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Endless Abduction

Page 5

by Gloria Martin

  "I was just on my way there," James told them exuberantly. "Me and my groupies are going on a bit of an adventure."

  "We've had one of those," Mallory said. "I would highly recommend it."

  "Good!" James said. "I'm happy to hear you two figured out a way to get out of this whole mess."

  Elric smiled. "Me, too." Mallory’s heart was soaring. They were leaving. They were together. They were alive. Life was great!

  "Here's an anti-tracking chip," James said, as he handed it to Elric.

  They were interrupted by the sound of the Chancellor’s voice. "Oh, thank god!" she said as she walked up to James. "I need to get off of here. Off this awful place."

  "Hmm, no I don't think I'll be doing that favor for you," he said.

  The Chancellor stared in disbelief. "What?"

  "Remember last year when you killed my friends? Human friends?"

  The Chancellor looked aghast. James sighed and put his lip to the side, then said, "Ah, fine. You can come, too. But you better pay for what you've done."

  Her skin had paled. Her lips were pressed together tightly. She nodded vigorously. "I will, I will."

  "Little does she know," James said when she was out of ear shot, "is that I'm putting her butt back on Earth."

  "Where will you go on Earth?" Elric asked him.

  "I'm thinking Miami, oh yeah!"

  "We're going to..." Elric trailed off, then asked Mallory, "Where are we going?"

  "Maui," she said decisively. "It's time to finish that vacation we both started.

  He smiled and kissed her forehead. Then looked in her dark green eyes and said, "I love you, Mallory."

  Mallory’s eyes brimmed with tears. She smiled back at him and Elric’s piercing blue eyes brightened. "I love you, too, Elric."


  Bonus Books

  We just want to say “THANK YOU”.

  You support always means a lot to us. In this book, we have included 40 special bonus stories as a way to show you how much we appreciate your support. We hope you enjoy the stories as much as we do.

  Bonus Story 1 of 40

  Alien’s Bride

  The bright morning sunshine tickled her soaked flesh, but her mind was still adrift, lost in another realm of space and time. She could hear the gentle lapping of the sea, which seemed to relax her tired muscles and clear her chaotic thoughts.

  “The Warrior King has made his decision,” the announcer had said to the congregation of Martians gathered in the enormous glass dome of the planet’s central city.

  Her heart had skipped a beat as she’d leaned in closer to listen. About a thousand other hopeful women had done the same.

  “He has chosen… Gemini!” he’d finished.

  She’d almost fainted upon hearing her name. Suddenly, a huge spotlight had been turned to her.

  Something cold brushed against her feet, making them wet. The memory of the big event in the dome vanished from her head, replaced by nothingness. What’s going on?

  There it was again- a loud, crashing sound followed by coldness wrapping around her ankles.

  Her eyes flickered open, but were immediately blinded by intense brightness from all around. She closed her eyes, although she was now fully awake. She could feel the fatigue rolling in, along with the aching in her shoulders, arms, and legs. Actually, her whole body seemed to be exhausted. The pain was tolerable, but more bothersome was the fact that she did not know where she was or how she’d gotten there.

  One moment, she had been enveloped in joy and pride as the chosen bride of the Warrior King. And then the next, she was lying on the sandy shores of an unknown island.

  She opened her eyes again, revealing their unique beauty and depth. This time, they quickly adjusted to the sunlight that bathed the entire island. She forced herself to a sitting position, just as another wave crashed onto the shore and washed up toward her. Her alertness was back, but not her complete memory.

  “Shit, how did I get here on planet Earth?” she whispered with combined fear, shock, and worry as she now recognized the natural elements from photos and videos that she had studied while in the academy.

  Apparently, she had somehow come to be on a beautiful beach that looked deserted at the moment. She knew that such natural wonders were currently quite rare on Earth.

