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Endless Abduction

Page 92

by Gloria Martin

  I have to remain strong. I have yet to find where Stan is now. I will look for him tomorrow and he will help me with the completion of my mission.

  She was one step away from victory, yet she felt so empty and miserable. Her thoughts kept on drifting back to Drake, even though she wanted to just forget about him. Besides, she had no proof whatsoever if he had been able to get out of the building or not, before it had exploded. I must have faith. She told herself repeatedly.

  "Hey," she heard a low voice say from afar, making her look up. She squinted, trying to make out if there was someone in the shadows.

  And there he was there. A well-built figure stepped out of the darkness. Half-illuminated by the moon, she could barely see his features. But she would recognize him anywhere. His brown eyes seemed to glow with joy at seeing her too. And before he could close the gap between them, she met him halfway and threw her arms around his neck.

  "You're here," she kept saying.

  "Yes, I'm okay," Drake confirmed, wrapping his arms around her waist and bringing her closer to his body. "I'm definitely okay."

  "Thank God," she whispered. And then their lips were on each other once more, the hunger and passion and fear dragging them in. They kissed desperately, expressing how they truly missed and cared for one another. Their bodies seemed to merge as clothes slipped off piece by piece.

  Drake opened the back of the van and grabbed the raggedy blanket from the cold metal floor of the van. They stumbled their way toward a clearing of grass under a tree and Drake pushed Micah gently down to the ground. He kissed her soft pouty lips. “I never doubted I wouldn’t see you again,” he said against her lips, and kissed her deeper. His hands slid over her body and caressed her skin gently. Drake felt goosebumps rising against his fingers. She moaned and writhed under his touch. “Drake.” She moaned breathlessly. “Pleaaaase. I need you.” Drake dragged his lips down her neck and sucked on her skin before continuing down to her chest. Both of her nipples puckered as he wrapped his hot, hungry mouth around one turgent nipple, and her back arced up from the blanket. Micah dug her fingers into Drake’s biceps and squeezed. He was devouring her slowly, and it was killing her. She was desperate for him. She squirmed her body and pulled Drake further over her body. He dug his erection against her hip and Micah moaned. She spread her legs open and his body slid between hers. He rubbed against her and she thrust against him. He was reaching his hand between their bodies but she stopped him. “Let me,” she whispered.

  Their hearts were pounding against each other. Drake watched as Micah slid her hand between their bodies and wrapped her long fingers around his erection. His cock throbbed and pulsed at the sweet sensation of her fingers squeezing around him. He moaned. He raised his head and looked Micah straight in the eyes. “Put me inside you Micah.” She moaned and squeezed her hand tighter around him. He gasped. She rubbed him against her hot, wet center and spread her legs wider. She pushed the tip of him into her body and pulled her hand away. “No, put your hand back around me.” He moaned. “Just for a minute. I love feeling your hand where we are joined.” He kissed her deeply and she slid her hand down and wrapped it around his shaft. Drake slid one hand up and intertwined his fingers with Micah’s free hand, and slowly pushed into her body. They moaned in unison. “God.” He laughed. “No, not God. Drake.”

  She leaned in and kissed him. Drake pushed himself fully into her body. Micah pulled her hand away and thrust back against him. Intense heat spread through her body and she gripped every inch of her body around Drake. Their movements were slow and sensual. They were finding a rhythm with their bodies and kissing deeper, hungrier. “Micah.” Drake moaned. “You feel so good wrapped around me sweetheart. I’m so close. I want you with me. Cum with me, Micah.” Micah moaned at his seductive tone. Her pleasure accelerated through her body. He was begging her. So hot. Every inch of her tingled. She was thrusting and clenching and squeezing Drake as he thrust hard and stopped moving. She felt him. Pulsing inside her. It was incredible. She could feel his heat. They kissed through their mutual orgasms. Their connection sealed with the intimate encounter.

