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by Douglas Brinkley

  at 1964 GOP Convention, 314

  pairing with Brinkley, 181–82, 207

  retirement from NBC, 460, 465

  and Telstar communications satellite, 253–54

  in Yucca Flats, Nevada, 175

  Hussein, Saddam, 605, 607, 636, 637

  Huss, Pierre, 48, 64

  Huxley, Aldous, 416, 521

  Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, 225, 259

  Hyatt Regency Hotel, Houston, TX, 603

  I Can Hear It Now (album), 587

  “I Have a Dream” speech (King), 258

  Ikard, Bill, 580

  Il Messaggero, 226

  I Love Lucy (CBS TV), 184, 188, 354

  In Celebration of US (CBS Evening News), 514

  Inconvenient Truth, An (Gore), 437

  In Pursuit of Happiness (DNC documentary), 184–85

  Inside Edition (CBS TV), 619, 664

  Institute for Music and Neurologic Function, 623–24

  intercontinental missiles, 193, 197

  Interfaith Alliance, 623, 630, 644

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 46

  International Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL, 402

  International Educational Association, 60

  International News Service (INS), 41, 42–43, 82, 83, 96, 102, 325

  International Radio and Television Society, 455

  International Red Cross, 102, 134

  International Unifax machine, 54

  Internet, 609, 653

  interrupted feedback ear device (IFB), 402, 520

  In the Lake of the Woods (O’Brien), 385

  In the Storm of the Eye (Leonard), 308, 316–17

  Iran, hostage crisis in, 534–35, 539

  Iraq, and Operation Desert Storm, 604–5, 608

  Iraq War, 638, 639

  Islamic Revolution, 534

  Israel, 527–29, 530, 560, 562

  Issues and Answers (ABC News), 179

  Items of Interest: A Monthly Magazine of Dental Art, Science and Literature, 13–14

  It’s News to Me (TV game show), 158

  ITV (London), 267

  Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 517, 518

  Jackson, Jesse, 599

  Jackson, Michael, 652

  Jackson State University, 435

  Jaffe, Sam, 519

  James, Doug, 498

  Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 553

  Jaws (movie), 501, 521

  Jennings, Peter, 357, 529, 531, 575, 641, 647

  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 630

  J. Fred Muggs (chimpanzee), 178

  Jim Crow South, 24–25, 297–98, 328

  John Birch Society, 304

  Johnson, Earl, 72, 73, 103

  Johnson, Eric, 590

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 40, 285, 286, 320, 392, 394, 491, 578

