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Romance: SCREWED (An Arranged Marriage to the NFL Bad Boy) (A New Adult Contemporary Athlete Sports Football Romance)

Page 3

by Bridget Lang

  She glares. “Okay, one,” she holds up her index finger, “none of this is romantic. You’re literally paying me to marry you to get me away from my shitbag boyfriend. And two, what kids are you referring to? Because you can’t mean kids that you put in my body. Our genes will stay plenty far away from each other.”

  “You say that now, but just wait,” I smirk. “I’m irresistable. One of these nights, you’ll be laying in a cold bed, thinking about how lonely you are, and you’ll come down the hall and slip into my king-size bed -”

  “Yeah… NO.” She sticks her chin out.

  I pout. “You’re no fun.”

  “No, I’m not. I figured you’d have remembered that.” She looks down at her clothes. “Let’s just go get a fucking dress and get this over with.”

  “Some makeup wouldn’t hurt either.”

  “Fuck you.” Claire says. She looks hurt and I wish I would have phrased that better.

  “I mean…” I explain, “You have a big-ass bruise on your cheek, Claire. We should probably cover that up, this is about my public image after all. I wouldn’t want anyone suspecting that I gave it to you.”

  “Oh.” The sweetest pink tinge creeps up her cheeks. “Yeah, that’s probably true.”

  “Thank you. Can we stop arguing and get some clothes and make it look like we, well, planned this?” I tentatively hold out my hand for her to grasp, wondering if she’ll leave me hanging.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she mutters and steps towards me taking my hand and entwining our fingers. “Might as well start pretending now. Lead the way.”

  Finding a dress shop is pretty easy, and it’s equally as easy to find rings, a tux, and a minister. In spite of Claire’s protests, we buy her dress rather than renting it.

  “It’s your wedding dress,” I say. “You might want it someday.” I’m not even sure why it matters to me, or what logic I’m employing. I guess I figure that with all she’s been through tonight, she deserves to have something nice.

  “I need you to stop acting like we’re going to stay married,” she says.

  “Well, I think it’s weird that you don’t want to buy it, but you also won’t let me see you in it until you walk down the aisle because it’s ‘bad luck.’”

  “I have enough man problems in my life,” she says tersely, “No need to go and create another.”

  The ceremony preparation is quick. The minister has clearly already had a few too many cocktails, and he rushes us along obviously wanting this to be short and sweet. The organ starts to blast out the wedding march.

  I watch the archway for Claire to emerge, ready to get this over with myself. When I see her, my heart skips a beat. She’s wearing a pale dusty rose colored dress of smooth satin that highlights her pale skin and reddish-brown hair. Her dress drapes over her body, clinging to her hips in a way that makes the fabric flow like water over her legs. Her bruised cheek and jaw is covered with makeup, and her long hair is pulled up, with small lace veil tucked in. She is absolutely breathtaking. The way she moves, it looks like she’s gliding towards me, a vision of beauty. At this moment I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful woman.

  “What?” she murmurs as she reaches the altar, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. A blush creeps up her cheeks and she fusses with her top, which hangs low, revealing the little cleavage she has. “Do I look that bad?”

  “No,” I swallow and try to resume breathing. “You look -”

  The minister cuts me off. “You two getting married?”

  “Yeah,” I respond.

  “Great.” He flips through his notes. “Marriage is great, it’s a beautiful blessing, yadda yadda yadda… here we go. Jeff -”

  “My name is Jett.”

  “Jett, do you agree to be nice to her and pick up your shit when she asks you to and not sleep with other girls and just generally be a cool guy?”

  “Um.” I bite my lip to keep from laughing. “Yeah. I do.”

  “Cool. Claire, do you agree to not get too down on him for the shit he’s not doing and appreciate what he is doing instead, not to spend all his money, and try to put up with his bullshit with being a total bitch about it?”

  “Sure. I mean, I do.”

  “Awesome.” He tosses his notes onto the altar. “Then, by the power vested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you man and wife. Congratulations. You can pick up your license on the way out.”

  “That’s it?” Claire asks.

