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Idan: A Sci-Fi Warrior Romance (Heroes of Avalere Book 2)

Page 5

by Jane Henry

Slowly, I draw one finger through her arousal, her damp folds swollen beneath my touch. I smile. This will serve me well in her training. “If you obey me, Svali, you will find I’m generous in my ministrations. Both pleasure and punishment are mine to give, but which you earn is up to you. Will you obey me, woman?”

  Her voice is choked when she responds. “Yes! Yes, my lord.” She wriggles over my knee, and I know what she wants. I know what she desires. But I have already been softer with her than I had planned.

  “Behave yourself at breakfast, and when we rest later today, I will see to your pleasure,” I promise. She will please me as well, but first she will see what my expectations are.

  I stand her in front of me and spin her around. Her hair is wild about her face, eyes wide and curious. I take a moment to observe her, to really take her in. Cheeks flushed pink with the smattering of freckles show a woman who is accustomed to sunlight. Her brows arch over wide violet eyes, her most fetching characteristic, lending her an air of mystique and wonder. Golden-brown hair, the color of warmed honey, cascades down her back in waves. Her skin is both golden and pink-tinged. She wears small golden hoops at her ears, and her slender neck bare that begs to be wrapped in my hands. Patience. The time for owning this woman’s curvy, voluptuous body will come. I will memorize every curve and dip of her naked skin.

  The faint flush about her cheeks and neck are fetching. I wrap one hand around her neck, my fingers grazing the pulse beneath her skin, drawing her close. Tenderly, I kiss her forehead, a gesture the men of the highest order often favor as a mark of claiming and ownership. “I will own you, Svali. You will learn to call me master and to do my bidding so readily it pains you to do otherwise. Do you mark me, lovely?”

  I watch her chest rise and fall and feel the rapid beating of her heart.

  “Yes, my lord,” she whispers, her breath warm upon my skin.

  “Very good,” I whisper in her ear, drawing her onto my lap. She sits like a kitten, her hands folded, her head upright, gazing at me with curiosity. I lift the edge of her tunic. “Your body responds well to me. What excites you? Do you like when I hold you like this, with gentleness? Or do you prefer when I take control of you?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Her unexpected answer makes me laugh. Still laughing, I pull her off my knee and take her by the hand. Now to meet my servants and see my new dominion. I will observe her reactions.


  Servants wait for us at our door, a full dozen standing with hands behind their backs, waiting to do my bidding. Aldric has instructed them to await my command.

  The tallest of the lot, the one we met the day before, approaches me. He sports dark hair, graying at the temples, and kind blue eyes etched at the sides with lines that deepen when he smiles. “My lord,” he says with a deep bow, and each of the others follow suit. “I am head servant here appointed by the king.”

  “I will oversee those who serve you. Command me at your will.” He inclines his head. Though he serves me, I detect a will of iron in this man. He will do well.

  I accept his introduction as he moves on and introduces the others. “Kada and Adele, the two women appointed as ladies-in-waiting for your wife.” He gestures to two small, quiet women with golden hair neatly tied back at their napes, wearing serviceable, knee-length tunics. Sisters, I surmise. The others under Tamar’s leadership bow their heads in respect as he goes down the line: cooks, gardeners, and many others who will serve. I have met the guards before, first order warriors in Aldric’s army, sent here by him to secure my lands and home. As they grow in wisdom and stature, it will be my duty to promote them.

  When all introductions have been made, Svali holds onto my arm as we enter the dining hall, a place to dine as well as meet. Perhaps she is overawed by the sheer quantity of servants at our service. The number represents but a fraction of what Aldric and Carina command at the primary palace of Avalere, but I still count several dozen prepared to do my bidding. It will take time to establish myself as authority here. I wish to rule with kindness and fairness, but I must maintain stern order first. As a child, I observed my father maintain authority. He allowed joviality only after he established obedience and order.

  I will take the same approach.

