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Endless Abduction

Page 83

by Gloria Martin

  I lifted up a palm at him, the memory too painful to reminiscence. “Stop. Don’t even talk about it, it’s old news. That was back when we were teenagers in high school.”

  He shrugged. “‘My point exactly. So like I was trying to say, you don’t have to feel weird talking about love to me. You don’t have to feel weird because of the past or because we had awesome threesomes,” he lightly joked, a small smile tugging on his lips.

  I laughed, a jittery feeling building in my stomach at the fact that we were kind of getting along again. He watched me intensely as he smiled, a weird tension forming between us. I cleared my throat, “So, I’m going to head home now. I wish you and Nathan the best of luck.”

  “What?” He asked, looking up the flight of stairs before turning to me again. “Y-you think me and Nathan are serious?”

  “Well, aren’t you? He’s in love with you, isn’t he?” I asked.

  He raised his eyebrows. “He says he is but deep down, he will never get over you. I know it.” He smiled sincerely. I nibbled on my lip anxiously, coming to conclusion that I was the one breaking Nathan’s heart now. But what could I do? What goes around comes around. I was not going to run back to him out of pity or anything like that.

  “Take care of Nathan for me, okay?” I told him, ignoring his confession. “I’ll see you around.”

  I waved and before he could say anything else, I galloped down the stairs and left the mansion without one last look. At first, I thought it would affect me stronger but I haven’t thought deeper about the situation since I got home. Yeah, it sucks to let go of someone you love but sometimes, you have to do it to set yourself free.

  In a matter of a month, everything was out of my mind. Nathan and I only shared small talk and it felt great not having any rush of emotions when we did talked. Erick had been trying to reach me but I couldn’t exactly talk to him. I felt like he was trying to relight up some old candles and I definitely was not looking forward to letting history repeat itself. I actually met a new guy at a restaurant, Kevin. He’s sweet, funny and honest, everything that I look for in a guy, and we connected so deeply. We have been hanging out a lot, and Veronica approves of him, too.


  Bonus Story 25 of 40

  Double Dragons Mate


  “My lady, your mother is growing quite impatient, soon she will come herself.” Alice flitted back into my bedroom with her warning.

  I took a deep breath and stood up from the vanity table, there was no getting around what had to happen. She was mating me off to someone, as tradition went, so that I could take the throne and carry on our line as leaders of the clan.

  “She’s in the throne room you said?”

  Alice was idly standing by the door with her hands held together and her eyes on me. No doubt my mother scared her into making sure I got to the room of men she had lined up for me…literally.

  “Yes, I can escort you if you like, she is eager for your presence. I must say the candidates Queen Elise has chosen for you are all quite fitting,” Alice began chattering as she usually did as we made our way to the throne room. Stepping through the giant iron doors, opened by flanking guards, I was almost choked by the testosterone in the room. My mother was sitting in her throne on the raised dais at the head of the room, and there were about six males on either side of her.

  “Mother…this is excessive,” I said and she looked up as I walked closer to her.

  The late afternoon light that poured in through the floor to ceiling windows around the room played beautifully on the marble flooring. The entire mansion was more feminine and romantic in style than one would expect. It definitely wasn’t something someone would expect to be the capitol house of a dragon shifter clan.

  “I hardly think so, I handpicked them myself. Any of these suitors would do well for you.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes, it was beyond embarrassing to have her line up a bunch of men for me to pick and choose from.

  “You couldn’t have set up individual meetings?” I asked in a softer tone, though with all the heightened hearing in the room I doubted that was necessary.

  “That would have taken months and you will be of age soon, so you must choose one or two suitors to begin the courtship.” She stood up from the throne and walked down to take my hand and pull me face to face with the first male in line. I would crawl back to my bedroom if that got me out of this situation.

  “My lady, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  I was distracted from my thoughts by the deep voice that came from the gorgeous male in front of me. He took my hand without it being offered and kissed my knuckles, and his sky blue eyes met mine with a smirk.

  “I am sure this must seem daunting for you. Choosing from a dozen shifters for your possible life mate. I can assure you it won’t be that difficult,” he gave me a charmingly confident grin and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “You are…quite confident,” I commented and he gave a slight shrug.

  “I can only hope I am not overly so.”

  I was surprised that he appeared as both modest and confident. That was an interesting mix.

  “Mother, who is this?” I turned my head slightly, she had been watching our exchange with amusement and forgot to introduce her first suitor.

  “Oh this is Rune, son of Marx, your father’s second in command. He’s studied closely under his father and would provide an excellent partner for you, especially since you’ll soon rule the clan.”

  I blinked at Rune in surprise.

  “You are Marx’s son? How is it we’ve never met before?” my eyes scanned his features. He was gorgeous in a rugged way. His jaw strong with a cleft chin. He had a straight nose, never broken, either because he’s never lost a fight or has never been in one I had yet to find out. Rune had light caramel colored skin and curly brown hair shaved on the sides and pulled back into a ponytail. He also had an intense silver blue gaze and eyes framed by long and thick lashes. “He has spoken of you…often. But I’ve never seen you,” I reiterated to try and cover up my staring.

