Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm

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Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm Page 63

by J. Michael Fluck

  “Thank you, Mkel. You are always too kind,” the female captain answered with her normal friendly smile.

  “Are you ready for this, my dear?” Mkel asked her.

  “I am still in shock that you asked me. What an honor! But aren’t I too old?” she replied.

  “No, dragons have never worried about age, weight, social status, or whatever, only what is in your heart counts, and for as long as I’ve known you, your heart has been filled with only goodness, friendship, honor, and love. You will make a fine dragonrider,” he complimented his friend and fellow weir officer.

  “Again, you are too kind, but it is not your decision of who the hatchling will choose,” she replied.

  “You are correct, but don’t you think I might have an inside guess,” Mkel answered with a wink. “Now we will go over the ceremony one last time. The blue of your attire is symbolic of the clear blue sky, or the Creator’s backdrop, beautiful but empty until filled. Your left breast above your bra is bare to expose your heart, where the dragon will bond with you. Your knees are exposed, for after the bonding you will kneel with your dragon to demonstrate you are humble enough to touch the ground and thank who brought you to this very moment when your life has changed for the responsibility that you have entered into. Your feet will be bare to always remind you that while bonded to one of the most powerful of creatures ever to stride the world, you came from humble beginnings and are still human. I will lead you in with this cable around your waist. The hatchling will sever it to let all know you are now as one, forever linked by mind, by blood, and by soul. I just hope she doesn’t miss and cut my hand off,” Mkel said with a smile. All around chuckled; it was his way of bringing a little levity to this serious but joyous occasion.

  “Now the danger of what is about to happen: when the dragon blood-bonds with you, the power of its blood entering your body could kill you. You will feel a pain like no other you’ve ever felt, even more than childbirth. Gallanth, Silvanth, Lady Beckann, and Jodem will be there to help ease the transition, but it is the most intense experience you will ever have—save the first time you soar on top of your dragon. You know you are accepted when you hear your dragon’s voice in your head and in a different tongue; that while it seems strange to you, you can immediately understand and instantaneously translate. It is Draconic,” Mkel explained.

  “You will then stay in the weir for a couple of days until the hatchling is strong enough to be transported by Silvanth to the Capital Weir for formal training, so I hope your family is ready for the move. I do want you to remember that you will always have a home back here in Draden Weir, and I hope General Becknor agrees with me,” he added. Silvanth’s anticipatory croon then rose above the loud backdrop of thousands of conversations taking place on the weir’s grounds.

  “It’s time, Mkel,” Jodem said to his friend and nodded to Vicasek; the dragonstone on his staff started to glow brightly as did the three dragonstones of Mkel’s weapons and ring. Mkel adjusted his dress uniform tunic and Markthrea’s sling that crossed the front of his body. Jodem quickly walked out to take his place with Beckann, Gallanth, and Silvanth. Mkel went over to Vicasek and attached the blue rope cable to her waist. He could tell in spite of her smile that she was very nervous, and he understood, for he had been in her exact position only thirteen years prior.

  “It will be all right. I have faith in you, my dear,” he said to her as he gave her a hug.

  “Thank you, Mkel; your support means a lot.”

  “May the luck of the dragons be with you. We must go now,” he said as he let her go and led her by the cable out to the forge. Mkel took a quick look at his friend. She was a solid, muscular, and tanned woman, a true multifaceted warrior with a warm personality, a big heart, and a smile that could shine brighter than a dragonstone. He was so happy that his self-adopted big sister was hopefully about to become a dragonrider.

  The assembled crowd grew silent as the candidates came from the shadows. Mkel and Vicasek walked over to the forging hearth and stood beside the Enlightened candidate. All the other candidates had already touched the egg, and Silvanth had rejected most of them; however, the Enlightened magistrate’s daughter had refused this test, which was their option, but then the weir could not be responsible for what the hatchling would do.

