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Guilty Pleasure

Page 16

by Justus Roux


  Nicole laid out on the blanket. “Michael, you have been acting distant all night are you sure you are alright.”

  “Come here, Nicole.” Michael helped her up and led her closer to the Monument.

  “I made sure not to wear panties today.”

  Michael weakly smiled.

  “Michael, what’s wrong? You are worrying me.”

  “I really wished your friend would have minded her own business then this wouldn’t have been necessary.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Michael gently caressed her cheek. “I didn’t think myself capable of truly loving someone. Thank you for showing me this side of myself.”

  “You are leaving me?”

  “In a sense.”

  “Michael, I’m confused.”

  Michael looked around the area really quick and saw that they were alone. “I owe you the truth, Nicole. The first truth is that I did truly love you.” He gently cupped her face. “Your friend saw me for what I am.”

  “What are you?”

  “A monster.”

  Nicole’s eyes opened wide.

  “I killed Linda Bennett.” He grabbed Nicole’s arms and held them tightly. “I killed the landlord.” He pulled her behind the Monument. “I killed Mindy and Detective Dane.” He pressed her against the marble of the Monument. “I killed so many people I have lost count. I planned to frame Adam for the murders here in Chicago. Everything was working so well then Monica had to get curious.”

  “Did you kill her too?”


  Nicole went to scream but he covered her mouth. “Don’t scream.” He slowly removed his hand from her mouth. He gently wiped the tears that were falling from her eyes.

  “You are going to kill me, aren’t you?” she said softly.

  “I have to. I don’t want to but I have to. I will not live in a cage, Nicole.”

  “You don’t have to kill me.”

  Michael wrapped his hands around her throat. He started to cry as he squeezed harder. “I do love you, Nicole. I’m sorry.” He looked into her eyes. She was so afraid it was killing him. He didn’t want to see the light leave her eyes, but he had to.

  Nicole tried to free herself. Her lungs were starting to burn from the lack of air. Then all of a sudden she felt his hands leave her throat and she gasped for air. She felt someone pull her away from the monument.

  “You come one step closer and I will shoot you,” Adam said, holding the gun up to Michael. “Nicole, grab my phone out of my back pocket and call the cops.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you, Nicole. You know I have set up Adam to take the fall for all of this. Do you want to see him in a cage for the rest of his life?”

  “I don’t care, Nicole, call the police.”

  “You might not care, but I assure you she does,” Michael said. “Come on, shoot me. Come on!” Michael yelled.

  Adam squeezed the gun harder.

  “Come on! You won’t shoot me. It’s not in you to be a monster. You were so easy to lead around, Adam. My little pawn.”

  “Monica was right about you. I should have listened.”

  “Yep, you should have. Now either shoot or let me walk away. But if you call the cops you are the one who will pay, Adam.”

  Adam lowered the gun.

  “Phhff, I knew you couldn’t shoot me.” Michael took off running out of the park.

  Adam turned and took Nicole in his arms. She began to cry uncontrollably. Adam slowly sank down to the ground taking her with him, until he was sitting on the ground.

  “What are we going to do?” Nicole sobbed. She didn’t know what to feel or think.

  “I don’t know. Are you alright?”

  “No…I’m never going to be alright.”

  “Neither am I.”

  “Oh my God, he killed Monica…” She sobbed uncontrollably.

  “I know…” Adam was so numb he couldn’t feel anything.

  Nicole held Adam tighter and wept until she couldn’t anymore.

  Chapter Twenty

  Nicole put the red rose on top of the coffin Monica was in. Adam did the same. They both said their goodbyes. They had to wait until the police finished processing the crime scene before they could bury Monica. Monica’s boss and his family showed up and a couple of her friends from school.

  “Where is her family?” Nicole said softly.

  “We were her family, Nicole.”

  Nicole ran her hand over the coffin. She was going to miss her friend.

  “I should have listened to her,” Adam said.

  “Me too.”

  He led her out of the church and to Nicole’s Honda Civic. He opened up the passenger side door and let her in then he went to the driver’s side and got in. He started the car and took off down the road.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Nicole said.

  “Yes.” Adam kept his gaze on the road.

  It had been two weeks since Adam stopped Michael from killing Nicole. They stayed at Nicole’s apartment together until they managed to sell all their possessions they couldn’t put into a suitcase. Nicole talked with Detective Dane’s partner Detective Lewis, she had to do something. She couldn’t let Michael get away with framing Adam for all of this. She knew Michael would do something even with him being in London. Nicole wasted no time. Detective Lewis listened and took down her statement. He talked with Adam as well. He quickly began an investigation. Adam would still be under suspicion if Michael produced evidence, but Detective Lewis assured Nicole and Adam that he believed them. He would allow Adam to travel, but when and if Adam was charged he would have to stand trial. They had no choice but to agree.