  “Well father always sends me on errands. He calls it hands on learning. When I came of age to learn under him I hardly saw the castle and regretfully…our beautiful future leader as well. Perhaps if I were around more this…would not be necessary,” Rune gestured to the line of suitors and I chuckled.

  “You’re interesting…” was all I said and let my eyes peruse the length of his body. He was a more than a head taller than me and had an athletic build and I loved the color of his skin. I itched to touch his arm, bared by the vest he wore, but stopped myself.

  “I will take interesting as a positive assessment, Rune, we’ll be in touch,” my mother dismissed him and he bowed deeply before winking at me and striding confidently from the room.

  “Next is…” I tuned my mother out as I watched Rune reach the end of the room. He glanced back at me and smirked before he disappeared around the doorway. “Emily, greet Vick,” my mother nudged me and I blushed for my lapse in manners. Getting through the line was dull and awkward. There was only one suitor left and at that point I was only speaking with the men to please my mother.

  “This is Luke, son of Erin. Luke is our youngest and most prized warrior. He will soon be head of the special guard.”

  I smiled, almost in relief that he was the last male in the room, at Luke.

  “A pleasure to meet you,” I said and he actually laughed.

  “I mean no disrespect my lady, but I can see you truly mean quite the opposite,” his voice and entire demeanor was good natured and I warmed to him instantly.

  “This has been the longest two hours of my life,” I said and my mother rolled her eyes next to me.

  Luke chuckled and then he remembered to greet me with a kiss on the hand.

  “I won’t keep you too long talking myself up,” he said and I laughed.

  “I have to thank you deeply for that.”

  Surprisingly enough, Luke was quit
e the pretty boy. He had gorgeous golden colored eyes and a face any male model would kill for. His cheekbones weren’t too high, he had an angular jaw, full lips and his nose had definitely never been broken in a fight I was sure. He had tan skin from being outside often and his golden brown hair was loose and shoulder length.

  “So your duties as a warrior, what are they like?” I asked out of genuine curiosity. My mother and father often dispatched warriors, and guards were always around, but I never visited the training grounds or spoke to any other than an occasional guard leader.

  “I’d love to tell you all about it when you aren’t so tired after interviewing a room full of possible mates.” Luke held my gaze intently and I felt a strange rush from his focus on me.

  “I will take you up on that,” I said and Luke bowed with a sweet smile.

  “It seems then that I will only have to fight my way through one other suitor then. Rune correct?”

  I was surprised that Luke was so forward and I glanced at my mother who quirked her brow at me.

  “Ah yes…but you don’t have to fight anyone,” I said and Luke chuckled.

  “For a woman as beautiful as you, I would cut through an entire clan,” he gave me an intimate smile before inclined his head to both my mother and I then made his exit.

  “Well, I think Rune and Luke are excellent choices for courtship,” my mother smiled as if the afternoon were a successful one and I simply sighed. I just wanted to find a good mate out of this.



  “Father we should not begin negotiations of merging with another clan so near the date of Princess Emily’s crowning. Too much will be in flux, they could use it as an opportunity to rule our lands completely.” I huffed in annoyance as my father continued to argue the merits of striking up negotiations with the neighboring dragon shifter clan.

  “Think of it Rune! Any other shifter kind are all rallied together under one rule, why can’t the dragons follow suit?”

  I rolled my eyes, he still wasn’t listening to me. Instead he paced around his study with his curly mane loose from its leather. He was in true rare form after having a drink or nine with King Lucas.

  “What are you after father? All dragon shifters being united under our clan’s rule? Or simply all dragon shifters being united? Have you thought about how much of a feat that would be? There are dragon clans all across Europe, forget about them wanting to deal with a clan so far removed from our originating lands. Outside of shifter politics, do you think any European would listen to an American?” I asked and my father snorted a short laugh.

  “Funny joke Rune, and I see your point. If I am to be honest with you I have to say I simply want all dragon shifters united. Though with young Emily coming to power soon, I wonder if it would be possible under her reign…”

  My thoughts went immediately to Princess Emily. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

  “There your mind goes wandering, I’m trying to have a meaningful conversation with you,” my father tried to urge my attention back to our conversation. But I was well and truly distracted by thoughts of her.

  She had a lovely dimpled smile and fair skin, her hair was long and the color of honeycombs. Her eyes were a mesmerizing blue with specks of amethyst and silver. They were framed by long and thick lashes that just drew your attention and kept it. Then she had pink lips that resembled soft rose petals. Her cheekbones were perfectly formed and not too high or defined, her jaw was a soft edge and she had a slightly cleft chin. With a softly sloping nose and naturally arched brows.

  “Earth to my son!” my father waved his hand in front of my eyes and shook the image of Princess Emily from my mind.

  “I apologize father…as you know I was summoned to the throne room by Queen Elise today…”

  “Yes what was all that about?” he asked me and I smirked.