  I bring Svali to the large dining table laden with food, pulling out a chair beside me. I gesture for her to sit. She obeys and reaches for the platter of tempting fruit, but I clear my throat. Her gaze meets mine, and I give a curt shake of my head. She may not eat without my permission.

  I sit beside her.

  “Tamar,” I say. “My wife and I wish to have our first breakfast alone. While we eat, you will assign roles to each servant assembled here. We will need wait staff and cooks, those dedicated to cleaning and household tasks, as well as gardeners, footmen, and guards. We will discuss all necessary duties.”

  “Certainly, my lord.” He takes his leave, this end of the room now vacant save me and Svali.

  As a warrior, I have learned to observe my surroundings. I have already combed the grounds and noted all entries. East Avalere has not been inhabited in decades. I see now why Aldric wishes for rule to be established again. Central Avalere teems with occupants, but the lands lay out before me, vast and promising. During my morning excursion, I observed rich fields devoid of crops but ripe for sowing. With attention and expert handling, these fields can once again produce crops suitable to feed a large, thriving kingdom. Lush green trees fill the forests. A guard stands sentry at one portal that leads to Kleedan.

  “You may eat now,” I say, gesturing to a tray of various fruits, cheese cut in wedges, and slices of lightly-sugared cake adorned with candied lemons. Sizzling fried eggs and plump sausages fill a tray at the center. I pile my plate high. Svali’s eyes widen. I raise a brow, and she looks away, placing a small portion of food on her own plate.

  “Eat, woman,” I order. “You will need your energy.”

  “My lord?” she asks.

  “Today, we will observe our grounds and instruct our servants. It will be my duty to see to the gardens and security of the castle, the behavior of those under my command, and to your own needs. We must prepare to meet those who dwell in our new dominion and alert them that we now occupy the castle. King Aldric will announce my role today. You will have to see to the proper preparation of the palace and instruct your women.” I pause, taking a long sip from the steaming mug of tea beside my plate. “We have much to do, my lady.”

  “I see,” she says, mimicking me by sipping her own tea. She fidgets with the handle as she places her cup back on her saucer, her eyes flitting back to the servants awaiting my instruction. I wonder what causes her to be so nervous. Time will tell.

  “How much do you know about me?” I ask her. It will be telling to hear what she thinks of me.

  She clears her throat, her delicate fingers playing with the thin handle of her tea cup. “You are the warrior who sits at King Aldric’s right hand,” she says. I nod. “You are a warrior of the Highest Order, which means you have conquered many in battle. You joined ranks as a warrior of Avalere before you came of age, and your servitude to Avalere, as well as your victories in battle, have earned you the honor of a position in the Hisrach.” She pauses, and her eyes warm, her lips quirking. “You like obedience and order, and you expect those in service beneath you to do your bidding without question.” A pulse of heat thrums low in my belly at this, her words both suggestive and seductive. She is a wily one, this woman of mine.

  I will take the opportunity to instill a bit of fear and perhaps…excitement.

  “A very good start,” I say, picking up a slice a slice of bread and smearing it with butter. And how do you think I handle disobedience, lovely? Seeing as you have witnessed my displeasure firsthand, you may know the answer.”

  Her eyes darken, and her lips purse. “Are you a violent person, my lord?”

  I blink, surprised she has the audacity to respond to a direct question with another question. I will allo
w her this one answer. “A violent person?” I shrug. “I am not at all interested in gratuitous brutality, Svali.” I take a bite of bread, chew and swallow before I continue, never taking my gaze off hers. “I have found those who have been trained to obey will do so without punishment if obedience becomes habitual.” I give her a pointed look. “In matters of battle, sometimes force and even bloodshed is unavoidable. Am I a violent person?” I shrug. “I certainly can be.”

  The flush starts at her chest and rises, her cheeks pink and fetching. She swallows and blinks, but she does not respond.

  “Now, lovely.” I lean back in my chair. “Do not ask me another question until you have answered me. How do you think I handle disobedience?”

  Her breath shallows, her gaze on mine. “With punishment, my lord,” she says in a hushed tone.

  “Excuse me?”