  Nicole stared out at the passing scenery. She was numb and was still trying to process everything. How could she not see the monster Michael was? And yet a part of her still loved him, she hated herself for feeling that way. She teared up thinking about Monica. She was so full of life and…she felt Adam grab her hand. She squeezed harder. She was grateful for Adam. First and foremost he saved her life. If he didn’t show up when he did she would have died. He understood what she was going through. He was the only one who could. They have to be here for each other. Adam could still be framed for the murders if they weren’t careful. They had to get out of Chicago. He helped her through these last two weeks. She doubted that she could have made it if he wasn’t there by her side.

  “We got about seven hundred miles before we get to New York. You know I can do this alone.”

  “No, I want to come with you.”

  “Are you sure you just don’t want to fly out there.”

  “I want to leave our stuff in New York while we are gone.”

  “And if we decide not to come back?”

  “I will fly back and get what is important.”

  Nicole looked over at Adam. “Thank you for being there.”

  “I can say the same to you. I will always be there for you, little Nicole.”

  “How we going to live once we get there?” Nicole asked.

  “I will handle that don’t worry.” Adam pulled over to the side of the road. “Nicole, when I find him I’m going to make him pay. I want to see him suffer…”

  “I understand.”

  “Are you sure he was going to London? He might have changed his mind.”

  “No he wouldn’t change his mind. But how are we going to find him?”

  Adam pulled the car back on the road then he gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Follow the dead bodies,” he said coldly.


  Rodney looked at the large manila envelope that was delivered to him today. The messenger told him that Tim Dane wanted this delivered to Rodney on this date. Rodney was almost afraid to look inside the envelope. Whatever was in there got Tim killed, and yet he owed his longtime friend and partner to see what was so important that he felt the need to take this kind of precaution.

  Rodney didn’t buy that some random truck drive
r with no priors or motive would just walk up to Tim and slice his throat. Hell the truck driver had no known mental issues either. Why was Tim in that warehouse parking lot in the first place? He wasn’t on assignment. None of the circumstances of Tim’s murder made much sense. But if the scene was set up whoever did it did a fantastic job of it. The case was closed despite Rodney wanting to investigate further.

  Rodney grabbed the envelope and opened it. There was a stack of papers with a handwritten note on top.


  If you are getting this package and you are not coming into the station and asking me what the fuck then that bastard Michael Lyons killed me. You know that I always thought that guy was off. Inside this package is all my research I did into Michael’s life. I just wanted to find something to pin on this bastard. I know, I know, you are calling me a dumb fuck about now. You warned me not to go poking around this guy’s past that it would only end up getting me sued. Well, on the bright side of things I’m not getting sued.

  When I went poking around Michael’s past I found something very disturbing. I believe this guy is a serial killer and a smart one at that. Look over everything I have collected. If I’m right, promise me that you will try to get Maxwell Stevens acquitted of all charges against him. You will know what I’m talking about when you read through my notes. And do what you can to make sure that Adam Matthews doesn’t take the blame for those killings we have been investigating. You said that Linda Bennett’s daughter being raised by strangers really got to you. Well, finish connecting the dots for me and put that sorry son of a bitch Michael behind bars.

  If I’m dead then I probably confronted Michael and you are free to call me a dumbass. But you know me, I have to get to the bottom of something as fast as possible with little regard for my own safety.

  Whatever you decide to do with my notes is up to you. I know you, you will want to catch the bad guy. It has been my honor to work alongside you all these years. We made a hell of a team.

  “You dumbass,” Rodney said quietly as he gulped down his shot of whiskey. He read through everything that was in the file. Everything Nicole and Adam told him was true. And looking at Tim’s notes it looks like Michael has been killing for many years. He will never stop he will only perfect his methods.

  He grabbed his phone. “Hey Diane, I hate to bug you but I have a question. How difficult is it to extradite someone who fled to England to stand trial here?”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Nicole and Adam arrived in London. Under any other circumstances Nicole would be thrilled to finally visit London, now she just wanted to get this over with and go home. The plan was simple, find Michael, what happened after that she really had no idea. Adam was angry at himself for not shooting Michael that day he saved her. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was what Adam was really planning to do. If it was she wouldn’t stop him.

  Adam got them a room at a cheap hotel. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was clean. Once he got Nicole settled in he grabbed his guitar and went to one of the parks where there was tons of foot traffic. He has performed many times like this in Chicago. It was a good way to make some extra cash. He wanted to make what he could when he could. He had to get enough money to help feed him and Nicole. The money they brought with them would buy plane tickets back and pay for the hotel for a least a couple of months.

  Nicole waited in the hotel room like Adam asked her to do. She felt so numb. She was grateful for that in a way, she didn’t want to feel anything right now. She grabbed her phone and called Michael’s law firm partner, she knew this was a long shot.

  “Hey Nicole. Where you’ve been?” Emily said.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “Caller I.D. silly. How you doing, hun? Michael said you and him called it quits. I didn’t know you to were an item, but I had my suspicions. Now I know why you quit.”

