring in. The chill cut his skin as it slowly began to freeze.

  Shaking, Tucker threw out a hand and his spell cut her throat just missing her jugular. Air rushed out along with cold. He rolled out of the way and rose up just enough to kick. He aimed for her knee and missed when she vanished.

  Tucker got up, trembling. She watched him through dispassionate eyes. Glass shattered and she turned. Turning back, he was running from the apartment having been able to work around the air killing his friend.

  She ran after him, and he ran into Juliet. The initial collision sent them both sprawling to the grass and the demon on Juliet’s ass stopped. She threw out a spear of air and it slammed into the Malefic’s chest. The demon gasped and shattered into dust.

  Tucker was on his feet first, dragging Juliet up against him, arm around her neck as he held her in front of him like a human shield.

  “Get back,” he snarled. “Juliet, I don’t want to hurt you, but I will kill you. I just want that grimoire.”

  “I don’t have it,” she gritted out.

  “I’ve got it, energy-sucking coward,” Aria told him. “Come on over here and I’ll take you to it.”

  He shook Juliet. “You’re lying,”

  “Not even close,” she said slowly stalking toward him.

  The slamming of car doors didn’t take her eyes off them. Juliet held her gaze preparing to strike.

  “Let her go,” Aria ordered.

  “Tucker, this isn’t going to end well for you,” Declan called from behind them.

  Tucker’s grip tightened and Juliet shoved out with her power once again. The air wrapped around them, swirling as it gusted.

  “No,” he cried and something thumped the back of her head just before darkness slipped over her. Tucker met Aria’s stare. “I’ll kill her.”

  A shot to the back had him howling in fury and he tightened his grip on Juliet’s limp form. Aria exhaled and sent out a stream of air that burned his hands and Juliet slipped to the ground.

  Aria caught her with air while the men behind Tucker converged, one throwing another spell at him that took him to his knees.

  “Stay still, Tucker,” one of the men ordered. “We know this was all you.”

  “And Necron,” another man said. “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tucker snarled as he lay immobile on the ground.

  “This will be easier on you if you just tell us what we need to know,” the first man said. “Who else was working with you? Voltaire?”

  Tucker looked up at her as she held Juliet against her. The anger in his eyes was cutting. “You know this isn’t over,” he said to Aria. “They aren’t done with you, and I won’t be in Congressional care long.”

  “Actually, Kryto has given us leave to do with you as we would,” the first speaker said.

  “Declan, you can’t do this,” Tucker cried.

  “There’s one in Juliet’s apartment,” Aria told them. She might even still be alive. A demon could withstand the winds a little better than humans could.

  “I’ll take care of it.” The second speaker rushed off while two other men came over and hoisted Tucker to his feet.

  As they started off with him the sky went eerily still as did the air around them. Aria raised an air shield out of habit and energy came flying at them. Spells hit her shield, the energy sliding right through over Juliet’s prone body.

  “Son of a bitch!” Declan screamed. “Cover him!” He turned and began throwing energy back in the direction from which it came.

  Aria stepped outside of her shield just as an energy ball hurdled toward Declan. She deflected it and turned.

  A dark breed was flitting toward them using the currents of air to carry him forth. She extended her hand and a vine snaked out from her palm. Melded with lightning it glittered in the sun before curling around the man’s ankle.

  She jerked it, and he fell backward, throwing a dark orb at her as he did. She deflected it with her free hand, and he used that moment to direct a spell at her.

  It sliced into her shoulder and Aria released the vine and bounced it. Like a whip the black vine coated silver went up and came down. The dark breed caught it, and she kicked him before sweeping his leg and taking him to the ground.

  Aria dropped with her knee landing in his stomach. She grabbed him around his throat with a hand that became electrically charged. He tried to cry out as she electrocuted him, but a single intake of breath stole his own.

  “Aria?” Juliet’s voice was drowsy and questioning.

  Aria released him and quickly went to her, retracting the shield. “Are you okay?” she asked softly.

  Juliet nodded. “Where’s Tucker?”

  Aria glanced around finding two men retreating. In their wake, Tucker and the two Council security men lay dead.

  Declan let out a frustrated howl and Juliet sat up and rested her head on Aria’s shoulder. Aria wrapped her arm around Juliet’s waist as the wind blew gently over them.

  “Jasmine’s safe. She said she took out a couple of the guys, but she’s wounded.”

  “We have to go to her,” Aria said.

  “Declan, I have to go,” Juliet told him. “What were you doing here anyway?”

  “I came to warn you,” he said. “Your mother said you’d left and Callie said you weren’t at your usual lunch spot. So, I decided to try you here.”

  “Warn me about what?”

  “Tucker,” he answered. “Morgan’s death took us to his place, and we found out a few things about Morgan as well as Tucker. The investigation is still on-going, but we know he was working with Dark Hollow.