  Her eyes narrow, and her lips thin. Ah. Now we are getting somewhere. “With punishment, my lord,” she hisses through gritted teeth.

  I chew and swallow the last of my bread and follow it with another sip of scalding tea. “What type of punishment, Svali?” I ask, picking up a ripe strawberry and placing it in my mouth.

  Her eyes heat, her jaw still clenching as she responds. “I know not, my lord, what means you use to discipline those under your authority. With whipping, perhaps, or other barbaric means of coercion? Removal of freedoms or pleasure? I’m not familiar with the ways of the Hisrach.”

  I smile, and take a long sip from my cup before I reply. “You will be, Svali. You will be.”


  After we’ve completed our meal, I welcome Svali to come with me to the anteroom where my servants wait. Though I can be a fair man, I must I insist on obedience from my staff. They must fear me as I establish my authority as their leader.

  I stroll into the room with my head held high, Svali following me. A couple of the younger female servants whisper to themselves as we come in, and I turn my stern gaze to them. Their lack of respect annoys me, but when they catch my eye they both cease their chatter. I clear my throat, and the room goes silent.

  “Good morning,” I say, my voice ringing in the small room. “As King Aldric has chosen you to serve me and my lady, I know he trusts you. I will remind you, however, that when my lady and I enter a room, I expect you to show respect.” Though I aim to be a fair and just master, much is at stake here as I take my rule, and I will not allow silliness and frivolity.

  All have risen when we entered. “You may now sit,” I instruct.

  “On matters of obedience, your allegiance is to King Aldric, and as such, to me. I value your service. I will, however, have high demands of my staff. Those who fail to comply will be dismissed.” Some sit up straighter, while others clear their throats. There is no chattering, no fidgeting, as I continue. “You are the first of the Avalerians who will come to know how the king has chosen to divide the country. Though we are all under his leadership, he has given me reign over this portion of Avalere. It will take time to establish ourselves here, and we will rely heavily on central Avalere, at least initially. However, we do not yet know how King Aldric’s loyal subjects will react when they hear the news that he has reestablished this throne. He has loyal followers.”

  Still, no one responds. Very good. The king has chosen my staff well.

  “This is Svali,” I say. “Last night, I chose her out of the ring. I bring her to you as my wife.” She bows her head, and our servants incline their heads in greeting. “You know she is under my authority, yet I will insist you all treat her with the utmost respect.” I pause, catching Svali’s wide-eyed gaze. Perhaps she has not expected this, but it is only fair. She will be given duties as well.


  My head servant stands and bows.

  “Assemble the guards and have all but the first two at the gate come to me when this meeting adjourns.” I will instruct my guards, and we will begin our rigorous training. I continue giving instructions, overseeing that all roles, from gardener to groundskeeping, are properly filled. Shortly after I dismiss the guards, a courier approached as Svali and I go to take a walk around the estate.

  “My lord? An urgent message from King Aldric awaits.”

  I frown. An urgent message from Aldric so soon? I take the folded parchment and open it, unfold the contents, and read briefly.

  I have announced your throne. Unrest seems prevalent, but time will tell. Some prefer only central Avalere have a ruler, but those who resist change will not have the final say here. Please join me and Carina for dinner this evening at sunset.

  I fold the paper, and nod my thanks to the servant who delivered it, sending a reply.

  As we leave the palace to take a morning stroll around the grounds, a large rainbow illuminates the sky, the multicolored arc reaching from the pavilion in front of our palace as far as the pine forest in the distance. I have not seen a rainbow in Avalere for decades, and I shake my head as murmurs go up from the staff assembled in the garden. Right before our very eyes, we see a flash of light, brilliant white against the pale-blue sky.

  “A sign!” shouts a young woman holding a trowel. “A sign of a prophecy that will be fulfilled!”

  A sign? A prophecy? The meeting with Aldric cannot come soon enough.



  I shiver as the brilliant colors in front of us fade, and the tail of the shooting star trails away to nothing. The sparkles diminish, leaving only the blue sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds. My new husband is giving instructions to four of our servants. It seems he enjoys telling others what to do.