  “It’s been a rough day,” the minister looks at us through hangdog, bloodshot eyes. “Just go to the hotel and fuck already. If you need a divorce, I can give you my brother’s card.”

  “Your brother is a divorce lawyer?” I say incredulously.

  “Yup.” The minister starts gathering his things. “I set them up, he knocks them down.”

  “How lovely,” Claire says dryly.

  “It’s Vegas, kids.” Picking up his backpack of supplies, he pats me on the shoulder. “But don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be different for you two.”

  Claire and I walk outside, waiting until the witness and the minister leave. I tuck our marriage license in my pocket and we stand silently for a moment beneath the just brightening sky.

  In the weak, watery light of dawn, I gaze at my new wife. She’s taken off her veil and is standing serenely looking at the strip and the pedestrians hobbling down the street in various stages of drunkenness. I see the corners of her lips turn up slightly, then a small smile starts to form. It splits into a grin, and eventually, she throws her head back and laughs, her dewy skin catching the light as she lets out high-pitched, ringing laughter. Damn, it’s good to see her laugh.

  “What a fucking lunatic!” she finally squeals. “What kind of vows were those?”

  “Claire,” I deadpan, holding her by the shoulders, “I promise to try to be a ‘cool guy’ to you for the rest of my days.”

  Claire giggles wildly. “And I promise not to be a ‘total bitch’ about all of your bullshit.”

  We both laugh. Watching her stand here in front of me, giggling and snorting when she laughs too hard, and wearing that gorgeous wedding gown, I let myself forget for a moment that this wedding isn’t real and means nothing. In that moment of joy, I forget our circumstances and pull her to my chest wrapping my arms around her.

  When she flinches, I remember.

  “Um.” I pull back, watching the stunned look on her face fade into uncomfortable worry. “Maybe we should head to the hotel.”

  “Yeah,” she confirms. “Yeah, we should definitely do that.”

  I watch her walk to the car, my heart sinking. If there had been a chance between Claire and myself, I think I just blew it.

  The honeymoon suite is fully stocked with a very nice mini bar, and before I even put my bags down, Claire is already taking full advantage of the selection.

  Out of the corner of my eye I watch her guzzle bottle after bottle of mini airplane booze down her throat, like she’s Alice trying to find a way to make herself small enough to disappear in Wonderland. I ignore her, giving her space; besides, she seems like she needs the booze more than I do.

  I dig through my bag, and head into the bathroom to take a long shower. I’ll never admit it to anybody, but Claire's prick of a boyfriend actually got in a couple really good shots. I’m more than capable of taking a punch, but there is a spot near the bottom of my ribs that still throbs.

  When I walk back out, I’m surprised to see Claire draped over the bed, her messy hair cascading around her shoulders. “Hello, Mr. Lang,” she slurs, grinning. On the nightstand is a vast assortment of empty bottles.

  “Mrs. Lang,” I reply. I can’t help but smile. Even drunk, she is adorable.

  “You know.” She rolls over, looking at me upside down. She kicks one leg in the air, and her dress turns into a puddle at her hips. “It's our wedding night.”

  “It is,” I agree cautiously. Shit. This might not be headed in a good direction.

sp; “You're my husband,” she continues, “and I'm your wife.”

  “Getting married will have that effect, yes.”

  She flips clumsily to her knees. “Most people consummate their marriage on the wedding night.” She seems to think she’s speaking in a sexy purr, but her words are horribly loud, mangled and slurred.

  “Most couples, yeah, but Claire…”

  She isn't listening. She shuffles off the bed and starts humming a tune that reminds me of old burlesque shows, with loud trumpets and piano that she tries - and fails - to imitate. She kicks off one shoe, staggers, catches herself, and kicks off the other. She starts swinging her hips back and forth aggressively, pulling at one of her dress straps. “Are you enjoying the show, Mr. Lang?” she giggles.

  “I…” My mouth is dry. The truth is, I am enjoying the show. I am enjoying the absolutely shit out of it. Claire Donnelly is a sexpot. Who knew? But she is as drunk as she is sexy.

