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The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site

Page 12

by Jesse Marcel

  For many years, the Roman Catholic Church taught that the Earth was the center of everything, and this view was supported by Ptolemy based on the then-known orbits of the planets. It was Copernicus who determined that the planets orbited the sun, and not the other way around. With each discovery we were further displaced down the rungs of a very long ladder. It is now known that even our solar system is in the outskirts of a common galaxy, and our galaxy's place is not unique in a universe of a hundred billion galaxies. Life on this planet is found in just about every nook and cranny, from the deepest ocean trenches to the boiling pools of Yellowstone; it seems that the only requirements for life as we know it are water and a source of energy.

  In 1584, a Dominican priest and philosopher named Giordano Bruno wrote, "There are countless suns and countless Earths all rotating around their suns in exactly the same way as the seven planets of our system. We see only the suns because they are the largest bodies and are luminous, but their planets remain invisible to us because they are smaller and non-luminous. The countless worlds in our universe are no worse and no less inhabited than our Earth." In 1600, he was burned at the stake for his words. Although we no longer punish people in such a way for belief in extraterrestrial civilizations, there are still some who would attempt to destroy the reputations of those who are believers, with one popular televangelist actually advocating that they be stoned to death, according to the Old Testament custom for punishing heretics. Fortunately, the majority of our population is enlightened enough not to consider such a barbaric reaction.


  The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program is seeking an artificial radio signal from afar, but so far no definite signals have been received. There have been false alarms, such as from pulsar stars, satellites, or aircraft, but alas, no genuine signals. There has been one possible signal that cannot be proven to be natural, and it is being studied more closely. The signal is designated SHGb02 + 14a, and has been picked up several times. It is thought to originate several thousand light-years away, and does not appear to be produced by any known natural means. It has a frequency of 1420 MHz, which is the most likely frequency to be selected by an extraterrestrial civilization to broadcast a radio alert, because it is in a relatively quiet zone, and free of natural interference. If it does prove to be artificial, it would have been broadcast several thousand years ago, and there is no telling what the originators of that signal are doing now.

  The giant radio telescopes of the Arecibo Observatory, capable of sending messages to the stars.

  Some years ago, the radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, sent out a signal that, if deciphered, would tell a little about us as human beings and where we live in the galaxy. It was sent out to a globular cluster some 80,000 light-years away. In the signal, the first set of symbols (white) represents the numbers 1 to 10, reading from right to left. The cluster in the center (purple) codes the atomic numbers for certain elements. The green-colored patterns represent formulas for sugars and bases in nucleotides of DNA. The white vertical bar specifies the number of nucleotides in DNA. The double helix of DNA is represented by the blue curving lines that go from the sugars/base formulas to the human being. The next symbol to the left of the human figure represents the human population on Earth, and the ones to the right side of the human figure represent the height of a human being. The yellow symbols represent our solar system, with the Earth displaced upward to the human figure. The purple symbols represent the Arecibo Telescope, and the white and blue symbols on the bottom represent its diameter.

  Some people are worried about these attempts at contacting an extraterrestrial civilization, because we have no way of knowing how they would perceive and react to knowledge of our existence. In fact, though, it is a bit late to hide our presence: Our radio and television signals have been broadcasting our presence for 80 years. Television signals dating back to the Berlin Olympics in 1936 are now passing stars up to 70 light-years away. (The Carl Sagan book Contact was based on the scenario that these signals were picked up and responded to, but because of the tremendous distance of 26 light-years, we did not receive their response until 52 years later.) Like it or not, we have made our presence known to ETs that may be in star systems up to 80 light-years away.

  We can hope that the extraterrestrials visiting us are more like E.T. than the ones depicted in Independence Day. But the truth is, both types are probably out there, and we are lucky that the ones in our skies appear to be more like E.T, the botanist. We know full well what happens when an advanced civilization comes into contact with one that is less advanced; we have plenty of examples here on Earth: What happens first is conflict, then subjugation, and finally assimilation. So far, none of this seems to be happening with our experiences. The more likely scenario is that we are a scientific curiosity to be studied rather than interacted with.

  We know that there are spacefaring civilizations out there, and, moreover, that they have shown an interest in us with their investigatory probes. If you believe in the abduction phenomena, then you have to consider that these beings have taken a personal interest in us. Reputable investigators such as Budd Hopkins are conducting strong research that is difficult to refute, although significant effort has been expended by some skeptics to do so. Knowing Budd as I do, and being aware of the methods he uses in his research, I have to believe that, on rare occasions, alien abductions must occur. I think they are studying us just as we would study other life forms here on Earth. I believe that these beings have a keen scientific interest in our physical and scientific development, and that they don't represent a danger to us, and we don't have anything they want-if we did, we would not be here.