  Looking down upon her body, she saw that she was still wearing the special dress she had carefully picked for a special occasion. It was a plain, long dress in red with a high slit on one side. It looked like a casual cotton dress for Terrans, but was actually made of a different kind of material that was more suitable for Mars. It’s a good thing the fabric was also waterproof so only her skin had gotten wet.

  “Am I just dreaming?” she asked aloud, puzzled. She tried pinching herself and immediately felt the pain. “I guess not…” She figured she had somehow ended up in the water and had just washed up on shore.

  She straightened up, trying to focus. She again remembered what she’d considered the happiest moment of her life- the announcement of the bride. How could she get married to the Warrior King if she was on a different planet? Her heart sank as the disappointment and frustration settled within.

  “I have to get back to Mars!” she declared, standing up and looking around for any clue as to how she was supposed to return. Perhaps there was some portal that she had accidentally entered.

  Her planet was the nearest neighbor of the Earth, so it should be a breeze to get back, right? She walked slowly toward one side of the lengthy stretch of the beach, trying to figure out what to do next. “I need to get back,” she repeated to herself as she walked. “I want to be Queen.”

  On her planet, it was always a great honor to be chosen as the next Queen of the Warrior King. Whenever a new decade arrives, the Big Announcement was made. All the young ladies would gather at the central dome, hoping to be picked. Everybody who could fit inside would often flock to witness the event.

  Every ten years, after living in power, influence, and wealth, the Queen gets replaced. Nevertheless, she would forever be part of Martian history.

  Gem felt her heart constricting as she began to panic. What if she never got back? Would they choose another Queen? She had been overjoyed when she’d finally stood face to face with the King. Rather than thinking of the kind of wedding she would be privileged to decide on, such as what most of the previous queens had been first preoccupied with, she had already started noting down her plans for the planet and for their people.

  Her speed did not seem ordinary for a Terran, so she was able to reach one end of the beach in a couple of minutes even without running. Weird, she thought as she remembered that their planet’s gravitational pull was supposedly lighter than that of the Earth. But then she realized that perhaps it was due to her unique body makeup. Maybe it was reacting differently to the Earth’s atmosphere.

  She stopped to look around, surveying her surroundings. There were sand dunes with a dense forest behind them. And then there were majestic mountains in the background that she had never seen in actuality before.

  For a minute, she paused to admire the scenic view. “Just as I thought, Earth is so beautiful up close,” she whispered. This was nothing compared to mere images.

  If only she’d been transported here at another time that did not have any conflict with her life on Mars, she would have been thankful for the opportunity to explore an amazing planet teeming with life for numerous years already! After all, she had always been aware of the existence of Terrans, who were the only known life species similar to Martians in their entire galaxy.

  “Woof, woof!”

  Gem turned around to find a small, adorable creature with four legs wagging its tail as it ran toward her. She recognized it at once as an Earth canine. It had soft, golden hair and was excitedly bouncing up, trying to lick her hand. She couldn’t help laughing.

  Then suddenly, it gave a few barks and turned around moving in the other direction. It seemed to be asking her to follow. A
nd so she did.

  As they neared the opposite end of the beach, she was surprised to see that this was the part of the island where there were huts and cottages among the trees. It was obviously a village and she grew excited about meeting actual inhabitants of Earth.

  From what she had observed so far, she guessed she had not just been transported to planet Earth, but might have actually gone back in time!

  Is it possible? she thought, racking her brain for memories from that evening when she had met up with the King in his palace.

  The little dog barked excitedly, disrupting Gem’s thoughts. She turned toward the sea where the dog was facing. Three boats had just arrived. One of the men climbed down from his boat and eagerly jogged to meet the dog midway.

  “Hey, there,” he greeted the dog, crouching down and scratching the animal’s head and ears. “How are you? Did you miss me?”

  The dog barked and wagged his tail gleefully.

