Book Read Free

Guilty Pleasure

Page 8

by Justus Roux

  She gasped slightly. This guy was a serial killer? He looked like the boy next door.

  “You won’t be able to hear anything but you will be able to get a feel for this guy. Then the next time we have to talk with him you will be prepared.”

  “I will stay out here if it makes you feel better.”

  “Thank you, Nicole.”

  The police officer gestured for Nicole to sit on one of the two chairs then he opened the door for Michael.

  Michael entered the room. Johnny’s gaze quickly went to him.

  “You are not what I was expecting,” Johnny said.

  “Neither are you.”

  Michael sat at the table Johnny was chained to.

  “Do I make you uneasy?” Michael said.

  “Yeah. There is something off about you.”

  “That’s funny coming from someone like you. There is very little I can do to keep you out of jail. You left enough DNA evidence all over the crime scenes, which wouldn’t have been a problem since you have no priors. Why did you let that hooker go?”


  “If you would have killed the bitch you wouldn’t be sitting here now. So why did you let her go?”

  “That is an odd question.”

  “Just answer it.”

  “I didn’t want to let her go. I really don’t know how she managed to break free from my hold. She took off running and I couldn’t catch her. She darted into some bar where I knew she would have someone call the cops.”

  “You idiot.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “If you would have calmly followed her into the bar, you could have pretended to be her pimp. It was almost closing time for most bars I doubted there were many people in there. Who is going to get in the middle of a pimp wrangling up his whore? There might have been maybe one hero, but don’t tell me that confronting another man is terrifying for you.”

  “This is weird…”

  “Well, is it terrifying for you? Is that why you only picked easy victims?”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be defending me?”

  “I have to know the why of everything if I’m going to defend you properly.”

  “I don’t kill men.”

  “No, you wouldn’t, you would only target women all the time. I know there is a sense of beauty in watching a woman suffer, but there is also a thrill in killing someone who can defend themselves against you. Killers who only target children and women are very unimaginative.”

  Johnny just looked at Michael like a scared rabbit.

  “What is wrong with you, dude?” Johnny said.

  “You rattle too easily. A prosecutor will tear you up.”

  Nicole watched Michael with Johnny. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but whatever Michael was saying seemed to be scaring Johnny.

  She was startled when a guy in a suit and tie sat next to her.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Detective Tim Dane, by the way, I’m the guy who brought that piece of trash in here.”

  “Oh, I’m Nicole Fisher, I’m the defense lawyer’s assistant.”

  “Then why aren’t you in there?”

  “My boss thought it might be best if I just observe from out here this time.”

  “He is probably right about that. You don’t look that old so I’m guess you are pretty green at all of this. Johnny looks innocent doesn’t he?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t expecting him to look like that.”

  “I’m guessing those poor women he killed didn’t think he was a killer either. He sure don’t look the part. Your boss seems to be giving ole’ Johnny a hard time. That’s a bit unusual.”

  “Is it?”

  “Normally a scumbag looks like that when he is talking with the prosecutor. It’s odd that he seems afraid of his defense lawyer.”

  “My boss is good at what he does.”

  “Oh, I’m not arguing that, Michael is pretty good at getting trash back onto the street. I’m sorry, I just don’t have much use for defense lawyers, but I guess someone has to do it. I have worked with your boss before. I mean no disrespect, because it’s obvious you like the guy, but there is something a bit odd about that one.”

  “How so?”

  “He is always so calm and collective. I can see being that way in front of your client, but usually even the harden defense lawyers get rattled from time to time. They come out of the interview room and you can see they are rattled a bit by what their client has told them. But I have never seen Michael that way.”

  “Maybe he hasn’t had a really awful case yet.”

  “Well Missy, I’m guessing you just started working for him.”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “There was this case a couple years ago. Hell, it is still stuck in my head. A child killer…this guy was convicted of killing six children and when the fucker got caught he confessed to ten more. I remember watching Michael talking with that guy. I was pretty much sitting here like I am today. I was already to console Michael when he got out of that room. Yet…there was no emotion at all in that man’s eyes. He just spent several hours talking to a child killer, probably hearing all the gruesome details and there was no emotion at all.”

  “Maybe he learned to distance himself from his work.”

  “Maybe. Or perhaps he is just as cold blooded as those assholes he defends. I like you, darling, you seem like a really sweet person, and I hope I didn’t offend you by speaking ill of your boss.”

  “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are wrong about Michael being cold blooded. I think he is just protecting himself from the awful things he has to hear all the time. I would find a way to do that.”

  “Perhaps you are right.”

  “Do you have to sit in with all the suspects you bring in?”

  “No, I usually don’t look in on the defense lawyer talking with the suspect. I just tend to do that when Michael is defending someone. I guess I’m waiting for the guy to show some kind of emotion.”

  They both looked at Johnny as he tried to distance himself from Michael.

  “What the hell?” Tim said.

  When Michael stood, Johnny slowly sat back down.

