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My Future With Mr White

Page 5

by J A Fielding

  “Three hours is more than enough to smooth the place out and pack a bag. You take this room. I’ll take the kitchen,” Natasha said as she removed her shoes and pinned up her hair up. Rita gave her a thankful smile as she began taking off her own shoes. As she rearranged the pillows, she had half a mind to tell Natasha that the reason she was so quiet was that she was scared she would end up just like Lydia. She had no idea how everything was going to work out. Being sick would mean that she would never have a friend again because she would not be able to recognize her. She would not know the man she loved or even recognize herself. There was also the fact that she did not trust Dave not just because of the “misunderstanding” as he had put it, but there was also the fact that she had walked in on him a dozen times talking on his phone but he had hung up as soon as he noticed her. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she did not notice Natasha walking back in the room.

  “What have you been doing for the last hour?” she asked, looking at Rita who was holding a cushion in her arms.

  “Well...” Rita began talking before Natasha put up her hands. She took the cushion and began straightening up the living room.

  ‘Don’t worry. You have a lot going on,” Natasha said. “But if I am going to make that pickup at three, we need to pick up our slack,” she added as she quickly bustled around the room. Rita smiled and helped her out before she walked to her mother’s room. She pulled out a bag out of the closet as Natasha pulled out a few clothes and began folding them.

  “What is this?” Rita asked as a piece of paper fell out of one of her mother’s favorite books.

  “What?” Natasha asked.

  “This,” Rita said as she bent down to pick up the paper. “From my experience, notes hidden in books are usually the bearers of bad news,” she said as she looked at Natasha.

  “So, what do you want to do?” Natasha asked even though all she wanted to do was grab the paper from her and read it out loud.

  “Screw it,” Rita said as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She unfolded the paper and began reading through it.

  “What? What does it say?” Natasha asked.

  “It’s a letter from my mother. It is dated three years ago. I think this is the day she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,” Rita said, looking up. Natasha walked up to her and sat down.

  I would tell you if I could but we have had a rough run and I have just recently got my daughter back. I don’t want your last memories of me to be sad ones. I still have a few good months left and I want to spend them living my life to the fullest, being a good mother to my daughter.

  Natasha took Rita’s hand in hers and squeezed it gently.

  “She knew and she didn’t say anything,” Rita said.

  “But it was a selfless act,” Natasha said as she squeezed her hand again. “She only did that because she loves you. You are her only baby, remember?” she asked, smiling.

  “I know. Maybe one day I will understand why she did this,” Rita said. Natasha squeezed her hand again. This was the first time she was seeing her friend this vulnerable, this defeated.

  “Hey, let’s get this stuff to your mama, okay?” Natasha said as she stood up. She folded a few dresses and sweaters before looking at Rita again. She could not hold back anymore. This was an inevitable question. “How are things between you and Dave?” she asked. Rita took a long deep breath and sighed.

  “Oh wow, that is a whole other story,” she said.

  “What? I thought you guys worked everything out,” Natasha said.

  “He apologized for the quote unquote misunderstanding,” Rita said, putting up finger quotes. “But that was the explanation for that day. What about all the other women I have seen them with?” she asked.

  “I’m curious. Just what explanation did he give you?” Natasha asked. She had not seen any ring on Rita’s finger and Dave had confirmed that he had not had a chance to go down on one knee yet.

  “Some story about the woman being an event’s organizer and that he was planning something special, an office party or something,” she said. Natasha rolled her eyes. Dave was hopeless. That was the best he could come up with?

  “Sweetie, there could be so much more to it than just that,” Natasha said. Rita shrugged. “Then why did you get back together with him if you did not believe him?” she asked.

  “I have a lot going on, Tasha and honestly, I needed the distraction. I know you think I’m terrible but I...” Rita sighed as she thought of what she could say. Anything she could say at this point would not be right.

  “I am not judging you, sweetie. I’m just saying you need to give him a chance,” Natasha said. She would have hated for Rita to miss out on a great guy because of her insecurities. Rita looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Why are you in his court? You are my best friend, not his,” she said with a smile.

  “I know and I am on your side. One hundred percent but still, you might be surprised,” Natasha said. Without knowing it, Natasha had almost blown the entire secret.

  “What do you know?” Rita suddenly asked. Natasha felt her face get red.

  “Nothing,” she said quickly.

  “Tasha, I have known you for more than ten years and I can tell when you are lying and right now, you are lying,” Rita said.

  “No, I most certainly am not,” Natasha said sharply.

  “Fine, then you are holding back on the truth,” Rita said, smiling. Natasha was still looking at Rita, trying to convince her, when her phone suddenly rang loudly, piercing the uncomfortable silence. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I have to take this,” she said as she walked out of the bedroom.

  “Natasha Schmidt,” she said as she walked to the living room.

  “Hello, Mrs. Schmidt. My name is Miranda Simms. I am calling from the Lockhart Academic Complex,” the woman on the other side said. Natasha’s heart almost skipped a beat. Lockhart Academic Complex or LAC as most people called it, was the Oxford of the preschool world.