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 219, 406

  creation of Warren Commission, 282

  and Cronkite, 286, 287, 325–26, 374, 379–80, 383, 415, 446, 447, 490–91

  Cronkite’s interviews with, 326, 490

  death of, 489–91

  “If I’ve lost Cronkite” remark, 379–80, 383–84

  and Kennedy’s assassination, 274, 276, 283, 284

  and 1960 elections, 205, 212

  and 1964 elections, 308, 309, 316, 325

  and 1968 elections, 365, 383

  Pentagon Papers and, 458, 459

  purchase of KTBC radio, 285–86

  resignation, 391–95

  signs Civil Rights Act, 296

  and Vietnam War, 301, 348, 350, 379–80, 462

  Vietnam War policy, 340–41, 342, 347, 349, 352, 356, 364–65, 367, 391

  Johnson, Tom, 287, 489, 490, 491, 604–5, 627

  Jones, Ed, 230

  Jones, James Earl, 412–13

  Jones, Jesse, 25

  Jones, Phil, 509

  Jordan, Barbara, 600–601

  Jordan, Hamilton, 534

  Joseloff, Gordon F., 551–52

  journalism schools, 29, 55, 160, 583–84, 618

  journalistic integrity, and protecting sources, 454–55

  Journey for Our Times, A (Salisbury), 95

  Joyce, Edward M., 596

  Joynt, Carol, 647

  Joy of Cooking, 306

  Kalb, Bernard, 327, 467, 469, 652–53

  Kalb, Marvin, 351, 362, 395, 509, 615

  Kalischer, Peter, 346, 347, 351, 374, 384

  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 135

  Kansas City Atchison Daily Globe, 147, 151–52

  Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, 60

  Kansas City Club, 146

  Kansas City College of Pharmacy, 46

  Kansas City Dental College, 14

  Kansas City Journal, 19

  Kansas City Journal-Post, 51, 54, 55–56, 69, 70–71, 76, 146, 500

  Kansas City, Missouri, 17–21, 45–46, 49–50, 53, 54, 61, 140, 145

  Kansas City Star, 19, 20, 31, 45, 55, 330

  Kaplan, Martin, 577

  Kaplan, Peter, 568, 575, 576

  Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, 37

  Karnow, Stanley, 467

  Kartes, Jime, 468

  Kaye, Danny, 357

  KCBS-Austin, TX, 325

  KCET-TV, Los Angeles, CA, 463, 554

  KCMO radio, Kansas City, MO, 45, 46–52

  Keel, Beverly, 647

  Kefauver, Estes, 157, 186

  Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, 134

  Kemper Arena, Kansas City, MO, 516

  Kendrick, Alexander, 154, 194, 326, 351

  Kennan, George, 354

  Kennedy, Caroline, 214

  Kennedy Center Honors, 611, 631, 632

  Kennedy, Edward M., 242, 390, 481, 539–40, 542

  Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 214, 243, 266

  blood-spattered pink suit, 273

  and husband’s death, 268, 271, 273

  Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, A (CBS Eyewitness), 250

  Kennedy, John F., 162, 186, 195, 204, 205, 210–11, 243, 329, 603

  assassination of, 266–84, 303, 596

  and CBS’s Eyewitness, 242, 243–45

  Cronkite’s announcement of Kennedy’s death, 275–76, 281

  and Cronkite’s Presidential Countdown program, 211, 212–13, 214–16

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 256

  and first half-hour CBS Evening News broadcast, 259–63

  inauguration, 221–22, 223

  Kennedy’s years as Camelot, 243–45

  and live telecasts to Europe, 254

  Moon pledge, 229, 237, 333, 338, 411

  and Murrow, 226, 245

  and news media, 441

  and 1960 elections, 204, 205, 210–11, 220

  and Shepard’s Freedom 7 mission, 228–29

  in Texas, 264–66

  Vietnam War policy, 259–61

  Kennedy, John F., Jr., 579

  Kennedy, Robert F., 210, 242, 365, 383, 470

  announces candidacy for president, 391

  assassination of, 397

  California Democratic primary victory, 396–97

  Cronkite’s interview with, 390–91

  and 1968 elections, 389–91

  Kennedy Space Center, 413

  Kennedy, Vann M., 42, 102

  Kennerly, David Hume, 492, 493, 540, 541–42

  Kent State: What Happened and Why (Michener), 435

  Kent State University massacre, 434–35

  Kerry, John, 638, 640, 641, 642

  Keteyian, Armen, 664

  Khomeini, Ayatollah, 534

  KHOU-TV, Houston, TX
, 205, 425

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 256

  Kilduff, Malcolm “Mac,” 278

  Kilgallen, Dorothy, 186

  Killian, Jerry B., 640

  King, Coretta Scott, 435, 443, 571

  King Features Syndicate, Cronkite’s column for, 637–39

  King, Larry, 534, 611, 665–66

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 258, 295, 296, 298, 303, 328–29, 331, 394, 406, 484

