Book Read Free

His By Design

Page 25

by Dell, Karen Ann

  “Or Jeff’s,” Jen added.

  “Okay, if that’s it for now, folks, Amanda and I are going to head out. I’ve got to be on the air in a couple of hours.”

  Russ had a rental car so he offered to take Jen back to the motel. “I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow about the time for the great gallery swap.” He grinned.

  Jeff swooped Jen up and carried her down the steps. “If I keep visiting, you’re going to have to install and elevator, Zoe,” she said over Jeff’s shoulder. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Zoe stood in the middle of her studio, for a few minutes alone and quiet. She rubbed her palms down her pants again. The next two days would take two weeks off her life.

  “Everyone’s gone. We’re all locked up downstairs.”

  Zoe was at the sink rinsing glasses. “Good.”

  Jeff stepped up and put his arms around her. He nuzzled her neck and felt her shiver in his embrace. “Sorry I was such a jerk earlier. Anything that has to do with that prick puts me in a foul mood.”

  Zoe turned in his arms and rested her head against his chest. “You don’t have to apologize. He does the same to me, maybe more so.”

  She kept her head tucked under his chin so he couldn’t see her face. “You know there’s no reason for you to be jealous of him, right? I mean there has never been any romantic feelings between the two of us, at least not on my part. What I thought was his pleasure in mentoring me turned out to be nothing but lust. Which was just one more reason I wanted to get away from him and start a gallery of my own.”

  “I know, babe. It’s his smug air of domination that riles me up so much. It’s good this whole deal will be over with soon. I’m not sure how much longer I can go without punching his lights out.”

  “Oh Lord, don’t do that. Certainly not where there are witnesses around. He’s going to be in a foul enough mood when he realizes we’ve beaten him, so don’t give him any excuse to call the police.” She leaned away and smiled up at him. “Not that I wouldn’t buy tickets to that event . . .”

  “Let’s forget Sleazebag for a while. We should be celebrating your success, babe. You’ve done everything you set out to do a year ago. You have your own gallery, and it’s making a profit. You’re signing up more artists every month and word is starting to get around about the artist colony at Blue Point Cove. You are one amazing lady.” He gathered her in for a kiss.

  “It may have been my dream to begin with, but without you it would never have come true. Now it’s a joint—no, a family—business and I couldn’t be happier it’s worked out this way.”

  Which was all well and good, but Jeff could see the shadow behind her eyes. She still worried about their plan to foil Fredrick Barker’s evil agenda.

  Shit, I sound like a character in a spy novel, thwarting a villain with an evil agenda. I don’t want to just thwart the bastard, I want to beat the crap out of him. But when I swap out that painting there will be a nice love note, from me, on the back of what I put in its place, and it’s not going to be Zoe’s copy either.

  “You know,” he said as he slipped his hand under her shirt and popped the clasp on her bra, “we’re both a bit uptight about tomorrow. I have an idea that would help us to relax.”

  “You read my mind, Studley,” Zoe agreed as she unzipped his jeans and slipped a hand inside. “Oh, look what I found.” She squeezed his growing erection. “Went commando today, did you?” She chuckled.

  “Um, ahhh, yeah . . .” He exhaled in a rush. “I need to keep more clothes here . . .”

  I need to keep all my clothes here . . .

  She worked his jeans down to his knees and while she was down there she took advantage of the view, first licking, then suckling his rigid member.

  “Ahh, babe. This is not exactly what I had in mind . . .”

  “Oh?” Zoe looked up with a wicked gleam in her eyes. “But it works for you, doesn’t it?” She caressed him and laughed softly again as his shaft jerked in response.

  Jeff threaded his fingers through her hair as she took more and more of him into her mouth. “Oh, baby, you’re . . . killing . . . me.” He couldn’t stop the rhythm his body demanded. He rocked into her again and again.