  “The grounds here have not been tilled in many years,” he says, gesturing to the large, dry area surrounding the castle. “We need to be sure the irrigation system functions well. I would like to draw up a plan for preparing the fields, sowing, and harvesting in the days to come.”

  “Yes, my lord.” One of the men nods and jots notes on a slip of paper.

  “See to it I have your report by tomorrow morning,” Idan says. “And plant whatever my lady wishes.”

  “My lord?” I ask, puzzled.

  “Would you like flower beds? Fruit trees? Vegetables, perhaps?”

  I blink, surprised he’s deferred to me. “I’ll oversee most of our land,” he explains. “But it is reasonable that you may request a bit of your own.”

  “I’d love a flower garden,” I say, feeling shy.

  His heavy brow furrows as he turns back to the gardener. Why does his stern demeanor cause such a reaction in me? My mouth is dry, my stomach clenching with both apprehension and desire, and as I look at his strong hand wrapped around mine, I remember the feel of his touch upon my naked skin. I shift on my feet, the warmth and tingling pain still reminding me of his discipline early this morning.

  “Thank you, my lord,” I say. I have not been raised to obey, and it does not come naturally to me to submit to my stern warrior husband, but I know he expects me to.

  He gives one short nod, then pulls me further along the path. I do not see the broken stones in front of me, and my toe catches one. I tumble forward, but my husband steadies me, grabbing my waist before I fall and injure myself. My heart patters, my cheeks flushed from the fright of nearly falling.

  “Thank you,” I repeat. He draws me closer to him, his auburn hair gleaming in the light of the sun while the depth of his blue-gray eyes fixed gravely on mine.

  “You are all right?”

  “Certainly, my lord,” I say, now righted and my heartbeat returning to normal. “I am fine, thank you.”

  One nod, and he turns back to his groundskeeper. “Do you see the broken paving on this path?” he says, gesturing to where the rocks lie askew, leading me to trip.

  “Yes, my lord,” his servant replies.

  “See to it they are fixed by this time tomorrow. I wish for my wife to take walks alone through her garden if she wishes, and I will not have her tripping and injuring herself.”

  The man agrees.<
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  “I-thank you,” I falter, as it seems I’ve done nothing but thank him for the past half an hour.

  My fierce husband lifts a brow and frowns at me. “Why thank me?”

  “To be sure that I am safe by insisting on the walkway being repaired. For allowing me freedom to wander the gardens,” I say.

  His scowl deepens, and so, too, does his grip upon my hand. “You may not have freedom to wander for your pleasure, my lady. Here I can see you no matter where I am, as the pathway here has been built with the express purpose of visibility to those within.” His eyes meet mine. “Do not mistake caution for generosity, woman.”


  The noonday sun hangs high in the sky, two half-moons still visible even during day. I am not accustomed to two moons, as my home planet of Kleedan only has one. My mind reels with all I’ve taken in, most especially my interaction with my new husband. As we make our way beyond the garden and toward the forest, he still holds my hand, his words resonating in my mind.

  Do not mistake caution for generosity.

  He wishes to keep his eye on me, not to grant me permission to wander about as I see fit. I will observe my new husband and learn his manners and habits. I am torn, though. Part of me dislikes his serious, authoritarian demeanor, but another part of me yearns for it. The sun filters through thick tree branches, landing on my husband’s bare back. The dark markings of the Hisrach somehow cause stirrings within me. Am I attracted to him because I’ve been bedded by this warrior, this man of strength and passion? I gaze up at him surreptitiously, hoping he does not notice. I look upon his hardened muscles, the roughness of his long beard and the hair upon his chest, the way he carries himself as if he fears no one and nothing. The heat of desire snakes its way through my belly and thighs.

  I remember how he grasped my hair and guided my mouth to please him. I can still feel the burn of his stinging palm upon my naked skin. This man is fierce but protective, and the warrior appeals to my basest desires.

  “Why do you stare, woman?” he asks with a frown.


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