  Mkel could tell she was from POE privilege by her mannerisms, not won by hard work but by arbitrator contriving and deceit. The candidates were flanked by two dragon knights and two elves, as the customary escort in a symbolic protection of those the dragons were about to choose. Mkel walked Vicasek to where the sand of the hatching ground started. Watterseth, with Jodem and Lady Beckann standing on either side of him, met the candidates at the edge of the sand. Gallanth and Silvanth were sitting with the golden egg between them; ceremonial torches ringed the perimeter of the hatching ground. No other but the candidates and the wizards were allowed to enter. Ordin pounded his hammer on the mithril anvil three times; the loud ring reverberated and echoed throughout the immense weir interior. Watterseth then raised his mace in acknowledgement, its blue sapphire dragonstone glowing.

  “All who gather here for this momentous occasion, to witness the birth and bonding of one of our dragon benefactors and protectors, with the merging of its soul with its rider’s, an occurrence that unfortunately happens all too infrequently, we rejoice in this integration of souls that cements the bond and pledge between dragon and mankind, ordained by the Creator for the benefit of all that live and breathe in this world. This birth and joining today, which has been happening for the last two millennia, has been the wellspring of our prosperity and freedom. It represents the continued shining of the light that is the Alliance. We are fortunate here in Draden Weir to have the first gold dragon to hatch in some years; in these troubled times, it gives hope for the future and honors those who have fallen in defense of freedom and light. Together, we pray to the Creator, the spirit, and the dragon quintessence for those souls and for the young dragon and rider that are about to be bonded and continue the long tradition of service to the Alliance, so what his will to be.” The weir cleric finished his invocation as all in the audience concluded the prayer with him.

  Gallanth’s and Silvanth’s eyes started to glow as the silver dragon nodded to Ordin, who began to pound his hammer in a slow but rhythmic pattern. Silvanth and Gallanth then lowered their heads close to the egg. Silvanth spoke out calmly but firmly in Draconic, “Come, our daughter, your time has arrived to announce to the world your presence, come.” The large golden egg then started to rock, and a crack split along the top. Ordin’s hammer blows became more intense, and another crack along the side of the egg fissured. “Come, Daughter, shed your shell, emerge,” Gallanth said. All in the audience who had any type of dragonstone weapon or device noticed that the powered gems had started to glow. A shard of the golden egg then flew off, letting a brilliant ray of light pierce the dimly lit grounds. Both parent dragons then raised their heads and let loose a thunderous roar, and the shell split asunder and almost exploded with a blinding shimmering light emanating from its interior.

  All in the audience had to avert their eyes at the brilliant light but were brought back to the hatching at the warbled roar of the slightly larger than horse-sized baby dragon. She unsteadily stood up and stretched her shiny golden wings. At one time, in almost perfect unison, all the dragons present, the dragonriders, and the wizards spoke out in Draconic, “Welcome, gold dragon Kadanth, daughter of Gallanth and Silvanth. May the magic and power you bring into this world shine light and truth, and your strength and wisdom conquer darkness. Now complete your soul,” they all finished as the hatchling started to wobble toward the candidates and their escorts.

  Mkel whispered to Vicasek to take her slippers off and walk onto the sand to the end of the cable rope he was still holding, where she should be still and not move. He motioned for the Enlightened magistrate to do the same with his daughter. The girl
refused to take her slippers off and moved onto the sand with Vicasek. The gold hatchling walked up to the candidates. The Enlightened candidate raised her right hand and held her two middle fingers together, separating her index finger and pinkie, in a Nature Purist gesture. In the second Mkel thought to himself how that was not a good idea, Kadanth raised her left talon and backhanded the young woman off her feet. She tumbled onto the sand, with her father having to let go of the rope. The girl was knocked unconscious by the blow and cut across the side of her head but was not permanently injured. The dragon knights made sure that her father did not move until the ceremony was over.

  The young dragon then faced Vicasek. Even as a hatchling, her head stood three feet above the woman’s. Kadanth lowered her head to almost look eye to eye with the female captain and raised her right talon. Vicasek braced herself for the impact, but the sharp talon came down and deftly cut the cable that Mkel was holding. This was the symbolic gesture of separating her future rider from her fellow humans in the sense that she would be a dragonrider now and forevermore. Gallanth and Silvanth had lowered their massive heads down toward the hatchling to ensure that their daughter’s talon cut the rope and not Mkel by accident or simply from inexperienced enthusiasm.