  “Hi...thanks for calling,” Natasha said trying hard not to stammer from the excitement.

  “Well, it is my honor,” the woman said. “I am calling about an application you placed with us for Alexis Schmidt, your daughter, and I had to ask, is there any relation to Nolan Schmidt, the businessman?” the woman asked. Natasha rolled her eyes. Of course the Schmidt name had to come up.

  “Yes, I am. I am married to Mitchell Schmidt, Nolan’s grandson,” Natasha said. She could almost see the dollar signs going ka-ching in the woman’s eyes.

  “That is just great. Having a member of the Nolan Schmidt family as one of our students here at Lockhart Academic Complex,” she said. Natasha smiled.

  “So does that mean we are off the waiting list?” Natasha asked excitedly.

  “Oh yes. We are happy to have your little girl as part of our family,” the woman said. Natasha said goodbye and almost danced around the living room. This was just perfect.

  “What are you all randy about?” Rita asked as she walked into the living room carrying a bag.

  “Alexis just got accepted into LAC,” Natasha said excitedly. Rita frowned.

  “LAC?” she asked.

  “Lockhart Academic Complex,” Natasha said.

  “What? That is like the Oxford or Harvard of elementary education,” Rita said.

  “I know. Isn’t it great?” Natasha said excitedly. Rita frowned again.

  “I know I have said this before but you do remember that girl is only seven months old, right?” she asked.

  “Okay, please don’t tell me you have joined the ‘Alexis is only a baby’ bandwagon. I don’t need any more people on that train,” Natasha said.

  “Well, as your best friend I have to give you both sides of the coin. The first side, you doing this shows how good of a mother you are, but also how you get your head wrapped around something and never let go of a stupid idea, and at the same time, I know Mitchell hates all this. So this is more of a cons than pros situation,” Rita explained.

>   “Well, he hates it now but I am sure he will come around,” Natasha said.

  “I hope so,” Rita said with a smile.

  “Is that everything?” Natasha asked pointing at the bag Rita was carrying.

  “Well, we cleaned up, packed up her books and yeah, this is everything,” Rita said looking at the bag in her hands.

  “Good. Let’s get going,” Natasha said as she got out of the living room. As the two rode to the hospital, Natasha could barely hide her excitement.


  Mitchell looked around at the strong minds seated at his conference table to the board room. He had just made the pitch of his life and even though he was sure he had done a good job, he was still unsure of himself. He had not done a pitch in a long time. He usually left pitching jobs to the junior associates. What he did was just identify the people he wanted to work with and the associates would do the rest. But not this time. This time he was not just pitching to some random company. It was his grandfather’s closest friend, Ralph Peterson. At the time, it was the most profitable business decision he had ever made.

  “I must say, Mitchell, you are truly a direct bloodline from Nolan,” Simon Cryer, one of the associates at Peterson Parker insurance, said.

  “I’m glad you liked it. We are all about our client’s product and for a company such as Peterson Parker, we can make a campaign so big that it will blow your mind,” Mitchell said imitating his grandfather. The three associates laughed as they recalled Nolan’s comical voice.

  “You are right. He is his grandfather’s grandson,” Lawrence Simms, another associate said.

  “So, what do you say? Deal or no deal?” Mitchell asked. Normally he would not use that phrase but he knew he had nailed it. He would have danced naked on the table and they would have still offered him a deal.

  “We would be honored to work with you,” Cryer said as he stood up to shake Mitchell’s hand.

  “Good. I’ll have the contract drawn up and sent to your attorneys,” Mitchell said as he led them out.

  “Perfect,” Simon said.

  “Well, if you are not in a hurry I would like to indulge you in some of the best English tea and some pound cake downstairs,” Mitchell said smiling.

  “Of course,” Simms said, smiling.

  “Yes, we have been known for our sweet tooth,” Cryer said. Just as they were making their way past his office, his assistant came running up to him.

  “Sir, you have a call,” she said.

  “Take a message, please. Well, Peggy?” he said.

  “It is Lockhart Academic Complex and it sounds urgent,” she said. Mitchell pointed out the break room to his guests and then walked to his office. He had no idea why a school like LAC would be calling him. Perhaps they needed him to make a speech at one of their events.

  “This is Mitchell,” he said when he picked up the phone.

  “Mr. Schmidt. Hi, my name is Alicia from Lockhart Academic Complex. I am calling to confirm your daughter’s social security number,” the woman said. Mitchell shook his head.

  “I’m sorry but why would you need my daughter’s social security number?” he asked.

  “For our records,” Alicia said.

  “What records?” he asked wondering what the hell she was talking about.

  “Oh your wife must have not talked to you yet. Your daughter got accepted to Lockhart Academic complex,” Alicia said excitedly. Mitchell felt anger shoot through him when she said that.

  “I’m sorry, what?” he asked.

  “Your daughter Alexis will be going to school here as soon as she is of school going age. Now all I need is her soci...” Mitchell did not have it in him to listen to her anymore. He hung up and ran his fingers through his hair. He had already told Natasha to quit with the whole early admission thing but obviously, she had chosen to defy him. He rose from his seat and walked out of the office. By this time, he had forgotten all about his guests because all he could think of was having a long talk with his wife.