  Gem watched them, feeling both amazed and amused by their obvious connection. At the same time, she could not help admiring the strong physique of the man, which was common among Martian Warriors. But this human had tanned skin, unlike the pale color of Martians. And there was something else about him that seemed to grip her heart in a way she could not understand or interpret.

  To her astonishment, the dog then appeared to lead him to her. He stood up and that was when she had a good look at his handsome face. He had round brown eyes, moist and reddish lips, and a somewhat pointed nose. There was a dimple on each cheek that made him look even more attractive when he was smiling. Strands of his dark hair fell on one eye, but he immediately brushed them away.

  He walked toward her, his smile fading a bit as the relaxed, happy expression on his face changed into one of bemusement.

  Suddenly, everything else seemed to fade into the background as she was transfixed by the good-looking man in front of her. They were about the same height, although his muscular body definitely shadowed over her lean one.

  “Hi,” he said uncertainly. “Are you… lost?”

  Hearing his voice made her heart flutter a bit, which was baffling. For some reason, she was at a loss for words. She knew their language very well, but the way he was making her feel at that very moment was something she had never experienced before.


  “Hello,” was all she could utter as her eyes drank him in.

  “Only a few of us live around here, and I don’t think I’ve seen you before,” he said. He extended his hand toward her then. “I’m Cliff. You are…?”

  “My name is Gemini,” she replied, shaking his hand as she had seen done in videos of Earth when she was in school.

  “That’s a nice name,” he said with a smile, the sides of his eyes crinkling. “Quite rare. Where are you from?”

  Planet Mars, she answered silently. But aloud she said, “I’m from the city. But to be honest, I don’t know how I came to be here.”

  He cocked his head to one side, giving her a strange look. Her features were very human, but her eyes were a deep shade of purple with twinkling specks of silver. And her very fine hair in mixed tones of brown and orange, braided to her waist, must be odd too even for someone from the city.

  “Well, for your information, you are here at Moonrock Beach right now. What’s the last thing you remember?” he asked, still in a friendly tone despite her apparent out-of-this-world appearance.

  “I woke up on the shore and I was soaking wet,” Gem told him honestly. “But I took a walk along the beach, so the sun has dried me up already. That’s when I met your dog.”

  His tiny pet barked and then leaped to lick her hand. She smiled down at him.

  “He likes you,” Cliff said.

  Gem just smiled at him.

  “I think we might have to jog your memory a bit,” Cliff told her, his voice laced with concern. “But in the meantime, you can stay at our house. We might have to alert the police too, in case they get a report for some accident in the sea or for a missing person…”

  “Oh, no, don’t do that,” Gem said quickly. “I mean, I actually do remember something now…”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes!” she said. “I just, I wasn’t sure at first… But I believe I was sent here by someone who didn’t want me around.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  Gem was just inventing a story, but saying what she just said did seem to shake something in her recollection of that night at the palace.

  After her meeting with the Warrior King, Eman, she had been led to her bedroom by one of the servants. But upon entering, she’d been surprised to find another woman inside.

  “Hello, Madame,” the woman had greeted her. “I just delivered the King’s gift for you. Congratulations.” She had left in a hurry, and that was when Gem had noticed the gift-wrapped package on the bed.

  Cliff’s voice snapped her out of her reverie. “Are you okay, Gemini? If it’s difficult for you to talk about it, it’s fine. I understand.”

  Gem’s eyes focused on him again. “I’m sorry,” she muttered, looking down.

  “Hey, it’s alright,” he said, sounding cheerful again. “No worries. Come on, I think you need to change into something more comfortable. You’re probably hungry too.”

  “Not really,” she said. “But thank you for your kindness.”

  She followed him quietly to the nearby village. He lived in one of the bigger cottages that had a nice, artsy shop in front. She couldn’t help appreciating the display of handcrafted items made of shells, wood, dried leaves, and other natural materials. There was also a handful of framed paintings that depicted scenes of the beach.

  “You like art?” he asked when he noticed how she had stopped to admire the items on display.