  In the midst of the forest, they lay on their backs and visualized the future world they had been dreaming of. Now there was hope, there was a light they had been waiting for in the dark tunnel. And now there was love sparking between them, connecting their souls somehow.


  "Ready?" Stan asked, adjusting the video camera he had set up which was now directed at Micah.

  She nodded and smiled confidently at the camera. They were actually in an old basement which Stan had converted into a makeshift TV studio. Hiding from the authorities had not done him well, as he was now thinner than ever. His cheeks seemed hollow and his skin was dry and coarse. Micah felt sorry for him, but knew that it was going to be all over soon. They would finally be able to fulfill the mission and become free, just like the rest of the humans.

  Behind Stan, Drake smiled at her and gave her a thumbs-up sign.

  She nodded at him and mouthed "thanks." Then she faced the camera, took a deep breath, and began her speech about the secret plans of the New Government. She talked about what the happy pills actually do to people and the long-term damaging effects they had on human beings. She showed all the supporting information she had uncovered from the General's computer files.

  All across the globe, her video was being shown… and watched. She knew there would be a lot of people who wouldn't be ready to accept the truth. But there were bound to be supporters. This exposure would surely awaken some from the trance induced by the drugs from the government.

  Micah then thought of her best friend, Elise. She looked forward to being seeing her again someday, just like old times. Then she thought of her family in heaven, who were probably looking down at her now with pride and happiness.

  Her heart soared with relief and gladness as she ended her presentation.

  "It's a wrap," Stan declared. "You did it, Micah. I'm so proud of you. You really did it."

  "Thanks, Stan," Micah replied. She went over to join hands with Drake. "We both did it. And of course without you, we wouldn't be able to bring the news to the whole world. So you are part of this victory too."

  Stan grinned. "Glad to be of service."

  As he packed up all the stuff, Micah and Drake headed upstairs to the cozy, beautifully designed home that used to be owned by one of the members of the Last American Renegades.

  "So…" Drake began. "How about celebrating with me- just the two of us, over dinner?"

  A smile spread across Micah's lips as she turned to look at him. "You mean… like a date?"

  He smiled and touched her chin with his finger. "Yes, a real date. We deserve it, don't you think?"

  "I guess so," Micah agreed hesitantly. "But why are you asking me out?"

  "Why not?"

  "I thought…" Micah didn't know what to say. She had never had an actual romantic relationship with anyone before. Now that her mission was over, she still hadn't thought much about her plans for the future. Perhaps this was going to be a good start. "I just didn't think…"

  "That I'm serious about you?" he teased. With his brown eyes sparkling, he leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "This is just the beginning of our adventure together, Micah. I'm so glad that among all the cyborgs, I was the one who was able to capture you."

  You captured my heart Micah said in silence. But aloud she said, "I'm glad too. So where are you taking me for dinner tonight? I hope they let rebels like me inside."

  "Beautiful rebels like you are always welcome, especially when accompanied by a handsome cyborg." he said jokingly, enfolding her in an embrace.

  She laughed. Deep inside, her heart was pounding like crazy. This was certainly nothing compared to all the life-and-death situations she had been in but it felt just as equally terrifying. She smiled. She would risk it. She was ready to explore, risk, and fall… in love.


  Bonus Story 27 of 40
  Twin Bikers of a Sin City

  Nothing beat looking out at the stretch of open road before Danny. He had ridden all over the country and had seen some beautiful sights, but nothing could trump the view of open road. For the past few weeks, Danny had done what he had always wanted to do: travel. While most people would buy a ticket to an exotic European country, Danny only wanted to see more of the country he read about in his history books.

  His mother wanted him to stay in their tiny little home just outside of New Orleans, but after his wife left him, Danny decided not to waste any more time in a place that gave him bad memories. Danny’s wife, Jolene, had finally revealed that she had cheated on him after claiming for six years that his baby boy, Brian, was his. Danny had a violent temper, but he kept himself in check for the sake of the child he had called his own. He wanted to take Brian in and keep him away from her, but Jolene knew too much about Danny’s family to let something like that go to court.