  She pulled back, swirled her tongue around the sensitive tip as it throbbed, blowing a hot breath across it. She nibbled and teased and finally suckled him even harder, grasping his butt and pulling him into her mouth, finding that perfect rhythm again.

  With a wordless groan he spent himself, ecstasy spiraling through every cell of his body as she sucked him dry.

  After a few moments to catch his breath, he lifted her up and tasted himself as he kissed her. “My God, woman, you are unbelievable. Seductive witch. I swear you could send a saint to hell with that mouth.” He fondled her breasts and felt her pucker against his palms. “Now, it’s my turn.”

  “Oh, you are so right, Studley.” Zoe stripped off her shirt and started for the bedroom, casting a come-hither look over her shoulder and wiggling her pants down her hips as she went.

  The motion of the firm globes of her buttocks as she worked to rid herself of her clothes brought renewed life to his dick. He’d never get enough of this woman. Never. He kicked his jeans all the way off and followed her like a hound after the sweetest scent he’d ever known.

  “Okay, you’re all set.” Andy stepped back to make sure the pinhole camera in Zoe’s jacket pocket didn’t leave a telltale bulge. “When you’re ready to begin recording, just push the button right through your pocket. You don’t have to take it out. Try to be as casual as possible. That should give you two hours of audio and video.”

  More than enough time for my purposes.

  “Andy, thank you so much for helping me find this gadget. I had no idea spy cameras had come so far. No wires to worry about or microphones taped to my chest. This will be a piece of cake.”

  “Yep, modern technology at its best. The recording will play back on any PC. Just try not to pay too much attention to it. If you keep fiddling with it you may make Barker suspicious.”

  “Right. I’ll let you know how it goes when I get back.”

  Andy left through the front door as she heard the back one open. Jeff must be back from the interview with the newspaper reporter.

  “Hi, sweet cheeks. You look very business-like, but too beautiful. Couldn’t you have, I don’t know, put something ugly on?” He smiled with his mouth but his eyes were shadowed.

  “Don’t worry, Studley. We’ll be at his gallery. In a public place. He won’t try anything there.”

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth than her cell phone chimed. Barker. Damn. Now what? She put her finger to her lips to keep Jeff silent.

  “Hello?” She checked her watch. They were due to meet in an hour. “What? Are you serious?” Her eyes rolled. “Well, can’t you go home and get them?” She sighed. “It’s always all about you, Fredrick, isn’t it? Okay, I’ll meet you there in an hour.” She nodded. “Right. Bye.” She disconnected and looked at Jeff, her mouth twisted in a disgusted grimace. “Okay, change of plans. His Majesty ‘forgot’”—she air quoted the words—“the contract papers. They are at his place, so he wants to meet there.”

  “No way. Absolutely not.” Jeff sliced his hand through the air. “Not happening.”

  “Wait. Before you go all high and mighty on me, think. This may work out better.”

  Jeff folded his arms across his chest and gave her a raised brow.

  “Look, Fredrick and I will be there, so the alarm will be off and I can make sure the slider to the patio is unlocked. There won’t be any need for breaking and entering. I can distract Fredrick while you sneak in and swap the paintings. He’ll sign the papers and I’ll be out of there in two shakes.”

  “And how will you distract him?” Jeff shot her a grim scowl.
/>   Yeah. That’s your big worry isn’t it, Studley? That I might let him touch me, or kiss me. I’d hate to do it, but if it keeps you safer through this whole charade, I’m willing to hold my nose and sacrifice myself.

  “I . . . I’ll . . .” She snapped her fingers. “I’ll use his powder room and take something with me to plug his toilet. Then when it overflows, I’ll yell for help. While he comes running, you slip in and make the swap.” She spread her hands, palms up. “See? Piece of cake.”

  Jeff narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know, babe. I still don’t like it.”

  “Let’s run it by Dev and Russ and see what they think. At this late date I don’t see how we have any other choice.”