  A significant number of rather interesting discoveries in places all over the world suggest that Earth has been of interest to extraterrestrial visitors for thousands of years. There are ancient cave paintings of humanoid creatures clad in what appear to be protective suits such as space suits, complete with helmets. Primitive drawings have been discovered of inhuman creatures with round heads and large eyes. In some Egyptian tombs, pictures have been found of what appear to be aircraft. In the Nasca Plains south of Lima, Peru, alongside line drawings of animals are seeming depictions of airfields and runways. These drawings are imperceptible from the ground, and so were not discovered until the 20th century, when people began flying over the area. England boasts similar ancient drawings that can only be seen in complete context from the air. The existence of such artifacts raises the question: Why would the ancients spend the time and effort to make line drawings that can only be appreciated from a vantage point that they are unable to reach?

  More recently, during the Renaissance period, a famous painting was created of the Madonna and Child, with a saucer-shaped craft shown hovering in the nearby sky; a man and a dog are looking skyward at the object. Going back a bit further, there are even biblical accounts of what could well be UFO encounters, such as Ezekiel's "wheel" he witnessed and described typical UFO apparitions. The ancients described them as objects familiar to them, such as chariots, shields, and flaming wheels. Similarly, today we describe such sightings in relation to objects that are familiar to us, such as cigar shapes, saucer shapes, flying triangles, and the like.

  In 1897, there was an intriguing-yet reasonably contested account of a sighting throughout the Midwest, where people reported seeing what they described as "airships" flying through the air. This was years before the Wright Brothers first flew at Kitty Hawk, and although there were hot air balloons at that time, it was obvious that what people were seeing were not balloons. In April of that year, a flying object crashed into a windmill on a ranch outside of Aurora, Texas. When the site was investigated, considerable damage was seen to have been done to the windmill, and the remains of the object were lying about the area. People reported seeing strange writing on the pieces of debris, but the strangest remains were that of the apparent pilot. The description given by a number of people at the time was of a nonhuman
being. This being was given a Christian burial in the town cemetery, and the remains of the craft were dumped down a well. That well has now been bricked over, and investigators have long been denied permission to excavate it. Likewise, permission could not be obtained to excavate the grave of the being, and the grave marker disappeared long ago. One artifact has been recovered from the site, which was quite weathered, indicating it had been there for years. Analysis showed that it was an alloy of aluminum and iron that would be difficult to manufacture, and for which there is no known use.

  * * *

  It seems quite apparent that UFO apparitions have been with us for a long time. It is reasonable to assume that many UFO sightings are labeled "UFO" simply because the observed object was too far away for proper identification-an unidentified, though terrestrial, flying object. There remains a significant number of reports that cannot be dismissed as hoaxes, weather phenomena, or misidentification of man-made objects. It is these reports that drive the skeptics crazy. It is humorous to see what lengths they will go to explain the sightings. Swamp gas, earthquake lights, weather balloons, or the planet Venus are the usual explanations given by avowed skeptics to disqualify sightings, the real identity of which they haven't the foggiest idea. It has become increasingly obvious that there are those whose agenda is focused upon debunking anything they cannot explain. I imagine that it pains these people greatly to even consider-much less reluctantly admit-the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in our galaxy. I would love to know what the vocal skeptics admit privately. I think that, for whatever reasons, the most vocal skeptics have a need to ridicule people who believe in the reality of extraterrestrial visitations.

  In response to the growing level of public interest and openness, the major media outlets such as NBC, The Discovery Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, and others, have begun offering additional UFO-related content. From my own limited perspective, I have seen an increase in the frequency of requests for interviews from me. I also know that the people involved in SETI are all primed for making the Big Announcement when the signal that they know is out there finally comes in. They have not popped the champagne corks yet, but it is possible-even likely-that the bubbly could flow at any time, whether it be tomorrow or 20 years from now. Naturally, they have to be absolutely sure that the signal is genuine, but you can bet that there will be no holding back when it does come in. And I am sure that when the announcement is made, most people will accept it without reservation, rather than be overcome with the panic that the more paranoid among us would predict.

  My own life and those of my family have been touched by the truth of otherworldly civilizations, and it is my hope that you, the reader, can feel that touch and look objectively, hopefully, and perhaps even lovingly upon the promise that future contact holds for humanity. Our job-indeed, our responsibility-is to provide future generations with truth, upon which they may make better decisions than the generations that preceded them. Our other job is to act responsibly when faced with evidence that the universe is big enough to be home to a great number of civilizations. As rve said before, to deny this would be to place human limits upon God's infinite capacity for creation.

  The Vatican's chief astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory, the Reverend Jose Furies, in a May 13, 2008 interview, stated that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. He said that the vastness of the universe means it is possible that there could be other life outside Earth-even intelligent life. He stated that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens could still be God's creatures. The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother." Furies said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom.

  We are not alone!


  UFO believers and skeptics alike have sometimes referred to the Roswell Incident as the biggest UFO story that almost wasn't. Those who are most cynical call it the biggest UFO non-event in history, or much ado about nothing. It's true that, for decades, no one talked much about the mysterious 1947 crash in the high desert of New Mexico, although, despite what many skeptics say, the silence didn't occur because Roswell was no big deal after all. Not to belabor the point, but there was a concerted effort to make the story go away…and it very nearly did. It was only due to the diligent work of ufologists such as Stanton Friedman, whose efforts have been both praised and damned, that the Roswell Incident reemerged into the public eye more than three decades after it happened. And now, for better or worse, the story has taken on a life of its own.