  Danny’s father, Chuck, together with the motorcycle club he created, had been the go to supplier of all things illegal in New Orleans. When people thought of corruption, his father was somewhere in the midst of it. Chuck passed away a few years back just after Danny married Jolene and Brian was born, but he left Danny and his brother Will with the keys to his empire. Danny didn’t want to have anything to do with that side of his family’s legacy, and without his assistance, Will did not have the knowledge to run such an empire successfully. Instead he allowed members of his father’s old club take control. Not that it mattered, however. Chuck’s main rival was slowly absorbing the legacy his father built.

  He charmed those who were loyal to Chuck with promises of money and protection. Those who were not swayed, and could see what Bill was doing were silenced until all that was left was the bar Bill wanted nothing to do with. He decided to leave Chuck’s family alone, feeling that they had been through enough. In truth, it was just so that they might see what he had done and know that there was nothing they could do about it.

  It was for that additional reason that Danny left. He couldn’t bear to think that his family’s dark history was keeping him from a happy life. He needed to get away for a while.

  However, it was time to come home. Danny had played the drifter for far too long and it was time for him to come back home and make an honest life for his family. Word had spread that Jolene had gotten mixed up with the man who had destroyed Chuck’s legacy, the president of another motorcycle club named Bill Carroll. Danny knew the name all too well. To Bill, Chuck had been an old man trying to play a young man’s game. Several acts of sabotage occurred and even though no one could confirm it, Danny and Will both knew that Bill and his gang were behind it. Danny knew Jolene would live with Bill, but he didn’t think she was that bad of a mother to let Brian stay around him. That was something he could not handle.

  Danny’s gave a little more gas to his dad’s motorcycle, Cherry. She was his father’s first motorcycle and the only one he never sold. According to him, Cherry was just a frame when he found her in the junkyard, but Danny’s grandfather taught him how to fix her up. Like Chuck, Danny’s grandfather died before his time due to heart attack. The night he died, his father was planning to ride his motorcycle down to Bourbon Street for Mardi Gras. Danny was devastated when he awoke the next morning to find his father sprawled on the kitchen floor, a brand new helmet with a red ribbon wrapped around it lying next to him.

  Danny shook his head of the memory as he pulled his bike up to the small shack of a home he would be sharing with his mother until he got on his feet. He stretched his limbs as he took a deep breath. Of all the smells he encountered, nothing could compare to the sweet smell of New Orleans sin. He took off his helmet and led his bike into the broken down shed where they kept their bikes and tools. It was early in the morning, and like their father, Will was hard at work on a motorcycle of his own, his face smudged with grease and his skin glistening with sweat.

  Danny smiled. “You look like shit,” he said.

  Will, without turning, chuckled a gestured with his middle finger. “Sit on it, will ya?” he asked. Will looked at his brother and approached him, giving him a big hug. Chuck taught his boys that the only thing that mattered in this world is family. The two could not remember the last time they had an honest to goodness fight, but they could always tell you when they had the other’s back last.

  “Where’s Mama?” asked Danny.

  “Down gettin’ a new shipment,” replied Will. “She really started putting in a lot of hours down at dad’s bar.”

  Danny nodded, but felt the guilt hit him a little. When Chuck died, he left the bar specifically to Danny who had a young family.

  “She didn’t have to do that,” said Danny.

  Will smirked. “She loves that place as much as dad did,” he said. “Besides, she says it smells like him.”

  Danny chuckled. “Yeah? Dad smelled like cheap beer and cigarettes?” he asked. Will raised an eyebrow as if to say, of course! The two brothers laughed as Danny took off his leather coat and hung it up on the hook next to his brothers. Will went to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

  Danny raised his hands up when Will offered it to him. “Uh…isn’t it a little early?” he asked. Will shrugged and opened the beer for himself.

