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A Christian Easter

Page 3

by Pat Simmons

  “Show off,” Joy teased. She always seemed amused whenever he exhibited his “caveman” strength as she called it. She nudged Bethani and gathered Jada in her arms.

  “For you, baby.” Christian admired her white suit that accented the curves she maintained since they married the previous year while his waistline had already expanded a half an inch. Instead of wearing a hat like the girls, his wife had styled her hair into a mass of curls that bounced with every step as they headed for the SUV.

  Once everyone was strapped in, Christian linked his fingers through Joy’s. The sun began to rise as he turned into the church’s parking lot, which was packed for the only service of the day. Pastor Peyton had decided a while back that a sunrise service was appropriate to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection and there wouldn’t be any other services on that Sunday.

  After parking, the two managed to get their lethargic children out. Joining other members in the trek toward the entrance, he and Joy exchanged “Praise the Lord” with them. As they walked closer, the sounds emanating from inside pierced the early morning’s quietness. The thunderous symphony of the trumpets, drums, and the organ startled the children to full attention as the ushers opened the doors to the foyer.

  Dazed and nosy, the little ones scrambled out of Christian and Joy’s arms to follow the music. They practically beat him and Joy into the sanctuary to see what the excitement was all about, then froze in their spots, amazed at the transformation of the sanctuary. The pageantry gave the appearance that they were no longer on earth, but in a faraway place like the Land of Oz.

  Oversized props were stationed in every available corner. They were larger-than-life scenes depicting the opened sepulcher, angels rejoicing in heaven and a majestic throne. Colored spotlights beamed from track lighting, causing ceiling decorations to glimmer.

  “Babe, I see Nathan and David and his girlfriend,” Christian whispered into Joy’s ear as he pointed to the row where his family usually held a seat for them. Their parents were singing in the mass choir for the special service.

  Linking his fingers through Joy’s, Christian guided the children onto the pew where his brothers greeted his family with hugs and kisses. He managed to get the little ones on their knees to say, mumble or reflect on a prayer of thanksgiving for being there. It was their shortest prayer to date, determined not to miss anything going on around them.

  Darla and Jada were able to get their grandparents’ attention in the choir with their wild waves. After answering what seemed to be endless questions about why people were walking around in costumes and crowns, Christian was glad when Pastor Peyton stood at the podium. Instead of opening his Bible, he instructed the choir to sing two more choruses of “Jesus Rose from the Grave.”

  Afterward, Pastor Peyton wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. Before Christian’s eyes, his pastor seemed to jumpstart his five-thirty a.m. sermon with a double portion of fervor. “It’s hard to stop praising His name, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah!” The crowd shouted back.

  “Jesus has dotted every ‘i’ and crossed every ‘t’ to fulfill His mission on this earth. Because He rose, we can repent for our sins and receive our white robes to enter into the Kingdom with great splendor. That will be the mother of all the home-going celebrations!”

  The pastor made a sweeping gesture with his arms toward the pageantry in the sanctuary. Surprisingly, the subtle, but calculated, movements of the Biblical characters weren’t distracting, neither were the props. They acted as a backdrop that complemented his sermon. Pastor Peyton’s strong voice seemed to narrate the dramatization of a man, dragging a cross near the pulpit. “This is about Jesus’ grand Resurrection on the third day, which biblically is Monday, but it’s all right to celebrate a day early.”

  Suddenly, the Holy Ghost quickened Pastor’s body and his shoulders jerked to the left and his right hand lifted in the air. The place roared with praise as they witnessed the anointing fall on their leader.

  “If you think we’re having church now, just wait! This is big! Jesus shows up to show out. The trumpet will sound to announce His grand return to gather His saints.” Pastor Peyton pounded the podium for emphasis, but had yet to open his Bible. “That’s why a furry bunny can’t speak healing into existence. It can’t restore life from the dead. From Genesis to Revelation when Jesus spoke, things happened. That silly rabbit can’t even find a place to hide during hunting season, so why dote on it this day?”

  Trumpets blew for demonstration. Colored lights flashed in sync as drums pounded as if cuing large balloons to fall from the ceiling. It was a New Year’s Eve type of celebration.

  “Look, Daddy!” Shane cried, wiggling to loosen Christian’s hold so he could grab one. Next came dozens and dozens of drama guild members, descending from the balconies. All were dressed in extravagant white and gold costumes meant to resemble celestial beings. Like circus performers, they were leaving their spectators in the sanctuary in awe.

  The little ones watched and pointed as each figure or prop took center stage. Christian winked at his wife. Thank You, Jesus, for planting me at a Bible-teaching church. He knew without the Scriptures being preached Sunday-in and Sunday-out, a display of this magnitude wouldn’t have been conceived.

  “This is just a tease of the Holy City. Don’t you want to go?” Pastor Peyton asked. “If so, stop following after the world and be a leader. Be guiltless today. Repent, which is the beginning process toward God’s perfection. Step out from where you’re sitting….”