  assassination of, 395–96

  King, Michael and Roger, 603

  King, Rodney, 608

  Kintner, Robert, 188, 279, 657

  Kissinger, Henry, 465, 467–68, 470, 472–73, 481, 494, 564

  Kitchell, James, 235

  Klauber, Edward, 47

  Klein, Herb, 448

  Klein, Joe, 598

  Klein, Robert, 489

  Kleinerman, Isaac, 194

  KMBC radio, Kansas City, MO, 146, 147–49, 151–52

  Knight, Ted, 498

  Knowland, William, 188

  KNOW radio, Austin, TX, 40–41

  Koerper, Karl, 146

  Kondracke, Morton, 539

  KOOL-TV, Phoenix, AZ, 304

  Koop, Ted, 153

  Koppel, Ted, 614, 615–16, 637

  Korean War, 151–53, 155, 325, 416

  KPHO radio, Phoenix, AZ, 583

  Kraft, Gene, 236

  Kraft, Joseph, 467

  Kranz, Gene, 227–28

  Krim, Arthur, 491

  KRLD-TV, Dallas, TX, 266, 269, 271, 273, 275

  KTBC radio, Austin, TX, 40, 285–86

  KTSM radio, El Paso, TX, 58

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 24

  Kuralt, Charles, 250, 332, 362–64, 396, 407, 419, 484, 509

  and Apollo 11 twentieth-anniversary special, 597

  as candidate for CBS’s news anchor, 249

  and environmental issues, 430–31

  and microphone trophy gift to Cronkite, 542–43

  “On the Road” segments, 363–64, 566

  as possible successor to Rather, 566

  and voice imitation of Murrow, 147

  Kurtz, Howard, 666

  Kuwait, 605

  KWKC radio, Kansas City, MO, 45–46

  Ky, Nguyen Cao, 344–45

  Lack, Andrew, 551

  Laird, Melvin, 449

  Lamb, Brian, 381, 506

  Lamoreaux, Bud, 568

  Lane, John, 466, 474, 529

  Lange, Dorothea, 193

  Langhorne, Harry, 494, 495

  Lansbury, Angela, 656–57

  Lapham, Lewis H., 231

  Larry King Live (CNN), 613

  La Sapienza University, Rome, 633, 634

  Lasky, Victor, 464

  Lassie (CBS TV), 184, 306, 513

  Late Night with David Letterman (CBS TV), 635

  Laurence, John “Jack,” 361, 362, 374–75, 384, 400–401, 441

  Laurent, Lawrence, 424

  Leavenworth, Kansas, 13, 14–15

  Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, 14

  Lee, Canada, 174

  “Legacy of Harry S. Truman, The” (CBS News), 574

  Legacy of War (PBS), 654–55

  Lehman, John, 578, 631

  Lehrer, Jim, 625

  Leibner, Richard, 532

  Leiser, Ernest, 170–71, 319, 326–27, 328, 356, 434, 484, 499, 535

  death of, 661

  and Vietnam War, 366, 370, 371, 373, 375, 376, 381, 492

  Lelyveld, Joseph, 431

  Leno, Jay and Mavis, 592

  Leonard, Bill, 298, 356, 450, 466, 509

  and Cronkite’s retirement announcement, 537

  and 1964 political conventions, 308, 311, 312, 315, 316–17, 318, 319, 321

  as president of CBS News, 531, 532–33

  Sauter as replacement for, 565

  Leopold and Loeb murder case, 1924, 32

  Lerner, Max, 55

  LeSueur, Larry, 74, 105

  Letterman, David, 635

  Lewinsky, Monica, 625

  Lewis, John L., 298

  Leyshon, Hal, 95, 110–11

  liberalism, Cronkite’s defense of, 600–602, 622–23, 637

  Liberty Bell 7 space flight, 229–30

  Liberty magazine, 20

  Library of America, Best Journalism of the Vietnam War, 377–78

  Lieberman, Joe, 638

  Life magazine, 11, 131, 282, 291, 591

  Limbaugh, Rush, 637

  Lincoln, Abraham, 303

  Lincoln Center, Avery Fisher Hall, 662–65, 667

  Lindbergh, Charles, 233

  Lindley, Ernest K., 155

  Lippmann, Walter, 37, 232, 303

  Lochner, Louis, 131

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 205, 212, 220, 262

  Loews Corporation, 585

  Logan, Walter, 82, 83

  logos, television, 200

  Long Island Sound, 245, 306

  Long Journey Home from the Moon, The (Aldrin), 424

  Look magazine, 108, 278

  Lorraine Hotel, Memphis, TN, 395

  Los Angeles Daily News, 619

  Los Angeles Free Press, 497

  Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, 205, 206

  Los Angeles Times, 236, 616, 657–58

  Love Field, Dallas, TX, 266, 276

  Lovell, James A., 409, 428–29, 436

  Love, Sam, 434

  loyalty oaths, 196

  Lubell, Samuel, 184

  Lucas, George, 590

  Luce, Henry R., 310

  Lucy Show, The (CBS TV), 252, 291

  Lumet, Sidney, 174, 520, 521, 601

  Lusitania, RMS, 15

  Luxembourg, 122–23, 129, 131

  Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, 286, 411, 589, 590, 591

  Lyons, Leonard, 140

  MacArthur, Douglas, 163–64, 370, 581

  MacArthur, Jean, 593

  MacDonald, James, 90–91, 94

  MacLeish, Archibald, 78, 423

  MacNeil, Robert, 267

  MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour, The (PBS), 614, 646, 658