  Meanwhile, I’ll switch to a bigger purse. Now, what can I use to stop up a toilet? She looked around her office but nothing jumped out at her. While Jeff called Dev, she dialed his dad’s number. “Frank? Hi, it’s Zoe. (pause) Good. You? (pause) I’m sorry to rush but I’m short on time. I know this is a weird question, but if you wanted to stop up a toilet and make it overflow, what would you use?” She made rolling motions with her hands to speed him up, which, of course, he couldn’t see. “I can’t explain now, just help me out here, please, Frank?” She nodded. “Yeah, that would work. Thanks a lot, Frank. I’ll explain it all later. Okay, Bye.”

  She looked down at Jeff’s feet. “Take of your shoes. I need your socks.”


  “Come on, come on. Give me your socks, Jeff. Do you have another pair upstairs?”

  “I think so, but—”

  Zoe ran for the stairs.

  Please, God, let this work . . .

  Chapter 26

  Jeff still had serious doubts, but Zoe was right about one thing—they didn’t have much of a choice. Dev and Russ were all for the new plan so he caved and went along with them.

  Barker didn’t just happen to forget those papers. He wanted Zoe in his house, alone, where he could take full advantage of her. The only good part of the plan was that he’d be close enough to come to her rescue. He almost wished he’d have to interfere . . .

  He put the painting he would ‘swap’ for the original in the back of Dev’s SUV, next to the copy Russ had retrieved from Judge Abernathy. He wasn’t leaving Zoe’s copy behind. Granted, that would spill the beans the first time Barker went into his study and saw his replacement, but by then it would be too late for him to do anything about it. Besides everyone should have a copy of Dogs Playing Poker, right?

  Dev and Amanda were in the front seats and he and Zoe shared the back. Russ would quarterback from the gallery and call in the cavalry if something went wrong.

  “You’ve got the check?” Jeff asked.

  “Right here.” Zoe patted her purse.

  “Everyone have their phone?” Dev asked. With affirmative replies from the gang, he put the car in gear and headed for D.C.

  Zoe went over her plan as they drove. “As soon as I’m inside my main focus will be to have Fredrick sign the papers. He shouldn’t give me too much trouble since he’ll still think he has me over a barrel. I’ll saunter over to the sliders and pretend to admire the view while I make sure the door is unlocked. Once I’ve got the papers, I’ll need to use the powder room. When I’m in there I’ll call you, so you can be ready with the painting. I’ll stop up the toilet, make sure it overflows and yell for Fredrick. While he’s dealing with the mess, you swap the artwork. I’ll leave and meet you around the corner.”

  Dev parked at the curb a half-block down from Barker’s townhouse. They all sat in silence for a minute. Jeff gave Zoe’s hand a squeeze. “Once you call me from the bathroom, don’t hang up. That way I can keep listening in to make sure you get away safely.”

  Zoe nodded. “Wish me luck guys.” She gave Jeff a peck on the cheek. “See you in twenty minutes, Studley.”

  The three watched as she rang the doorbell, then went inside.

  Amanda groaned, “Oh God . . .”

  Dev looked sharply at her. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  Amanda shook her head.

  Jeff caught her gaze in the rearview mirror. “Amanda? Tell me. Now.”

  “She’s going to try to get Fredrick to confess. On tape.”

  “What do you mean, ‘on tape’?” Jeff asked, his voice very quiet.

  “She said she’d wear a wire or some kind of recording device.” Amanda looked at Dev. “She told me Andy helped her get it.”

  “Shit.” Jeff opened the car door.

  “Jeff. Wait.” Dev ordered. “It’s too late to do anything about it now. We need to stick to the plan. That’s what Zoe will expect.”

  “That woman is going to be the death of me yet.” Jeff blew out a long sigh. “Okay, Dev. Pull around to the end of the alley behind the townhouse, but make sure you’re far enough away that Barker can’t spot us from his patio.”