  She spins all the way around, looking confused, then twirls until she is facing away from me. She pulls her zipper down (with considerable difficulty) and shimmies, letting her dress fall away. She turns back around, grinning and snickering.

  “Look!” she exclaims, bouncing around excitedly. “They gave me special underwear for our wedding night.”

  Special does not even begin to describe it. It is a soft pink that stands out against Claire’s pale skin. Her bra is covered with elaborate lace designs, and her panties are so small they are simply a barely-there tiny triangle of lace, enough for me to see that she is completely shaved.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I look around, like maybe there will be some kind of available escape route. My dick is as hard as a rock, and begging for release, but this just can’t happen. She will kill me in the morning, and then my agent will bring me back to life and kill me again.

  She struts, or, more like stumbles right up to me and drops awkwardly to her knees. Her massive brown eyes flutter at me, and she starts tugging on my belt.

  “Even though you’re a jerk, you’re still really hot,” she muses, her fingers fumbling. “I liked you sooooo much in freshman year. You were such a piece of shit back then, but you’ve actually been pretty nice to me tonight.” She beams up at me and licks her lips in what she clearly thinks is is very sexy and appealing. “I wanna be nice to you too.”

  I swear that my heart completely stops. I have never, and I mean never wanted to fuck somebody so badly. I’ve had supermodels planting themselves in my lap, movie stars passing me their room keys at hotels, and even other players’ gorgeous wives slipping into the locker room when they knew I’d be alone. I’d fucked dozens and dozens of the most gorgeous women in the world.

  But this is Claire.

  Claire Donnelly - now Claire Lang - had spent college trying to live down the dumb bullshit I put her through, took care of her mom, and was repaid for it by getting the shit beaten out of her by the boyfriend who should have been standing beside her helping to shoulder the burden. She isn’t just some chick who’s had so many drunken hook-ups another can’t possibly matter to her in the morning. She isn’t just some chick, period. She is beautiful and strong, and brave and she needs someone to finally care about her and help her out.

  I’m no honorable gentleman by any means, but no way am I gonna do anything that might hurt her again. And my dick definitely is not what she needs from me tonight.

  “Hey.” I grab her hands. She looks disappointed. “Maybe later, okay? But I think you should drink some water and get to bed.”

  “Uh-uh!” she pouts, staggering to her feet. “You’re not my dad, you can’t tell me what to do!”

  “Claire, I’m serious. When’s the last time you drank like this?”

  She screws her face up and looks like she’s thinking. “Um… My 21st birthday, I had a few Long Islands.”

  Jesus Christ, she’s never been this drunk in her life.

  “Okay, come here.” I guide her to the fluffy king-sized bed. “Just sit here, okay?” I rummage through the fridge, find a few bottles of water and put three on the side of her bed. “Drink one of these right now, okay?”

  She frowns, but twists the cap open anyway.

  I head out into the hall and down to the lobby. “Hey.” I sidle up to the front desk. “Do you have any chips or anything?”

  “Of course,” the girl behind the desk chirps. “We have a wide menu selection, and you can order at any hour.”

  “Great.” I glance at the menu. “I’m just gonna order a bread basket for the honeymoon suite. And can you please get that to me as soon as possible?”

  I wait in the hallway in front of the room for room service to appear. I don’t want to risk Claire opening the door in her tiny underwear. I have a feeling she’s going to have enough to regret in the morning.

  When I walk back in, Claire is still working on the water bottle I gave her. I hand her a couple rolls. “Eat these. There’ll be more bread on the nightstand if you want any more. Make sure you finish that bottle of water, and then go to sleep.”

  Claire sticks out her bottom lip. “But Jett,” she whines, and I hold up a hand.

  “Just trust me, okay? I have a lot of experience in getting completely shitfaced. You’re going to need to do something to make the hangover a little less intense. Get under the covers.”

  “I’m too hot,” she complains.

  I take the ornamental top cover off of her. “Better?”

  “Yeah.” She snuggles into the pillows.

  “Are you sleepy yet?”

  She shakes her head, but yawns.