  “Michael told you that?”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t supposed to say anything. He wanted to make sure that no one told you were he was living now. He said he didn’t want any drama. Between you and me, I think that is pretty dicky. You seem like such a sweet person.”

  “Like I’m going all the way to London to chase after him. There are other fish in the sea.”

  “That’s the spirit. Plus, I heard the weather really sucks there in London this time of year. So what you up to?”

  “I have decided to move to New York.”

  “Oh, how exciting.”

  Nicole let Emily prattle on for a little while longer and then made an excuse to get off the phone. Damn it, she should have known Michael would have made sure no one from his firm would tell her where he lived. London was fucking huge how were her and Adam going to find Michael? He certainly would lay low for a little while.

  She went to the small kitchenette. She made some coffee and grabbed the sandwich Adam purchased for her earlier. He really didn’t need to do all of this. She could find a way to make some money too, but he insisted that she let him take care of everything.

  Nicole finished her sandwich then went over to the large bed and sat. She clicked on the T.V. and absent mindedly flipped through the channels. She was thinking about the long talks her and Adam had in her apartment after that night he saved her. He made her feel better about everything. Hell, he even made her not feel bad for loving a man like Michael in the first place. Adam talked about Mindy and the guilt he felt that she was dead because he was Michael’s pawn. Adam did love Mindy, but he was never enough for her. Both of them talked about Monica. She learned more about Monica from Adam. They were friends for a couple of years before Nicole moved in. They got even closer because of Nicole. The guilt they both felt for Monica’s death was overwhelming at times. Adam talked about his sister and how much she meant to him. They were basically all each other had. His childhood was as crappy as Nicole’s was. He was devastated when his sister told him to never speak to her again, but he honored her wish. Nicole told him about her childhood and her relationship with Nathan. She talked about going to college to earn her degree and he talked about his music. She knew everything about him and him about her.

  Nicole drifted off to sleep watching some British drama.

  She was awoken by the sound of paper bags rustling. She sat up quickly and saw Adam in the kitchenette.

  “Hey, little Nicole, I was going to let you sleep. I made decent money today. I picked up some groceries and put the rest of the money up in the jar.”

  Nicole went over to him.

  “I will make us some dinner,” she said seeing what time it is.

  Adam went to take a shower while she made some spaghetti. She laid out some paper napkins and plastic forks out on the small table that set up against the window. She brought over some orange juice and poured some into two plastic cups then she put some spaghetti onto two paper plates and carefully brought them over to the table. Just as she got done Adam came out of the bathroom. He wore only a pair of jeans. His dark wavy hair was slicked back from being wet. He was unshaven. He would often go several days without shaving. Nicole thought he looked good like that.

  “Smells good,” he said, sitting down at the table.

  Nicole sat across from him. She watched him devour his food while she picked at hers.

  “Didn’t you have lunch?”

  “Yep. I just worked up an appetite. Man, I sung my ass off today. Picked those damn guitar strings so much my fingers hurt.”

  “I wish you would let me help you.”

  “I got this, little Nicole. Besides I love playing my music so it’s no chore to me.”

  Nicole got up and brought the pot of spaghetti over. She watched him load up his plate again. She looked at him, really looked at him. He looked nothing like Michael at all. Yes, they were the same height and build, yes both were handsome and had the same deepness to their voice, but there was such warmth coming from Adam that Michael never possessed.

  “What?” he said as he slurped in a spaghetti noodle.

bsp; “I like looking at you.”

  Adam smiled. “Well I like looking at you too. Did you take it easy today, per my request?”

  “I tried. I called Michael’s law partner and got a hold of Emily.”

  “Oh, that was a good idea. Did you get Michael’s address?”

  “No, he told Emily that he and I have broken up and he doesn’t want me stalking him or something like that. He gave instructions for no one to tell me where he is.”

  “That was worth trying.” Adam sat back in his chair. “Oh, that was good.” He went to grab the plate but Nicole took it instead.

  “If you are going to literally sing for our supper I can at least keep this place tidied up.”

  “If that is what you want.”

  “It is.”

  Adam went over to the bed and laid down. “I didn’t know there was only one bed in this room…”

  “Don’t be silly. We can share the bed it’s no big deal.” Nicole cleaned the kitchenette up a bit then went over to the bed she laid down beside him.

  Adam rolled over on his side and looked at her.

  “What?” she said, looking up at him.

  “I really want to make love to you, so I think it’s best if I just sleep on the floor.”

  “No…” She reached up and pulled him down to her.

  “Little Nicole…I…don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “Please kiss me.”

  Adam leaned over and kissed her. He felt her arms wrap around him holding him close. He should just get out of this damn bed. She was very vulnerable right now, hell so was he for that matter. Yet, he couldn’t will himself to get out of the bed instead he deepened his kiss and she surrendered to it.

  He kissed for what seemed like a blissful eternity. He lingered in her soft touches then he pulled away. He looked at her lying under him.


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