  Fredrick opened the door and gestured her inside. He was dressed casually. Too casually for the gallery. Which meant he’d never been there today at all.

  Why am I surprised?

  “Hello, Fredrick.” She moved from the foyer into the living room, noting that the green light on the alarm box signaled it was off.

  Fredrick came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. She did her best not to flinch.

  “Let me take your jacket, Zoe, and make yourself comfortable.”

  She reached up and pressed the record button. If she had two hours of recording time she might as well get all she could. “No thank you Fredrick. I’ll keep it on. It seems a bit chilly in here. You must have the air conditioning turned up to the max.”

  He slid his hands down her arms then put one at the small of her back. “Come. Sit.” He propelled her toward the sofa facing the fireplace. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Right, come into my parlor said the spider . . .

  Resisting his attempt to make this into a social occasion, Zoe sauntered toward the glass doors to his patio and turned toward him. “Fredrick, I’m not here to have drinks with you. I’m here to repay my loan and have you sign off on the paperwork.” She reached into her purse for the check and almost dumped out one of Jeff’s socks. Her heart thudded in her chest and her mouth dried up. Luckily Fredrick hadn’t been close enough to notice.

  “I know my dear, but there’s no reason for you to be in such a hurry. This is a momentous event after all.”

  I should have worn red. Then I could play Little Red to his Big Bad Wolf. I have no problem acting nervous and the camera better be getting this.

  “Please, Fredrick. Just sign the papers. You know you have me trapped. The legal documents don’t matter to you at all. It’s the threat of exposure as an art forger that will keep me in line.”

  “How true, my dear. All summer long I’ve left you alone to wonder if I’d drop the other shoe on Mr. Petrosky. My P.I. informs me that you apparently have forgiven him his transgressions, since he is still spending nights at your apartment.”

  His P.I.? He’s been having me watched? I should have known. That bastard.

  Her eyes narrowed and she huffed out a breath. She watched his mouth curve up in a smirk at her reaction. Don’t let him get to you. Keep focused on getting his confession. “Yes. Now that I’ve met his sister, I understand the reason behind him representing those paintings as his own. I don’t suppose you’d consider dropping the idea of outing him?”

  “Well, that depends on your attitude toward our continuing relationship, Zoe.” He closed the distance between them and stroked her cheek.

  She repressed the shudder his touch provoked. “You know, Fredrick, I think I need a drink after all. Could I have some water, please?” If she didn’t make him back away, she feared Jeff might come storming right through the glass doors.

  “Sparkling or still?”r />
  Always the perfect host aren’t you, asshole? So suave and debonair when you think you have the upper hand.

  Zoe glanced at his bar and saw only bottles of Pellagrino and Perrier. She’d send him to the kitchen so she could unlock the sliders. “Still, please. With lemon if it’s not too much trouble.”

  “Of course. I’ll be right back.”

  Zoe quickly unlocked the glass door. As she looked out, Jeff raced across the yard carrying a painting and flattened himself against the house wall a few feet from the doors. Her heart rate tripled.

  “Here you are, Zoe,” Fredrick whispered behind her, his breath hot on her neck.

  She started and turned to find him so close she practically brushed his chest.

  Has he never heard of personal space?

  She took a step back, then took the glass he offered and drank. It tasted funny and she wrinkled her nose.

  “It’s city water, Zoe. I’m sorry. I never touch it myself. That’s why I keep bottled water handy.” He motioned toward the bar.

  Zoe nodded. “Next time I’ll know better.” His eyes lit up at her comment. Yeah, let him think there will be more visits in the future. She put the glass down on a nearby table. “Can we get the legal stuff over with, please? This check is burning a hole in my purse.”

  He sighed. “If you insist, my dear.” He removed a sheaf of papers from a folder on the bar.”

  “You haven’t signed them.”

  “You haven’t given me the check,” he countered.

  She thrust it at him. “Here. Take it.”

  He looked it over carefully as though expecting it to be a fake.


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