  Many accepted his invitation and filled the aisles. Some were in the throes of a remorseful state and seemed almost inconsolable. The presence of God evident, it seemed as if His Spirit swept through the pews, quickening people. Before long, Bethani was rejoicing with a Holy Dance under the direction of the Master puppeteer. As expected, the little ones began to mimic her. However, this time, they didn’t seem to be acting, but rejoicing in their own little way.

  “If you want to rise again like Jesus, then bury the old man—and take on the new man—through the baptism in Jesus’ name and witness the miracle of Jesus speaking to you through His tongues. You’ll never experience anything like it,” Pastor Peyton continued.

  Christian wrapped his arms around Joy who had tears streaming down her face as she stared ahead. Both her hands covered her mouth. Her emotional state was always reflective on her own baptism she had explained the first time she alarmed him. Now, they just celebrated together the redemption of one or many souls.

  Baptisms began as candidates descended into the pool. Ministers instructed them to cross their arms over their chest in preparation for the submersion.

  One of the ministers declared with a loud voice, “My dear brothers and sisters, upon the confession of your faith and the confidence we have in the blessed Word of God, concerning His death, burial and grand resurrection, we now indeed baptize you in the mighty name of Jesus for the remission of your sins and God will give you the Holy Ghost, according to the Book of Acts in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  The scene was repeated until the last one. “That’s seventeen.” Christian counted.

  Nodding in agreement, Joy sniffed and dabbed her eyes.

  The energy remained charged from the offertory until the benediction. “That was exhilarating!” Joy twirled around and planted a kiss on his lips in front of other church members. Christian grinned and returned the affection.

  “Good to see married folks act in love.” Deacon Sullivan patted Christian on the back.

  “Keep that up and God’s going to add to your flock. Hmm-mm,” Mother Pinkston mumbled as she hobbled along beside them.

  “I don’t mind,” Christian whispered into his wife’s ear, causing her to giggle. Gathering their tribe, he shuffled them in line for the mad dash to the fellowship hall where the buffet was stocked and ready for a hungry crowd.

  As customary, ushers escorted the senior members to their special table where hostesses were waiting to serve them.

you take the little ones and find us a seat. Bethani and I can fix plates.” He glanced at his “daughter” for compliance and she eagerly nodded.

  Although she had physically recovered from God’s anointing, Christian could still see its lingering effects. Her eyes were bright and Bethani possessed an almost-jubilant expression.

  She hurried ahead of him to the buffet bar. There was plenty of food from the fresh fruit, eggs, oatmeal, cereal, homemade biscuits to sausage patties. Juices and coffee seemed endless.

  “I like our church, Mr. Andersen,” Bethani said as they filled their plates.

  “Me too. Jesus is pretty amazing. There’s nobody like Him,” Christian responded cheerfully, hoping one day, she would feel comfortable enough to call him “Daddy” since her biological father, Langston, wanted no part of his old life, which included the children, after his wife’s death. That dumbfounded Christian every time he thought about it.

  When their plates began to tilt, he suggested a trip to their table. A few times they had to freeze in their steps or maneuver their bodies to keep from becoming an obstacle for the unsupervised children using the fellowship hall as a playground. “I can’t wait for the fashion show.” She grinned. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “Good.” They paused to let an elderly couple cross their paths. “You’ll be the prettiest girl in the show, but I don’t want you to forget that Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead, not the best dressed.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  Looking at her, Christian believed her.

  I’m going to use her for My glory, God whispered.

  Christian didn’t have to ask who. He was thankful Jesus was letting him in on His plan for Bethani. There was nothing compared to God using folks. “Amen.”

  Shane, Jada, and Darla stared as they eagerly awaited their food as he and Bethani approached.

  Joy looked up, apparently overhearing him. “You already prayed?”

  He chuckled. “I’m always praying, baby. And may God sanctify our food too. Amen.” After giving his wife a wink, Christian stuffed his mouth with scrambled eggs and bit off a chunk of his fluffy biscuit. He was going for seconds.


  Bethani rushed out of her bedroom and banged on Joy’s bedroom door. “We have to hurry, Auntie.”

  After returning home from service, stuffed from the buffet, the family took a nap. Unfortunately, they had overslept. Joy had just freshened up as she stepped into her outfit and slipped into her shoes in record time.

  Christian was in Shane’s room, getting him ready. Joy wasn’t surprised that Bethani made sure Jada and Darla were dressed and ready to go.

  “I have to give my name and description to a lady before the show begins,” Bethani explained as she adjusted the garment bag over her shoulder, containing the dress, hat and shoes she had worn to church earlier.

  “Sweetie, remember, this is about Jesus,” Joy reminded her as they climbed into the SUV.

  “I know.” She bobbed her head. “Mr. Andersen already told me.”

  Lord, I hope I’m doing the right thing. The world was filled with impressionable girls that followed their friends to be accepted. Not that there was anything wrong with a fashion show, but if Joy didn’t monitor her niece’s friends, Bethani could find herself surrounded by girls whose interests were purity, salvation and obedience to their parents. The last thing Joy wanted was Bethani to succumb to peer pressure with other things that were as innocent as modeling. She didn’t want Bethani to become a single mother like she had, especially as a teenager.