  “Maybe you should go in there. Michael might be in trouble,” Nicole said.

  “There is no way Johnny can get to him, so don’t worry.”

  “I’m guessing Michael told him he was looking at getting the death penalty.”

  “There is no death penalty in Illinois, darling.”

  Johnny looked like a trapped cat as he fought with the chain. Michael slowly stood and headed to the door. Tim got up and walked to the door. He unlocked it and let Michael out. Then he stepped back.

  Michael looked at Tim. He hated this guy. He was like a bee buzzing around your head.

  “Well, Mr. Lyons it looks like you spooked your client.”

  “He didn’t like his options.”

  “I was just telling your assistant about how calm and collective you always are. Even after being face to face with some truly awful people.”

  “Come on, Nicole. It’s always a pleasure Mr. Dane.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Lyons.”

  Tim waited for them to leave then he went into the room where Johnny was still chained to the table.

  “Nice visit with your defense lawyer?” Tim said as he unhooked the chains, so Johnny could be moved. “Well, whatever he said to you certainly got you spooked.”

  “He tried to get into my mind.”

  “Okay.” Tim went behind Johnny. “Let’s move out. You have to go back to your cell.”

  “No man, that guy…you don’t get it, he tried to get into mind and fuck with me.”

  “It sounds like he was successful. Let’s go, you crazy piece of shit.”

  “I don’t want him to be my lawyer.”

  “Well, sunshine, nobody else will touch your case with a ten foot pole. A public defender won’t even take your case. So you are stuck with Michael. You should be grateful, that as
shole has gotten several scumbags just like you better than they deserve.”


  Michael dropped Nicole off at her apartment. He said he had a lot of work to do and needed a few moments to decompress after talking with Johnny. This made Nicole feel better after what Tim was saying about Michael. She wanted to call that detective up and tell him he had Michael all wrong.

  “Are you alright?” Monica said when Nicole entered the apartment.

  “I’m fine. Michael didn’t let me talk with Johnny. I just watched through the two-way mirror.” Nicole set her stuff down on the sofa then headed to the kitchen.

  “Adam and I were a bit worried about you. I couldn’t imagine what kind of vibe you would get being in a room with a serial killer.”

  “I was a little worried about that too, but Michael protected me from it.” Nicole twisted the cap off her vitamin water then went over to the kitchen table and sat on one of the chairs. “How did you know Adam was worried?”

  “He called me about an hour ago to check up on you. I told him you were tough and would be just fine.”

  “Did Adam leave town to do his gigs?”

  “Yep. I’m glad he did, but right now I want to make sure you are alright.”

  “I’m not that fragile, but thank you for your concern.”

  “Why didn’t Michael come in? He is welcomed to stay here if he wants. I’m sure his apartment is way better than ours…”

  “To be honest I like our little apartment better, it feels homier.”

  “Well Michael did say you could put your stink on his place.”

  “My stink.” Nicole chuckled.

  “You know home that shit up. Maybe that will defrost your boyfriend.”

  “Defrost him?”

  “No offence, girl, but so far the vibe I’m getting from your man is a chilly one.”

  “Not all people are warm and bubbly like you are. I think it just takes time for him to warm up to people.”

  “Maybe. So, what was it like to come face to face with a serial killer, even if he couldn’t see you?”

  “He looked like an ordinary person. You would never think him capable of doing the things that he has done by looking at him. He was so young too, he was probably close to our age.”

  “Oh, that is scary.”

  “I know. I was expecting someone creepy looking or at the very least tough and hardened.”

  “That old saying you can’t judge a book by its cover applies here I think. Is Michael going to let you talk with him at some point?”

  “I think so. I have to, it’s part of my job. I have to assist Michael. Though I hope I don’t have to talk with that detective anymore.”

  “What detective?”

  “His name is Tim Dane and I guess he was the one who helped catch Johnny. The things he was saying about Michael was just pissing me off.”

  “Like what?”

  “Michael is cold and unemotional even when dealing with the harder parts of his job. Tim told me about the serial child killer that Michael defended and how Michael’s lack of emotions bothered Tim.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said Michael probably has to shut emotionally down to deal with the horrible things he has to hear.”

  “That makes sense, but…”

  “But what?”

  “I did say Michael comes across chilly. Why would he have to shut his emotions off around me? I don’t give off a freaky vibe do I?”


  Monica could see Nicole was starting to get upset and that was the last thing she wanted to do to her. “I’m sure he will defrost once he gets to know me. And I think you are right he would have to shut down emotionally to deal with the crap he has to hear from his clients. Maybe he is just stuck in that mode. I’m sure you will turn him around.”

  Nicole smiled at her.

  “So, when do you have to come face to face with that killer?”

  “I don’t know. I know Michael will be talking to that woman who got away from Johnny. I think that might even be tomorrow. The prosecutor wants to hurry this case along.”

  “That poor woman will have to relive everything.”

  “I know. I don’t know if I would have the strength to do something like that. I’m going to turn in earlier I’m kind of drain from today.”