  “She was gathering a selection of males for the princess to choose a mate from. I believe I should be receiving an invitation to court her soon from the king,” I told my father and he stared at me in surprise.

  “Well then…this changes everything! Surely Lucas will push for her to choose you. You have studied under us nearly all your life, who better than to be king and rule with Princess Emily!” father was very pleased the more he rationalized things.

  “If you become king than you can begin to unite the dragon’s under one clan!”

  I rolled my eyes and groaned.

  “Father that is an immeasurable feat. Our entire clan here in Maine would have to move!”

  “Ah that is the least of what would have to be done, the climates of Eastern Europe are not much different from here…”

  I sighed and let my father rant until his position was well aired.

  “Anyhow, you should go to your mother and ask her about the best ways to win a woman, having the beautiful Emily’s hand would be only the beginning of your successes.”

  “Wonderful, now you expect me to unite all seven dragon tribes in one lifetime,” I grumbled and he chuckled.

  “That will seem like an easy feat after the mission of winning Emily,” he said and I chuckled.

  “I don’t plan to ‘win’ her. She is…intriguing,” I echoed what the princess thought of me and father laughed.

  “Aren’t they all? Alas, it is time for me to retire. I’ve aired out all the brandy on you, hopefully it will keep your mother from kicking me out of bed.”

  There was a knock on the door just as my father stepped to it to leave. My mother, Nicole, poked her head in and waved an envelope at me.

  “A courier dropped this off for you Rune, it is from the castle,” she said and father ushered her inside. I watched them as she caught the scent of alcohol on my father and comically rolled her eyes.

  “Who won the drinking game this time? You or Lucas?”

  “As a matter of fact my love, it was me,” he said smugly and I laughed, he said it as if that were something to be proud of.

  “Go wash that scent off you, blind dragon,” she chuckled and he gave her a loud smacking kiss before leaving the room. Mother’s attention returned to me and I stood up to take the envelope from her. “How did it go at the palace today?”

  “Well I think I made an impression on the princess…” I trailed off as I read the letter from King Lucas. It was what I had expected, he invited me to court Emily. “And I did, I’ve been invited to court her.”

  “What do you think of her?”

  I glanced up at mother, she was a beautiful woman. I looked more like father, but it was her darker skin tone and her eye color that was passed to me.

  “She was enchanting; I look forward to seeing who she is truly.”

  “I’m sure she will love you. You just continue to be the charming and respectful boy I raised you to be,” mother kissed me on both cheeks. Before she left she added, “And also it is about time you’ve found yourself a mate.”

  And with that she was gone and I was left with thoughts of Emily and how best to court her.



  “You’ve been chosen to court the princess? How did this happen?”

  I rolled my eyes as my dumb older brother, Dean, teased me. He was already happily mated and had graced our mom with a grandchild. Though apparently that gave him license to bother me to no end about finding a mate.

  “This is…I have to say, this is incredible,” he scoffed and my mother slapped him over the head and took the kings letter from him.

  “Don’t tease your brother, this is truly an honor. To be invited to court the princess! Oh I remember when the announcement came of her birth, and oh how the clan adores her. This is just wonderful! You have to win her Luke. Do you even know how to court a woman?”

  My brother snickered and I sighed in longsuffering.

  “Don’t you have a wife and child to get home to?”

  “Oh don’t worry about me brother! Why don’t you answer mom’s question?”

“Yes I know how to…I’ve been out on dates before there’s nothing to it. If she likes me and I like her then that’s ninety percent of it.”

  “Wrong! That’s like seventy percent of it, eighty if you’re lucky. You have to show her a good time and make her feel special,” Dean said and mom nodded along.

  “You are a warrior, just like your father was and he wasn’t so good on the wooing and flowers,” she commented.

  “But…the two of you were married nearly forty years,” I said and she nodded.

  “Yes well…if you must know. Your father was very sweet in his own way and he was very good at—”

  “Mom stop!” I complained and Dean snickered.

  “Well I was only going to say poetry, honestly Luke, you’re such a prude,” she teased and Dean cracked up. I laughed with him and then kissed mom on the cheek.

  “I hope for your sake you picked up some of mom’s humor, that goes big with the females,” Dean said when he sobered and then clapped me on the shoulder.

  “I should…I should set something up with her soon right? I know for a fact there is one other she showed interest in.”

  Mom’s eyes widened almost in alarm and she shoved at my arm.

  “What is the matter with you, now this is survival of the fittest! Who knows if this other suitor has contacted her yet, or even been to see her! Go, make sure you arrange an outing with her,” she urged me.

  “Calm down, mother it’s late already and I have to go and meet with my guard. I will approach her tomorrow at the palace, I have duty there with the king’s second.”

  “Good plan, you want her to simmer on the thought of you after that first impression. Don’t come on too strong, don’t suffocate her,” Dean spoke up and my mother waved away his advice.

  “But don’t waste time either! I want another grandchild before my time comes,” she said and both Dean and I groaned. Once the grandkids were brought up, somehow the subject stayed around for at least an hour.


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