  Then with her left talon, she cut Vicasek from the collarbone to just above the left breast. Vicasek winced but held her stance. Kadanth then pierced her own talon and put the bloody blue pad on Vicasek’s wound and in a low, shallow voice in Draconic, said, “My blood to your blood, my sister, my soul mate, my rider.” Vicasek felt the dragon blood enter her wound and immediately her body felt as if it were on fire. Mkel grabbed her as Jodem and Beckann waved their staffs over her. As the pain became almost unbearable and she felt she was going to pass out, it was gone. Kadanth removed her talon. The wound was now only a thin scar. “We are one now, my rider,” Kadanth told her rider telepathically.

  “My beautiful dragon, Kadanth,” Vicasek spoke out in Draconic. At that, all gathered began to shout and cheer, for they now knew the bonding had gone well and was complete.

  Gallanth and Silvanth both bowed their heads and spoke out, “Our daughter, you and your rider may now go and, with your fellow dragons and riders, serve the Alliance.” Vicasek reached out and hugged the hatchling’s large horse-sized head and then turned and grabbed Mkel in a jubilant thank-you gesture. The dozens of assembled dragons all let out a celebratory roar, as all others who were gathered started to cheer and the uproar of jovial conversation echoed throughout the weir grounds. After Vicasek and her dragon took the dragonrider oath, the halfling and kitchen workers started to bring out the tables of food and drink, and dozens of kegs and bottles of wine were opened as the celebration started in earnest.

  In the small grotto beside the weir in Draden Forest, the nymph Jennar appeared from her ancient oak tree beside the crystal-clear pool, which imaged the scenes unfolding inside the weir. She spoke out loud, “Congratulations, mighty Gallanth, to you and your mate. Kadanth will serve the Alliance proudly. Now it is time for my daughter to arrive. Gallanth, when you let me lie with your rider, I left some of my essence within him for this very moment. Mkel will be mine one way or another,” the beautiful nymph stated. Back at the weir, Janta ran up to Mkel breathing heavily and said that Annan was going into labor.

  “What? She is months early,” Mkel said in a concerned tone as he called for the weir’s healer and the halfling midwife. They all then rushed through the crowd and to the lift to Mkel’s chamber. Annan was lying on a birthing bed in their family den well into labor. After administrating a pain suppressant and putting aloras on her womb, they started helping her in the labor process.

  “Mkel, I am not sure why Annan is in early labor, but neither I nor Silvanth feel that she or the baby is in danger,” Gallanth told Mkel telepathically from his place on the weir grounds. Mkel relayed the message to the healer. Within minutes and with little of the usual birthing pain or effort, the healthy, full-term-sized baby girl was born. Her shiny blond hair and other features showed her to be a beautiful, healthy baby. Mkel was overcome with happiness at the successful birth of his first daughter and helped clean her up before they gave her to Annan to hold.

  Jodem walked into the room to congratulate his friend on the successful birth and also the whole dragon-bonding ceremony. The portly wizard already had a tankard full of ale and offered Mkel a chilled bottle, which the dragonrider gladly accepted. They walked out of his chambers and onto Gallanth’s landing. The gold dragon had just flown up to meet them.

  “Sorry for being late, my rider, I could only break out to fly up here once the guests had moved to the tavern area. I didn’t want to down-draft them on such a happy occasion. Congratulations on our new daughter! I can almost sense she has some type of specialness about her, almost magical in nature,” Gallanth told Mkel.

  “You are still dazed from the hatching of your own daughter, and the weir is filled with excess magic and power at this moment. It is confusing your senses, my dragon,” Mkel replied.

  “That is possible, but Gallanth is usually right about these things,” Jodem added.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter, for both girls are doing fine, and this is a day to celebrate; much needed after the events of late,” Mkel explained. “I do wish Pekram could have seen this.”

  “He has, Mkel, and is likely complaining about another big lizard coming into the world as well,” Jodem joked with a big grin on his wide face before he took another long drink from his tankard. “Draden and all the weirs did indeed need this in light of the costly victory they have incurred in defense of the Alliance, as well as the war that is to come,” Jodem added.

  “I understand and am glad that Draden was able to enjoy this. I am very happy for Vicasek but sad in that I will miss her as a close friend, and we need another support corps leader,” Mkel said with a smile. “We will need all we can get for the challenges that are coming, I’m afraid,” he continued.