  “Okay. If you want to talk you know where to find me.”

  Monica watched Nicole head to her room. She grabbed her cellphone and went into her bedroom. She turned on some soft music to drown out her voice then she dialed her phone.

  “Hey Monica, what’s up?”

  “Hey Adam. I just wanted to let you know Nicole handled today well.”

  “I know. I just got done talking to Michael. He said he kept Nicole from going into the room with that killer.”

  “Michael called you? When did he do that?”

  “I just got off the phone with him. He wanted to make sure I was doing alright.”

  “That’s sweet of him.”

  “Isn’t he in your apartment with Nicole?”

  “No, he dropped her off and went home. Did he say he was here?”

  “No, I just assumed that he would be. I would be, just to make sure she was alright. Nicole was probably shocked to see how innocent that killer looked.”

  “Oh she was. She seemed more rattled by what a detective Dane had to say.” Monica told Adam what Tim had said.

  “Michael does come off a bit chilly at times. But look at all the good he has done too. He takes on cases pro bono. Look at what he has done for me and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has benefited from his firm’s foundation.”

  “Michael has done some good. That saying, beware a wolf in sheep’s clothing, keeps popping into my head.”

  “Nicole cares about him, so there must be something there we don’t see.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but remember Nicole just got out of a really emotionally abusive relationship. I think she tries to see good where there is none, which is normally a good thing…”

  “Look, I see what you are saying, but I have known Michael for a couple of years now. Yeah, he is a bit standoffish, but we don’t know what kind of shit he has been through in his life.”

  “There is something not right about him. I mean the guy is smoking hot, whew is he hot, but…I don’t know maybe I’m just being overly protective of my new BFF. Look at you, you are smoking hot and you give off a nice warm vibe, so it’s not the intimidating hot thing.”

  Adam chuckled. “Well, thank you for the compliment. I think. The important thing here is that we be supportive of little Nicole. Talk about being thrown into the deep end of things. She barely got her feet wet in her new job and bam, she has to deal with researching a serial killer. From what Michael has told me that asshole Johnny will tell them every detail of each kill.”

  “Oh man, I didn’t think about that part. Maybe you can call Michael and tell him to keep Nicole out of this one.”

  “He has tried to keep her out of it, but she insist on helping him.”

  “You don’t worry about this. I want you to lose yourself in your music, hell, bang some groupies while you are at it. You need this. I will make sure Nicole is alright.”

  “You call me if you need my help.”

  “I will. Now go have some fun. See you, hotness.” Monica hung up the phone then tossed it on her bed. Adam was such a sweetheart. She couldn’t help but compare him to Michael. She pictured them standing next to each other. They were so similar in looks, but Adam was so much…more. Nicole would be better off dating Adam. Oh well there was nothing she could do about it, except be here for her friend.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Michael looked at Linda tied to the bed. He called her after dropping Nicole off at her apartment. He arranged a date. Thankfully he had already talked her into a date earlier and had to cancel, so getting her to agree to this date was really easy.

  He picked her up from the coffee shop she agreed to meet him in. No one in
the shop was paying any attention to them. He drove her to Adam’s apartment claiming that he forgot his phone. He said he didn’t feel right leaving her in the car in this neighborhood. She followed him into the apartment and now here she was helpless and tied up. It amazed him how gullible people can be.

  “Don’t scream or I will make you regret it?” He took the gag off her mouth.

  “Please, please, let me go.”

  “I have heard all of this before.”

  “I have a daughter, please.”

  “Well, now that is new. How old is your daughter?”

  “She is two.”

  “Why the hell are you going out with me then?”

  “What do you want? I will do anything, but please let me go home to my daughter.”

  “Anything huh? You have no idea what that might encompass. Why would you follow a stranger to his apartment?”

  “Please let me go!” she cried out.

  Michael put the gag back into her mouth. He grabbed the knife and stabbed it into her thigh. He closed his eyes and listened to her muffled screams. “I told you not to scream.”

  Michael tortured Linda until she died. He was pissed off that she didn’t last long. Hell, he didn’t even get to the part where she begged him to kill her. Michael tossed the knife on the ground out of frustration. After a moment, he picked it back up and tossed it on the bed. Well, it was probably for the best. He had no idea if Adam was going to stay out as long as he said he was going to do. Adam might get overcome with emotion again and come home.

  Michael stuffed Linda’s body into the suitcase and took her further down Leone Beach. No doubt the cops would have stepped up their patrol of the area so he would have to be careful. He always left two bodies in about the same location and he planned to keep to that. It added a sense of danger to things.

  After he laid out her body he tossed the suitcase back into the trunk of the rental car. He tossed the suitcase in a dumpster on the Northside of town then he headed to the car wash. After thoroughly cleaning the car he dropped the rental car off at the airport then took a taxi home.

  He went into his apartment. He was surprised to find several houseplants and flowers set around the apartment. He found a note from Nicole. She had a florist deliver the plants to his maid service and asked them to set out the plants around the house.


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