  They’re trying to undermine the Joint Congress. You need to be careful,” Juliet said in warning.

  “I will,” he said. “Get out of here I’ve already called for back-up.”

  “I need to get checked out,” Juliet said. “The demon scratched me up pretty good, and he hurt my ribs.”

  “Tucker summoned a demon?” Aria asked.

  “Yeah,” Juliet told her. “He was shades of variegated red.”

  “A low-level chaos demon,” Aria murmured. “An errand boy to the demon Mauk.”

  “Which means he’s probably working against Kryto since Kryto forced him out,” Declan said. “I guess Mauk’s supporters may be what we’re up against, but there’s no way of knowing yet. Just be careful Juliet, there’s a storm coming, and we’re going to need all hands on deck.” He gave Aria a nod.

  “I will,” Juliet said and as they started to leave, Declan spoke again.

  “We’ve met a few times at the club,” he said. “I expect to hear a decision from the aurai soon, Juliet. We can’t get through this fight without them.” He headed toward a man coming from Juliet’s apartment with a woman draped over his shoulder.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  After seeing a healer, Juliet was glad to stretch out on Aria’s bed. Jasmine had needed even more healing than Aria, but both women were fine now.

  Juliet watched as Aria came toward the bed, a pensive expression on her face. “You should be resting,” Juliet said.

  “I can’t die by such trivial means, Juliet. I ca
n’t even be beheaded since I can go intangible.” She sat down on the bed and Juliet reached out to take her hand.

  “Was it bad before?” Juliet asked, concern bright in her eyes.

  “The war? Yes, but we’re more prepared for the trickery of good witches.”

  “You’re wary and distrustful which will make it hard for you to do your jobs.”

  Aria shrugged. “That’s why we have the marked. You’re our connection to the human world. It’s going to fall to you to ensure the lines of communication stay open unless one of us decides to take a chance and step up.”

  Juliet shifted on the bed to fully face her. “You won’t?”

  “I don’t think so, but Simone and Bailey are witches. They can go work for the Council or the Congress which is what Simone plans to do. Andi is going to teach.”

  “So you are going to help?”

  She nodded. “Call your mother and tell her a small circle of aurai will be doing their part.”

  “I want you to meet Alice,” Juliet said. “You or Jasmine might like working with her.”

  Aria smiled. “I’ll meet her when you’re ready to tell her you’re with me.”

  “Can I use your phone?”

  “On the dresser,” she said.

  Juliet climbed from the bed and retrieved the phone. She dialed in her mother’s number and she leaned against the wall.


  ‘Hi, Mom, it’s me,” Juliet said. “Are you free to talk?”

  “Alice and I are just talking. I won’t leave for New York to take my place with the Joint Congress until Wednesday.”

  “Oh. Great.”

  “Declan said you were injured. You fought a chaos demon?”

  “I barely wounded him, but I’m okay. Mom, listen, I’ve made contact with an aurai,” she said and went to the bed to caress Aria’s hair.


  “She’s willing to do her part, but she wants total disclosure and honesty,” Juliet told her. “Can we meet tonight?”

  “I’ll bring Alice since she’ll be dealing directly with her rather than Declan.”

  “Seven, at the Pie Shop?”

  “That will be fine.”

  “I’ll see you then,” Juliet said and ended the call. “You don’t have to tell her you’re an aurai. I just want you there with me.”

  “Why?” Aria asked with a frown.

  She shrugged. “Tell her you’re their liaison. She’ll feel better with a face on things.”


  “Thank you,” Juliet said and kissed Aria.

  Aria pulled Juliet onto her lap deepening the kiss.


  “I hated to see Tucker go,” Voltaire said as he got up from his desk. The window shades in his office were now closed against the encroaching evening. “But it had to be done.” He perched on the edge of his desk and studied Necron, his eyes glittering with mocking.

  “You’d planned to kill him yourself.”

  “How well you do know me,” Voltaire murmured. “Will she be able to handle things?”

  “She’s Sam’s right hand, so she’ll maintain the appearance of goodness while doing as we ask, and she won’t be any trouble. She’s eager to step into her role and I think part of that is due to anger.”

  “At Samantha?”

  “The entire Hart family,” Necron said with a shrug. “They were chosen, were granted favor with the goddess. Jealousy can be a real motivator at times.”

  “Samantha is going to kill her if she ever learns who betrayed her family, nearly got her only daughter killed.” Voltaire almost felt sorry for the woman, but her eventual death wasn’t his concern. “Does Samantha still trust you?”

  Necron shrugged. “For now.”

  “She won’t be easy if she learns otherwise before we’re ready.” Voltaire studied his lover and friend who was sprawled on the loveseat across the room.

  “She’ll want revenge just as you do,” Necron said casually. “That’s partially what brought us to this place. Without your thirst for vengeance we’d have killed the marked outright before going after the aurai.”