  “Perseverance, spirit, and faith have done wonders throughout the ages, my rider. But it is comforting to know that even amidst the war and conflict to come and the seeming gathering darkness, a ray of light can still shine through,” Gallanth said, and Mkel leaned against his dragon’s cheek, putting one arm on the golden eye crest by his horn as they all looked down at the gathered thousands celebrating this birth of light.


  Amerenth (am-ur-enth). A brass dragon and Alliance dragon ambassador along with his rider Canjon, Capital Weir.

  Arathus (ah-rath-us). A blue dragon at the repatriation battle in the unsettled lands.

  Asharanth (ash-ur-anth). A female silver dragon and mate to Talonth.

  Auroranth (aw-roar-enth). A silver dragon and mate to Strikenth at Capital Weir. She is the fastest dragon in the Alliance; her rider is Andrace, wife of Padonan.

  Aventh (ah-venth). A silver dragon in the Capital Weir Wing; his rider is Jontzim.

  Baranth (bar-aunth). A young silver dragon at Eladran Weir; his rider is Altmed.

  Batuul (ba-tool). A black dragon from the battle for repatriation in the unsettled lands.

  Breigor (bray-gor). A land dragon in the Draden Weir garrison.

  Bruntoth (brun-toth). An avenger dragon in Draconia.

  Caraeyeth (ka-ray-eth). A female copper dragon originally from Eladran Weir; she eventually moves to Draden to be Gallanth’s wingmate. Her rider is Heathiret.

  Darkenth (dar-kenth). An avenger dragon in Draconia.

  Doomshadow (doom-sha-dow). A black demon dragon of Tiamat’s court and member of the Usurper Five.

  Draconth (drey-konth). A silver dragon and member of the Capital Weir Wing; his rider is Senior Captain Gresson.

  Eagrenth (e-grenth). A gold dragon of the Capital Weir; his rider is Willjon. He is a fearless warrior and veteran of the Great War.

  Evtrix (ev-trix). A demon blue dragon at the battle of Hand

  Falcanth (fal-kanth). A gold dragon of the Capital Weir and Gallanth’s brother; his rider is Lloydell, who was a friend and comrade to Jmes during the last Great Dragon War.

  Fellith (fell-ith). A female avenger dragon in Draconia.

  Fieranth (fyr-anth). A large bronze dragon wingmate to Talonth at Eladran Weir.

  Gallanth (gal-onth). The largest and most powerful gold dragon in the Alliance and Draden lead dragon; his rider is Captain Mkel.

  Glaiventh (glayv-enth). A bronze dragon and senior dragon of Machren Weir; his rider is Sighbolt.

  Groncelix (gron-sell-ix). A green dragon at the Battle of Handsdown.

  Havocfire (ha-vok-fyr). A red demon lead dragon of Dreadstone’s northern province of Morgathia.

  Hellstrafe (hell-straif). A red lead dragon of the central province under Talon sorcerer Nozok.

  Infernex (in-fur-nix). Ashram’s lead demon red dragon of the northwest Morgathian province.

  Kadanth (kay-danth). A female gold dragon, daughter of Gallanth and Silvanth, bonded with Vicasek.

  Kakol (kay-kol). A green dragon at the battle for repatriation in the unsettled lands.

  Kearideth (kir-ah-deth). A female brass dragon from Draden Weir; her rider is Crystinj.

  Killenth (kill-enth). A bronze dragon wingmate to Talonth at Eladran Weir.

  Klaxtor (klax-tour). A blue dragon in the repatriation battle in the unsettled lands.

  Krekon (kray-kahn). A red dragon at the battle for repatriation in the unsettled lands.

  Krysanth (kry-santh). A brass dragon at Talinor Weir and wingmate to Selenth; his rider is Scandalon.

  Liberth (ly-berth). A female avenger dragon in Draconia.

  Licanth (ly-kanth). A bronze dragon and senior dragon of Rom Weir; his rider is Keisem.

  Lionoth (ly-on-oth). A silver dragon in the Capital Weir Wing; his rider is Delker.

  Livoth (ly-voth). A female bronze dragon and mate to Nemareth, at Ice Bay.


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