  “Okay. Well you stay there, finish your water, and eat, okay? I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I wander around the suite. Behind a door I almost miss, is a small living room with a couch and a few chairs. I pile decorative pillows up on the sofa and throw the blanket over it. It reminds me a little of how I slept in the trailer growing up. At least here I won’t have to deal with my younger brother kicking me and my older brother snoring all night.

  I head back out to the bedroom. “Hey, Claire?”

  I hear soft snores from the bed, but check on her anyway, only to find that she’s already asleep.

  Good. She deserves some rest.

  I pull the covers up around her and tucked her in, hoping that she won’t get too cold. Even in her sleep, there’s a small, thin line of worry between her eyebrows. I remembered seeing my mother sleeping like that every night as though her fear of my father and all he’d put her through was so intense and overwhelming that she couldn’t even relax in her sleep. The only time my mom had ever looked peaceful was when she was laying in her casket after my father finally shot her.

  My mom had deserved to have peace in her life. Claire deserves it, too.

  Very gently, I run my hand over Claire’s silky hair, stroking it until I see her frown start to disappear. Her face gradually relaxes, and she gives me a soft, contented sigh. I kiss her on the forehead, and she smiles in her sleep.

  Lying on my makeshift bed, I actually feel good. I did the right thing. For the first time, I’m the good guy.

  I shuck off my pants and boxer briefs and grab my hard cock, quickly stroking myself. Being a good guy is great, but I’m left with a massive case of blue balls, and as clumsy as it was, that strip-tease of Claire’s is going to be at the top of my spank bank for a long time.

  Chapter 5 CLAIRE

  I think I’ve died and gone straight to hell. My head is pounding, and my stomach is sour. Whimpering, I roll over and crack open one eye. I’m grateful to see the shades pulled down, and even more grateful to see some aspirin and water on the bedside table.

  I down the pills and tear off a few small bites of stale bread from a basket of rolls on the nightstand, waiting for all of my senses to arrive. I’m clearly in a hotel room, the nicest hotel room I’ve ever been in. The bedroom alone is as big as the house I’d grown up in. Everything is decorated in white lace.

  Slowly, memories return. The bar with
Aaron… the fight with Jett… the diner… the insane proposal… that ridiculous marriage with a half-in-the-bag minister…

  I look down. I’m not in my wedding dress. In fact, I’m not wearing much at all. An icy chill runs through me and paralyzes me momentarily before red hot anger seethes through my veins like a lava flow.

  I am dressed in nothing more than the practically nonexistent underwear that the pushy saleswoman forced me to buy for my “special night.” A special night that I can’t remember, but that had apparently been pretty eventful for one of us.

  I am livid. I’ve been taken advantage of before by Aaron, for whom nothing is too low. But, now I have to watch my back around the guy who promised to help me. Once again, I’m nothing more than a slab of meat. The bastard. I will fucking kill him.

  I hear the water running in the shower and throw off my blankets, storming into the bathroom. I hardly notice the steam billowing out at me, and rip open the smoked glass door to see Jett, soaping himself up and looking stunned. “Jesus fucking Christ, Claire!” he bellows, not making any attempt to cover himself, “Give a guy some warning.”

  “Warning?” I scream. I climb into the shower and pound on his chest and shoulders with my fists. “Did you give me any warning before you fucking raped me last night?”

  “What are you talking about, you lunatic? I didn’t do anything.”

  “Then explain to me how I woke up in nothing but my underwear, you fucking creep. I don’t remember anything past when we arrived in the room. What did you do, wait until I passed out? I will kill you!”

  He grabs my wrists and although I writhe and try to free myself, he is too strong and immobilizes me easily. My punches hadn’t seemed to affect him much either. I’ve never had the best upper body strength.

  “Will you calm down? I didn’t do anything to you, I swear. I slept in the other room.”


  “It’s true.” He turns the water off and storms out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. I follow him through the bedroom and into a small living room area. “Look!” He points to a couch piled high with decorative pillows and a lacy blanket. “See? I slept here all night! I wasn’t even in the bed with you.”


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