  “I will have it as I will rule the underworld with an iron fist as soon as I’ve taken out a few more of my enemies. Has the other aurai-marked been located?” This girl’s power he would take.

  “Not quite, but I’m certain we’ll find her soon,” Necron said. “I’ll begin dismantling the good families one at a time once the bill of rights and punishment protocols have been created.”

  “Drag the process out. I want this game played with high drama from here on out.”

  If he didn’t come out the winner, there would be nothing but losers this time.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Juliet was nervous sitting next to Aria in the restaurant that evening. She knew her mother would have a dozen questions, and she was prepared to only go so far with her answers.

  She reached for her glass and took a sip of her milkshake and sighed as the sweet, coolness washed over her. She drew in a slow steadying breath and let it out.

  “Why are you so nervous?” Aria asked. “I won’t let this go too far.”

  “I know,” Juliet said putting her other hand on Aria’s thigh. “I love touching you.”

  “And I can’t wait to get you back home.”

  “Home.” Juliet smiled. “I like the sound of sharing a room with you,” she said.

  “I wonder how you’re going to feel in six months.”

  “More in love than I am now,” Juliet told her. She’d come to terms with her growing feelings and reveled in them. She only hoped Aria felt the same way.

  “You’re so argumentative, but I can’t see myself with anyone else now that I’ve started falling for you.”

  Juliet leaned toward her. “You mean it?”

  “More than you know,” Aria said softly. “You just keep stealing my heart every day.”

  “You’ve already stolen mine.” She kissed Aria’s jaw, her heart skipping a beat as their eyes met.

  Aria smiled.

  “Hello, Juliet,” Samantha said in a warm tone and Juliet jumped guiltily.

  “Mom.” She squeaked.

  Alice and Samantha took the chairs across from them and ordered drinks when the waitress came over.

  “So you’ve already met with them?” Samantha asked, her gaze going from Juliet to Aria and back.

  Juliet nodded. “Yeah, but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “It’s not?” Samantha asked with a frown. “Then, what?”

  “I wanted to—this is Aria.”

  “I’ve seen you at the club several times, but I think your coven is registered as practitioners, Aria,” Samantha said coolly.

  “We down played our abilities.”

  “Why? You may not know this, but it is against our law for any witch to live in this city without being registered.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Aria said and Juliet closed her hand over Aria’s under the table.

  Juliet didn’t think Aria needed support as much as she did. “Mom, I’m seeing someone.”

  “Oh?” Samantha asked. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Aria.” Her breath literally stopped for a moment and so did her heart. Her mother’s jaw went slack for a moment and then her gaze snapped with consternation.

  “Wow,” Alice exclaimed. “You look good together.”

  “Interesting is more the word,” Samantha said as their drinks arrived.

  “Are you ladies ready to order?” the waitress asked.

  “Not yet,” Aria said.

  She smiled and moved off to another table.

  “I just wanted you to know before you left,” Juliet said.

  “Thanks,” Samantha said dryly. “This could have kept a while longer.”

  “Actually, I’ve already waited too long, Mother,” Juliet said softly and squeezed Aria’s hand as her courage threatened to desert her. “I can’t keep pretending to be straight. Living
that lie is tedious, and I’m really tired of dating men just to make you happy.”

  “I just thought you were picky, but I guess I was just deceiving myself.”

  “A little bit,” Juliet replied hoping her mother forgave her for ambushing her this way.

  “I’m going to need time to adjust,” Samantha said. “It doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It just means I don’t know how to deal with this.” She got to her feet and hurried from the restaurant.

  “She’ll come around,” Alice said and stood, too. “It was nice seeing you, Aria.”

  Juliet put her head on Aria’s shoulder. “I knew she wouldn’t take it well, but it was time.” A tear slid down her cheek.

  Aria’s hand went to her hair and smoothed over it. Juliet looked up at her.

  “You shouldn’t have told her,” Aria said. “Not because of me.”

  “I want a real life with you and hiding when my mother gets back isn’t living, Aria.” She wiped at a falling tear burning its way down her cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you just to make her happy.”

  “Juli, you weren’t going to lose me,” she murmured. “I’m all yours forever.”

  Juliet sniffed. “Promise?”

  “With my whole heart and my entire being.”

  “Because that tat on your hand means you’re mine, doesn’t it? The crystals are the same color as mine and the design is the same.”

  Aria nodded. “I knew you’d notice and infer what they must mean considering the visions you’ve had,” she said. “I’m glad you’re my life partner, Juliet.”

  “Ditto,” she whispered and kissed Aria softly, slipping a hand behind her head as she savored the kiss. Her fingers burned for a moment and she felt a soft breeze blow over her.

  This was forever. She’d spent her last loveless evening the night she cast that spell, and Juliet was glad she’d taken the chance. Otherwise she might still be lonely.

  The End

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