  “Mom kept all of dad’s policies,” he said. “Including no drinking behind the bar.” Danny laughed as he took a beer out for himself, deciding that his homecoming could use a bit of excitement. He was not sure what to expect in the coming hours, but whatever it was, he wanted to make sure he was sufficiently drunk enough to handle it.


  Another long night had come and gone for Charlotte. Her body ached from dancing all night, but for the money she made, it was well worth it. Her mother and father always said that she deserved a better life than the one they had when they were growing up, but they neglected to tell her how cruel the world could be.

  Charlotte left her parents’ home to be with a man she knew was her soulmate. They both talked about how they would get married and start a family right in the French Quarter. She was young and stupid at the time, but the thought of having her life laid out for her was too good to pass up. However, she quickly realized he was more interested in drugs than he was in starting a family. She was too embarrassed and ashamed to let her parents know what had become of their baby girl, so she told them lies that she knew they would believe.

  This new life had to work out for her, but with few skills of her own there was only a few things she could do. She worked as a server at a few bars and nightclubs, but the money was not enough for her to survive. It wasn’t until a few strippers came in before they had to work that she realized where the money truly was on Bourbon Street. For the past four months, Charlotte danced and showed more of herself than she ever thought she would. Still, the shame would not leave her. This wasn’t the life her parents wanted for her. They wanted her to be happy and not to have to struggle to make ends meet. She was determined to change that as soon as she had raised enough money.

  Her friends had already left to go grab breakfast, but as Charlotte was getting ready to leave to join them, Kyle, her boss, came up behind her; his hands resting on her bare shoulders.

  “You danced great out there tonight,” he said. Charlotte smiled politely. Kyle was the epitome of sleazy, but the girls had already warned her about being mean to him. Several lives had been ruined by Kyle since the club opened. He apparently was connected with some shady, but powerful people in the city and it was in her best interest to stay on his good side.

  “Thanks Kyle,” she said.

  “Still get scared?” he asked. Charlotte looked at him incredulously.

  “Me? Scared?” she asked. Charlotte scoffed making them both laugh. As Kyle laughed, his hand trailed down to her left breast; brushing against it at first before gently squeezing it. Charlotte’s body tensed up out of instinct. She was grateful that she had put on her normal street clothes. Kyle smirked and l
et her go before stroking her face.

  “You know, if you need extra money,” he said, “I’m always willing to help you out.” Charlotte nodded as she watched him carefully. He had never forced himself on her before, but she knew he was the type of guy who wouldn’t shy away from such a thing. Plus, she knew the true meaning of his help. She didn’t know what happened exactly in the larger private rooms, but she had heard the stories.

  “Thanks, Kyle,” she said. “I’m fine though. Really.” Kyle kept his smile fixed on his face before walking away. Charlotte waited until he was out of sight before a single tear fell. She knew what would eventually happen with Kyle and the thought filled her with dread, but she had nowhere else to turn to. Her friends told her to just let Kyle have his way with her and he would soon be bored, but Charlotte wondered if degrading herself was worth it. What was to stop him from wanting more from her? Charlotte wiped away the few tears that had come and made her way out the back of the club. She only had to dance for a little while longer. After that, it was anyone’s guess what she would do.


  Though the two men were twins, Will looked up to his brother. He was the type of man he always wanted to be. When he found out that Jolene had cheated on him with their father’s worst enemy, Will was right by Danny’s side to support him. When they were kids, Danny was always the strong one, but when Jolene broke his heart it was almost too much to look at.

  Still, Will stepped up to the plate and did a good job of being the man of the house since his father passed and Danny went on a soul searching journey. Even though he was up to the challenge, he appreciated the call from his brother saying he was coming back home. After they had finished their first beers, Danny took out two more cold brews while Will finished preparing breakfast for them both.


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