  They arrived at Christ the Redeemer Church with ten minutes to spare. Bethani’s friend, Leah, waved at them and hurried her niece inside, giggling. A hostess greeted them at another entrance. She handed them a program before directing them to a lower level. They entered a large room that was decorated in festive colors. A makeshift walkway had been erected down the middle aisle. Judging from the rows of chairs, the planners expected a hundred or so guests. “I’ll find us a seat.” Christian walked ahead in search of five chairs. Shane wiggled from her hand, begging to tag along.

  Releasing her nephew, Joy’s eyes watered as she watched the two bond. Shane had taken to Christian while they were dating and called him Daddy before they were married.

  Joy twisted her lips when her husband motioned them toward the back. She wanted to be close to the front to root her niece on, but there were only one and two seats together sprinkled throughout the place. Surveying the audience, Joy wondered if the fashion show was among the crowd with the many hats and other stylish wardrobes that adorned some of the women.

  As they settled into their seats, Joy smiled and nodded a greeting at those around them. Christian made Darla and Jada sit on the other side of him as he held Shane. “I want you to sit next to me, baby.”

  Joy blushed at his endearments.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen…” A tall woman quieted the crowd from a podium on the side of the stage. She was decked out from head to toe in a stunning pastel yellow suit. “This is our fourth annual Easter Fashion Show. My name is Katherine Mann. Today we have twenty participants modeling their Easter best. Many are young girls to young ladies from nine to seventeen. We even have three aspiring male models this year—”

  A few proud supporters cheered from the audience.

  Katherine laughed. “Let’s get started.” The lights dimmed as the first girl skipped out. She was adorable in ruffles and bows. “We have Gina Williams. She is a fifth grader at Barrington Downs School. She’s wearing a red polka dot dress with see-through organza sleeves…”

  “Bethani’s outfit will blow this show away,” Christian leaned over and whispered.

  Joy sshed him, silently agreeing. “This isn’t a competition. Thank God.” Although she had to admit that some of the outfits could have easily made project runway.

  “Our next model is Bethani Starr Andersen from Salvation Is Free Church…” Katherine read from the card.

  “Yay, Sissy,” Darla screamed and clapped.

  “Yay, Sissy,” Jada seconded her cousin.

  “Yay,” Shane chimed in; met with nearby chuckles.

  Her niece scanned the audience, looking for them. The little ones’ frantic waving caught her attention. She grinned as she jutted her chin and strutted down the runaway as if she had been practicing a lifestyle, beaming to her left and right. Christian actually stood and whistled.

  Katherine Mann looked up from her card. “Bethani really does look like a star in her Easter best. I understand her grandmother designed the white satin and taffeta dress and then hand-sewed white pearls on the bodice. That hat set off her attire, agreed?” she paused for the crowd to applause.

  “Sit down.” Joy swatted him on the leg; embarrassed by his antics, but a tad pleased by his showering her niece with attention.

  “She is a fourth grader at Mary Institute and Country Day School. It appears Bethani wants me to read this note on the back of her card. ‘I like what I have on, but I really want to wear the white robe Jesus has for me. My granny can’t sew that. It’s only for those Jesus has redeemed and I’m glad He rose and redeemed me.’” Katherine exhaled. “Well, what a conviction! Let’s give this young lady a hand.”

  Bethani received a standing ovation. Hopefully, she had left her mark and people would remember what her niece said more than what she was wearing. “That service really helped.”

  “She’s also been reading Revelation,” Christian added. “So, the fashion show was a success.”

  “Wonderful! Praise God we dodged the chocolate bunnies this time and hopefully next year too.”

  Christian winked. “Something tells me the Easter bunny doesn’t stand a chance in the Andersen household.”

  “Amen, Mr. Andersen. Amen.”

  About the Author

  Pat is the multi-published author of several single titles and eBook novellas, and is a two-time recipient of the Emma Rodgers Award for Best Inspirational Romance. She
has been a featured speaker and workshop presenter at various venues across the country.

  As a self-proclaimed genealogy sleuth, Pat is passionate about researching her ancestors and then casting them in starring roles in her novels. She describes the evidence of the gift of the Holy Ghost as an amazing, unforgettable, life-altering experience. God is the Author who advances the stories she writes.

  Pat is currently overseeing the media publicity for the annual RT Booklovers Conventions. She has a B.S. in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.

  Pat converted her sofa-strapped, sports fanatic husband into an amateur travel agent, untrained bodyguard, GPS-guided chauffeur, and administrative assistant who is constantly on probation. They have a son and a daughter.

  Read more about Pat and her books by visiting or on social media.

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  Thanks for reading!

  Other Christian Titles by Pat Simmons

  The Guilty series

  Guilty of Love

  Not Guilty of Love

  Still Guilty

  The Guilty Parties series

  The Acquittal

  The Confession

  The Jamieson Legacy

  Guilty by Association

  The Guilt Trip

  Free from Guilt

  Single titles

  Crowning Glory

  Talk to Me

  Her Dress (novella)

  The Carmen Series

  No Easy Catch

  In Defense of Love


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