  She nodded, picking up a tiny wooden sculpture of a dog. “Did you make this?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Cliff said, approaching.

  She didn’t realize he was standing right behind her. Surprised by his answer, she turned around at once and was taken aback by his closeness. She caught a whiff of his salty scent mixed with a hint of his musky aftershave. It was invigorating.

  “I, uh… think… it’s really beautiful,” Gem said, finding it hard to construct her sentence because of their proximity. She couldn’t really understand why her heart was pounding wildly and her thoughts seemed to have gotten jumbled up.

  “Thank you,” Cliff said. “You can have it.”

  “What? No!” Gem said, shaking her head. “I want to pay for it.” She realized then that she didn’t have anything to pay with. She was, however, wearing a necklace that had a real diamond pendant. She took it off and handed it over.

  Cliff chuckled. “Sorry, but I can’t accept that.”

  “But it’s a real diamond!” Gem protested.

  “That’s why I can’t take it,” Cliff said, laughing. “I’m selling the sculpture for just five bucks, actually. Your necklace must be worth, what? A thousand bucks? Or maybe even more.”

  Gem looked surprised. “Oh, I thought this kind of sculpture would be worth that much. You should price it higher, definitely. It’s so detailed and well-crafted.”

  “Thanks, I’m flattered,” Cliff said, his brown eyes twinkling in amusement. “But if I do that, I’ll never be able to sell it to the few tourists who come over.”

  “Well, okay,” Gem finally conceded. “But I can’t let you give it away for free. You’re even letting me stay here for free. You’ve been so kind, so I must pay you back in some way.”

  “Sure, no problem,” Cliff answered. “We would certainly appreciate help in the kitchen. Can you cook?”

  Gem’s eyes lit up. She was actually a chef. That was her profession on Mars. It would be awesome to come up with new, delicious concoctions made out of ingredients on Earth.

  Cliff was gazing into her eyes. “You have… unique… eyes… I’ve never seen anything quite like them!”

  “Uh, yeah,” Gem s
aid, afraid he might suddenly doubt that she’s human like him. She quickly changed back the subject to cooking. “You know, I’m actually a chef. That’s my job.”

  “Wow, really?” Cliff said, sounding excited. “Just my luck! You see, we run a little bed and breakfast here and we want to jack it up for tourists, give them something more special, you know.”

  “Bed and breakfast?” Gem repeated, trying to recall her lessons about Earth.

  “Like a small hotel or inn,” he explained. If he found it weird that she did not know what it was, he did not show it.

  “I see,” Gem said in a surprised tone of voice. “I thought you were a fisherman.”

  “Well, I go fishing sometimes too,” he said with a grin. He motioned to the sack of fish he was carrying. “What’s the point of living near the sea if you can’t catch, eat, and sell fish, right?”

  Gem grinned back, beginning to feel very much at ease with him. “Right,” she agreed. “So… lead me to the kitchen and let me show you what I can do!”

  Gem took a deep breath, hoping that her Martian body would still give her the extraordinary speed she had experienced earlier. She went to work immediately. To her great joy, she was able to come up with three different dishes in less than an hour. They were all made of fish. She’d even included a salad and a soup. As she was preparing the meal, she thought this was definitely a great opportunity for her to enjoy her adventure on Earth and have a job while she tried to find a way to get back to her world.

  She had just finished setting up the mini feast on the blue-painted wooden table in the dining area when she smelled something fresh and fragrant. She looked up to see Cliff who seemed to have just come out of the shower. He was drying his dark hair with a towel and was clad only in a pair of shorts. His exposed torso and chest made her stop and stare.

  “Cliffy!” a girl’s voice screamed. They both turned toward the door, where a pretty blonde-haired woman was standing with her arms outstretched. “I’m back!”

  Cliff’s face broke into a huge smile. He went to her and took her in his arms. She embraced him tightly, which he returned. They seemed to have missed each other a lot.


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