  Maddow, Rachel, 660

  Maddox, Lester, 298

  Madigan, John, 167

  Madison Square Garden, New York City, 190, 195

  Magruder, Jeb, 448, 464, 465

  Maher, Bill, 639

  Mailer, Norman, 410, 417

  “Making of a Stalemate, The” (Apple), 378–79

  Making of the President 1964, The (T. White), 203, 257, 310

  Malcolm X, 407

  Manchester Guardian, The, 234

  Mandela, Nelson, 604

  Man in Orbit (CBS News), 235

  Mankiewicz, Frank, 389, 390, 472

  Manning, Gordon, 336, 342–43, 362, 450, 461, 462, 463, 466, 470, 475, 476, 487–88, 651

  Manning, Paul, 95

  Manning, Robert, 375, 392

  Manoff, Arnold, 175

  “Man on the Moon: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11” (CBS News), 419, 423

  Manson murders, 410

  Mao Tse Tung, 467, 469

  Mapes, Mary, 642, 643

  March of Folly: From Tokyo to Vietnam, The (Tuchman), 380

  March of Time, The (radio news), 30

  March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 258–59

  Marcuse, Herbert, 394

  Marsalis, Wynton, 665

  Marshall, E. G., 174

  Marshall, George, 139

  Marshall Plan, 138

  Martha’s Vineyard, 243, 470, 491, 500–501, 508, 524, 578, 579, 582, 593, 625, 626, 629–30, 649

  Martha’s Vineyard Eco-Action and Catas
trophe Committee, 438

  Martin, Bill, 336

  Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 332

  Martin, Richard, 321

  Marx, Louis, 461

  Marx, Patricia, 461

  Mary Tyler Moore Show (CBS TV), 532

  Cronkite on, 498–99, 658

  Masefield, John, 662

  Mason, Linda Ann, 474, 476, 477, 499–500, 552–53, 663

  Masterpieces of War Reporting (Snyder), 100

  Maxwell, Arthur and Eva, 145

  Mazo, Earl, 464

  McAndrew, William, 257

  McAuliffe, Anthony Clement, 118

  McAuliffe, Christa, 590, 591

  McCain, John, 493, 577

  McCarthy, Eugene, 220, 356–57, 365, 383, 389, 391, 393, 396

  McCarthy, Joseph, 60, 147, 157, 176, 178, 209, 219, 247, 304, 335, 383

  McCarthyism, 174–75, 196, 449

  McGee, Frank, 273, 275, 334, 358, 379

  McGee, Gale, 341

  McGliney, Jim, 106, 110

  McGovern, George, 341, 471, 472, 478, 481, 601

  McKay, Jim, 201

  McLuhan, Marshall, 280, 530

  McMullen, Jay, 231

  McMurtry, Larry, 537

  McNamara, Robert, 278, 300, 342, 347, 351

  McNeil, Lori, 595

  Media Man (Auletta), 585

  Media Report, 506

  Meet the Press (NBC News), 180, 217

  Memogate, 641–43

  Memphis Belle (B-17), 96

  Miami University of Ohio, 296

  Michel, Don, 165

  Michener, James, 243, 435, 453, 469, 526–27, 590

  Michener, Mari, 453

  Mickelson, Sig, 306, 415, 520

  with CBS Television news, 149, 159, 176

  death of, 651

  and Face the Nation show, 179–80

  and Kennedy inauguration, 222, 223

  and 1952 elections, 158, 159–61, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169

  and 1956 elections, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186

  and 1960 elections, 206, 219

  and 1960 Summer Olympics, 202

  and 1964 elections, 311

  Paley’s firing of, 210, 247–48

  Salant as replacement for, 248

  and space coverage, 223, 224, 226

  Middle East, 527–29, 530, 560–65, 604–7

  Middle Tennessee State University, 647

  Middleton, Drew, 75, 131

  Middleton, Harry, 286, 491

  Midgley, Les, 356, 357, 364, 474, 499, 509, 512, 516, 661

  CBS News producer, 242, 282, 289–90, 300, 307, 321

  and the Kennedys, 242, 243–44

  and Vietnam War, 362, 363

  Midway, Battle of, 81

  migrant workers, in the U.S., 208, 217, 219

  Mike Douglas Show, The, 495

  Mike Wallace Interview, The (CBS News), 249

  Mills Brothers, 92

  Minneapolis Journal, 61


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