  For my family, of course, the story never did go away. For the Marcels, Roswell has cut a swath both deep and wide, sweeping across generations and piercing the heart of our family in ways that went beyond the effects on my father's livelihood and reputation.

  The legacy of Roswell reaches far beyond the Marcel family. Roswell is a story rich in political, sociological, scientific, historical, and even cosmological implications. Thousands of words have been written and spoken about Roswell; it is one of the most thoroughly examined incidents in UFO history. I don't expect that this one little book will do much to change anyone's mind about whether or not that long-ago crash in the desert was evidence of a visitation from a world beyond ours. The most I can do is tell my story and my father's, and I hope I have done an acceptable job of that.

  As for changing anyone's mind, that's not my job. I am well aware that, as in most controversial matters, both sides have a significant stake in their opinions, and many aren't willing to seriously consider arguments from the other side. I'll grant that some UFO believers have been as guilty of this closed-mindedness as have skeptics. Some skeptics have even called me closed-minded, stubborn, foolish, or merely misguided for continuing to insist that the debris my father and I handled was "not of this world."

  But I know what I saw and what I felt on that summer night in 1947. I know of my father's excitement, frustration, and ultimate despair as a result of Roswell. I know there is still more to this story than has yet been told. And I know that, although my experiences and observations do not prove beyond a skeptic's doubt that the Roswell crash came from an unearthly source, there is a lot of evidence supporting the "not of this world" school of thought. In any case, if sticking to my beliefs about Roswell is foolish or stubborn, then I proudly accept those mantles.

  I don't know if we will ever know the entire truth about the Roswell Incident. According to the "official" story, the truth was revealed more than a dozen years ago, and we should all close the book on Roswell and turn our attention to something else. But to me, and to thousands of others all over the world, the concluding chapter has yet to be written. It might even be said that the Roswell Incident is but one volume in a very long series.

  In the years since my father's death, I have shared as much of the Roswell story as I know. But as for the rest of the story, and the story beyond Roswell… those are not mine or yours to tell. Those are the stories for our children and our grandchildren. It is my deepest wish that their eyes, their minds, and their hearts will remain always open, so that they may experience a universe filled with wonders we can scarcely imagine.


  History of the 509th

  Because the 509th Composite Bomb Group is so deeply associated with Roswell, I thought it would be appropriate to add a Ifew words about them. In short, the 509th was an air combat wing organized for basically one purpose only: to engage in atomic bomb warfare against the Japanese empire during World War II. It was an elite wing composed of hand-picked officers.

  The 509th was constituted December 9, 1944, and activated December 17, 1944, at Wendover Army Air Field, Utah, and commanded by Colonel Paul Tibbets. It was his job to organize a combat unit to deliver the atomic bombs to either German or Japanese targets. because the flying components consisted of both bomber and transport aircraft, the group was designated as a composite squadron. Colonel Tibbets had selected Wendover as the training site because of its r
emoteness and ease of keeping activities under cover. I recall my mother getting mail from my dad during this time of highly censored letters in which entire sentences were clipped from the onionskin paper they were written on.

  On September 10, 1944, the 393rd Bomb Squadron, which was a B-29 unit, arrived at Wendover and was assigned directly to the Second Air Force until creation of the 509th Composite Bomb Group. Originally consisting of 21 crews, 15 were selected to continue training and were organized into three flights of five crews.

  The 320th transport portion of the 509th became known as "The Green Hornet Line," and utilized C-46 and C-47 aircraft. B29s, designated as "silverplate B-29s" in the combat wing of the 509th, had extensive modification to the bombay area with the installation of a weaponeer station. Reduction in the overall weight of the aircraft was also accomplished to offset the heavy loads they would be required to carry. A total of 14 silverplate B-29s were delivered to the 509th combat wing.

  A rigorous candidate selection process was used to recruit personnel for the 509th, with an 80 percent washout rate. Those made a part of the unit were not allowed transfer until the end of the war, nor were they allowed to travel without escorts from Military Intelligence units. With the addition of the 1st Ordnance Squadron to its roster, the 509th Combined Group had an authorized strength of 225 officers and 1,542 enlisted men, almost all of whom were deployed to Tinian. The 320th TCS did not officially deploy to Tinian but kept its base of operations at Wendover.

  The 509th began replacement of its 14 training silverplates in February of 1945 by transferring four to the 216th Base Unit. Each bombardier completed at least 50 practice drops of inert pumpkin bombs, and at that time Col. Tibbets declared his group combatready. On July 26, the USS Indianapolis delivered the components of Little Boy to Tinian. The 509th then delivered its deadly war-ending load to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hiroshima was devastated by Little Boy, the uranium bomb, on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki was devastated by Fat Man on August 9, 1945. The instruments of Japanese surrender were signed on the battleship Missourri BB 63 on the morning of September 2, 1945.


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