  Chapter 6

  “Will you at least talk to me?” Natasha asked as Mitchell walked right past her and to the kitchen. He walked to the fridge and took a bottle of water.

  “What do you want me to say? I asked you not to do something and you went right ahead and did it,” he said before taking a sip.

  The Schmidt household had been almost impossible to be in since Mitchell found out that Natasha had met up with Lockhart academic Complex officials. To Mitchell, getting into the school was not such a big deal and if anything, it was going to put unnecessary pressure on Alexis as she grew up. Mitchell had sworn to protect his daughter from the kind of childhood his mother had forced on him, because he had only been too lucky to get away from the disadvantages that came with that lifestyle, but his sister, that was another story altogether.

  “Okay, so are we going to be one of those couples?” Natasha asked angrily. “You just want me to be seen not heard. Is that right?” she asked. Mitchell shrugged and took another sip of his water.

  “I never said that. Those are your words, not mine,” he said.

  “But all I did was make sure my daughter...”

  “Our daughter,” Mitchell interjected looking at her.

  “Fine. Our daughter. All I did was make sure she got in the best elementary program there is,” she said. Mitchell laughed cynically and shook his head.

  “Preschool does not matter, Tasha. If you are this uptight about preschool, I don’t know what you will be like when Alexis is going to college,” he said. Natasha rolled her eyes.

  “I already have that all planned out,” she said.

  “God damn it! Tasha. That is exactly what I am talking about,” Mitchell said. “You cannot force our daughter to live a life that she does not want. Let her grow up to become what she wants to be,” he said angrily.

  “Really? You can sleep at night knowing that your daughter chose to be a waitress?” Natasha asked.

  “Of course not. But I don’t want to force her into a career that she does not want and that is exactly where you are headed,” he said as he took another sip of his water. Natasha rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest.

  “How exactly am I doing that?” she asked.

  “Remember how I told you about my mother, how she forced things on us that we did not want? This is how she started,” he said.

  ‘But I am not your mother!” Natasha yelled angrily.

  “Not yet,” he said as he looked at her.

  “Okay, just what is that supposed to mean?” she asked.

  “Well, in not so many words. Natasha, I love you but you are doing things that remind me why I sometimes hate being related to Nolan Schmidt,” he said. “I never wanted to learn piano and my sister never wanted to learn the violin. We never wanted to be the golden children and that is what pushed my sister to substance abuse,” he said. There was a long pause before he finally spoke again. “I will not let my daughter hate herself. Not in this lifetime,” he said before walking out. Natasha quickly ran after him and touched his arm.

  “We are not done yet,” she said. He turned around and looked at her.

  “What do you want to say now? Because if you are not about to tell me that you will forfeit that position at LAC, I have nothing else to say,” he said.

  “Why don’t you just try and see things from where I stand? Have you tried to walk a mile in my shoes yet?” she asked.

  “Let’s see if your shoe fits, Tasha. Let’s see, would you ever trade the life you had as a child, your childhood, to be in some quote unquote good school?” he asked. Natasha looked at him, unsure of what was expected of her at that moment. The truth was, she did not live a very privileged lifestyle but she still managed to carve out a great life for herself. She knew more than anyone that her life and career were the result of her father’s hard work...and hers, and she also wanted to do the same for Alexis.

  “No, I wouldn’t, but I would have done anything to help my dad out,” she sai
d. Natasha looked into his eyes for any sign of Mitchell yielding but there was none.

  “And I must say, Eric and Estelle did exceptional work with you but my point is, you did not have to be in an over-glorified school, especially, preschool, to turn out the way you did. This, you being who you are now, had absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you went to a twenty-five thousand dollar a term preschool. It was all in you and in your dad,” Mitchell said.

  Natasha shook her head and sighed.

  “But I....” Mitchell put his hands up, silencing her immediately. He walked to the bedroom and undressed before he stepped into the shower while Natasha paced around the kitchen. She was dreading going to bed. It would be an awkward situation for both of them. She checked up on the baby and then took the monitor with her before finally getting into bed. Mitchell got out of the bathroom and walked straight to the nursery. He walked back to the bedroom and got into bed without a word. “So, you are giving me the silent treatment?” Natasha asked.

  “Tasha, not now,” he said without turning around.

  “This is not the kind of marriage I want,” she said in a low voice. Mitchell turned around and looked at her.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked.

  “This, fighting and you ignoring me, this is not what I want,” she said.

  “So, what are you saying?” he asked. He was afraid of saying the exact words for fear that she would answer in the affirmative. She shook her head and shrugged. “Natasha! What do you mean?” he asked. She looked into his eyes as a tear threatened to roll down her cheek. He shook his head and got out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  I am sleeping in the guest room tonight,” he said as he walked out of the bedroom. Natasha felt the tear rolling down her cheek. There was no point holding back anymore. For the rest of the night, Natasha cried herself to sleep as she thought of the mess she had created. She would have to fix this but she had no idea how.


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